#!/software/perl5/bin/perl # use Sys::Hostname; $host = hostname(); $arch_dir1 = "/disks/lv2131/apache/share/htdocs/MAG.Area/daily_data/raw/bnt/"; #$arch_dir1 = "/disks/de002/test_near_archive/"; $total_files_proc = 0; if ( $host eq "spectrum" ) { if($#ARGV < 2) { die " Usage: magview_end_to_end.pl "; } ($year,$doy,$num_days) = @ARGV; # for ($count = 1; $count <= $num_days; $count++) { if ( ($doy == 366) && ($year == 1999) ) { $year++; $doy = 1; } elsif ( ($doy == 367) && ($year == 2000) ) { $year++; $doy =1; } $str_doy = sprintf("%03d",$doy); $line="$year\n$str_doy\n"; # # Check to see if file is online. If not, issue warning # and go on to the next day. # if ($year <= 1999 ) { $temp_year = $year - 1900; } else { $temp_year = $year - 2000; } $str_year = sprintf("%02d",$temp_year); $temp_in_file = $arch_dir1."b".$str_year.$str_doy.".dat.gz"; if (-e $temp_in_file) { # # Run magview_sdc # #>>> magview_sdc.pro should be run by the SDC # # print (" ***** Running magview_sdc for $year $doy\n"); # # open(IDL,"|/usr/local/bin/idl"); # # print IDL "\@magview_sdc.cmd\n"; # # # print IDL "$line"; # close(IDL); # # Do the merging # print (" ***** Running magview_merge for $year $doy\n"); open(IDL,"|/usr/local/bin/idl"); print IDL "\@magview_merge.cmd\n"; print IDL "$line"; close(IDL); $total_files_proc++; } #if (-e $temp_file_in) else { print("**** $temp_in_file is *not* online. ***\n"); print("**** Skipping to next day. ****\n"); } $doy++; } if ($total_files_proc > 0) { # # Do the mrg_corrections # print (" ***** Running mrg_corrections_v8 for all requested days.\n"); system ("ls b9*.mrg b0*.mrg > mrg_files.lis"); system ("mrg_corrections_v8"); # Now remove bhsk files: (BJA 2/13/00) system ("rm bhsk*.dat"); # # Do the xform # print (" ***** Running mag_eros_products(xform) for all requested days.\n"); system ("ls b9*.fix b0*.fix > fix_files.lis"); system ("mag_eros_products"); print ("Gzipping output files.\n"); system ("gzip *.mrg *.fix b*.dat"); print (" **** Moving zipped output products to output subdirectory.\n"); system ("mv *.gz output/"); system ("rm mrg_files.lis fix_files.lis"); } else { print("**** None of the requested days were online. ****\n"); } } # if ( $host eq "spectrum" ) else { print "**** You're on $host. ****\n"; print "**** You must be on SPECTRUM to run this script. ***\n"; } function ICallheater_correction,b_tb,bx,by,bz,th0,th1,b_count,nh b_tb = double(b_tb) bx = float(bx) by = float(by) bz = float(bz) th0 = double(th0) th1 = double(th1) b_count = long(b_count) nh = long(nh) ref = bytarr(8) print,'in ICallheater_correction' x = CALL_EXTERNAL('idlmerge_hp.sl','Callheater_correction',$ b_tb,bx,by,bz,th0,th1,b_count,nh,$ val=ref) end function ICallmerge_data,CTPMAG_time_diff,b_tb,b_count,ctp_ti,ctp_count,$ ri1,ri2,merged_elements_tb CTPMAG_time_diff = double(CTPMAG_time_diff) b_tb = double(b_tb) b_count = long(b_count) ctp_ti = double(ctp_ti) ctp_count = long(ctp_count) ri1 = long(ri1) ri2 = long(ri2) merged_elements_tb = long(merged_elements_tb) ref = bytarr(8) x = CALL_EXTERNAL('idlmerge_hp.sl','Callmerge_data',$ CTPMAG_time_diff,b_tb,b_count,$ ctp_ti,ctp_count,ri1,ri2,$ merged_elements_tb,val=ref) end FUNCTION a0fit,dt xfit = 0. a0tmp = 0. xfit=dt/250. if (xfit gt 10.) then begin xfit=10. endif if (xfit lt 1.6) then begin a0tmp=-0.25486/1.6*xfit endif else begin if (xfit lt 5.8231) then begin a0tmp=-0.37254 + 0.37333*xfit -0.24958*xfit^2 +0.043238*xfit^3 -0.0027206*xfit^4 endif else begin if (xfit lt 7.8) then begin a0tmp=5.1021-2.0683*xfit+0.16777*xfit^2 endif else begin a0tmp=0.71892-0.19576*xfit endelse endelse endelse RETURN, a0tmp END FUNCTION a1fit,dt xfit = 0. a0tmp = 0. xfit=dt/250. if (xfit gt 10) then begin xfit=10 endif if (xfit lt 1.6) then begin a0tmp=0.091701/1.6*xfit endif else begin a0tmp=-0.023367 + 0.064802*xfit + 0.0075614*xfit^2 -0.002371*xfit^3 + 0.00026533*xfit^4 endelse return, a0tmp END FUNCTION a2fit,dt xfit = 0. a0tmp = 0. xfit=dt/250. if (xfit gt 10) then begin xfit=10 endif if (xfit lt 1.6) then begin a0tmp=0.26085/1.6*xfit endif else begin if (xfit lt 5.8231) then begin a0tmp=0.44343 -0.45007*xfit + 0.27928*xfit^2 -0.048141*xfit^3 + 0.0030137*xfit^4 endif else begin if (xfit lt 7.8) then begin a0tmp= -5.0837 + 2.0626*xfit -0.16733*xfit^2 endif else begin a0tmp=-0.69107 + 0.19221*xfit endelse endelse endelse return, a0tmp END FUNCTION a3fit,dt xfit = 0. a0tmp = 0. xfit=dt/250. if (xfit gt 10) then begin xfit=10 endif if (xfit lt 1.8181) then begin a0tmp=0 endif else begin if (xfit lt 6.8653) then begin a0tmp=0.16646 -0.10238*xfit +0.0079538*xfit^2 -0.0010071*xfit^3 endif else begin a0tmp=-8.6052 +3.1004*xfit -0.36676*xfit^2 +0.012725*xfit^3 endelse endelse return, a0tmp END ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: acquire_files.pro ; ; Description: Acquire the input files requested. ; ; Inputs: inDate - yyddd ; ; Outputs: infiles - filenames ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro acquire_files,request_ident,inDate,infiles,no_file full_infiles = strarr(4) cp_commands = strarr(4) gunzip_commands = strarr(4) zip_ext = '.gz' ans = ' ' ; Create input filenames. create_input_filenames,inDate,infiles ; Create full path filenames for first day create_fullpath_filenames,infiles,full_infiles ; Create copy commands. create_cp_commands,full_infiles,cp_commands ; Create gunzip commands. create_gunzip_commands,infiles,gunzip_commands ; Check if initial file exists find_result = findfile(full_infiles(0),count=file_cnt) if (file_cnt gt 0) then begin print,' Copying files.' copy_input_files,cp_commands print,' Gunzipping files.' gunzip_files,gunzip_commands endif else begin no_file = 1 if (request_ident lt 2) then begin print,' **** ',infiles(0)+zip_ext,' NOT on-line. ****' stop endif else begin print,'*** A gap has been detected, but the next day is not online. Continue? y/n' ;;; read,ans ans = 'y' if ( (ans eq 'n') or (ans eq 'N') ) then begin stop endif else begin print,' **** OK GAP WILL *NOT* BE FILLED **** ' endelse endelse endelse end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: apply_heater_correction.pro ; ; Description: Apply heater ON/OFF corrections to spacecraft magnetometer. ; ; Inputs: bnt = magnetometer data ; heater_log_times = heater ON/OFF times ; ; Outputs: Structure containing the start and stop times. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 07/15/97 Original code ; B. J. Anderson 10/01/97 Add X and Z corrections. ; ; $Id: apply_heater_correction.pro,v 1.3 1997/10/01 13:41:46 anderson Exp $ ; ; $Log: apply_heater_correction.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.3 1997/10/01 13:41:46 anderson ; Added X and Z corrections. ; ; Revision 1.2 1997/08/28 16:54:38 anderson ; Changed index to longint for large files. ; ; Revision 1.1 1997/07/17 17:20:15 tothba1 ; Initial revision ; ; ;========================================================================== ; pro apply_heater_correction,tb,bnt,heater_log_times ; i = 0L num_tb = 0L ton = 0.0D toff = 0.0D fix_flag = 1 num_tb = n_elements(tb) - 1 ; for i = 0L, num_tb do begin check_heater_on = -1 check_heater_on = $ where((heater_log_times.time1 lt tb(i)) and $ (heater_log_times.time2 gt tb(i))) ; ; if (check_heater_on(0) gt -1) then begin ; bnt(0,i) = bnt(0,i) + 0.1 ; bnt(1,i) = bnt(1,i) + 5.7 ; bnt(2,i) = bnt(2,i) - 0.77 ; endif if (check_heater_on(0) gt -1) then begin if (fix_flag eq 0) then begin bnt(0,i) = bnt(0,i) + 0.1 bnt(1,i) = bnt(1,i) + 5.7 bnt(2,i) = bnt(2,i) - 0.77 endif else begin ton = heater_log_times.time1(check_heater_on) toff = heater_log_times.time2(check_heater_on) dby = by_htr(tb(i),ton,toff) bnt(0,i) = bnt(0,i) - 0.1/5.7*dby bnt(1,i) = bnt(1,i) - dby bnt(2,i) = bnt(2,i) + 0.77/5.7*dby endelse endif endfor ; end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: apply_mag_corrections.pro ; ; Description: Apply corrections to spacecraft magnetometer. ; ; Inputs: bnt = magnetometer data ; bnt_raw = uncorrected magnetometer data ; mag_corrections = corrections to apply ; magc_strings = names of corrections ; heater_log_times = heater ON/OFF times ; mag_corrections_applied = whether or not corrections have ; actually been applied ; ; Outputs: Structure containing the start and stop times. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 07/15/97 Original code ; ; $Id: apply_mag_corrections.pro,v 1.1 1997/07/17 17:20:27 tothba1 Exp $ ; ; $Log: apply_mag_corrections.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.1 1997/07/17 17:20:27 tothba1 ; Initial revision ; ; ;============================================================================= ; pro apply_mag_corrections,tb,bnt,bnt_raw,mag_corrections,$ magc_strings,heater_log_times,$ mag_corrections_applied ; i = 0 num_corrections = fix(total((mag_corrections gt -1))) ; if (num_corrections gt 0) then begin print,' ** Reverting to RAW bnt values first. **' bnt = bnt_raw for i = 0,(num_corrections - 1) do begin case i of 0: begin print,' ** Applying ',magc_strings[0],' **' apply_heater_correction,tb,bnt,heater_log_times end endcase endfor mag_corrections_applied = 1; endif else begin print,' ** NO CORRECTIONS SELECTED -> NONE APPLIED **' endelse ; endFUNCTION by_htr,t,ton,toff xhtr = 0. dt_on = 0. dt_jmp = 0. btmp = 0. dt_on=toff-ton if (dt_on le 2650.0) then begin xhtr=2.*(t-ton)/dt_on - 1. endif else begin if ((t-ton) lt 2650.0) then begin xhtr=2.*(t-ton)/2650.0 - 1.0 endif else begin xhtr=1.0 endelse endelse btmp=a0fit(dt_on) + a1fit(dt_on)*xhtr + a2fit(dt_on)*xhtr^2 + a3fit(dt_on)*xhtr^3 dt_jmp=dt_on if (dt_jmp gt 2500.0) then begin dt_jmp=2500.0 endif btmp=btmp + 0.5*( -5.8882-3.7154e-05*dt_jmp -5.7037-3.0013e-05*dt_jmp ) RETURN, btmp END ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: calc_seconds.pro ; ; Description: Convert utc to seconds. ; ; Inputs: day, hour, minute, seconds ; ; Outputs: seconds ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro calc_seconds,day,hours,minutes,secs,tot_seconds tot_seconds = 0.0D tot_seconds = secs + (minutes * 60.0D) + (hours * 3600.0D) + (day * 86400.0D) end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: calc_tb0.pro ; ; Description: Calculate the the time starting point for the delta times. ; ; Inputs: ; ; Outputs: seconds ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro calc_tb0,infiles,tb0 temp_str = strarr(1) tday = 0 thour = 0 tmin = 0 tsec = 0. btb = 0. bnt0 = 0. bnt1 = 0. bnt2 = 0. brng = 0 b_time = 0.0D ctp_time = 0.0D t0 = 0 t1 = 0 t2 = 0 t3 = 0 t4 = 0 t5 = 0 t6 = 0 t7 = 0 t8 = 0 t9 = 0 ; Read in the first line of data from the b file openr, lun, infiles(0), /get_lun readf,lun,temp_str b_format = '(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,3(f15.5),i2)' readf,lun,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,btb,bnt0,bnt1,bnt2,brng,format=b_format calc_seconds,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,b_time free_lun,lun ; Read in the first line of data from the ctp file openr, lun, infiles(1), /get_lun readf,lun,temp_str ctp_format = '(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,10(1x,i6))' readf,lun,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,btb,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,format=ctp_format calc_seconds,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,ctp_time free_lun,lun ; Determine which time is earlier and use that as the starting point if (b_time le ctp_time) then begin tb0 = b_time endif else begin tb0 = ctp_time endelse end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: copy_input_files.pro ; ; Description: Issue system commands to copy input files to local directory. ; ; Inputs: Copy commands ; ; Outputs: None ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro copy_input_files,cp_commands for i = 0,3 do begin spawn,cp_commands(i) endfor end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: create_cp_commands.pro ; ; Description: Create copy commands to copy input data files to ; the local directory. ; ; Inputs: fill_infiles - fill path input filenames ; ; Outputs: Copy commands ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro create_cp_commands,full_infiles,cp_commands for i = 0,3 do begin cp_commands(i) = 'cp '+full_infiles(i)+' .' endfor end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: create_fullpth_filenames.pro ; ; Description: Create input data filenames with full directory path ; and the gzip extension. ; ; Inputs: infiles - input filenames ; ; Outputs: Names of the input files with directory path and gzip extension. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro create_fullpath_filenames,infiles,full_infiles arch_dir1 = '/disks/lv2131/apache/share/htdocs/MAG.Area/daily_data/raw/bnt/'; arch_dir2 = '/disks/lv2131/apache/share/htdocs/MAG.Area/daily_data/raw/ctp/'; arch_dir3 = '/disks/lv2131/apache/share/htdocs/MAG.Area/daily_data/raw/bctp/' arch_dir4 = '/disks/lv2131/apache/share/htdocs/MAG.Area/daily_data/raw/bhsk/' ;test1 ; arch_dir1 = '/homes/tothba1/sdc/test/'; ; arch_dir2 = '/homes/tothba1/sdc/test/'; ; arch_dir3 = '/homes/tothba1/sdc/test/'; ;test2 ; arch_dir1 = '/disks/de002/test_near_archive/'; ; arch_dir2 = '/disks/de002/test_near_archive/'; ; arch_dir3 = '/disks/de002/test_near_archive/'; zip_ext = '.gz' full_infiles(0) = arch_dir1+infiles(0)+zip_ext full_infiles(1) = arch_dir2+infiles(1)+zip_ext full_infiles(2) = arch_dir3+infiles(2)+zip_ext full_infiles(3) = arch_dir4+infiles(3)+zip_ext end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: create_gunzip_commands.pro ; ; Description: Create gunzip commands to gunzip input data files ; ; Inputs: infiles - input filenames ; ; Outputs: Copy commands ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro create_gunzip_commands,infiles,gunzip_commands zip_ext = '.gz' for i = 0,3 do begin gunzip_commands(i) = 'gunzip '+infiles(i)+zip_ext endfor end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: create_input_filenames.pro ; ; Description: Create input data filenames. ; ; Inputs: inDate - yyddd string ; ; Outputs: Names of the input files. