urn:nasa:pds:orex.otes:data_converted:20170922t224426s067_ote_scil1.dat 1.0 OSIRIS-REx OTES Converted Science (L1) Data Product 2017-09-22T22:44:26.067Z Product_Observational 2019-02-01 1.0 Initial version. 2017-09-22T22:44:26.067Z 2017-09-22T22:48:24.066Z Observation Geometry Partially Processed OSIRIS-REx Mission urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.orex data_to_investigation OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security - Regolith Explorer Spacecraft urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.orex is_instrument_host OTES Instrument urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:otes.orex is_instrument Earth Planet urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.earth data_to_target urn:nasa:pds:orex.otes:data_raw:20170922t224426s067_ote_scil0.dat::1.0 data_to_raw_product The lidvid_reference is the identifier of the raw data product from which this data product has been derived. 20170922T224426S067_ote_scil1.dat 2019-05-07T01:46:32.562Z 1386480 0 120 Binary table of OTES science. These data are a table of engineering values and a voltage spectrum in the units of Volts. The spectrum is located at the end of the table. 88 1 11554 sclk 1 1 UnsignedMSB4 4 %10d s OTES time in seconds sclk_sub 2 5 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d OTES time in sub-seconds. Each count represents 1/(2^16) seconds idp_transaction_counter 3 7 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d Counts the number of telemetry transactions (engineering or science) transmitted cip_cmd_echo 4 9 UnsignedByte 1 %3d CIP Type of last valid command received idp_cmd_echo 5 10 UnsignedByte 1 %3d IDP Type of last valid command received cmd_seq_echo 6 11 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Echo of the IDP Sequence ID of the last valid command received cmd_accept_cnt 7 12 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Number of accepted commands cmd_rejected_cnt 8 13 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Number of rejected commands cal_flag_driver_pulse_width 9 14 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Calibration flag driver pulse width 00 equals 50ms; 01 equals 100ms; 10 equals 150ms reserved1 10 15 UnsignedByte 1 %3d snap_status 11 16 UnsignedByte 1 %3d SNAP Status, 0 equals In Reset, 1 equals Running servo_ctrl_status 12 17 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Servo Controller Status, 0 equals Off, 1 equals On ir_heater_ctrl_status 13 18 UnsignedByte 1 %3d IR Heater Controller status, 0 equals Off, 1 equals On read_table_status 14 19 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Read Table Status, 0 equals Table A, 1 equals Table B reserved2 15 20 UnsignedByte 1 %3d laser1_power_status 16 21 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Laser 1 Power Status, 0 equals Off, 1 equals On laser2_power_status 17 22 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Laser 2 Power Status, 0 equals Off, 1 equals On led1_power_status 18 23 UnsignedByte 1 %3d LED 1 Power Status, 0 equals Off, 1 equals On led2_power_status 19 24 UnsignedByte 1 %3d LED 2 Power Status, 0 equals Off, 1 equals On ir_htr_temp_sel_status 20 25 UnsignedByte 1 %3d IR Heater Temp Select Status, 0 equals Temp 1, 1 equals Temp 2 cal_flag_status 21 26 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Cal Flag Status, 0 equals Commanded Close, 1 equals Commanded Open gravity_comp_status 22 27 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Gravity Compensation Status; 0 - off, 1 - on sample_direction 23 28 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Sample Direction; 0 - samples taken during forward motion, 1 - samples taken during backward motion time_update_cnt 24 29 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Counts the number of Time Update commands received time_tick_watchdog_cnt 25 30 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Counts the number of times the time tick counter watchdog has expired sngl_bit_err_cnt 26 31 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Single Bit Error Counter dbl_bit_err_cnt 27 32 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Double Bit Error Counter eeprom_power 28 33 UnsignedByte 1 %3d EEPROM Power, 0 equals Off, 1 equals On acq_cal_ick_cnt_err 29 34 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Acquisition/Calibration ICK Count Error, 0 equals No error, 1 equals ICK count in Acquisition or Calibration command cal_flag_fault 30 35 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Cal Flag Fault Protection, 0 equals Disabled, 1 equals Enabled, Default is disabled cal_flag_fault_timeout 31 36 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Cal Flag Fault Protection Timeout, 0 equals No Timeout, 1 equals Fault protection was enabled snap_watchdog 32 37 UnsignedByte 1 %3d SNAP Watchdog, 0 equals Disabled, 1 equals Enabled, Default is enabled snap_watchdog_timeout 33 38 UnsignedByte 1 %3d SNAP Watchdog Timeout, 0 equals No timeout, 1 equals Timeout diagnostic_enabled 34 39 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Diagnostic Enable/Disable, 0 equals Disabled, 1 equals Enabled time_update_fault_protect 35 40 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Time Update Fault Protection, 0 equals Disabled, 1 equals Enabled acquisition_id 36 41 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Acquisition ID Echo from acquisition command ir_gain 37 42 UnsignedByte 1 %3d 8 Bit IR signal gain used during current 2 second scan ick_counter 38 43 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d Counts the number of 2 second scans (ICKs) during the execution of an acquisition command sample_counter 39 45 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d Indicates the number of samples taken during the current 2 second scan (ICK) zone_status 40 47 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Displays the current zone (1 – 5) while the Acquisition command is executing table_load_block_status 41 48 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Indicates the Block Address associated with the Table Load Command table_load_block_checksum 42 49 UnsignedMSB4 4 %10d Indicates the Block Address associated with the Table Load Command reserved3 43 53 UnsignedByte 1 %3d table_store_checksum 44 54 UnsignedMSB4 4 %10d Indicates the byte by byte summation of table data written to EEPROM via the Table Store Execute command table_read_checksum 45 58 UnsignedMSB4 4 %10d Indicates the byte by byte summation of table data read from EEPROM on power up reserved4 46 62 