Schematron using XPath 2.0 color_filter_array_state_check/Rule IMG:error:img:color_filter_array_state_check: img:color_filter_array_state must be equal to one of the following values: 'Encoded', 'Decoded', 'No CFA'. color_processing_child_check/Rule IMG:error:color_processing_child_check: img:color must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. commanded_params_child_check/Rule IMG:error:commanded_params_child_check: img:Commanded_Parameters must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. detector_child_check/Rule IMG:error:detector_params_child_check: img:Detector must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. downsampling_child_check/Rule IMG:error:downsampling_child_check: img:Downsampling must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. exposure_child_check/Rule IMG:error:exposure_child_check: img:Exposure must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. ext_reference_type_check_video/Rule In img:Video, External_Reference.reference_type must be equal to 'video_frame_to_video'. focus_child_check/Rule IMG:error:focus_child_check: img:Focus must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. focus_stack_child_check/Rule IMG:error:focus_stack_child_check: img:Focus_Stack must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. frame_child_check/Rule IMG:error:frame_child_check: img:Frame must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. icer_comprs_segment_check/Rule IMG:error:icer_comprs_segment_check: img:ICER_Parameters/img:segment_count must match the number of img:Image_Compression_Segment classes. icer_params_child_check/Rule IMG:error:icer_params_child_check: img:ICER_Parameters must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. imaging_child_check/Rule IMG:error:imaging_child_check: img:Imaging class must contain at least 1 attribute or class specified. img:Color_Filter_Array/img:active_flag The attribute img:active_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Color_Filter_Array/img:color_filter_array_state/img:color_filter_array_state The attribute img:color_filter_array_state must be equal to one of the following values 'Decoded', 'Encoded', 'No CFA'. img:Color_Filter_Array/img:color_filter_array_type/img:color_filter_array_type The attribute img:color_filter_array_type must be equal to one of the following values 'Bayer RGGB', 'None'. img:Companding/img:active_flag The attribute img:active_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Companding/img:early_scaling The attribute img:early_scaling must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Companding/img:companding_state/img:companding_state The attribute img:companding_state must be equal to one of the following values 'Companded', 'Expanded', 'None'. img:Detector/img:bad_pixel_replacement_flag The attribute img:bad_pixel_replacement_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Detector/img:early_image_return The attribute img:early_image_return must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Detector/img:detector_to_image_flip/img:detector_to_image_flip The attribute img:detector_to_image_flip must be equal to one of the following values 'Horizontal', 'None', 'Vertical'. img:Detector/img:detector_to_image_rotation/img:detector_to_image_rotation The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'arcmin', 'arcsec', 'deg', 'hr', 'mrad', 'rad'. img:Detector/img:instrument_idle_timeout/img:instrument_idle_timeout The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'day', 'hr', 'julian day', 'microseconds', 'min', 'ms', 's', 'yr'. img:Detector/img:readout_rate/img:readout_rate The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'GHz', 'Hz', 'MHz', 'THz', 'kHz', 'mHz'. img:Device_Current/img:current_value/img:current_value The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'A', 'mA'. img:Device_Temperature/img:temperature_value/img:temperature_value The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'K', 'degC'. img:Device_Voltage/img:voltage_value/img:voltage_value The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'V', 'mV'. img:Exposure/img:exposure_duration/img:exposure_duration The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'day', 'hr', 'julian day', 'microseconds', 'min', 'ms', 's', 'yr'. img:Exposure/img:exposure_type/img:exposure_type The attribute img:exposure_type must be equal to one of the following values 'Auto', 'Auto Last', 'Manual', 'Manual Last', 'None', 'Test'. img:Focus/img:best_focus_distance/img:best_focus_distance The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Focus/img:focus_distance/img:focus_distance The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Focus/img:maximum_focus_distance/img:maximum_focus_distance The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Focus/img:minimum_focus_distance/img:minimum_focus_distance The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Frame/img:product_flag The attribute img:product_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Frame/img:frame_type_name/img:frame_type_name The attribute img:frame_type_name must be equal to one of the following values 'Mono', 'Stereo'. img:High_Dynamic_Range/img:active_flag The attribute img:active_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:High_Dynamic_Range/img:hdr_acquisition_mode/img:hdr_acquisition_mode The attribute img:hdr_acquisition_mode must be equal to one of the following values 'Multiframe', 'None', 'Piecewise', 