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro create_input_filenames,inDate,infiles infiles(0) = 'b'+inDate+'.dat' infiles(1) = 'ctp'+inDate+'.dat' infiles(2) = 'bctp'+inDate+'.dat' infiles(3) = 'bhsk'+inDate+'.dat' end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: create_rm_commands.pro ; ; Description: Create rm commands to delete input data files ; ; Inputs: infiles - input filenames ; ; Outputs: Copy commands ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro create_rm_commands,infiles,rm_commands for i = 0,2 do begin rm_commands(i) = '\rm '+infiles(i) endfor end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: fill_data_gap.pro ; ; Description: Fill data gaps at end of a file. ; ; Inputs: ; ; Outputs: ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro fill_data_gap,ctp_tot_seconds,b_tot_seconds,infiles,tb0,b_day,b_hr,b_min,b_sec,b_tb,bnt,rng,b_count,ctp_day,ctp_hr,ctp_min,ctp_sec,ctp_ti,c,tube_temp,probe_temp,ctp_count,bctp_day,bctp_hr,bctp_min,bctp_sec,bctp_ti,b_ctp,bctp_count temp_str = strarr(1) tday = 0 thour = 0 tmin = 0 tsec = 0. ttbi = 0. bnt0 = 0. bnt1 = 0. bnt2 = 0. brng = 0 t0 = 0 t1 = 0 t2 = 0 t3 = 0 t4 = 0 t5 = 0 t6 = 0 t7 = 0 t8 = 0 t9 = 0 tube_t =0. probe_t = 0. bctp0 = 0. bctp1 = 0. bctp2 = 0. tti = 0. ttbi = 0. bctp_tot_seconds = 0.0D if (ctp_tot_seconds gt b_tot_seconds) then begin openr, lun, infiles(0), /get_lun readf,lun,temp_str b_format = '(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,3(f15.5),i2)' while ( (NOT EOF(lun)) and (b_count le 599999) and $ (ctp_tot_seconds gt b_tot_seconds) ) do begin readf,lun,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,ttbi,bnt0,bnt1,bnt2,brng,format=b_format calc_seconds,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,b_tot_seconds b_count = b_count + 1 b_day(b_count) = tday b_hr(b_count) = thr b_min(b_count) = tmin b_sec(b_count) = tsec b_tb(b_count) = b_tot_seconds - tb0 bnt(0,b_count) = bnt0 bnt(1,b_count) = bnt1 bnt(2,b_count) = bnt2 rng(b_count) = brng endwhile if (b_count gt 599999) then begin print,' *** Busted an array boundary in ',infiles(0) print,' *** Counter = ',b_count stop endif free_lun,lun endif else begin openr, lun,infiles(1),/get_lun readf,lun,temp_str ctp_format = '(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,10(1x,i6),2(1x,f6.2))' while ( (NOT EOF(lun)) and (ctp_count le 599999) and $ (b_tot_seconds gt ctp_tot_seconds) ) do begin readf,lun,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,ttbi,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,tube_t,probe_t,format=ctp_format calc_seconds,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,ctp_tot_seconds ctp_count = ctp_count + 1 ctp_day(ctp_count) = tday ctp_hr(ctp_count) = thr ctp_min(ctp_count) = tmin ctp_sec(ctp_count) = tsec ctp_ti(ctp_count) = ctp_tot_seconds - tb0 c(0,ctp_count) = t0 c(1,ctp_count) = t1 c(2,ctp_count) = t2 c(3,ctp_count) = t3 c(4,ctp_count) = t4 c(5,ctp_count) = t5 c(6,ctp_count) = t6 c(7,ctp_count) = t7 c(8,ctp_count) = t8 c(9,ctp_count) = t9 tube_temp(ctp_count) = tube_t probe_temp(ctp_count) = probe_t endwhile if (ctp_count gt 599999) then begin print,' *** Busted an array boundary in ',infiles(1) print,' *** Counter = ',ctp_count stop endif free_lun,lun openr, lun, infiles(2), /get_lun readf,lun,temp_str bctp_format = '(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,3(f15.5))' while ( (NOT EOF(lun)) and (bctp_count le 599999) and $ (bctp_count lt ctp_count) ) do begin readf,lun,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,tti,bctp0,bctp1,bctp2,format=bctp_format calc_seconds,tday,thr,tmin,tsec,bctp_tot_seconds bctp_count = bctp_count + 1 bctp_day(bctp_count) = tday bctp_hr(bctp_count) = thr bctp_min(bctp_count) = tmin bctp_sec(bctp_count) = tsec bctp_ti(bctp_count) = bctp_tot_seconds - tb0 b_ctp(0,bctp_count) = bctp0 b_ctp(1,bctp_count) = bctp1 b_ctp(2,bctp_count) = bctp2 endwhile if (bctp_count gt 599999) then begin print,' *** Busted an array boundary in ',infiles(2) print,' *** Counter = ',bctp_count stop endif free_lun,lun endelse end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: get_correction_data.pro ; ; Description: Read in various data sets used to make corrections. ; ; Inputs: tb0 = B field start time. This is subtracted from the ; times read in get_heater_log. ; ; Outputs: Structures containing the correction data. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 07/10/97 Original code ; ; $Id: get_correction_data.pro,v 1.3 1998/03/12 16:15:58 anderson Exp $ ; ; $Log: get_correction_data.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.3 1998/03/12 16:15:58 anderson ; Revised correction data per flyby results. ; ; Revision 1.2 1998/01/22 22:43:26 tothba1 ; Minimized array ; ; Revision 1.1 1997/07/17 17:19:21 tothba1 ; Initial revision ; ; ;============================================================================= ; pro get_correction_data,tb0,heater_log_times,nh ; ; heater_log_times = { heater_log, $ time1 : dblarr(25000), $ time2 : dblarr(25000) } ; ;--- Get the correction data for the heater. ; get_heater_log,tb0,heater_log_times,nh ; end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: get_heater_log.pro ; ; Description: Read the file heater_log.dat. This file ; was created by and is maintained by Brian ; Anderson. Generally speaking it defines ; when the heater was turned off and on. ; ; Inputs: tb0 = B field start time. This is subtracted from the ; heater times. ; ; Outputs: Structure containing the start and stop times. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 07/10/97 Original code ; ; $Id: get_heater_log.pro,v 1.2 1998/03/12 16:16:42 anderson Exp $ ; ; $Log: get_heater_log.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.2 1998/03/12 16:16:42 anderson ; Revised per flyby results. ; ; Revision 1.1 1998/01/22 22:42:51 tothba1 ; Initial revision ; ; Revision 1.1 1997/07/17 17:19:40 tothba1 ; Initial revision ; ; ; ;============================================================================= ; pro get_heater_log,tb0,heater_log_times,nh ; ; i = 0L temp_time1 = 0.D0 temp_time2 = 0.D0 heater_log_times = { heater_log, $ time1 : dblarr(25000), $ time2 : dblarr(25000) } ; ;--- Get a logical unit number and open heater_log.dat ; get_lun,lun openr,lun,'heater_log.dat' ; ;--- Read in the heater times. ; while (not eof(lun)) do begin ; readf,lun,format='(2(2x,f13.2))',temp_time1, $ temp_time2 temp_time1 = temp_time1 - tb0 temp_time2 = temp_time2 - tb0 ; if( (temp_time1 ge 0.0) or (temp_time2 ge 0.0) )then begin heater_log_times.time1(i) = temp_time1 heater_log_times.time2(i) = temp_time2 i = i + 1 endif ; endwhile ; nh = i - 1 close,lun ; end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: gunzip_files.pro ; ; Description: Issue system commands to gunzip input files. ; ; Inputs: Gunzip commands ; ; Outputs: None ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro gunzip_files,gunzip_commands for i = 0,3 do begin spawn,gunzip_commands(i) endfor end ;***************************************************************************** ; ; Name: magview_merge.pro ; ; Description: Merge the mag and ctp data. ; ; Inputs: year and doy ; ; Outputs: Merged data files. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Brian Anderson 1996-97 Original code ; Bruce Toth 4/1999 Reworked to handle data gaps ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; @ICallmerge_data.pro @ICallheater_correction.pro infiles = strarr(4) heater_log_times = { heater_log, $ time1 : dblarr(25000), $ time2 : dblarr(25000) } nh = 0L ;number of heater log entries request_ident = 1 no_file = 0 b_header = strarr(1) b_day = intarr(600000) b_hr = intarr(600000) b_min = intarr(600000) b_sec = fltarr(600000) tb0 = 0.0D b_tb = dblarr(600000) bnt = fltarr(3,600000) rng = intarr(600000) b_count = 0L ctp_header = string(1) ctp_day = intarr(600000) ctp_hr = intarr(600000) ctp_min = intarr(600000) ctp_sec = fltarr(600000) ctp_ti = dblarr(600000) c = intarr(10,600000) tube_temp = fltarr(600000) probe_temp = fltarr(600000) ctp_count = 0L bctp_header = strarr(1) bctp_day = intarr(600000) bctp_hr = intarr(600000) bctp_min = intarr(600000) bctp_sec = fltarr(600000) bctp_ti = dblarr(600000) b_ctp = fltarr(3,600000) bctp_count = 0L rm_commands = strarr(3) b_tot_seconds = 0.0D ctp_tot_seconds = 0.0D outstr=['To screen','Post-script File'] inDate = ' ' in2YR = ' ' inYR = ' ' inDOY = ' ' ; print,'Enter date of data to read: YYYY,DDD' read,inYR,inDOY intDOY1 = FIX(inDOY) intDOY2 = intDOY1 + 1 inDOY2 = strcompress(string(intDOY2),/REMOVE_ALL) intYR=FIX(inYR) sto_intYR = intYR ; ; Construct date string for intial file. ; if (intYR lt 2000) then begin intYR=intYR-1900 inDate = strcompress(STRING(format='(i,a3)',intYR,inDOY),/REMOVE_ALL) endif else begin ; date later than 2000 intYR=intYR-2000 inDate = STRING(format='(i2.2,a3)',intYR,inDOY) endelse ; ; Construct an additional date string in case more records are ; required from a second file. ; if ( intDOY2 le 365) then begin inDate2 = STRING(format='(i2.2,i3.3)',intYR,intDOY2) ;inDOY2) endif else begin if ( (sto_intYR + 1) lt 2000) then begin intYR2 = (sto_intYR + 1) - 1900 endif else begin intYR2 = (sto_intYR + 1) - 2000 endelse inDOY2 = '001' inDate2 = STRING(format='(i2.2,a3)',intYR2,inDOY2) endelse ; Copy and gunzip requested input files in local directory acquire_files,request_ident,inDate,infiles,no_file ; Create the rm commands for later use. create_rm_commands,infiles,rm_commands ; Determine tb0 calc_tb0,infiles,tb0 ; Read in the byyddd.dat data read_b_data,infiles(0),tb0,b_header,b_day,b_hr,b_min,b_sec,b_tb,bnt,rng,b_count ; Read in the ctpyyddd.dat data read_ctp_data,infiles(1),tb0,ctp_header,ctp_day,ctp_hr,ctp_min,ctp_sec,ctp_ti,c,tube_temp,probe_temp,ctp_count ; Read in the bctpyyddd.dat data. read_bctp_data,infiles(2),tb0,bctp_header,bctp_day,bctp_hr,bctp_min,bctp_sec,bctp_ti,b_ctp,bctp_count ; We can delete the input data files now. rm_files,rm_commands calc_seconds,b_day(b_count),b_hr(b_count),b_min(b_count),b_sec(b_count),$ b_tot_seconds calc_seconds,ctp_day(ctp_count),ctp_hr(ctp_count),ctp_min(ctp_count),$ ctp_sec(ctp_count),ctp_tot_seconds ; Fill in any end of file data gaps. if (ctp_tot_seconds gt b_tot_seconds) then begin print,'Attempting to fill data gap....ctp time > b time' request_ident = 2 acquire_files,request_ident,inDate2,infiles,no_file if ( no_file lt 1 ) then begin create_rm_commands,infiles,rm_commands print,'Attempting to fill data gap.' fill_data_gap,ctp_tot_seconds,b_tot_seconds,infiles,tb0,b_day,b_hr,b_min,b_sec,b_tb,bnt,rng,b_count,ctp_day,ctp_hr,ctp_min,ctp_sec,ctp_ti,c,tube_temp,probe_temp,ctp_count,bctp_day,bctp_hr,bctp_min,bctp_sec,bctp_ti,b_ctp,bctp_count rm_files,rm_commands endif endif else begin if (b_tot_seconds gt ctp_tot_seconds) then begin print,'Attempting to fill data gap....b time > ctp time' request_ident = 2 acquire_files,request_ident,inDate2,infiles,no_file if ( no_file lt 1 ) then begin create_rm_commands,infiles,rm_commands fill_data_gap,ctp_tot_seconds,b_tot_seconds,infiles,tb0,b_day,b_hr,b_min,b_sec,b_tb,bnt,rng,b_count,ctp_day,ctp_hr,ctp_min,ctp_sec,ctp_ti,c,tube_temp,probe_temp,ctp_count,bctp_day,bctp_hr,bctp_min,bctp_sec,bctp_ti,b_ctp,bctp_count rm_files,rm_commands endif endif endelse ; Resize input arrays b_tb = b_tb(0:b_count) bnt = bnt(*,0:b_count) ctp_ti = ctp_ti(0:ctp_count) bctp_ti = bctp_ti(0:bctp_count) hr0 = -2 ;0 hr1 = 26 ;24 tstart = double(3600.0*hr0) tstop = double(3600.0*hr1) ; ;--- Get various kinds of correction data. ; get_correction_data,tb0,heater_log_times,nh mag_corrections = intarr(1) ; mag corrections mag_corrections(*) = -1 ; none selected mag_corrections(0) = 0 ; default-> heater correction ON mag_corrections_applied = 1 ; because we start with heater correction ON< magc_strings=['Heater Jump Corrections.'] ; ;--- We apply heater corrections by default because Brian ; said so. bnt_raw = bnt ; apply_mag_corrections,b_tb,bnt,bnt_raw,mag_corrections,$ ; magc_strings,heater_log_times th0 = heater_log_times.time1(0:nh) th1 = heater_log_times.time2(0:nh) bx = bnt(0,*) by = bnt(1,*) bz = bnt(2,*) ; y = ICallheater_correction(b_tb,bx,by,bz,th0,th1,b_count,nh) bnt(0,*) = bx bnt(1,*) = by bnt(2,*) = bz ; ;--- Let's merge the mag and the CTP data - this must be done after the ; heater corrections are applied. ; CTPMAG_time_diff = ' ' ;; print,'Enter Maximum CTP-MAG time difference in seconds:' ;; read,CTPMAG_time_diff ;; flt_CTPMAG_time_diff = float(CTPMAG_time_diff) CTPMAG_time_diff = 50.0D ; coin_index,CTPMAG_time_diff,b_tb,ctp_ti,ri1,ri2 ri1 = intarr(600000) ri2 = intarr(600000) merged_elements_tb = 0L x = ICallmerge_data(CTPMAG_time_diff,b_tb,b_count,ctp_ti,ctp_count,$ ri1,ri2,merged_elements_tb) ; ;--- Now we create the merged arrays ; ; merged_elements_tb = n_elements(ri1) ; merged_elements_ti = n_elements(ri2) ri1 = ri1(0:merged_elements_tb-1) ri2 = ri2(0:merged_elements_tb-1) merged_elements_ti = merged_elements_tb bnt_merged = fltarr(3,merged_elements_tb) c_merged = intarr(10, merged_elements_ti) b_ctp_merged = fltarr(3,merged_elements_ti) tb_m = b_tb(ri1) ti_m = ctp_ti(ri2) b_day = b_day(ri1) b_hr = b_hr(ri1) b_min = b_min(ri1) b_sec = b_sec(ri1) rng_merged = rng(ri1) ctp_day = ctp_day(ri2) ctp_hr = ctp_hr(ri2) ctp_min = ctp_min(ri2) ctp_sec = ctp_sec(ri2) bctp_day = bctp_day(ri2) bctp_hr = bctp_hr(ri2) bctp_min = bctp_min(ri2) bctp_sec = bctp_sec(ri2) bctp_ti = bctp_ti(ri2) bavg=fltarr(3) for k = 0L,merged_elements_tb-1 do begin navg=1 bavg(*)=bnt(0:2,ri1(k)) ia=1 avgloop1: if ((ia+ri1(k)) lt b_count ) then begin if ( b_tb(ri1(k)+ia) le (b_tb(ri1(k))+0.5) ) then begin bavg(*)=bavg(*)+bnt(0:2,ri1(k)+ia) navg=navg+1 ia=ia+1 goto,avgloop1 endif endif ia=-1 avgloop2: if ((ia+ri1(k)) gt 0 ) then begin if ( b_tb(ri1(k)+ia) ge (b_tb(ri1(k))-0.5) ) then begin bavg(*)=bavg(*)+bnt(0:2,ri1(k)+ia) navg=navg+1 