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d reserved5 47 64 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d reserved6 48 66 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d reserved7 49 68 UnsignedMSB4 4 %10d os_pos_05hz_x 50 72 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e Optical Switch Position. This is the same as 16 bit SNAP parameter Os Pos; but with the MSB dropped to fit into this byte fringe_count 51 76 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d Fringe Count. Indicates the number of fringes that occur over the 1.8 second scan window param_subaddress 52 78 UnsignedByte 1 %3d Identifies the parameter block peak_fringe_signal_x 53 79 IEEE754MSBDouble 8 %14.5e V Peak Fringe Analog Signal in Volts. SNAP reports the peak fringe signal over the last 2 second scan period. snap_param_1 54 87 IEEE754MSBDouble 8 %14.5e SNAP Parameter 1 is a set of hardware diagnostic parameters which may have values within the dynamic range of the given data type. The data contained in this parameter is not all the same type and cycles between sets of values that vary significantly from one housekeeping record to the next. Any parameter necessary to use or interpret scientific data are decoded into separate engineering data parameters, e.g fringe_analog. snap_param_2 55 95 IEEE754MSBDouble 8 %14.5e SNAP Parameter 2 is a set of hardware diagnostic parameters which may have values within the dynamic range of the given data type. The data contained in this parameter is not all the same type and cycles between sets of values that vary significantly from one housekeeping record to the next. Any parameter necessary to use or interpret scientific data are decoded into separate engineering data parameters, e.g fringe_analog. snap_param_3 56 103 IEEE754MSBDouble 8 %14.5e SNAP Parameter 3 is a set of hardware diagnostic parameters which may have values within the dynamic range of the given data type. The data contained in this parameter is not all the same type and cycles between sets of values that vary significantly from one housekeeping record to the next. Any parameter necessary to use or interpret scientific data are decoded into separate engineering data parameters, e.g fringe_analog. snap_param_4 57 111 IEEE754MSBDouble 8 %14.5e SNAP Parameter 4 is a set of hardware diagnostic parameters which may have values within the dynamic range of the given data type. The data contained in this parameter is not all the same type and cycles between sets of values that vary significantly from one housekeeping record to the next. Any parameter necessary to use or interpret scientific data are decoded into separate engineering data parameters, e.g fringe_analog. fringe_analog_x 58 119 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V Fringe Analog. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp tach_analog_x 59 123 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V Motor Tachometer Analog. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp reserved9 60 127 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d reserved10 61 129 UnsignedMSB2 2 %5d ir_detector_temp_1_analog_x 62 131 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of IR detector – sensor 1 ir_detector_temp_2_analog_x 63 135 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of IR detector – sensor 2 black_body_temp_1_analog_x 64 139 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of black body – sensor 1 black_body_temp_2_analog_x 65 143 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of black body – sensor 2 primary_mirror_temp_1_analog_x 66 147 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of primary mirror – sensor 1 primary_mirror_temp_2_analog_x 67 151 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of primary mirror – sensor 2 secondary_mirror_tmp_1_anlog_x 68 155 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of secondary mirror – sensor 1 secondary_mirror_tmp_2_anlog_x 69 159 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of secondary mirror – sensor 2 cal_ref_temp_analog_x 70 163 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of calibration reference cal_actuator_temp_analog_x 71 167 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of calibration flag actuator beam_splitter_temp_analog_x 72 171 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of beam splitter laser_temp_analog_x 73 175 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of laser motor_temp_analog_x 74 179 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of motor cal_res_1_analog_x 75 183 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e ohm Value of calibration resistor 1 (Ohms) cntrl_brd_temp_analog_x 76 187 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e degC Temperature of control board cal_res_2_analog_x 77 191 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e ohm Value of calibration resistor 2 (Ohms) agnd_status_analog_x 78 195 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V Analog Ground Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp pos15v_status_analog_x 79 199 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V +15V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp pos12v_status_analog_x 80 203 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V +12V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp pos10v_status_analog_x 81 207 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V +10V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp pos5v_status_analog_x 82 211 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V +5V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp pos3_3v_status_analog_x 83 215 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V +3.3V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp pos2_5v_status_analog_x 84 219 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V +2.5V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp pos1_5v_status_analog_x 85 223 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V +1.5V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp neg15v_status_analog_x 86 227 IEEE754MSBDouble 8 %14.5e V -15V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp neg12v_status_analog_x 87 235 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V -12V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp neg5v_status_analog_x 88 239 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e V -5V Status. Average of 8 samples taken relative to the time stamp 1414 1 0 243 11312 ifgm 1 1 IEEE754MSBDouble 8 V OTES science observation, voltage spectrum in unit of DN.