'Single'. img:High_Dynamic_Range_Exposure/img:exposure_duration/img:exposure_duration The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'day', 'hr', 'julian day', 'microseconds', 'min', 'ms', 's', 'yr'. img:High_Dynamic_Range_Exposure/img:exposure_time_delta/img:exposure_time_delta The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'day', 'hr', 'julian day', 'microseconds', 'min', 'ms', 's', 'yr'. img:Image_Mask/img:horizon_mask_elevation/img:horizon_mask_elevation The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'arcmin', 'arcsec', 'deg', 'hr', 'mrad', 'rad'. img:Image_Mask_File/img:horizon_mask_elevation/img:horizon_mask_elevation The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'arcmin', 'arcsec', 'deg', 'hr', 'mrad', 'rad'. img:Image_Mask_File/img:mask_type/img:mask_type The attribute img:mask_type must be equal to one of the following values 'description', 'image'. img:JPEG_Parameters/img:color_subsampling_mode/img:color_subsampling_mode The attribute img:color_subsampling_mode must be equal to one of the following values '4:2:2', '4:4:4', 'Grayscale'. img:JPEG_Progressive_Parameters/img:color_subsampling_mode/img:color_subsampling_mode The attribute img:color_subsampling_mode must be equal to one of the following values '4:2:2', '4:4:4', 'Grayscale'. img:LED_Illumination_Source/img:illumination_state/img:illumination_state The attribute img:illumination_state must be equal to one of the following values 'Off', 'On'. img:LED_Illumination_Source/img:illumination_wavelength/img:illumination_wavelength The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Nonlinear_Pixel/img:threshold_value/img:threshold_value The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'W*m**-2*sr**-1*Hz**-1', 'W*m**-2*sr**-1*nm**-1', 'W*m**-2*sr**-1*um**-1', 'W*m**-3*sr**-1', 'W/m**2/sr/Hz', 'W/m**2/sr/nm', 'W/m**2/sr/μm', 'W/m**3/sr', 'uW*cm**-2*sr**-1*um**-1', 'μW/cm**2/sr/μm'. img:Nonlinear_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value W*m**-2*sr**-1*Hz**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Nonlinear_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value W*m**-2*sr**-1*nm**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Nonlinear_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value W*m**-2*sr**-1*um**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Nonlinear_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value W*m**-3*sr**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Nonlinear_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value uW*cm**-2*sr**-1*um**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Onboard_Compression/img:deferred_flag The attribute img:deferred_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Onboard_Compression/img:onboard_compression_class/img:onboard_compression_class The attribute img:onboard_compression_class must be equal to one of the following values 'Lossless', 'Lossy', 'Uncompressed'. img:Onboard_Compression/img:onboard_compression_type/img:onboard_compression_type The attribute img:onboard_compression_type must be equal to one of the following values 'GZIP', 'H.264 Frame', 'ICER', 'ICT', 'JPEG', 'JPEG Progressive', 'LOCO', 'LZO', 'Lossless', 'MSSS Lossless', 'None', 'StarPixel Flexible', 'StarPixel Lossless'. img:Onboard_Compression/img:onboard_compression_venue/img:onboard_compression_venue The attribute img:onboard_compression_venue must be equal to one of the following values 'Hardware', 'Software'. img:Optical_Filter/img:bandwidth/img:bandwidth The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Optical_Filter/img:center_filter_wavelength/img:center_filter_wavelength The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Optical_Properties/img:f_number/img:f_number The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Optical_Properties/img:focal_length/img:focal_length The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Pixel_Averaging_Dimensions/img:height_pixels/img:height_pixels The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'DN', 'electron/DN', 'pixel'. img:Pixel_Averaging_Dimensions/img:width_pixels/img:width_pixels The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'DN', 'electron/DN', 'pixel'. img:Radial_Flat_Field_Function/img:x_center/img:x_center The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'DN', 'electron/DN', 'pixel'. img:Radial_Flat_Field_Function/img:y_center/img:y_center The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'DN', 'electron/DN', 'pixel'. img:Radiometric_Correction/img:active_flag The attribute img:active_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Radiometric_Correction/img:effective_wavelength/img:effective_wavelength The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'AU', 'Angstrom', 'cm', 'km', 'm', 'micrometer', 'mm', 'nm'. img:Radiometric_Correction/img:radiometric_type/img:radiometric_type The attribute img:radiometric_type must be equal to one of the following values 'No CFA', 'Radiance Factor', 'Scaled Spectral Radiance', 'Spectral Radiance'. img:Saturated_Pixel/img:threshold_value/img:threshold_value The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'W*m**-2*sr**-1*Hz**-1', 'W*m**-2*sr**-1*nm**-1', 'W*m**-2*sr**-1*um**-1', 'W*m**-3*sr**-1', 'W/m**2/sr/Hz', 'W/m**2/sr/nm', 'W/m**2/sr/μm', 'W/m**3/sr', 'uW*cm**-2*sr**-1*um**-1', 'μW/cm**2/sr/μm'. img:Saturated_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value