ESO Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera 2 ================================= EFOSC2 is a focal reducer multi-mode instrument using multi-layer coated all-transmission optics. It is permanently mounted at the Nasmyth B focus of the 3.58m New Technology Telescope. The wavelength range of operation is between 305nm and 1100nm. The field of view is 4.1'x4.1'. It has been in operation since 1989. The detector (CCD#40) is a Loral/Lesser, thinned, AR coated, UV flooded, MPP chip controlled by ESO-FIERA. It's size is 2048 x 2048 pixel, the pixel size being 15mux15mu, or 0.12"x0.12" on the sky. The 2x2 binned pixels of the default CCD readout modes will be projected to 0".24 on the sky.