ia=ia-1 goto,avgloop2 endif endif bavg=bavg/float(navg) bnt_merged(*,k)=bavg(0:2) endfor for ii = 0,9 do begin c_merged(ii,*) = c(ii,ri2) endfor for ii = 0,2 do begin b_ctp_merged(ii,*) = b_ctp(ii,ri2) endfor ; ; Write output files. ; ASCII_file='b'+inDate+'.mrg' openw, 1, ASCII_file printf,1,format='("Day Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec) BX, BY, BZ, Range")' i=long(0) while (i le (merged_elements_tb - 1)) do begin printf,1,format='(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,3(f15.5),i2)',$ b_day(i),b_hr(i),b_min(i),b_sec(i),tb_m(i),$ bnt_merged(0,i),bnt_merged(1,i),bnt_merged(2,i),rng_merged(i) i=i+long(1) endwhile close,1 ASCII_file='ctp'+inDate+'.mrg' openw, 1, ASCII_file printf,1,ctp_header i=long(0) while (i le (merged_elements_ti - 1)) do begin printf,1,format='(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,$)',$ ctp_day(i),ctp_hr(i),ctp_min(i),ctp_sec(i),ti_m(i) j=0 while (j lt 10) do begin if (j le 9) then printf,1,format='($,1x,i6)',c_merged(j,i) ; if (j lt 9) then printf,1,format='($,1x,i6)',c_merged(j,i) ;;; if (j eq 9) then printf,1,format='(1x,i6)',c_merged(j,i) j=j+1 endwhile printf,1,format='($,1x,f7.2)',tube_temp(i) printf,1,format='(1x,f7.2)',probe_temp(i) i=i+long(1) endwhile close,1 ASCII_file='bctp'+inDate+'.mrg' openw, 1, ASCII_file printf,1,format='("Day Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec),BX_ctp,BY_ctp,BZ_ctp")' i=long(0) while (i le (merged_elements_ti - 1)) do begin printf,1,format='(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,3(f15.5))',$ bctp_day(i),bctp_hr(i),bctp_min(i),bctp_sec(i),$ bctp_ti(i),b_ctp_merged(0,i),b_ctp_merged(1,i),b_ctp_merged(2,i) i=i+long(1) endwhile close,1 end ;Main ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: read_b_data.pro ; ; Description: Read the byyddd.dat file. ; ; Inputs: filename ; ; Outputs: Data arrays ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro read_b_data,filename,tb0,b_header,b_day,b_hr,b_min,b_sec,b_tb,bnt,rng,b_count i = 0L bday = 0 bhour = 0 bmin = 0 bsec = 0. btb = 0. calc_time = 0.0D bnt0 = 0. bnt1 = 0. bnt2 = 0. brng = 0 openr, lun, filename, /get_lun readf,lun,b_header b_format = '(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,3(f15.5),i2)' while ( (NOT EOF(lun)) and (i le 599999) ) do begin readf,lun,bday,bhr,bmin,bsec,btb,bnt0,bnt1,bnt2,brng,format=b_format calc_seconds,bday,bhr,bmin,bsec,calc_time b_day(i) = bday b_hr(i) = bhr b_min(i) = bmin b_sec(i) = bsec b_tb(i) = calc_time - tb0 bnt(0,i) = bnt0 bnt(1,i) = bnt1 bnt(2,i) = bnt2 rng(i) = brng i = i + 1 endwhile if (i gt 599999) then begin print,' *** Busted an array boundary in ',filename print,' *** Counter = ',i stop endif b_count = i - 1 free_lun,lun end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: read_bctp_data.pro ; ; Description: Read the bctpyyddd.dat file. ; ; Inputs: filename ; ; Outputs: Data arrays ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro read_bctp_data,filename,tb0,bctp_header,bctp_day,bctp_hr,bctp_min,bctp_sec,bctp_ti,b_ctp,bctp_count i = 0L calc_time = 0.0D bctpday = 0 bctphour = 0 bctpmin = 0 bctpsec = 0. bctpti = 0. bctp0 = 0. bctp1 = 0. bctp2 = 0. openr, lun, filename, /get_lun readf,lun,bctp_header bctp_format = '(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,3(f15.5))' while ( (NOT EOF(lun)) and (i le 599999) ) do begin readf,lun,bctpday,bctphr,bctpmin,bctpsec,bctpti,bctp0,bctp1,bctp2,format=bctp_format calc_seconds,bctpday,bctphr,bctpmin,bctpsec,calc_time bctp_day(i) = bctpday bctp_hr(i) = bctphr bctp_min(i) = bctpmin bctp_sec(i) = bctpsec bctp_ti(i) = calc_time - tb0 b_ctp(0,i) = bctp0 b_ctp(1,i) = bctp1 b_ctp(2,i) = bctp2 i = i + 1 endwhile if (i gt 599999) then begin print,' *** Busted an array boundary in ',filename print,' *** Counter = ',i stop endif bctp_count = i - 1 free_lun,lun end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: read_ctp_data.pro ; ; Description: Read the ctpyyddd.dat file. ; ; Inputs: filename ; ; Outputs: Data arrays ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro read_ctp_data,filename,tb0,ctp_header,ctp_day,ctp_hr,ctp_min,ctp_sec,ctp_ti,c,tube_temp,probe_temp,ctp_count i = 0L ctpday = 0 ctphour = 0 ctpmin = 0 ctpsec = 0. ctpti = 0. t0 = 0 t1 = 0 t2 = 0 t3 = 0 t4 = 0 t5 = 0 t6 = 0 t7 = 0 t8 = 0 t9 = 0 tube_t = 0. probe_t = 0. calc_time = 0.0D openr, lun, filename, /get_lun readf,lun,ctp_header ctp_format = '(1x,i4,2(1x,i3),1x,f6.2,f15.2,10(1x,i6),2(1x,f7.2))' while ( (NOT EOF(lun)) and (i le 599999) ) do begin readf,lun,ctpday,ctphr,ctpmin,ctpsec,ctpti,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,$ t7,t8,t9,tube_t,probe_t,format=ctp_format calc_seconds,ctpday,ctphr,ctpmin,ctpsec,calc_time ctp_day(i) = ctpday ctp_hr(i) = ctphr ctp_min(i) = ctpmin ctp_sec(i) = ctpsec ctp_ti(i) = calc_time - tb0 c(0,i) = t0 c(1,i) = t1 c(2,i) = t2 c(3,i) = t3 c(4,i) = t4 c(5,i) = t5 c(6,i) = t6 c(7,i) = t7 c(8,i) = t8 c(9,i) = t9 tube_temp(i) = tube_t probe_temp(i) = probe_t i = i + 1 endwhile if (i gt 599999) then begin print,' *** Busted an array boundary in ',filename print,' *** Counter = ',i stop endif ctp_count = i - 1 free_lun,lun end ;============================================================================= ; ; Name: rm_files.pro ; ; Description: Issue system commands to delete input files. ; ; Inputs: rm commands ; ; Outputs: None ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/99 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ; ;========================================================================== ; pro rm_files,rm_commands for i = 0,2 do begin spawn,rm_commands(i) endfor end #include void heater_correction(double tb[],float bx[],float by[],float bz[], double th0[], double th1[], int nb, int nh); long Callheater_correction(int argc, void *argv[]) { double *tb; float *bx; float *by; float *bz; double *th0; double *th1; int nb; int nh; tb = (double *)argv[0]; bx = (float *)argv[1]; by = (float *)argv[2]; bz = (float *)argv[3]; th0 = (double *)argv[4]; th1 = (double *)argv[5]; nb = *(int *)argv[6]; nh = *(int *)argv[7]; heater_correction(tb,bx,by,bz,th0,th1,nb,nh); return((long)1); } #include void merge_data(double dt_max,double tb[],long int na, double tc[],long int nb,int ri1[], int ri2[],long int *k); long Callmerge_data(int argc, void *argv[]) { double dt_max; double *tb; long int na; double *tc; long int nb; int *ri1; int *ri2; long int *k; dt_max = *(double *)argv[0]; tb = (double *)argv[1]; na = *(long int *)argv[2]; tc = (double *)argv[3]; nb = *(long int *)argv[4]; ri1 = (int *)argv[5]; ri2 = (int *)argv[6]; k = (long int*)argv[7]; merge_data(dt_max,tb,na,tc,nb,ri1,ri2,k); return((long)1); } #include float a0fit(double dt) { double xfit; float a0tmp; xfit = 0.; a0tmp = 0.; xfit = dt/250.; if (xfit > 10.) xfit = 10.; if (xfit < 1.6) a0tmp = -0.25486/1.6*xfit; else { if (xfit < 5.8231) a0tmp = -0.37254 + 0.37333*xfit - 0.24958*pow(xfit,2) + 0.043238*pow(xfit,3) - 0.0027206*pow(xfit,4); else { if (xfit < 7.8) a0tmp = 5.1021 - 2.0683*xfit + 0.16777*pow(xfit,2); else a0tmp = 0.71892 - 0.19576*xfit; } } return a0tmp; } #include float a1fit(double dt) { double xfit; float a0tmp; xfit = 0.; a0tmp = 0.; xfit = dt/250.; if (xfit >10) xfit = 10; if (xfit < 1.6) a0tmp = 0.091701/1.6*xfit; else a0tmp = -0.023367 + 0.064802*xfit + 0.0075614*pow(xfit,2) - 0.002371*pow(xfit,3) + 0.00026533*pow(xfit,4); return a0tmp; } #include float a2fit(double dt) { double xfit; float a0tmp; xfit = 0.; a0tmp = 0.; xfit = dt/250.; if (xfit > 10) xfit = 10; if (xfit < 1.6) a0tmp = 0.26085/1.6*xfit; else { if (xfit < 5.8231) a0tmp=0.44343 - 0.45007*xfit + 0.27928*pow(xfit,2) - 0.048141*pow(xfit,3) + 0.0030137*pow(xfit,4); else { if (xfit < 7.8) a0tmp = -5.0837 + 2.0626*xfit - 0.16733*pow(xfit,2); else a0tmp = -0.69107 + 0.19221*xfit; } } return a0tmp; } #include float a3fit(double dt) { double xfit; float a0tmp; xfit = 0.; a0tmp = 0.; xfit = dt / 250.; if (xfit > 10) xfit=10; if (xfit < 1.8181) a0tmp=0; else { if (xfit < 6.8653) a0tmp= 0.16646 - 0.10238*xfit + 0.0079538*pow(xfit,2) -0.0010071*pow(xfit,3); else a0tmp = -8.6052 + 3.1004*xfit - 0.36676*pow(xfit,2) + 0.012725*pow(xfit,3); } return a0tmp; } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: build_bctp_ctp_file_names ; ; Description: Build the bctp & ctp file names based on the byyddd.fix files. ; ; Inputs: List of byyddd.fix files. ; ; Outputs: List of bctp* files. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include void build_bctp_ctp_file_names(int num_b_files,char b_input_files[100][50], char bctp_input_files[100][50], char ctp_input_files[100][50]) { int i = 0; char bctp_root[5] = "bctp"; char ctp_root[4] = "ctp"; char bctp_ctp_ext[5] = ".mrg"; for (i = 0; i <= num_b_files; ++i) { /* Construct the bctpyyddd.mrg input file. */ strcpy(bctp_input_files[i]," "); strcpy(bctp_input_files[i],bctp_root); bctp_input_files[i][4] = b_input_files[i][1]; bctp_input_files[i][5] = b_input_files[i][2]; bctp_input_files[i][6] = b_input_files[i][3]; bctp_input_files[i][7] = b_input_files[i][4]; bctp_input_files[i][8] = b_input_files[i][5]; bctp_input_files[i][9] = bctp_ctp_ext[0]; bctp_input_files[i][10] = bctp_ctp_ext[1]; bctp_input_files[i][11] = bctp_ctp_ext[2]; bctp_input_files[i][12] = bctp_ctp_ext[3]; /* Construct the ctpyyddd.mrg input file. */ strcpy(ctp_input_files[i]," "); strcpy(ctp_input_files[i],ctp_root); ctp_input_files[i][3] = b_input_files[i][1]; ctp_input_files[i][4] = b_input_files[i][2]; ctp_input_files[i][5] = b_input_files[i][3]; ctp_input_files[i][6] = b_input_files[i][4]; ctp_input_files[i][7] = b_input_files[i][5]; ctp_input_files[i][8] = bctp_ctp_ext[0]; ctp_input_files[i][9] = bctp_ctp_ext[1]; ctp_input_files[i][10] = bctp_ctp_ext[2]; ctp_input_files[i][11] = bctp_ctp_ext[3]; } } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: build_output_file_name ; ; Description: Construct the name of output files. ; ; Inputs: year, doy ; ; Outputs: Name of the output files. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include void build_output_file_names(int year, int doy, char output_file_names[4][50]) { char intro_string[3] = "b_"; char file_ident[4][8] = {"SC_","J2000_","EBF_","NSO_"}; char temp_year[5]; char temp_doy[4]; char file_ext[5] = ".dat"; int i; if ( year <= 1999 ) year = year - 1900; else year = year - 2000; sprintf(temp_year,"%02d",year); sprintf(temp_doy,"%03d",doy); for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { strcpy(output_file_names[i],intro_string); strcat(output_file_names[i],file_ident[i]); strcat(output_file_names[i],temp_year); strcat(output_file_names[i],temp_doy); strcat(output_file_names[i],file_ext); } } #include float a0fit(double dt); float a1fit(double dt); float a2fit(double dt); float a3fit(double dt); float by_htr(double t, double ton, double toff) { double dt_on; double xhtr,dt_jmp,btmp; xhtr = 0.; dt_on = 0.; dt_jmp = 0.; btmp = 0.; dt_on = toff - ton; if (dt_on <= 2650.0) xhtr = 2.*(t-ton)/dt_on - 1.; else { if ((t-ton) < 2650.0) xhtr = 2.*(t-ton)/2650.0 - 1.0; else xhtr = 1.0; } btmp = a0fit(dt_on) + a1fit(dt_on)*xhtr + a2fit(dt_on)*pow(xhtr,2) + a3fit(dt_on)*pow(xhtr,3); dt_jmp = dt_on; if (dt_jmp > 2500.0) dt_jmp=2500.0; btmp = btmp + 0.5*(-5.8882 - 3.7154*pow(10,-5)*dt_jmp - 5.7037 - 3.0013*pow(10,-5)*dt_jmp); return btmp; } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: calc_MET_time ; ; Description: Calculate the MET time ; ; Inputs: doy, hour, minutes, seconds ; ; Outputs: MET ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 01/13/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ void calc_MET_time(int dday, int hhr, int mmin, double ssec,double *cbMET) { *cbMET = (dday * 86400.0) + (hhr * 3600.0) + (mmin * 60.0) + ssec; } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: calc_load_times ; ; Description: Calculate and load UTC and MET times. ; ; Inputs: array counter, b_mrg and bctp_mrg data structures ; ; Outputs: times data structure ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 12/17/97 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include #include #include #include "spice_id.h" #include "spice2.h" #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" #include "mag_eros_products_prototypes.h" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void calc_load_times(long int array_count, struct b_data b_mrg, struct bctp_data bctp_mrg, struct time_data *proc_time, struct time_errors *proc_time_errors) { long int i; double b_MET, bctp_MET; int temp_day,temp_hr,temp_min; double temp_sec; double utc_time[3]; /* returns year, day, and seconds of day */ int utc_hr, utc_min; float utc_sec; int errst; char utcstr[120]; char *cptr; float fp_temp; int met_err; for (i = 0; i <= array_count; ++i) { /* Calc MET times and the delta MET times. */ temp_day = b_mrg.day[i]; temp_hr = b_mrg.hr[i]; temp_min = b_mrg.min[i]; temp_sec = b_mrg.sec[i]; calc_MET_time(temp_day,temp_hr,temp_min,temp_sec,&b_MET); temp_day = bctp_mrg.day[i]; temp_hr = bctp_mrg.hr[i]; temp_min = bctp_mrg.min[i]; temp_sec = bctp_mrg.sec[i]; calc_MET_time(temp_day,temp_hr,temp_min,temp_sec,&bctp_MET); proc_time->MET[i] = b_MET; proc_time->MET_diff[i] = fabs(b_MET - bctp_MET); /* Calc UTC time */ met_err = metutc(NEAR, b_MET,utcstr,&errst); proc_time_errors->metutc_error[i] = met_err; cptr = strtok(utcstr,"-"); proc_time->utc_year[i] = atoi(cptr); cptr = strtok(NULL," "); proc_time->utc_doy[i] = atoi(cptr); cptr = strtok(NULL," "); cptr = strtok(NULL,":"); proc_time->utc_hr[i] = atoi(cptr); cptr = strtok(NULL,":"); proc_time->utc_min[i] = atoi(cptr); cptr = strtok(NULL,":"); proc_time->utc_sec[i] = (float) atof(cptr); } } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: check_array_counters ; ; Description: Make sure that 3 arrays have the same number of elements. ; If there is a discrepancy, flag it and exit. ; ; Inputs: Three array counters and file/array names. ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include void check_array_counters(long int array_counters[3], char filename_1[50], char filename_2[50], char filename_3[50]) { if ( (array_counters[0] != array_counters[1]) || (array_counters[0] != array_counters[2]) || (array_counters[1] != array_counters[2]) ) { printf("%s\n","**ERROR: ARRAY COUNTS DISAGREE"); printf("%s %s %s %d %s %s %s %d %s %s %s %d\n", "**ERROR:",filename_1," Count=",array_counters[0]," - ", filename_2," Count=",array_counters[1]," - ", filename_3," Count=",array_counters[2]); printf("%s \n","**EXITING"); exit(0); } } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: check_files ; ; Description: Check to see if output files already exist. ; If they already exist, delete them. ; ; Inputs: Names of output files. ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 01/18/00 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include #include /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void check_files(char output_file_names[4][50]) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) { /* F_OK = Check existence of file */ if(!access(output_file_names[i],F_OK)) { printf("%s %s\n","Deleteing old: ",output_file_names[i]); unlink(output_file_names[i]); } } } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: close_input_files ; ; Description: close the input files. ; ; Inputs: file pointers to input files ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include void close_input_files(FILE *input_files_ptr[3]) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) fclose(input_files_ptr[i]); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: close_output_files ; ; Description: close the output files. ; ; Inputs: file pointers to output files ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include void close_output_files(FILE *output_files_ptr[4]) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) fclose(output_files_ptr[i]); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: coord_xform ; ; Description: Does transformation to various coord systems. ; ; Inputs: b field and time data ; ; Outputs: The b field transformed to the various coord. sys. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" #include "mag_eros_products_prototypes.h" #include "spice2.h" #include "spice_id.h" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void coord_xform(int year, int doy, long int array_counter, struct time_data proc_time, struct time_errors *proc_time_errors, struct b_data b_mrg, struct b_conv_data *b_J2000, struct position_data *eros_pos, struct position_data *near_pos, struct position_data *earth_pos, struct velocity_data *eros_vel, struct velocity_data *near_vel, struct velocity_data *earth_vel, struct unit_vectors_J2000 *ABF_unit_vec_J2000, struct b_conv_data *b_ABF, struct position_data *dr_neros_ABF, struct b_conv_data *b_SUN, struct position_data *dr_neros_SUN) { long int i; int j,m,n; double nmet,tcmat[3][3],cmat[3][3],av[3]; int errst,handle; double ET,astermx[3][3],tastermx[3][3]; double eros_state[6],near_state[6],earth_state[6]; int yrday; int temp_e; double b_old[3],b_J2000_temp[3]; double ex_ABF[3] = {1,0,0}; double ez_ABF[3] = {0,0,1}; double e1_sun[3], e2_sun[3], e3_sun[3],mage3_sun; double b_SUN_temp[3]; double temp_calc; double ex_J2000[3], ez_J2000[3]; double dr_neros_J2000[3]; /* position differences between near and eros in J2K*/ double dr_neros_ABF_temp[3]; /* position differences between near and eros in ABF*/ double e_veros[3], magv_eros; double v_eros[3], e_reros[3]; double magr_eros, r_eros[3]; double b_ABF_temp[3]; double dr_neros_SUN_temp[3]; /* position differences between near and eros in SUN*/ void mxv(double [][3],double[],double[]); int metet_err = 1; /* Assume success to start with these 4 error flags. */ int near_state_err = 1; int earth_state_err = 1; int eros_state_err = 1; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ for (i = 0; i <= array_counter; ++i) { /* J2000 calculations */ metet_err = metet(NEAR, proc_time.MET[i], &ET, &errst); proc_time_errors->metet_error[i] = metet_err; if (metet_err) /* no error */ { near_state_err = posvel(ET, NEAR, near_state, &errst); near_pos->error[i] = near_state_err; earth_state_err = posvel(ET, EARTH, earth_state, &errst); earth_pos->error[i] = earth_state_err; eros_state_err = posvel(ET, EROS, eros_state, &errst); eros_pos->error[i] = eros_state_err; } else { near_state_err = 0; earth_state_err = 0; eros_state_err = 0; } /* Divide distance by 1000 to report in 1000's of km.) */ /* Velocity is reported in km/s. Multiply by 1000.0 to get m/s. */ if (eros_state_err) { eros_pos->x[i] = eros_state[0] / 1000.0; eros_pos->y[i] = eros_state[1] / 1000.0; eros_pos->z[i] = eros_state[2] / 1000.0; eros_vel->vx[i] = eros_state[3] * 1000.0; eros_vel->vy[i] = eros_state[4] * 1000.0; eros_vel->vz[i] = eros_state[5] * 1000.0; } else { eros_pos->x[i] = -99.99; eros_pos->y[i] = -99.99; eros_pos->z[i] = -99.99; eros_vel->vx[i] = -99.99; eros_vel->vy[i] = -99.99; eros_vel->vz[i] = -99.99; } if (near_state_err) { near_pos->x[i] = near_state[0] / 1000.0; near_pos->y[i] = near_state[1] / 1000.0; near_pos->z[i] = near_state[2] / 1000.0; near_vel->vx[i] = near_state[3] * 1000.0; near_vel->vy[i] = near_state[4] * 1000.0; near_vel->vz[i] = near_state[5] * 1000.0; } else { near_pos->x[i] = -99.99; near_pos->y[i] = -99.99; near_pos->z[i] = -99.99; near_vel->vx[i] = -99.99; near_vel->vy[i] = -99.99; near_vel->vz[i] = -99.99; } if (earth_state_err) { earth_pos->x[i] = earth_state[0] / 1000.0; earth_pos->y[i] = earth_state[1] / 1000.0; earth_pos->z[i] = earth_state[2] / 1000.0; earth_vel->vx[i] = earth_state[3] * 1000.0; earth_vel->vy[i] = earth_state[4] * 1000.0; earth_vel->vz[i] = earth_state[5] * 1000.0; } else { earth_pos->x[i] = -99.99; earth_pos->y[i] = -99.99; earth_pos->z[i] = -99.99; earth_vel->vx[i] = -99.99; earth_vel->vy[i] = -99.99; earth_vel->vz[i] = -99.99; } /* Asteroid Body Fixed Coord. */ if (near_state_err && eros_state_err) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) dr_neros_J2000[j] = near_state[j] - eros_state[j]; } else { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) dr_neros_J2000[j] = -99.99; } /* Sun coordinates; create unit vectores in J2000 */ if (eros_state_err) { for (j = 3; j < 6; j++) v_eros[j-3] = eros_state[j]; vmag(v_eros,&magv_eros); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) e_veros[j] = v_eros[j] / magv_eros; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) r_eros[j] = eros_state[j]; vmag(r_eros,&magr_eros); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) e1_sun[j] = -r_eros[j] / magr_eros; vcross(e_veros,e1_sun,e3_sun); vmag(e3_sun,&mage3_sun); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) e3_sun[j] = e3_sun[j] / mage3_sun; vcross(e3_sun,e1_sun,e2_sun); } /* if (eros_state_err) */ nmet = metcmat2(NEAR_SC_BUS_PRIME, proc_time.MET[i], 1.0, cmat, av); if ( nmet < 0.0 ) { proc_time_errors->cmat_error[i] = 0; printf("%s %lf %s %lf %s %d\n", "**ERROR: Trouble with: ",proc_time.MET[i]," nmet= ",nmet," i= ",i); b_J2000->bx[i] = -99.99; b_J2000->by[i] = -99.99; b_J2000->bz[i] = -99.99; b_J2000->b_tot[i] = -99.99; b_SUN->bx[i] = -99.99; b_SUN->by[i] = -99.99; b_SUN->bz[i] = -99.99; b_SUN->b_tot[i] - -99.99; dr_neros_SUN->x[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_SUN->y[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_SUN->z[i] = -99.99; b_ABF->bx[i] = -99.99; b_ABF->by[i] = -99.99; b_ABF->bz[i] = -99.99; b_ABF->b_tot[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex1[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex2[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex3[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez1[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez2[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez3[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_ABF->x[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_ABF->y[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_ABF->z[i] = -99.99; } else { proc_time_errors->cmat_error[i] = 1; b_old[0] = (-(1.0/sqrt(2.0))*b_mrg.bx[i]) - ( (1.0/sqrt(2.0))*b_mrg.by[i]); b_old[1] = ( (1.0/sqrt(2.0))*b_mrg.bx[i]) - ( (1.0/sqrt(2.0))*b_mrg.by[i]); b_old[2] = b_mrg.bz[i]; /* Take the transpose of the c matrix provided by SPICE. */ for (m = 0; m <= 2; ++m) for (n = 0; n <= 2; ++n) tcmat[m][n] = cmat[n][m]; /* Convert the b field data tp J2000. */ mxv(tcmat,b_old,b_J2000_temp); b_J2000->bx[i] = b_J2000_temp[0]; b_J2000->by[i] = b_J2000_temp[1]; b_J2000->bz[i] = b_J2000_temp[2]; b_J2000->b_tot[i] = sqrt(pow(b_J2000_temp[0],2.0) + pow(b_J2000_temp[1],2.0) + pow(b_J2000_temp[2],2.0)); /* Project J2000 field along e1,e2,e3 directions. */ if (eros_state_err) { vdot(b_J2000_temp,e1_sun,&temp_calc); b_SUN_temp[0] = temp_calc; vdot(b_J2000_temp,e2_sun,&temp_calc); b_SUN_temp[1] = temp_calc; vdot(b_J2000_temp,e3_sun,&temp_calc); b_SUN_temp[2] = temp_calc; b_SUN->bx[i] = b_SUN_temp[0]; b_SUN->by[i] = b_SUN_temp[1]; b_SUN->bz[i] = b_SUN_temp[2]; b_SUN->b_tot[i] = sqrt(pow(b_SUN_temp[0],2.0) + pow(b_SUN_temp[1],2.0) + pow(b_SUN_temp[2],2.0)); vdot(dr_neros_J2000,e1_sun,&temp_calc); dr_neros_SUN_temp[0] = temp_calc; vdot(dr_neros_J2000,e2_sun,&temp_calc); dr_neros_SUN_temp[1] = temp_calc; vdot(dr_neros_J2000,e3_sun,&temp_calc); dr_neros_SUN_temp[2] = temp_calc; dr_neros_SUN->x[i] = dr_neros_SUN_temp[0]; dr_neros_SUN->y[i] = dr_neros_SUN_temp[1]; dr_neros_SUN->z[i] = dr_neros_SUN_temp[2]; } /* if (eros_state_err) */ else { b_SUN->bx[i] = -99.99; b_SUN->by[i] = -99.99; b_SUN->bz[i] = -99.99; b_SUN->b_tot[i] - -99.99; dr_neros_SUN->x[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_SUN->y[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_SUN->z[i] = -99.99; } /* Asteroid Body Fixed coordinates. */ metet_err = metet(NEAR,proc_time.MET[i],&ET,&errst); proc_time_errors->metet_error[i] = metet_err; if (metet_err) { temp_e = EROS; bodmat(&temp_e,&ET,astermx); mxv(astermx,b_J2000_temp,b_ABF_temp); b_ABF->bx[i] = b_ABF_temp[0]; b_ABF->by[i] = b_ABF_temp[1]; b_ABF->bz[i] = b_ABF_temp[2]; b_ABF->b_tot[i] = sqrt(pow(b_ABF_temp[0],2.0) + pow(b_ABF_temp[1],2.0) + pow(b_ABF_temp[2],2.0)); /* Asteroid Body Fixed unit vectors in J2000 */ /* Take the transpose of the matrix. */ for (m = 0; m <= 2; ++m) for (n = 0; n <= 2; ++n) tastermx[m][n] = astermx[n][m]; mxv(tastermx,ex_ABF,ex_J2000); mxv(tastermx,ez_ABF,ez_J2000); ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex1[i] = ex_J2000[0]; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex2[i] = ex_J2000[1]; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex3[i] = ex_J2000[2]; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez1[i] = ez_J2000[0]; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez2[i] = ez_J2000[1]; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez3[i] = ez_J2000[2]; /* Vector position from eros to near in ABF. */ mxv(astermx,dr_neros_J2000,dr_neros_ABF_temp); dr_neros_ABF->x[i] = dr_neros_ABF_temp[0]; dr_neros_ABF->y[i] = dr_neros_ABF_temp[1]; dr_neros_ABF->z[i] = dr_neros_ABF_temp[2]; } /* if (metet_err) */ else { b_ABF->bx[i] = -99.99; b_ABF->by[i] = -99.99; b_ABF->bz[i] = -99.99; b_ABF->b_tot[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex1[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex2[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ex3[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez1[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez2[i] = -99.99; ABF_unit_vec_J2000->ez3[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_ABF->x[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_ABF->y[i] = -99.99; dr_neros_ABF->z[i] = -99.99; } } /* if ( nmet < 0.0 ) */ } /* for (i = 0; i <= array_counter; ++i) */ } double dmin(double var1, double var2) { double fpMin; if (var1 <= var2 ) fpMin = var1; else fpMin = var2; return fpMin; } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: get_input_file_list ; ; Description: Get filename of file containing list of files to ; process. ; ; Inputs: None. ; ; Outputs: Filename ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 01/30/97 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include void get_input_file_list(char input_file_list[75]) { printf("%s","Enter file containing list of files: "); scanf("%s",input_file_list); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: get_year_doy ; ; Description: Grab year and doy from file name. ; ; Inputs: Input file name. ; ; Outputs: year and day of year ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 02/02/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include #include void get_year_doy(char b_file_name[50], int *year, int *doy) { char temp_year[3], temp_doy[4]; int yy; strcpy(temp_year," "); strcpy(temp_doy," "); temp_year[0] = b_file_name[1]; temp_year[1] = b_file_name[2]; temp_doy[0] = b_file_name[3]; temp_doy[1] = b_file_name[4]; temp_doy[2] = b_file_name[5]; yy = atoi(temp_year); if (yy == 0) yy = 2000; else yy = yy + 1900; *year = yy; *doy = atoi(temp_doy); } /* ========================================================================== ; ; Name: apply_heater_correction.c ; ; Description: Apply heater ON/OFF corrections to spacecraft mag. data. ; ; Inputs: ; ; Outputs: ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/00 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ========================================================================== */ float by_htr(double t, double ton, double toff); void heater_correction(double tb[],float bx[],float by[],float bz[], double th0[],double th1[],int nb,int nh) { int i,j; float dby; double ton, toff; j = 0; while( (tb[0] > th1[j]) && (j <= nh) ) ++j; while ( (i <= nb) && (j <= nh) ) { i=0; while( (tb[i] < th0[j]) && (i <= nb) ) ++i; if ( i <= nb ) { ton = th0[j]; toff = th1[j]; while ( (tb[i] < th1[j]) && (i <= nb) ) { dby = by_htr(tb[i],ton,toff); bx[i] = bx[i] - 0.1/5.7*dby; by[i] = by[i] - dby; bz[i] = bz[i] + 