urn:nasa:pds:orex.ola:data_hkl0:20190212_ola_sohl0id00239.dat 1.0 State of Health (L0) 2019-02-12T23:57:28.264Z Product_Observational 2019-02-01 1.0 Initial version. 2019-02-12T23:57:28.264Z 2019-02-12T23:58:11.483Z Engineering Raw OSIRIS-REx Mission urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.orex data_to_investigation OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA) OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security - Regolith Explorer Spacecraft urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.orex is_instrument_host OLA Instrument urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:ola.orex is_instrument Housekeeping Equipment 20190212_ola_sohl0id00239.dat 2019-08-09T16:16:38.996Z 99992 engl0 0 431 104 0 232 ola_pwrup_counter 1 1 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Power Cycle counter. Incremented by 1 for every Power On Self Test. partition 2 3 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Integer that defines spacecraft clock partition employed for processing. t0_seconds 3 5 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d s Time of generation of SoH record in 32-bit seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. t0_subseconds 4 9 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d s Time of generation of SoH record in subsecond counts. 1/(2**16) seconds per count. spare1 5 11 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Spare column time_ref_seconds 6 13 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d s Most recent time update received from spacecraft in 32-bit seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. time_ref_subseconds 7 17 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d s Most recent time update in subsecond counts. 1/(2**16) seconds per count. spare2 8 19 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Spare column mrtu_ref_delta 9 21 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d microseconds Time offset between OLA Time and spacecraft time per most recent time update command. spare3 10 25 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Spare column last_idp_msg_instance 11 27 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Most recent command instance received from spacecraft. last_idp_msg_id 12 29 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d ID of most recent command instance received from spacecraft. cmd_exe_cnt 13 31 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Counter for the number of commands executed (excluding Time Update command). last_cmd_exe_instance 14 33 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Instance index of the last executed instrument command, excluding time update and noop commands. last_cmd_exe_id 15 35 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Command ID (IDP) of the last executed instrument command (excluding Time Update and NOOP commands). cmd_rjct_cnt 16 37 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Counter for the number of commands rejected. noop_cnt 17 39 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Number of NOOP commands received since OLA Powerup, with rollover at 65535. state 18 41 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Indication of state of OLA software. (1: idle, 2: standby, 3: armed, 4: operate, 5: diagnostic) helt_power 19 43 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d HELT power status. lelt_power 20 45 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d LELT power status. (0: off, 1: on) spare4 21 47 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Spare column current_min_range 22 49 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d cm When scan command is active, returns the current minimum valid range. current_avg_range 23 53 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d cm When scan command is active, return the average running valid range. msg_sent 24 57 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d Count of messages sent to spacecraft, excluding state of health messages. duration_last_scan 25 61 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d s Time (duration) of last scan completed. time_upd_timeout 26 65 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Indication that a valid Time Update command has not been received for greater than or equal to 30 seconds. (0: no fault, 1: fault) time_tick_timeout 27 67 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Indication that a valid time tick has not been received for greater than or equal to 30 seconds. (0: no fault, 1: fault) msg_rej_wrong_block_len_msg 28 69 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Wrong block length. (0: no fault, 1: fault) msg_rej_bad_cmd_id 29 71 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Bad command ID. (0: no fault, 1: fault) msg_rej_bad_checksum 30 73 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Bad checksum. (0: no fault, 1: fault) msg_rej_invalid_cmd_data 31 75 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid command data received vs ICD. (0: no fault, 1: fault) msg_rej_invalid_state 32 77 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Command not valid in current OLA state. (0: no fault, 1: fault) msg_rej_per_active_fault 33 79 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Command rejected due to active fault. (0: no fault, 1: fault) invalid_az_scan_ang_spacing 34 81 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid azimuth scan angular spacing. (0: no fault, 1: fault) invalid_el_scan_ang_spacing 35 83 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid elevation scan angular spacing. (0: no fault, 1: fault) invalid_window_size 36 85 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid window size. (0: no fault, 1: fault) invalid_window_center_pos 37 87 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid window center position. (0: no fault, 1: fault) invalid_scan_pattern 38 89 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid scan pattern. (0: no fault, 1: fault) invalid_scan_type 39 91 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid scan type. (0: no fault, 1: fault) invalid_raw_scan_data_req 40 93 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid raw scan data request. (0: no fault, 1: fault) sel_laser_not_on 41 95 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Laser component is not powered (it should be turned on prior to the Scan Start command). (0: no fault, 1: fault) invalid_input_check 42 97 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid combination of scan window size and center position. (0: no fault, 1: fault) file_cmd_err 43 99 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Invalid load file command (e.g. invalid file ID, block out of order, byte count out of range, etc.) or invalid Store File command or invalid Reboot command. (0: no fault, 1: fault) scanning_az_outside_fov 44 101 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating detection of scanning azimuth outside the Field of View (FOV). (0: no fault, 1: fault) scanning_el_outside_fov 45 103 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating detection of scanning elevation outside the Field of View (FOV). (0: no fault, 1: fault) idp_udp_hdr_err 46 105 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating error detected in