Description of the Visual Imaging and Photometry of (29981) 1999 TD10 bundle V1.0 ================================================================================= Bundle Generation Date: 2020-09-17 Peer Review: Neese_Richardson_Mueller_Migration Discipline node: Small Bodies Node Content description for the Visual Imaging and Photometry of (29981) 1999 TD10 bundle ===================================================================================== Note: This bundle was migrated to PDS4 from the PDS3 data set EAR-A-I0065-3-TD10PHOT-V1.0. This data set includes the visible portion of the paper by Mueller et al. (2004). It consists of the images and the tabulated photometry in R band of the outer solar system object (29981) 1999 TD10. The Kitt Peak 2.1m telescope at f/7.5 with the T2KA (2kx2k) chip was used for all observations. Harris broad band filters optimized for the Landolt broad band colors were used. The data were taken UT September 21-23 & 25, 2001, and October 30 - November 1, 2002. All nights were photometric except the one on November 1, 2002. The images are included so that users can assess the validity of claims of activity. The lightcurves are available in the top directory and the images are grouped into subdirectories. The asteroid images are in subdirectories called 'images_010921_asteroid29981' where 010921 stands for the date the data were taken (in yymmdd). The Landolt standard fields have the same subdirectory structure where 'asteroid29981' is replaced with 'landoltstandards'. Lists with pixel centers for the object as well as the Landolt standard fields are included for every night in the ancillary files which are located in the Documents directory. All images of the observed standard star fields are included. However, pixel centers are only provided for standard star fields that were used in the photometric calibration. Parameters ========== The R band lightcurve with photometric errors is given in tabulated form with the time at the mid-point of the integration and not light time corrected. The R band data are listed as apparent magnitudes. The phase angle varied from 1.7 to 1.4 deg. for the September 2001 run, and from 0.6 to 0.7 deg. for the October 2002 run. Processing ========== The CCD images were processed using standard IRAF routines. The data were bias subtracted and flat fielded with combined dome flats. Dithered object frames were used to construct a smoothed illumination correction (after the objects were removed) to correct for the difference in slope between the dome flats and the dark sky. For the I-band, combined I object frames were used to remove the fringing. The resulting reduced images are flatter than 1%. Photometry was done relative to field stars in the same field. Absolute calibration was done using Landolt Selected Areas (Landolt 1992). Data ==== Processed CCD images of the target (29981) 1999 TD10 are the image data. The standard broad band Harris filters were used. They are optimized for the Kron-Cousins system used by Landolt (1992). The table contains the R band data with columns JD-2450000, apparent R magnitude, error (see parameters for definitions). Ancillary Data =============== The processed CCD images include the Landolt fields used for absolute calibration. They can be distinguished from the target frames from the header title. References ========== Landolt, A.U., UBVRI photometric standard stars in the magnitude range 11.5<V<16.0 around the celestial equator, Astronomical Journal 104, 340-371, 1992. Mueller, B.E.A., Hergenrother, C.W., Samarasinha, N.H., Campins, H., and McCarthy Jr., D.W., Simultaneous visible and near-infrared time resolved observations of the outer solar system object (29981) TD10, Icarus 171, 506-515, 2004. Rousselot, P., Petit, J-M., Poulet, F., Lacerda, P., and Ortiz, J., Photometry of the Kuiper-Belt object 1999 TD10 at different phase angles, Astron. Astrophys. 407, 1139-1147, 2003. Caveats to the data user ======================== No notes are added, as the errors are given in the tables.