0.77/5.7*dby; ++i; } /* while ( (tb[i] < th1[j]) && (i <= nb) ) */ } /* if ( i <= nb ) */ ++j; } /* while ( (i <= nb) && (j <= nh) ) */ } /* ========================================================================== ; ; Name: apply_heater_correction.c ; ; Description: Apply heater ON/OFF corrections to spacecraft mag. data. ; ; Inputs: ; ; Outputs: ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/00 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ========================================================================== */ float by_htr(double t, double ton, double toff); void heater_correction(double tb[],float bx[],float by[],float bz[], double th0[],double th1[],int nb,int nh) { int i,j; int exit_proc = 0; int array_check1 = 1; int array_check2 = 1; int array_check3 = 1; float dby; double ton, toff; printf("%s\n","in heater_correction"); j = 1; while (array_check3) { while (array_check1 && !exit_proc) { if (tb[1] > th1[j]) ++j; else array_check1 = 0; if (array_check1) { if (j > nh) { exit_proc = 1; array_check3 = 0; } } } if (!exit_proc) { i = 1; array_check1 = 1; while(array_check1 && !exit_proc) { if (tb[i] <= th0[j]) ++i; /* Increment tb if not within heater cycle. */ else array_check1 = 0; if (array_check1) { if (i > nb) { exit_proc = 1; array_check3 = 0; } } } } /* if (!exit_proc) */ if (!exit_proc) { ton = th0[j]; toff = th1[j]; array_check2 = 1; while (array_check2) { dby = by_htr(tb[i],ton,toff); bx[i] = bx[i] - 0.1/5.7*dby; by[i] = by[i] - dby; bz[i] = bz[i] + 0.77/5.7*dby; ++i; if (i > nb) { exit_proc = 1; array_check2 = 0; array_check3 = 0; } else if (tb[i] > th1[j]) array_check2 = 0; } /* while (array_check2) */ if (!exit_proc) { ++j; if (j > nh) { exit_proc = 1; array_check3 = 0; } } /* if (!exit_proc) */ } /* if (!exit_proc) */ } /* while (array_check3) */ } /* ========================================================================== ; ; Name: apply_heater_correction.c ; ; Description: Apply heater ON/OFF corrections to spacecraft mag. data. ; ; Inputs: ; ; Outputs: ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 05/00 Original code ; ; $Id:$ ; ; $Log: $ ========================================================================== */ float by_htr(double t, double ton, double toff); void heater_correction(double tb[],float bx[],float by[],float bz[], double th0[],double th1[],int nb,int nh) { int i,j; float dby; double ton, toff; printf("%s\n","in heater_correction"); j = 0; while( (tb[0] > th1[j]) && (j < nh) ) ++j; if (j < nh) { i=0; while( (tb[i] < th0[j]) && (i < nb) ) ++i; if (i < nb) { ton = th0[j]; toff = th1[j]; while ( (tb[i] < th1[j]) && (i < nb) ) { dby = by_htr(tb[i],ton,toff); bx[i] = bx[i] - 0.1/5.7*dby; by[i] = by[i] - dby; bz[i] = bz[i] + 0.77/5.7*dby; ++i; } } } } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: mag_eros_products_main.c ; ; Description: Produce the data files needed by the mag team for ; the Eros encounter. ; ; Inputs: byyddd.fix, bctpyyddd.mrg, and ctpyyddd.mrg ; ; Outputs: b_SC_yyddd.dat, b_J2000.dat, b_ABF_yyddd.dat,b_ESO_yyddd.dat ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 09/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include #include "spice2.h" #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" #include "mag_eros_products_prototypes.h" /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ main() { char b_input_files[100][50]; char ctp_input_files[100][50]; char bctp_input_files[100][50]; int num_b_files; char input_file_list[50]; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ spiceinit("bruce.ker", -9); /* Get the file containing the list if files to process from the user. */ /* get_input_file_list(input_file_list); */ strcpy(input_file_list,"fix_files.lis"); /* Read the list of input files. */ printf("%s \n","--> Reading list of input files."); read_input_file_list(input_file_list,&num_b_files,b_input_files); /* Build the bctpyyddd.mrg and ctpyyddd.mrg file names based on the byyddd.fix files read in. */ printf("%s \n","--> Building bctp and ctp file names."); build_bctp_ctp_file_names(num_b_files,b_input_files,bctp_input_files, ctp_input_files); process_b_bctp_ctp_files(num_b_files,b_input_files,bctp_input_files, ctp_input_files); } #include #include #include /* Purpose: Merges two time series with different and possibly erratic sampling intervals choosing only those points which are within dt_max of each other from the two series. Only nearest points are paired. Developed for use with NEAR MAG and CTP data. This task was first implemented in IDL using the 'where' statement. This proved oppressively time consuming so a compiled version was required to achieve the necessary increase in execution speed. Authors: B. J. Anderson and B. A. Toth, JHU/APL Originated: October 19, 1999. General description: The two time series have sample times in seconds given by the arrays tb and tc. The tb array is indexed using "i" while tc is indexed using "j". The arrays are assumed to be monotonically increasing. The routine first checks to see which time array has the larger next time step. It then scans through the more finely sampled time series to identify the two points that straddle the morecoarsely sampled time series. The closer of these two points is then used to check for a match within dt_max seconds. If the identified match is a new time, it is added to the merged time and index lists. Execution then continues considering the next time steps. Restrictions: dt_max < 10,000. tb, ti assumed to be monotonically increasing. */ /* ===================================================================== */ double dmin(double var1, double var2); void merge_data(double dt_max,double tb[600000],long int na, double tc[600000],long int nb,int ri1[600000], int ri2[600000],long int *k) { long int i = 0; /* Initialize indices and loop condition flags. */ long int j = 0; int flag = 0; int flag2 = 0; double da,db,d0,dm1; double tm[600000]; int iii = 0; *k = 0; while (flag < 2) /* flag ==2 is the exit condition when the end of either tb or tc is encountered */ { if (i < na) /* da is next tb time step. (Previous if this is the last point.) */ da = tb[i+1] - tb[i]; else da = tb[i] - tb[i-1]; if (j < nb) /* db is next tc time step. (Previous if this is the last point.) */ db = tc[j+1] - tc[j]; else db = tc[j] - tc[j-1]; if ( (da - db) > 0.001 ) /* Identify the more finely sampled time series. The > 0.001 condition ensures that tb is treated is the more finely sampled time series if the time steps are equal. For NEAR this was important because the CTP time series, tc, occassionally had single point drop-outs whereas the tb (MAG) time gaps are generally at least 44 points (one packet) long. It therefore was cleaner to keep looping over tb if the time steps were equal (happens for 1-s CTP real time telemetry). True implies tc is finer, so loop over j (tc index). False implies tb is finer, so loop over i (tb index). */ { flag = 0; while (flag == 0) /* tc-loop */ { if (j <= nb) { if (tc[j] >= tb[i]) /* Increment j until tc[j] and tc[j-1] straddle tb[i] */ flag = 1; else ++j; } else flag = 2; /* Exit condition on end of tc array. */ } /* while (flag == 0) */ if (flag == 1) { d0 = fabs(tc[j]-tb[i]); /* Construct abs. time differences between tb[i] and bracketing tc points. */ if (j == 0) dm1 = 10000; /* Default if first j point. */ else dm1 = fabs(tc[j-1]-tb[i]); if (dmin(d0,dm1) < dt_max) /* Check if minimum time difference is less than dt_max. */ { if (*k > 0) { if (fabs(tb[i] - tm[*k-1]) > dmin(d0,dm1)) /* Check to make sure current tb[i] is a new point. */ { if (d0 < dm1) /* Assign to closer of j or j-1. */ { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j; } else { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j-1; } ++*k; /* Increment output merged array index after every new assignment. */ } } else { if (d0 < dm1) /* If first k, skip the new point check. */ { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j; } else { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j-1; } ++*k; } /* if (*k > 0) */ } /* if (dmin(d0,dm1) < dt_max) */ ++i; /* Increment to next i, tb index. (More coarsely sampled.) */ flag2 = 0; while(flag2 == 0) { if( (j+1) <= nb ) /* Now increment j up so that the jth point in tc is the last before tb[i]. Due to the vagaries of switching between the i and j loops, this guards against time gaps in the stream that had been treated as more finely sampled. Although not obvious, if there is a gap in j, the routine skips to the i-loop for one iteration and then returns to the j-loop. On and subsequent to that return, the routine will repeat entries with the same j index until the i index catches up to the gap in the tb time series. Hence, this little loop. */ { if ( tb[i] <= tc[j+1] ) flag2 = 1; else ++j; } else flag2 = 1; } /* while(flag2 == 0) */ } /* if (flag == 1) */ } /* if (da > db) */ else { flag = 0; while (flag == 0 ) /* tb-loop */ { if (i <= na) { if (tc[j] <= tb[i]) /* Increment i until tb[i] and tb[i-1] straddle tc[j] */ flag = 1; else ++i; } else flag = 2; /* Exit condition on end of tb array. */ } /* while(flag == 0) */ if (flag == 1) { d0 = fabs(tc[j] - tb[i]); /* Construct abs. time differences between tc[j] and bracketing tb points. */ if (i == 0) dm1 = 10000; /* Default if first i point. */ else dm1 = fabs(tc[j] - tb[i-1]); if (dmin(d0,dm1) < dt_max) /* Check if minimum time difference is less than dt_max. */ { if (*k > 0) { if (d0 < dm1) /* Assign to closer of i or i-1. */ { if (fabs(tb[i] - tm[*k-1]) > dmin(d0,dm1)) /* Check to make sure current tb[i] is a new point. This loop structure is different than the j-loop because different tb's are involved and separate checks need to be performed for each case, i or i-1.*/ { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j; ++*k; /* Increment output merged array index after every new assignment. */ } } else { if (fabs(tb[i-1] - tm[*k-1]) > dmin(d0,dm1)) /* Check to make sure current tb[i-1] is a new point. */ { tm[*k] = tb[i-1]; ri1[*k] = i-1; ri2[*k] = j; ++*k; } } } /* if (*k > 0) */ else { if (d0 < dm1) /* If first k, skip the new point check. */ { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j; } else { tm[*k] = tb[i-1]; ri1[*k] = i-1; ri2[*k] = j; } ++*k; } /* if (*k > 0) */ } /* if (dmin(d0,dm1) < dt_max) */ ++j; /* Increment to next j, i.e. tc index. (More coarsely sampled.) */ } /* if (flag == 1) */ flag2 = 0; while( flag2 == 0 ) { if ( (i+1) <= na ) /* Now increment i up so that the ith point in tb is the last before tc[j]. The rationale for this check is the same as that given in the j-loop. */ { if ( tc[j] <= tb[i+1] ) flag2 = 1; else ++i; } else flag2 = 1; } /* while( flag2 == 0 ) */ } /* else of if (da > db) */ if (i >= na) flag = 2; if (j >= nb) flag = 2; } /* while (flag < 2) */ } #include #include #include double dmin(double var1, double var2); void merge_data(double dt_max,double tb[600000],long int na, double tc[600000],long int nb,int ri1[600000], int ri2[600000],long int *k) { long int i = 0; long int j = 0; int flag = 0; int flag2 = 0; double da,db,d0,dm1; double tm[600000]; int iii = 0; *k = 0; while (flag < 2) { if (i < na) da = tb[i+1] - tb[i]; else da = tb[i] - tb[i-1]; if (j < nb) db = tc[j+1] - tc[j]; else db = tc[j] - tc[j-1]; if ( (da - db) > 0.001 ) { flag = 0; while (flag == 0) { if (j <= nb) { if (tc[j] >= tb[i]) flag = 1; else ++j; } else flag = 2; } /* while (flag == 0) */ if (flag == 1) { d0 = fabs(tc[j]-tb[i]); if (j == 0) dm1 = 10000; else dm1 = fabs(tc[j-1]-tb[i]); if (dmin(d0,dm1) < dt_max) { if (*k > 0) { if (fabs(tb[i] - tm[*k-1]) > dmin(d0,dm1)) { if (d0 < dm1) { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j; } else { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j-1; } ++*k; } } else { if (d0 < dm1) { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j; } else { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j-1; } ++*k; } /* if (*k > 0) */ } /* if (dmin(d0,dm1) < dt_max) */ ++i; flag2 = 0; while(flag2 == 0) { if( (j+1) <= nb ) { if ( tb[i] <= tc[j+1] ) flag2 = 1; else ++j; } else flag2 = 1; } /* while(flag2 == 0) */ } /* if (flag == 1) */ } /* if (da > db) */ else { flag = 0; while (flag == 0 ) { if (i <= na) { if (tc[j] <= tb[i]) flag = 1; else ++i; } else flag = 2; } /* while(flag == 0) */ if (flag == 1) { d0 = fabs(tc[j] - tb[i]); if (i == 0) dm1 = 10000; else dm1 = fabs(tc[j] - tb[i-1]); if (dmin(d0,dm1) < dt_max) { if (*k > 0) { if (d0 < dm1) { if (fabs(tb[i] - tm[*k-1]) > dmin(d0,dm1)) { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j; ++*k; } } else { if (fabs(tb[i-1] - tm[*k-1]) > dmin(d0,dm1)) { tm[*k] = tb[i-1]; ri1[*k] = i-1; ri2[*k] = j; ++*k; } } } /* if (*k > 0) */ else { if (d0 < dm1) { tm[*k] = tb[i]; ri1[*k] = i; ri2[*k] = j; } else { tm[*k] = tb[i-1]; ri1[*k] = i-1; ri2[*k] = j; } ++*k; } /* if (*k > 0) */ } /* if (dmin(d0,dm1) < dt_max) */ ++j; } /* if (flag == 1) */ flag2 = 0; while( flag2 == 0 ) { if ( (i+1) <= na ) { if ( tc[j] <= tb[i+1] ) flag2 = 1; else ++i; } else flag2 = 1; } /* while( flag2 == 0 ) */ } /* else of if (da > db) */ if (i >= na) flag = 2; if (j >= nb) flag = 2; } /* while (flag < 2) */ } static char metcmat2_id[] = "$Id: metcmat2.c,v 1.4 1998/08/04 17:29:51 shyong Exp $"; /* * Get C-matrix from CK at a given MET. * * Input: * double met : Mission Elapse Time * double tol : Time tolerance in second * * Output: * double cmat[][3]: C-matrix * double av[] : Angular Velocity Rate * * Return: * Spacecraft clock time upon success, otherwise -1. * * The C-Kernel will be loaded automatically. */ #include #include #include #include "spice_id.h" #define SCLKLEN 80 #define CKDIR "/project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/.ck" #define FACTOR 1000 typedef int LOGICAL; extern void reset(void); extern LOGICAL failed(void); extern void ckgpav(int *, double *, double *, char *, double[][3], double[], double *, LOGICAL *, int); double metcmat2(int inst, double met, double tol, double cmat[][3], double av[]) { double sclkdp; int sc; double clkout; char sclkch[SCLKLEN]; char ref[6]; LOGICAL fnd; int errst; char *strptr, *tmpptr; sc = inst / 1000; if (!metsclkdp(sc, met, &sclkdp, &errst)) return -1; tol *= FACTOR; if (loadck2(met) < 0) return -1; strcpy(ref, "J2000"); ckgpav(&inst, &sclkdp, &tol, ref, cmat, av, &clkout, &fnd, strlen(ref)); if (fnd) { scdecd(&sc, &clkout, sclkch, SCLKLEN); if (failed()) { reset(); return (0); } strptr = strchr(sclkch, '/'); if (strptr == NULL) strptr = sclkch; else strptr++; tmpptr = strptr; while (isdigit(*tmpptr)) tmpptr++; *tmpptr = '\0'; return (atof(strptr) / FACTOR); /* SUCCESS */ } else return -1; } /* * Load CK for a given met * * Input: * double met : Mission Elapse Time (e.g., 43989400) * * Output: None * * Return: * SPICE loaded file's handle or -1 when load failed. */ int loadck2(double met) { static int init=1; static int p=0; static int phandle, pyrday=0; static double smet=-86400; char ckfile[120]; int handle, len; char dir[100], *tmpdir; int year, doy, yrday; int errst; char utc[40]; char str[20]; void cklpf(char *, int *, int); void unldck2(int); if (met < smet || met >= smet + 86400) { metutc(NEAR, met, utc, &errst); utc[4] = '\0'; utc[8] = '\0'; year = atol(utc); doy = atol(utc+5); yrday = year * 1000 + doy; if (pyrday != 0) unldck2(phandle); if (NULL != (tmpdir = getenv("NEAR_CK"))) strcpy(dir, tmpdir); else strcpy(dir, CKDIR); sprintf(ckfile, "%s/near%07d.bc", dir, yrday); fprintf(stderr, "loadck2 %s ...