Cassegrain Spectrometer ======================= Instrument Overview =================== Cassegrain Spectrometer on the McDonald Observatory 2.1m Telescope The information included here was extracted from the McDonald Observatory web site are: on 24 April 2002 by A.C.Raugh. For additional information, including a list of gratings and slit wheel details, see the McDonald Observatory web site. The Cassegrain Spectrometer (es2) sits at the Cassegrain f/13.7 focus of the 2.1m Otto Struve telescope. The web site above provides this general description: A low-to-moderate-resolution spectrometer (600-2,500). The CCD detectors are CC1 and TI1. TI1 should be used for the blue region and CC1 for the red. Various gratings are available to provide wavelength coverage from 0.3 to 1.1 microns. The spectrometer has long slit (120 arcsec) capability. Ther eis a selection of slits of predetermined sizes from 0.5 to 12 arcsec. Limiting magnitude m[v]=18MAG. A STAR1 CCD system provides remote guiding, but not autoguiding. The TV system can be used to guide off the slit or in an offset mode.