W*m**-2*sr**-1*Hz**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Saturated_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value W*m**-2*sr**-1*nm**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Saturated_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value W*m**-2*sr**-1*um**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Saturated_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value W*m**-3*sr**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Saturated_Pixel/img:threshold_value role="warning"/img:threshold_value The unit value uW*cm**-2*sr**-1*um**-1 is deprecated and should not be used. img:Shutter_Subtraction/img:active_flag The attribute img:active_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Shutter_Subtraction/img:shutter_subtraction_mode/img:shutter_subtraction_mode The attribute img:shutter_subtraction_mode must be equal to one of the following values 'Always', 'Conditional', 'None', 'True'. img:Subframe/img:line_fov/img:line_fov The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'arcmin', 'arcsec', 'deg', 'hr', 'mrad', 'rad'. img:Subframe/img:sample_fov/img:sample_fov The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'arcmin', 'arcsec', 'deg', 'hr', 'mrad', 'rad'. img:Subframe/img:subframe_type/img:subframe_type The attribute img:subframe_type must be equal to one of the following values 'Hardware Compatible', 'Hardware Else Software', 'None', 'Software Only', 'Subframe Around Sun', 'Sun Subframe Or Full'. img:Thumbnail/img:product_flag The attribute img:product_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Thumbnail/img:frame_type_name/img:frame_type_name The attribute img:frame_type_name must be equal to one of the following values 'Mono', 'Stereo'. img:Tile/img:tile_upsample_method/img:tile_upsample_method The attribute img:tile_upsample_method must be equal to one of the following values 'Bilinear', 'None', 'Replication'. img:Tiling/img:tile_type/img:tile_type The attribute img:tile_type must be equal to one of the following values 'Irregular', 'Regular'. img:Tiling/img:tile_venue/img:tile_venue The attribute img:tile_venue must be equal to one of the following values 'Ground', 'Onboard'. img:Video/img:video_flag The attribute img:video_flag must be equal to one of the following values 'true', 'false'. img:Video/img:frame_interval/TBD_attrNameSpaceNC:TBD_AttrTitle The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'day', 'hr', 'julian day', 'microseconds', 'min', 'ms', 's', 'yr'. img:Video/img:frame_rate/img:frame_rate The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'frames/s'. img:Video/img:interframe_delay/TBD_attrNameSpaceNC:TBD_AttrTitle The attribute @unit must be equal to one of the following values 'day', 'hr', 'julian day', 'microseconds', 'min', 'ms', 's', 'yr'. inst_state_child_check/Rule IMG:error:inst_state_child_check: img:Instrument_State must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. int_reference_type_check_video/Rule In img:Video, Internal_Reference.reference_type must be equal to 'video_frame_to_video'. jpeg_params_child_check/Rule IMG:error:jpeg_params_child_check: img:JPEG_Parameters must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. local_reference_type_check_img/Rule In img:Imaging, Local_Internal_Reference.local_reference_type must be equal to 'imaging_parameters_to_image_object'. local_reference_type_check_optical_filter/Rule In img:Optical_Filter, Local_Internal_Reference.local_reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_optical_filter'. loco_params_child_check/Rule IMG:error:loco_params_child_check: img:LOCO_Parameters must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. onboard_compression_child_check/Rule IMG:error:onboard_compression_child_check: img:Onboard_Compression must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. optical_filter_child_check/Rule IMG:error:optical_filter_child_check: img:Optical_Filter must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. reference_type_check_brightness_correction_image/Rule In img:Brightness_Correction_Image, Internal_Reference.reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_brightness_correction'. reference_type_check_detector/Rule In img:Detector, Internal_Reference.reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_raw_source_product'. reference_type_check_hdre/Rule In img:High_Dynamic_Range_Exposure, Internal_Reference.reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_raw_source_product'. reference_type_check_tile/Rule In img:Tile, Internal_Reference.reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_tile_source_data'. sampling_child_check/Rule IMG:error:sampling_child_check: img:Sampling must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. shutter_subtraction_check/Rule IMG:error:shutter_subtraction_check: if img:shutter_subtraction_mode = 'Conditional', then img:exposure_duration_threshold_count must exist. starpixel_flexible_params_child_check/Rule IMG:error:starpixel_flexible_params_child_check: img:StarPixel_Flexible_Parameters must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. starpixel_lossless_params_child_check/Rule IMG:error:starpixel_lossless_params_child_check: img:StarPixel_Lossless_Parameters must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. subframe_child_check/Rule IMG:error:subframe_child_check: img:Subframe must have at least 1 attribute or class specified. video_child_check/Rule IMG:error:video_child_check: img:Video must have at least 1 attribute or class specified.