\n", ckfile); len = strlen(ckfile); cklpf(ckfile, &handle, len); if (failed()) { fprintf(stderr, "loadck2 %s fail\n", ckfile); reset(); return -1; } phandle = handle; pyrday = yrday; sprintf(str, "%d-%03d//", year, doy); utcmet(NEAR, str, &smet, &errst); } return phandle; } /* * Unload a CK file * * input: * int handle : Handle of CK file to be unloaded. */ void unldck2(int handle) { void ckupf(int *); ckupf(&handle); if (failed()) reset(); } static char metquat_id[] = "$Id: metquat.c,v 1997/08/28 14:13:50 shyong Exp $"; /* * Get quaternion from CK at a given MET * * Input: * double met : Mission Elapse Time * double tol : Time tolerance in second * * Output: * double quat[] : Quaternion (q0, q1, q2, q3) * double av[] : Angular Velocity Rate */ typedef int LOGICAL; extern double metcmat2(int, double, double, double [][3], double []); extern void m2q(double [][3], double []); void metquat2(int inst, double met, double tol, double quat[], double av[]) { double cmat[3][3]; double clkout; int i; if (-1 == (clkout = metcmat2(inst, met, tol, cmat, av))) { for (i=0; i<4; i++) quat[i] = 0.0; for (i=0; i<3; i++) av[i] = 0.0; } else m2q(cmat, quat); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: open_input_files.c ; ; Description: Open the requested byyddd.fix, bctpyyddd.mrg,a nd ; ctpyyddd.mrg input files. ; ; Inputs: Input file names. ; ; Outputs: File ptr's and/or open error ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================== */ #include void open_input_files(char b_file[50],char bctp_file[50],char ctp_file[50], FILE *input_files_ptr[2],int *open_error) { int i; int all_files_ok = 1; for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) input_files_ptr[i] = NULL; /* no guarantee that the system will NULL it */ input_files_ptr[0] = fopen(b_file,"r"); input_files_ptr[1] = fopen(bctp_file,"r"); input_files_ptr[2] = fopen(ctp_file,"r"); if ( (input_files_ptr[0] == NULL) || (input_files_ptr[1] == NULL) || (input_files_ptr[2] == NULL) ) { all_files_ok = 0; *open_error = 1; } else *open_error = 0; /* If all files are not available, close files that have been opened because we will skip these files. */ if (!all_files_ok) { for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) if ( input_files_ptr[i] != NULL) fclose(input_files_ptr[i]); } } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: open_output_files.c ; ; Description: Open the output files. ; ; Inputs: Input file names. ; ; Outputs: File ptr's and/or open error ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================== */ #include void open_output_files(char output_file_names[4][50], FILE *output_file_ptrs[4], int *open_error) { int i; int all_files_ok = 1; for (i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) { output_file_ptrs[i] = NULL; /* no guarantee that the system will NULL it */ output_file_ptrs[i] = fopen(output_file_names[i],"a"); } if ( (output_file_ptrs[0] == NULL) || (output_file_ptrs[1] == NULL) || (output_file_ptrs[2] == NULL) || (output_file_ptrs[3] == NULL) ) { all_files_ok = 0; *open_error = 1; } else *open_error = 0; /* If all files cannot be opened, close files that have been opened. */ if (!all_files_ok) { for (i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) if ( output_file_ptrs[i] != NULL) fclose(output_file_ptrs[i]); } } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: print_input_file_open_errors ; ; Description: Some files are not in the local directory, print ; an error and exit. ; ; Inputs: file pointers and file names ; ; Outputs: None ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include void print_input_file_open_errors(char b_file[50], char bctp_file[50], char ctp_file[50]) { printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", "**ERROR: Problem opening", b_file," and/or ",bctp_file," and/or ", ctp_file); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: print_output_file_open_errors ; ; Description: Some files can't be opened in the local directory, print ; an error and exit. ; ; Inputs: file pointers and file names ; ; Outputs: None ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 01/12/00 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include void print_output_file_open_errors(char output_file_names[4][50]) { printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", "**ERROR: Problem opening", output_file_names[0]," and/or ", output_file_names[1]," and/or ", output_file_names[2]," and/or ", output_file_names[3]); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: process_b_bctp_ctp_files ; ; Description: Process all the byyddd.fix, bctpyyddd.mrg, and ; ctpyyddd.mrg files in order to produce the data ; products required by the mag team for the Eros encounter. ; ; Inputs: Number of files, byyddd.fix, bctpyyddd.mrg, and ; ctpyyddd.mrg file lists. ; ; Outputs: b_SC_yyddd.dat, b_J2000_yyddd.dat, b_ABF_yyddd.dat, ; and b_ESO_yyddd.dat ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" #include "mag_eros_products_prototypes.h" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void process_b_bctp_ctp_files(int num_b_files,char b_input_files[100][50], char bctp_input_files[100][50], char ctp_input_files[100][50]) { int i; int open_input_files_error = 0; int open_output_files_error = 0; FILE *input_files_ptr[3]; struct b_data b_mrg; struct bctp_data bctp_mrg; struct ctp_data ctp_mrg; struct time_data proc_time; struct time_errors proc_time_errors; struct b_conv_data b_J2000; struct position_data eros_pos; struct position_data near_pos; struct position_data earth_pos; struct velocity_data eros_vel; struct velocity_data near_vel; struct velocity_data earth_vel; struct unit_vectors_J2000 ABF_unit_vec_J2000; struct b_conv_data b_ABF; struct position_data dr_neros_ABF; struct b_conv_data b_SUN; struct position_data dr_neros_SUN; long int array_counters[3] = {0,0,0}; int year, doy; char output_file_names[4][50]; FILE *output_file_ptrs[4]; int end_of_file = 0; int first_write = 1; for (i = 0; i <= num_b_files; ++i) { end_of_file = 0; open_input_files(b_input_files[i],bctp_input_files[i],ctp_input_files[i], input_files_ptr,&open_input_files_error); if (!open_input_files_error) { printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", "--> Processing: ",b_input_files[i]," and ",bctp_input_files[i], " and ",ctp_input_files[i]); /* Read the file headers - only once. */ read_file_headers(input_files_ptr); /* Extract the year and doy from the file name. */ get_year_doy(b_input_files[i],&year,&doy); /* Build the output file name. */ printf("%s \n","--> Building output file names."); build_output_file_names(year,doy,output_file_names); /* Check if output files exist. If so, delete existing files. */ printf("%s \n","--> Checking if output files exist. Will delete."); check_files(output_file_names); /* Open output files */ open_output_files(output_file_names,output_file_ptrs, &open_output_files_error); if (!open_output_files_error) { /* Process files in chunks based on array sizes. */ while (!end_of_file) { /* Read the input files. */ printf("%s \n","--> Reading input files."); read_input_files(input_files_ptr, &b_mrg, &bctp_mrg, &ctp_mrg, array_counters,&end_of_file); /* Check if b_data array counter and bctp_data array counter are the same. If they disagree, flag an error and exit. */ check_array_counters(array_counters, b_input_files[i], bctp_input_files[i],ctp_input_files[i]); /* Calculate and load UTC and MET times. */ printf("%s \n","--> Calculating UTC and MET times."); calc_load_times(array_counters[0],b_mrg,bctp_mrg,&proc_time, &proc_time_errors); /* Here we transform the data to the various coord systems. */ printf("%s \n","--> Transforming to various coord systems."); coord_xform(year,doy,array_counters[0],proc_time,&proc_time_errors, b_mrg,&b_J2000,&eros_pos,&near_pos,&earth_pos,&eros_vel, &near_vel,&earth_vel,&ABF_unit_vec_J2000,&b_ABF, &dr_neros_ABF,&b_SUN,&dr_neros_SUN); /* Write the output file. */ printf("%s \n","--> Writing the 4 output files."); write_output_files(output_file_ptrs,output_file_names, array_counters[0],first_write,b_mrg, bctp_mrg,ctp_mrg,proc_time,proc_time_errors, b_J2000, eros_pos,near_pos,earth_pos,eros_vel,near_vel, earth_vel,ABF_unit_vec_J2000,b_ABF,dr_neros_ABF, b_SUN,dr_neros_SUN); /* Set to FALSE so that the headers are not rewritten. */ first_write = 0; /* Zero array counters to load next set of data. */ zero_array_counters(array_counters); } /* while(!end_of_file) */ close_input_files(input_files_ptr); close_output_files(output_file_ptrs); } else /* (!open_output_files_error) */ print_output_file_open_errors(output_file_names); } else print_input_file_open_errors(b_input_files[i],bctp_input_files[i], ctp_input_files[i]); } /* for (i = 0; i <= num_b_files; ++i) */ } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: read_file_headers ; ; Description: Read the file headers and "discard". ; ; Inputs: file pointers ; ; Outputs: None ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 01/12/00 Original code. ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include void read_file_headers(FILE *input_files_ptr[3]) { int i; char temp_header[250]; for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) fscanf(input_files_ptr[i],"%[^\n]\n",temp_header); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: read_input_file_list ; ; Description: Read the list of input files. ; ; Inputs: Name of file containing list of input files. ; ; Outputs: List of input files. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 01/30/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include void read_input_file_list(char input_file_list[50],int *num_b_files, char b_input_files[100][50]) { FILE *fp; int i = 0; fp = fopen(input_file_list,"r"); if (fp != NULL) { while ( (fscanf(fp,"%s",b_input_files[i]) != EOF) && (i <= 99) ) ++i; --i; *num_b_files = i; fclose(fp); } else { printf("%s %s %s\n","**ERROR: TROUBLE OPENING ",input_file_list," EXITING"); exit(0); } } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: read_input_files ; ; Description: Read in the input files byyddd.fix, bctpyyddd.mrg, ; and ctpyyddd.mrg ; ; Inputs: File pointers to input files. ; ; Outputs: Arrays containing data from the input files. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" void read_input_files(FILE *input_files_ptr[3], struct b_data *b_mrg, struct bctp_data *bctp_mrg, struct ctp_data *ctp_mrg, long int array_counters[3], int *end_of_file) { long int i,j; int t_day,t_hr,t_min; float t_sec,t_bx,t_by,t_bz; float t_diff; /* dummy */ int t_h1,t_h2,t_h3; /* dummy */ int t_ashnt1,t_dgshnt,t_slrarry; float factor1,factor2,factor3; float b_exp = 2.0; float temp1,temp1t,temp2t; int temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,temp7,temp8; int continue_reading = 1; for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) { if ( i == 0 ) /* The byyddd.fix file. */ { j = array_counters[i]; continue_reading = 1; while (continue_reading) { if (j <= 49999) { fscanf(input_files_ptr[i],"%d%d%d%f%f%f%f%f%d", &t_day,&t_hr,&t_min,&t_sec,&temp1, &t_bx,&t_by,&t_bz,&temp2); *end_of_file = feof(input_files_ptr[i]); if (!*end_of_file) { b_mrg->day[j] = t_day; b_mrg->hr[j] = t_hr; b_mrg->min[j] = t_min; b_mrg->sec[j] = t_sec; b_mrg->bx[j] = t_bx; b_mrg->by[j] = t_by; b_mrg->bz[j] = t_bz; factor1 = pow(b_mrg->bx[j],b_exp); factor2 = pow(b_mrg->by[j],b_exp); factor3 = pow(b_mrg->bz[j],b_exp); b_mrg->b_tot[j] = sqrt(factor1 + factor2 + factor3); ++j; } /* if (!*end_of_file) */ else continue_reading = 0; } /* if (j <= 49999) */ else continue_reading = 0; } /* while (continue_reading) */ array_counters[i] = --j; } else if ( i == 1 ) /* The bctpyyddd.mrg file. */ { j = array_counters[i]; continue_reading = 1; while (continue_reading) { if (j <= 49999) { fscanf(input_files_ptr[i],"%d%d%d%f%f%f%f%f", &t_day,&t_hr,&t_min,&t_sec,&temp1, &t_bx,&t_by,&t_bz); *end_of_file = feof(input_files_ptr[i]); if (!*end_of_file) { bctp_mrg->day[j] = t_day; bctp_mrg->hr[j] = t_hr; bctp_mrg->min[j] = t_min; bctp_mrg->sec[j] = t_sec; bctp_mrg->bx[j] = t_bx; bctp_mrg->by[j] = t_by; ++j; } /* if (!*end_of_file) */ else continue_reading = 0; } /* if (j <= 49999) */ else continue_reading = 0; } /* while (continue_reading) */ array_counters[i] = --j; } else if ( i == 2 ) /* The ctpyyddd.mrg file. */ { j = array_counters[i]; continue_reading = 1; while (continue_reading) { if (j <= 49999) { fscanf(input_files_ptr[i],"%d%d%d%f%f%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%f%f", &temp2,&temp3,&temp4,&temp1,&t_diff, &t_h1,&t_h2,&t_h3,&t_ashnt1,&t_dgshnt, &t_slrarry,&temp5,&temp6,&temp7,&temp8,&temp1t,&temp2t); *end_of_file = feof(input_files_ptr[i]); if (!