IP or UDP Header. (0: no fault, 1: fault) cip_hdr_err 47 107 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating error detected in CIP Header. (0: no fault, 1: fault) idp_err 48 109 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating error detected in IDP. (0: no fault, 1: fault) scan_buffer_overflow 49 111 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating OLA scan buffer overflow. (0: no fault, 1: fault) generic_sw_err 50 113 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d General software exception. (0: no fault, 1: fault) laser_check_failure 51 115 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating laser power on condition detected from an unpowered laser. (0: no fault, 1: fault) laser_power_failure 52 117 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating power not applied or uncommanded loss of laser power after commanded. (0: no fail, 1: fail) active_flash_write 53 119 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Flag indicating OLA is currently writing data to Flash. ( 0: inactive, 1: active) dmod_heater_status 54 121 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Status of OLA command of DMOD heater. (0: off, 1: on) comm_err 55 123 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Communication error (e.g. framing, parity, etc). (0: no fault, 1: fault) spare5 56 125 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Spare column scan_data_buf_util 57 127 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Pcnt Percent utilization of Scan Data Overflow buffer. missed_time_tick_counter 58 129 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d s Count of seconds since the most recently received Time Tick. missed_time_update_counter 59 131 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d s Count of seconds since the most recently received valid Time Update. scan_completion_status 60 133 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Status of most recently executed (or currently executing) scan. (0: ok, 1: FIFO overflow, 2: send/receive thread sync timeout) laser_rep_rate 61 135 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Calculated laser pulse rate from the TIM/PEAK board in units of pulse/100 ms. laser_over_temp 62 137 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Laser over temperature flag monitor. (0: no fault, 1: fault) laser_under_temp 63 139 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Laser under temperature flag monitor. (0: no fault, 1: fault) laser_ready_helt 64 141 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Laser input current monitor for HELT, (0: off, 1: on) laser_ready_lelt 65 143 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Laser input current monitor for LELT. (0: off, 1: on) dmod_temperature_failure 66 145 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Failure of sensor head demodulator chassis temperature sensor. (0: no Fault, 1: fault) spare6 67 147 UnsignedLSB2 2 %5d Spare column hw_status_word2 68 149 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d Spare column spare8 69 153 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d Spare column mirror_therm 70 157 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Mirror Temperature. case_therm 71 159 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Main electronics temperature sensor. sensor_therm 72 161 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Sensor Head position temperature sensor. sh_temp_1 73 163 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Sensor Head Chassis temperature sensor 1. sh_temp_2 74 165 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Sensor Head Chassis temperature sensor 2. sh_temp_3 75 167 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Sensor Head Chassis temperature sensor 3. rx_apd_temp 76 169 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN ADP Temperature sensor. dmod_temp 77 171 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN DMOD Temperature sensor. helt_tec_diode_temp 78 173 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN High Power Laser (TEC) temperature sensor 1. helt_tec_crystal_temp 79 175 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN High Power Laser (TEC) temperature sensor 2. lelt_tec_diode_temp 80 177 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Low Power Laser (TEC) temperature sensor 1. lelt_tec_crystal_temp 81 179 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Low Power Laser (TEC) temperature sensor 2. adc_bias_pos_ref_volt 82 181 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN ADC Bias positive reference voltage. adc_bias_neg_ref_volt 83 183 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN ADC Bias negative reference voltage spare_ad590_temp 84 185 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Spare AD590 temperature sensor. tim_pk_temp 85 187 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN TIM/Peak board temperature. io_brd_temp1 86 189 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN IO Board CCA Temp 1. io_brd_temp2 87 191 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN IO Board CCA Temp 2. helt_chassis_temp_plus_y 88 193 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Sensor Head HELT Chassis temperature sensor in the +Y direction. helt_chassis_temp_neg_y 89 195 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Sensor Head HELT Chassis temperature sensor in the -Y direction. plus_5v_rail 90 197 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Voltage monitor of the +5V input rail. minus_5v_rail 91 199 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Voltage monitor of the -5V input rail. plus_15v_rail 92 201 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Voltage monitor of the +15V input rail. minus_15v_rail 93 203 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Voltage monitor of the -15V input rail plus_16_5v_rail 94 205 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Voltage monitor of the +16.5V input rail ground_ref 95 207 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Voltage monitor of the ground reference. mir_pos_acs_az_plus_5v 96 209 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Last reading of the Mirror Position Sensor Azimuth ADC auto-calibration +5V gain. mir_pos_acs_el_plus_5v 97 211 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Last reading of the Mirror Position Sensor Elevation ADC auto-calibration +5V gain. mir_pos_acs_az_minus_5v 98 213 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Last reading of the Mirror Position Sensor Azimuth ADC auto-calibration -5V gain. mir_pos_acs_el_minus_5v 99 215 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Last reading of the Mirror Position Sensor Elevation ADC auto-calibration -5V gain. mir_pos_acs_az_ground 100 217 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Last reading of the Mirror Position Sensor Azimuth ADC auto-calibration ground reference mir_pos_acs_el_ground 101 219 SignedLSB2 2 %6d DN Last reading of the Mirror Position Sensor Elevation ADC auto-calibration ground reference. reserved1 102 221 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d OLA reserved word. reserved2 103 225 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d OLA reserved word. reserved3 104 229 UnsignedLSB4 4 %10d OLA reserved word.