NEAR MAG Bundle Errata 26-04-2024 1. During the PDS3 to PDS4 migration, 108 files of the calibrated EBF and NSO data products were found to have an issue where one or more entries in the seconds field in the TIME column. This issue was due to an entry containing 60 in the seconds section. Comparison with entries before and after confirmed that the correct times would be displayed by changing the seconds field to zero and incrementing the minutes section. This issue was corrected during the 2024 PDS3 to PDS4 migration by modifying the affected data files. Corrections were done by changing the seconds field to zero and incrementing the minutes section. 2. During the PDS3 to PDS4 migration, it was also found that the start and stop times in the PDS3 MAG calibrated labels were not correct. After careful inspection the best solution was applied to correct this issue. The best solution was to use the raw data start and stop times for the calibrated label values. For more information please contact Kristina Lopez ( 1700 E Fort Lowell Rd STE 106, Tucson, AZ 85719