*end_of_file) { ctp_mrg->ASHNT1[j] = t_ashnt1; ctp_mrg->DGSHNT[j] = t_dgshnt; ctp_mrg->SLR_ARRY[j] = t_slrarry; ++j; } /* if (!*end_of_file) */ else continue_reading = 0; } /* if (j <= 49999) */ else continue_reading = 0; } /* while (continue_reading) */ array_counters[i] = --j; } } /* for i */ } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: vcross ; ; Description: Calc cross product of 2 vectors. ; ; Inputs: 2 vectors ; ; Outputs: The cross product. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Translated from Brian Anderson's FORTRAN code. ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ void vcross(double v1[3],double v2[3], double v[3]) { v[0] = v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1]; v[1] = v1[2]*v2[0] - v1[0]*v2[2]; v[2] = v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0]; } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: vdot ; ; Description: Calc dot product of 2 vectors. ; ; Inputs: 2 vectors ; ; Outputs: The dot product. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Translated from Brian Anderson's FORTRAN code. ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ void vdot(double v1[3],double v2[3], double *dot_prod) { *dot_prod = v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2]; } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: vmag ; ; Description: Calc magnitude of a vector. ; ; Inputs: 1 vectors ; ; Outputs: The magnitude of the vector. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/15/98 Translated from Brian Anderson's FORTRAN code. ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void vmag(double v1[3], double *v_mag) { *v_mag = sqrt(v1[0]*v1[0] + v1[1]*v1[1] + v1[2]*v1[2]); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: write_b_ABF_file ; ; Description: Write the b_ABF_yyddd.dat output file. ; ; Inputs: output file name, array counter, bctp & ctp data. ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/17/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void write_b_ABF_file(FILE *output_file_ptr, long int array_counter, int first_write, struct time_data proc_time,struct b_data b_mrg, struct b_conv_data b_ABF, struct position_data dr_neros_ABF) { long int i; if (first_write) fprintf(output_file_ptr,"%s \n", "UTC Year Day Hr Mn Sec MET Day Hr Mn Sec dMET BX BY BZ BTOT ABFx ABFy ABFz"); for (i = 0; i <= array_counter; ++i) fprintf(output_file_ptr,"%4d %4d %3d %3d %6.2f %4d %3d %3d %6.2f %7.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %15.4lf %15.4lf %15.4lf\n", proc_time.utc_year[i],proc_time.utc_doy[i],proc_time.utc_hr[i], proc_time.utc_min[i],proc_time.utc_sec[i], b_mrg.day[i],b_mrg.hr[i],b_mrg.min[i],b_mrg.sec[i], proc_time.MET_diff[i],b_ABF.bx[i],b_ABF.by[i], b_ABF.bz[i], b_ABF.b_tot[i], dr_neros_ABF.x[i],dr_neros_ABF.y[i],dr_neros_ABF.z[i]); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: write_b_ESO_file ; ; Description: Write the b_ESO_yyddd.dat output file. ; It was called b_SUN_yyddd.dat output file. ; ; Inputs: output file name, array counter, bctp & ctp data. ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/17/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void write_b_ESO_file(FILE *output_file_ptr, long int array_counter, int first_write, struct time_data proc_time,struct b_data b_mrg, struct b_conv_data b_SUN, struct position_data dr_neros_SUN) { long int i; if (first_write) fprintf(output_file_ptr,"%s \n", "UTC Year Day Hr Mn Sec MET Day Hr Mn Sec dMET BX BY BZ BTOT SUNx SUN SUNz"); for (i = 0; i <= array_counter; ++i) fprintf(output_file_ptr,"%4d %4d %3d %3d %6.2f %4d %3d %3d %6.2f %7.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %15.4lf %15.4lf %15.4lf\n", proc_time.utc_year[i],proc_time.utc_doy[i],proc_time.utc_hr[i], proc_time.utc_min[i],proc_time.utc_sec[i], b_mrg.day[i],b_mrg.hr[i],b_mrg.min[i],b_mrg.sec[i], proc_time.MET_diff[i],b_SUN.bx[i],b_SUN.by[i], b_SUN.bz[i], b_SUN.b_tot[i], dr_neros_SUN.x[i],dr_neros_SUN.y[i],dr_neros_SUN.z[i]); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: write_b_J2000_file ; ; Description: Write the b_J2000_yyddd.dat output file. ; ; Inputs: output file name, array counter, bctp & ctp data. ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/17/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void write_b_J2000_file(FILE *output_file_ptr, long int array_counter, int first_write, struct time_data proc_time, struct time_errors proc_time_errors, struct b_data b_mrg, struct b_conv_data b_J2000, struct position_data eros_pos, struct position_data near_pos, struct position_data earth_pos, struct velocity_data eros_vel, struct velocity_data near_vel, struct velocity_data earth_vel, struct unit_vectors_J2000 ABF_unit_vec_J2000) { long int i; if (first_write) fprintf(output_file_ptr,"%s \n", "UTC Year Day Hr Mn Sec MET Day Hr Mn Sec dMET BX BY BZ BTOT R_Eros:x,y,z R_NEAR:x,y,z R_Earth:x,y,z V_Eros:vx,vy,vz V_NEAR:vx,vy,vz V_Earth:vx,vy,vz nx_Eros:nx1,nx2,nx3 nz_Eros:nz1,nz2,nz3 Error: metutc metet cmat state: eros near earth"); for (i = 0; i <= array_counter; ++i) fprintf(output_file_ptr,"%4d %4d %3d %3d %6.2f %4d %3d %3d %6.2f %7.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %9.2lf %16.7lf %16.7lf %16.7lf %16.7lf %16.7lf %16.7lf %16.7lf %16.7lf %16.7lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", proc_time.utc_year[i],proc_time.utc_doy[i],proc_time.utc_hr[i], proc_time.utc_min[i],proc_time.utc_sec[i], b_mrg.day[i],b_mrg.hr[i],b_mrg.min[i],b_mrg.sec[i], proc_time.MET_diff[i],b_J2000.bx[i],b_J2000.by[i], b_J2000.bz[i], b_J2000.b_tot[i], eros_pos.x[i],eros_pos.y[i],eros_pos.z[i], near_pos.x[i],near_pos.y[i],near_pos.z[i], earth_pos.x[i],earth_pos.y[i],earth_pos.z[i], eros_vel.vx[i],eros_vel.vy[i],eros_vel.vz[i], near_vel.vx[i], near_vel.vy[i], near_vel.vz[i], earth_vel.vx[i],earth_vel.vy[i],earth_vel.vz[i], ABF_unit_vec_J2000.ex1[i],ABF_unit_vec_J2000.ex2[i], ABF_unit_vec_J2000.ex3[i],ABF_unit_vec_J2000.ez1[i], ABF_unit_vec_J2000.ez2[i],ABF_unit_vec_J2000.ez3[i], proc_time_errors.metutc_error[i],proc_time_errors.metet_error[i], proc_time_errors.cmat_error[i], eros_pos.error[i],near_pos.error[i],earth_pos.error[i]); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: write_b_SC_file ; ; Description: Write the b_SC_yyddd.dat output file. ; ; Inputs: output file name, array counter, bctp & ctp data. ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/17/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void write_b_SC_file(FILE *output_file_ptr, long int array_counter, int first_write, struct time_data proc_time, struct b_data b_mrg, struct bctp_data bctp_mrg, struct ctp_data ctp_mrg) { long int i; if (first_write) fprintf(output_file_ptr,"%s \n", "UTC Year Day Hr Mn Sec MET Day Hr Mn Sec dMET BX BY BZ BTOT ASHNT1 DGSHNT1 SLR_ARRAY BXCTP BYCTP BZCTP"); for (i = 0; i <= array_counter; ++i) fprintf(output_file_ptr,"%4d %4d %3d %3d %6.2f %4d %3d %3d %6.2f %7.2lf %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %3d %3d %3d %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", proc_time.utc_year[i], proc_time.utc_doy[i], proc_time.utc_hr[i], proc_time.utc_min[i], proc_time.utc_sec[i], b_mrg.day[i], b_mrg.hr[i], b_mrg.min[i], b_mrg.sec[i], proc_time.MET_diff[i], b_mrg.bx[i], b_mrg.by[i], b_mrg.bz[i], b_mrg.b_tot[i], ctp_mrg.ASHNT1[i], ctp_mrg.DGSHNT[i], ctp_mrg.SLR_ARRY[i], bctp_mrg.bx[i], bctp_mrg.by[i], bctp_mrg.bz[i]); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: write_output_files ; ; Description: Write data to output files. ; ; Inputs: output file names, array counter, b,bctp, & ctp data. ; ; Outputs: None. ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 10/17/98 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ #include #include #include "mag_eros_products_data_types.h" #include "mag_eros_products_prototypes.h" /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void write_output_files(FILE *output_file_ptrs[4], char output_file_names[4][50], long int array_counter, int first_write, struct b_data b_mrg,struct bctp_data bctp_mrg, struct ctp_data ctp_mrg,struct time_data proc_time, struct time_errors proc_time_errors, struct b_conv_data b_J2000, struct position_data eros_pos, struct position_data near_pos, struct position_data earth_pos, struct velocity_data eros_vel, struct velocity_data near_vel, struct velocity_data earth_vel, struct unit_vectors_J2000 ABF_unit_vec_J2000, struct b_conv_data b_ABF, struct position_data dr_neros_ABF, struct b_conv_data b_SUN, struct position_data dr_neros_SUN) { /* Write b_SC_yyddd.dat file. */ printf("%s %s\n","Writing: ",output_file_names[0]); write_b_SC_file(output_file_ptrs[0],array_counter,first_write,proc_time, b_mrg,bctp_mrg,ctp_mrg); /* Write b_J2000_yyddd.dat file. */ printf("%s %s\n","Writing: ",output_file_names[1]); write_b_J2000_file(output_file_ptrs[1],array_counter,first_write,proc_time, proc_time_errors,b_mrg, b_J2000,eros_pos,near_pos,earth_pos,eros_vel,near_vel, earth_vel,ABF_unit_vec_J2000); /* Write b_ABF_yyddd.dat file. */ printf("%s %s\n","Writing: ",output_file_names[2]); write_b_ABF_file(output_file_ptrs[2],array_counter,first_write,proc_time, b_mrg,b_ABF,dr_neros_ABF); /* Write b_ESO_yydd.dat file. (was b_SUN) */ printf("%s %s\n","Writing: ",output_file_names[3]); write_b_ESO_file(output_file_ptrs[3],array_counter,first_write,proc_time, b_mrg,b_SUN,dr_neros_SUN); } /* =========================================================================== ; ; Name: zero_array_counters ; ; Description: zero out the array counters array ; ; Inputs: array of array counters ; ; Outputs: zeroed out array of array counters ; ; Author Date Comment ; ---------- -------- ----------- ; Bruce Toth 01/18/00 Original code ; ; $Id$ ; ; $Log$ ; ;========================================================================= */ void zero_array_counters(long int array_counters[3]) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) array_counters[i] = 0; } struct b_data { int year[50000]; int day[50000]; int hr[50000]; int min[50000]; float sec[50000]; float bx[50000]; float by[50000]; float bz[50000]; float b_tot[50000]; }; struct bctp_data { int day[50000]; int hr[50000]; int min[50000]; float sec[50000]; float bx[50000]; float by[50000]; float bz[50000]; float b_tot[50000]; }; struct ctp_data { int ASHNT1[50000]; int DGSHNT[50000]; int SLR_ARRY[50000]; }; struct time_data { int utc_year[50000]; int utc_doy[50000]; int utc_hr[50000]; int utc_min[50000]; float utc_sec[50000]; double MET[50000]; double MET_diff[50000]; }; struct time_errors { int metutc_error[50000]; int metet_error[50000]; int cmat_error[50000]; }; struct position_data { double x[50000]; double y[50000]; double z[50000]; int error[50000]; /* record state vector error */ }; struct velocity_data { double vx[50000]; double vy[50000]; double vz[50000]; }; struct unit_vectors_J2000 { double ex1[50000]; double ex2[50000]; double ex3[50000]; double ez1[50000]; double ez2[50000]; double ez3[50000]; }; struct b_conv_data /* Data converted to given coord sys. */ { float bx[50000]; float by[50000]; float bz[50000]; float b_tot[50000]; }; void get_input_file_list(char input_file_list[50]); void read_input_file_list(char input_file_list[50],int *num_b_files, char b_input_files[100][50]); void build_bctp_ctp_file_names(int num_b_files,char b_input_files[100][50], char bctp_input_files[100][50], char ctp_input_files[100][50]); void process_b_bctp_ctp_files(int num_b_files,char b_input_files[100][50], char bctp_input_files[100][50], char ctp_input_files[100][50]); void open_input_files(char b_file[50],char bctp_file[50],char ctp_file[50], FILE *input_files_ptr[3],int *open_error); void print_input_file_open_errors(char b_file[50], char bctp_file[50], char ctp_file[50]); void print_output_file_open_errors(char output_file_names[4][50]); void read_input_files(FILE *input_files_ptr[3], struct b_data *b_mrg, struct bctp_data *bctp_mrg, struct ctp_data *ctp_mrg, long int array_counters[3], int *end_of_file); void close_input_files(FILE *input_files_ptr[3]); void read_file_headers(FILE *input_files_ptr[3]); void check_array_counters(long int array_counters[3], char filename_1[50], char filename_2[50], char filemame_3[50]); void zero_array_counters(long int array_counters[3]); void calc_load_times(long int array_count, struct b_data b_mrg, struct bctp_data bctp_mrg, struct time_data *proc_time, struct time_errors *proc_time_errors); void calc_MET_time(int dday, int hhr, int mmin, double temp_sec,double *cbMET); void get_year_doy(char b_file_name[50], int *year, int *doy); void coord_xform(int year, int doy, long int array_counter, struct time_data proc_time, struct time_errors *proc_time_errors, struct b_data b_mrg, struct b_conv_data *b_J2000, struct position_data *eros_pos, struct position_data *near_pos, struct position_data *earth_pos, struct velocity_data *eros_vel, struct velocity_data *near_vel, struct velocity_data *earth_vel, struct unit_vectors_J2000 *ABF_unit_vec_J2000, struct b_conv_data *b_ABF, struct position_data *dr_neros_ABF, struct b_conv_data *b_SUN, struct position_data *dr_neros_SUN); void calc_utc_hr_min_sec(double sod,int *utc_hr, int *utc_min, float *utc_sec); void build_output_file_names(int year, int doy, char output_file_name[4][50]); void check_files(char output_file_names[4][50]); void open_output_files(char output_file_names[4][50], FILE *output_file_ptrs[4],int *); void write_output_files(FILE *output_file_ptrs[4], char output_file_names[4][50], long int array_counters, int first_write, struct b_data b_mrg,struct bctp_data bctp_mrg, struct ctp_data ctp_mrg,struct time_data proc_time, struct time_errors proc_time_errors, struct b_conv_data b_J2000, struct position_data