References cited in the NEAR Magnetometer bundle documents Acuna, M., C.T. Russell, L.J. Zanetti, B.J. Anderson, The NEAR Magnetic Field Investigation: Science Objectives at Asteroid Eros 433 and Experimental Approach, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(E10), 23751-23760, 1997. 10.1029/97JE01161 Anderson, B. J., L. J. Zanetti, D. H. Lohr, J. R. Hayes, M. H. Acuna, C. T. Russell, and T. Mulligan, In-flight calibration of the NEAR magnetometer, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 39, 907-917, 2001. 10.1109/36.921408 Cheng, A.F., A. Santo, K. Heeres, J. Landshof, R. Farquhar, et al., 'Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous: Mission Overview,' Journal of Geophysical Research 102(E10), 23695-23708, 1997. 10.1029/96JE03364 Jenkins, J., G. Dakermanji, M. Butler, and U. Carlsson, The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Spacecraft Power Subsystem, in ESA-SP369, Proc. 4th European Space Power Conf., T.-D. Guyenne, ed., (ESA), p.277, 1995. Kivelson, M., L. Bargatze, K. Khurana, D. Southwood, R. Walker and P. Coleman, Magnetic Field Signatures Near Galileo's Closest Approach to Gaspra, Science, 261, 331-334, 1993. 10.1126/science.261.5119.331 Kivelson, M. G., Wang, Z., S. Joy, K. K. Khurana, C. Polanskey, D. J. Southwood, R. J. Walker, Solar wind interaction with small bodies. 2: What can Galileo's detection of magnetic rotations tell us about Gaspra and Ida, Advances in Space Research (ISSN 0273-1177), vol. 16, no. 4, p. (4)59-(4)68, 1995. Lohr, D.A., L.J. Zanetti, B.J. Anderson, T.A. Potemra, J.R. Hayes, R.E. Gold, R.M. Henshaw, F.F. Mobley, D.B. Holland, M.H. Acuna and J.L. Sheifele, Near Magnetic Field Investigation, Instrumentation, Spacecraft Magnetics and Data Access, Science Reviews, 82, 255-281, 1997. 10.1023/A:1005089829882 Lohr, D.A., L.J. Zanetti, B.J. Anderson, T.A. Potemra, and M.H. Acuna, The NEAR Magnetic Field Instrument, Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp 136-141, 1998. Wang, Z., Kivelson, M. G., S. Joy, K. K. Khurana, C. Polanskey, D. J. Southwood, R. J. Walker, Solar wind interaction with small bodies. 1. Whistler wing signatures near Galileo's closest approach to Gaspra and Ida, Advances in Space Research, vol. 16, no. 4, p. (4)47-(4)57, 1995. 10.1016/0273-1177(95)00208-V