urn:nasa:pds:orex.otes:geometry:20170922t224426s067_ote_geo.fits 1.0 OSIRIS-REx OTES Geometry Data Product 2017-09-22T22:44:26.067Z Product_Observational 2019-02-01 1.0 Initial version. 2017-09-22T22:44:26.067Z 2017-09-22T22:48:24.066Z Observation Geometry Raw OSIRIS-REx Mission urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.orex data_to_investigation OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security - Regolith Explorer Spacecraft urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.orex is_instrument_host OTES Instrument urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:otes.orex is_instrument Earth Planet urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.earth data_to_target 20170922T224426S067_ote_geo.fits 2019-05-07T17:13:34.298Z 40320
2880 5760 FITS 3.0
geo 8640 120 22 0 247 sclk_string 1 1 ASCII_String 51 %51s The SCLK string of the instrument clock. utc 2 52 ASCII_String 51 %51s The UTC time of the instrument clock latitude 3 103 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e deg Planetocentric latitude of boresight intersection with the surface. Allowed range +90.0 to -90.0. If Boresight Flag NE 1, then value shall be -9999 longitude 4 107 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e deg Planetocentric longitude of boresight intersection with the surface. Allowed range 0 to 360. If Boresight Flag NE 1, then value shall be -9999 ltime 5 111 ASCII_String 51 %51s Mean local solar time of instrument boresight intersection point with target in the body fixed frame. right_ascension 6 162 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e deg Boresight Right Ascension (RA) in J2000 frame declination 7 166 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e deg Boresight Declination (DEC) in J2000 frame boresight_x 8 170 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e m X-coordinate of boresight intersection with surface of target in planetocentric Cartesian coordinates. Allowed range 0 to 1000.0. If Boresight Flag NE 1, then value shall be -9999 boresight_y 9 174 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e m Y-coordinate of boresight intersection with surface of target in planetocentric Cartesian coordinates. Allowed range 0 to 1000.0. If Boresight Flag NE 1, then value shall be -9999 boresight_z 10 178 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e m Z-coordinate of boresight intersection with surface of target in planetocentric Cartesian coordinates. Allowed range 0 to 1000.0. If Boresight Flag NE 1, then value shall be -9999 boresight_direction_x 11 182 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e X component of unit boresight vector, expressed in target-body-fixed reference frame boresight_direction_y 12 186 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e Y component of unit boresight vector, expressed in target-body-fixed reference frame boresight_direction_z 13 190 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e Z component of unit boresight vector, expressed in target-body-fixed reference frame bore_flag 14 194 SignedMSB2 2 %6d Boresight flag 0-Boresight does not intersect surface of asteroid; 1-Boresight intersects surface of asteroid incidence_angle 15 196 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e deg Incidence angle. The angle between the vector normal to the surface at the location of the boresight intersection with the surface and the vector pointing at the Sun. If Boresight Flag NE 1, then value shall be -9999. Allowed range is 0.0 to 90.0 emission_angle 16 200 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e deg Emission angle. The angle between the vector normal to the surface at the location of the boresight intersection with the surface and the vector pointing to the Spacecraft. If Boresight Flag NE 1, then value shall be -9999. Allowed range is 0.0 to 90.0 phase_angle 17 204 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e deg Phase Angle. The angle between the vector pointing to the Sun and the vector pointing to the Spacecraft. If Boresight Flag NE 1, then value shall be -9999. Allowed range is 0.0 to 180.0 range 18 208 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e km Range from S/C to boresight intersection target_range 19 212 IEEE754MSBDouble 8 %14.5e km Range from S/C to target body center resolution 20 220 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e m/deg Spatial resolution of data on the surface of Bennu. Geometry calculation from spacecraft range. fov_diameter_distance 21 224 IEEE754MSBSingle 4 %14.5e The number of fields of view the boresight is offset from the target (Bennu). look_type 22 228 ASCII_String 20 %20s data-look, space-look, or calibration-look