eros_pos, struct position_data near_pos, struct position_data earth_pos, struct velocity_data eros_vel, struct velocity_data near_vel, struct velocity_data earth_vel, struct unit_vectors_J2000 ABF_unit_vec_J2000, struct b_conv_data b_ABF, struct position_data dr_neros_ABF, struct b_conv_data b_SUN, struct position_data dr_neros_SUN); void write_b_SC_file(FILE *output_file_ptr, long int array_counter, int first_write, struct time_data proc_time, struct b_data b_mrg, struct bctp_data bctp_mrg, struct ctp_data ctp_mrg); void write_b_J2000_file(FILE *output_file_ptr, long int array_counter, int first_write, struct time_data proc_time, struct time_errors proc_time_errors, struct b_data b_mrg, struct b_conv_data b_J2000, struct position_data eros_pos, struct position_data near_pos, struct position_data earth_pos, struct velocity_data eros_vel, struct velocity_data near_vel, struct velocity_data earth_vel, struct unit_vectors_J2000 ABF_unit_vec_J2000); void write_b_ABF_file(FILE *output_file_ptr, long int array_counter, int first_write, struct time_data proc_time,struct b_data b_mrg, struct b_conv_data b_ABF, struct position_data dr_neros_ABF); void write_b_SUN_file(FILE *output_file_ptr, long int array_counter, int first_write, struct time_data proc_time,struct b_data b_mrg, struct b_conv_data b_SUN, struct position_data dr_neros_SUN); void close_output_files(FILE *output_files_ptr[4]); void vcross(double v1[3],double v2[3], double v[3]); void vdot(double v1[3],double v2[3], double *dot); void vmag(double v1[3], double *v_mag); CC = cc -Aa +z -c OBJS = merge_data.o dmin.o Callmerge_data.o heater_correction.o\ by_htr.o a0fit.o a1fit.o a2fit.o a3fit.o Callheater_correction.o pt_hp.so : $(OBJS) ld -b -o idlmerge_hp.sl $(OBJS) merge_data.o : merge_data.c $(CC) -o merge_data.o merge_data.c -lm dmin.o : dmin.c $(CC) -o dmin.o dmin.c Callmerge_data.o : Callmerge_data.c $(CC) -o Callmerge_data.o Callmerge_data.c heater_correction.o : heater_correction.c $(CC) -o heater_correction.o heater_correction.c by_htr.o : by_htr.c $(CC) -o by_htr.o by_htr.c -lm a0fit.o : a0fit.c $(CC) -o a0fit.o a0fit.c -lm a1fit.o : a1fit.c $(CC) -o a1fit.o a1fit.c -lm a2fit.o : a2fit.c $(CC) -o a2fit.o a2fit.c -lm a3fit.o : a3fit.c $(CC) -o a3fit.o a3fit.c -lm Callheater_correction.o : Callheater_correction.c $(CC) -o Callheater_correction.o Callheater_correction.c CC = cc CFLAGS = -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE -c SDIR = /project/near/SDC_sw/PROD/sdc SINC = -I$(SDIR)/include SLIB = -lm -L$(SDIR)/lib -lspice2 SPDIR = /project/near/spice/naif/toolkit/lib SPLIB = -L$(SPDIR)/ -lnear -lsupport -ltoolkit -lcl .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .c .o .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SINC) $< OBJS = mag_eros_products_main.o \ open_input_files.o print_input_file_open_errors.o \ print_output_file_open_errors.o read_input_files.o \ read_input_file_list.o close_input_files.o read_file_headers.o\ build_bctp_ctp_file_names.o process_b_bctp_ctp_files.o \ check_array_counters.o calc_load_times.o calc_MET_time.o \ coord_xform.o get_year_doy.o build_output_file_names.o \ open_output_files.o write_output_files.o write_b_SC_file.o \ write_b_J2000_file.o write_b_ABF_file.o write_b_ESO_file.o \ close_output_files.o vcross.o vdot.o vmag.o check_files.o \ zero_array_counters.o metcmat2.o metquat2.o mag_eros_products : $(OBJS) $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $< $(SLIB) $(SPLIB) -------------------------- .run magview_merge.pro exit --------------------------- program mrg_corrections_v8 c c c Filenames: bYYDDD.mrg 10 chars, format('b',a5,'.mrg') c bctpYYDDD.mrg 13 chars, format('bctp',a5,'.mrg') c ctpYYDDD.mrg 12 chars, format('ctp',a5,'.mrg') c c Heritage: mrg_proc01.f (For getting averages over days) c c Pupose: to apply S/C corrections: c 1. Subtract BCTP c 2. Subtract ASHNT1 field. c 3. Subtract digital shunt steps. c 4. Subtract constant offset. c 5. Subtract range offsets for days before 578 (upload). c 6. Subtract solar array current contribution (1/22/98) c 7. Sensor orientation adjustment (2/20/98) c c Digital shunt steps are subtracted relative to step #18. c Constant offset is evaluated for shunt step #18. c Range offsets are for instrument range 3. c c Modified: 12/14-22/98 c 1. New analog shunt model - six segment linear piecewise function c 2. Modified digital shunt steps. c Modified: 12/22/98 c 1. No digital shunt steps - now differences in slopes c of arry current dependence. (Modeling indicates shunt steps should be c invisible.) c 3. Incorporated better digital shunt current levels. c c Modified: 1/4/98 c 1. Scrub differences in slopes. Now use shunt steps proportional to c total solar array current. c c c Modified: 2/13/00 c 1. New digital shunt step coefficients derived and inserted. c 2. Offset proportional to electronics temperature correction added. c (Required access to bhsk files directly.) c c Modified: 7/5/00 c 1. Revised digital shunt step coefficients including data from >=100km c orbits. Made significant difference in by coefs for steps 8 and 9. c 2. Added spacecraft offset correction depending on met_day from a c lookup table. c Offsets determined by B.dB=0 method on 10 minute averages (despiked) c using a 27-day time span. c c Modified: 3/19/01 c 1. Added thruster valve correction to remove step from valve opening c that occurred during descent. Step calibrated using 6 prior valve c operations. c character*1 junk character*80 filelist character*5 yd character*10 bfile,outbfile character*12 ctpfile,scfld_file character*13 bctpfile,bhskfile real bsec,bt,bx,by,bz,bcsec,bct,bcx,bcy,bcz,csec,ct, & dig_rat,dg_lowr(20),dg_uppr(20), c & bx_ashnt(20),by_ashnt(20),bz_ashnt(20), & bx_dshunt(20),by_dshunt(20),bz_dshunt(20), & ox(8),oy(8),oz(8), & arry_bx(20),arry_by(20),arry_bz(20), & bxoffset(2),byoffset(2),bzoffset(2), & thxy,thxz,cos_xy,sin_xy,cos_xz,sin_xz, & bxtmp,bytmp,bztmp, & xash,yash,zash,bxSC,bySC,bzSC, & bash(3),boffset(3),barry(3),bdshunt(3),btelec(3),boff_SC(3) integer bday,bhr,bmn,rng,bcday,bchr,bcmn,cday,chr,cmn, & inst_htr,sc_htr,prp_htr,ashnt1,dgshnt,slr_arry, & id,scfld_unit,str_cam,nm_dpu,xg_dpu,aiu_1, & dy_hsk,hr_hsk,mn_hsk,bhsk_unit,n_hsk,i,isc0,noff,isc1,k_sc0 real tube_temp,probe_temp, & brate,spikes,cal_on,toffset,rrange,s_hsk,dt_hsk, & rman_rng,idcdc,tprobe,telect(14000),tdpu,t_interp, & bx0_sc(500),by0_sc(500),bz0_sc(500),wt0,wt1 & bxTV,byTV,bzTV real*8 tmrg,tbhsk(14000),ttmp,t0_SC(500),xdy0_SC(500) c Versions 1&2. c c data dg_lowr/0.000,0.050,0.100,0.150,0.200,0.250,0.300, ! guesss c & 0.350,0.394,0.439,0.485,0.529,0.570,0.616, ! calibration values c & 0.668,0.721,0.774,0.826,0.878, ! calibration values c & 0.950/ ! guess c c data dg_uppr/0.050,0.100,0.150,0.200,0.250,0.300, ! guess c & 0.350,0.394,0.439,0.485,0.529,0.570,0.616, ! calibration values c & 0.668,0.721,0.774,0.826,0.878, ! calibration values c & 0.950,1.000/ ! guess c Version 3. data dg_lowr/0.0000, 0.0495, 0.0990, 0.1484, 0.1979, 0.2474, & 0.2969, 0.3464, 0.3940, 0.4390, 0.4850, 0.5290, & 0.5700, 0.6160, 0.6680, 0.7210, 0.7740, 0.8260, & 0.8780, 0.9290/ data dg_uppr/0.0495, 0.0990, 0.1484, 0.1979, 0.2474, 0.2969, & 0.3464, 0.3940, 0.4390, 0.4850, 0.5290, 0.5700, & 0.6160, 0.6680, 0.7210, 0.7740, 0.8260, 0.8780, & 0.9290, 1.0000/ c c Version 1 Analog shunt correction. Obsolete. Replaced with Version 2. c The real functions xash,yash,zash implement the Version 2 six element piecewise c linear fits that are used in Version 2. c c c data bx_ashnt/7*0.0654, ! avg. of cal. values c & 0.0530, 0.0641, 0.0639, 0.0634, 0.0757, ! calibration values c & 0.0722, 0.0662, 0.0645, ! calibration values c & 5*0.0654/ ! avg. of cal. values c c data by_ashnt/7*0.0635, ! avg. of cal. values c & 0.0921, 0.0766, 0.0693, 0.0703, 0.0587, ! calibration values c & 0.0485, 0.0531, 0.0393, ! calibration values c * 5*0.0635/ ! avg. of cal. values c c data bz_ashnt/7*-0.0021, ! avg. of cal. values c & 0.0044, 0.0174, 0.0096, 0.0030,-0.0231, ! calibration values c & -0.0180, 0.0071,-0.0175, ! calibration values c & 5*-0.0021/ ! avg. of cal. values c c Version 1: c data bxoffset,byoffset,bzoffset/ c & 86.6, 84.4, c & -89.7, -69.2, c & 151.9, 160.5/ c c data bx_dshunt,by_dshunt,bz_dshunt/ c & 7*-4.67, -4.67, -6.02, -5.90, -5.57, -6.50, c & -5.40, -4.24, -2.71, -5.32, -2.03, 3*0.0, c & 7*-3.66, -3.66, -1.94, -0.12, 0.70, -0.45, c & -2.03, 2.15, 3.45, -1.74, -5.11, 3*0.0, c & 7*-1.91, -1.91, -3.07, -4.23, -4.91, -2.43, c & -1.56, -4.62, -3.63, -1.66, 1.43, 3*0.0/ c Version 2: 12/16/98 c data bxoffset,byoffset,bzoffset/ c & 81.9, 79.7, c & -93.4, -72.9, c & 150.0, 158.6/ c c data bx_dshunt,by_dshunt,bz_dshunt/ c & 8*0.0, 0.21, 0.44, -0.07, 0.41, 3*0.33, 4.03, 4*6.13, c & 8*0.0, 2.01, 2.79, 1.14,-0.58, 3*1.85,-1.36, 4*2.72, c & 8*0.0,-0.94,-1.54, -0.18, 0.92, 3*1.58, 4.03, 4*2.77/ c Version 3: 12/22/98 c data bxoffset,byoffset,bzoffset/ c & 81.9, 79.7, c & -88.7, -68.2, c & 146.9, 155.5/ c c data bx_dshunt,by_dshunt,bz_dshunt/ c & 60*0.0/ c c data arry_bx,arry_by,arry_bz/ c & 8*-0.0198, -0.004965, -0.016297, -0.008384, -0.020320, c & -0.025339, -0.019034, -0.025775, -0.040568, -0.013899, c & -0.019098, 2*-0.0198, c & 8*0.1633, 0.155459, 0.154189, 0.169822, 0.155668, c & 0.139088, 0.195068, 0.201969, 0.170787, 0.143272, c & 0.169308, 2*0.1633, c & 8*-0.2594, -0.241036, -0.251677, -0.284205, -0.276618, c & -0.246582, -0.275155, -0.282360, -0.257410, -0.243238, c & -0.265082, 2*-0.2594/ c Version 4: 12/22/98 data bxoffset,byoffset,bzoffset/ & 81.9, 79.7, & -88.7, -68.2, & 146.9, 155.5/ c data bx_dshunt,by_dshunt,bz_dshunt/ c & 7*0.0,-0.0037,-0.0018,0.0018,0.0036,-0.0026,0.0043, c & 0.0039,0.0039,0.0039,0.0289,0.0395,0.0395,0.0395, c & 7*0.0,-0.0372,-0.0472,-0.0154,-0.0039,-0.0251,-0.0393, c & 0.013,0.013,0.013,-0.0084,0.0174,0.0174,0.0174, c & 7*0.0,0.0267,0.0321,0.0226,0.0132,0.0351,0.0533, c & 0.0325,0.0325,0.0325,0.0517,0.0447,0.0447,0.0447/ data arry_bx,arry_by,arry_bz/ & 20*-0.020,20*0.163,20*-0.259/ data ox/0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-2.415,-1.565,-46.515,-34.015/ data oy/0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 1.635, 1.640, 30.105, 15.055/ data oz/0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-3.275,-2.135,-54.990,-35.630/ c data arry_bx,arry_by,arry_bz/ -0.058, 0.158, -0.286/ ! Fit values to 97b period data thxy,thxz/1.76,0.22/ ! Sensor orientation correction angles. c Version 5: 02/12/00 Digital shunt step revision only. data bx_dshunt,by_dshunt,bz_dshunt/ & 8*-0.01338,-0.00823,-0.00381,-0.00014,-0.00846,0.0, & 0.00323,0.01260,-0.01155,0.01157,3*0.02280, & 8*0.03105,0.00887,0.03742,0.04927,0.02340,0.0, & 0.06126,0.06719,0.03205,0.00575,3*0.03260, & 8*-0.04375,-0.02438,-0.03195,-0.04400,-0.02305,0.0, & -0.01983,-0.03545,-0.00768,0.01908,3*0.01064/ c c Input data file formats: c c B*.mrg: cDay Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec) BX, BY, BZ, Range c 666 3 44 12.49 7399.49 77.49979 -66.25665 144.40353 3 c 666 3 54 12.49 7999.49 76.92754 -65.14220 145.40967 3 c c 2 read(bunit,100,end=99) bday,bhr,bmn,bsec,bt,bx,by,bz,rng c 100 format(3i4,f7.2,3x,f12.2,3(3x,f12.5),i2) c c c c cB-ctp*.mrg: cDay Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec),BX_ctp,BY_ctp,BZ_ctp c 666 3 44 12.00 7399.00 -6.01273 -21.33036 28.85257 c 666 3 54 12.00 7999.00 -5.99710 -21.27201 28.77307 c c read(bctpunit,110,end=99) bcday,bchr,bcmn,bcsec,bct,bcx,bcy,bcz c 110 format(3i4,f7.2,3x,f12.2,3(3x,f12.5)) c c c cctp*.mrg: cDay Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec),HTR_INST,HTR_SC ,HTR_PRP ,ASHNT1 ,DGSHNT ,SLR_ARRY,STR_CAM ,NM_DPU ,XG_DPU ,AIU_1 c 666 3 44 12.00 7399.00 11 0 56 69 128 160 83 79 177 124 c 666 3 54 12.00 7999.00 17 0 50 70 128 160 83 79 174 124 c c read(ctpunit,120,end=99) cday,chr,cmn,csec,ct,inst_htr,sc_htr,prp_htr,ashnt1,dgshnt,slr_arry c 120 format(3i4,f7.2,3x,f12.2,10i7) c c c bhsk: added 2/13/00 c cbhsk*.dat cDay Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec),RATE ,SPIKES,CAL_ON,OFFSET,RANGE ,MAN_RN,I_DCDC,TPROBE,TELECT,T_DPU c 1454 3 17 10.00 3600.00 6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 3.0000 3.0000 61.8500 -9.2500 20.3402 15.4634 c 1454 3 17 54.00 3644.00 6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 3.0000 3.0000 61.8500 -9.2500 20.3402 15.4634 c 1454 3 18 38.00 3688.00 6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 3.0000 3.0000 61.8500 -9.2500 19.7268 15.4634 c 1454 3 19 22.00 3732.00 6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5.0000 3.0000 3.0000 61.8500 -9.2500 20.3402 15.4634 c 1454 3 20 6.00 3776.00 6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5.0000 3.0000 3.0000 61.8500 -9.2500 20.3402 15.4634 c cos_xy=cosd(thxy) sin_xy=sind(thxy) cos_xz=cosd(thxz) sin_xz=sind(thxz) c c Open and read in offsets lookup table: (added July 7, 2000) c c open(unit=1,file='offsets.dat',status='old',readonly) i=1 7 read(1,*,end=8) xdy0_sc(i),bx0_sc(i),by0_sc(i),bz0_sc(i) t0_sc(i)=xdy0_sc(i)*86400.0 i=i+1 goto 7 8 nsc0=i-1 close(unit=1) k_sc0=1 c c Diagnostic: (passed 7/7/00) c c do i=1,nsc0 c type *,xdy0_sc(i),bx0_sc(i),by0_sc(i),bz0_sc(i) c enddo c type *,'Enter input bYYDDD.mrg file listing:' c read(*,50) filelist filelist = 'mrg_files.lis' open(unit=1,file=filelist,status='old',readonly) c c Loop over files in input listing: c 1 read(1,60,end=95) yd 60 format(1x,a5) write(bfile,51) yd write(outbfile,54) yd write(bctpfile,52) yd write(ctpfile,53) yd write(scfld_file,56) yd write(bhskfile,57) yd 51 format('b',a5,'.mrg') 52 format('bctp',a5,'.mrg') 53 format('ctp',a5,'.mrg') 54 format('b',a5,'.fix') 56 format('bsc',a5,'.dat') 57 format('bhsk',a5,'.dat') bunit=14 open(unit=bunit,file=bfile,status='old',readonly) bctpunit=15 open(unit=bctpunit,file=bctpfile,status='old',readonly) ctpunit=16 open(unit=ctpunit,file=ctpfile,status='old',readonly) c c Open bhsk file and read contents of entire file: c bhsk_unit=18 open(unit=bhsk_unit,file=bhskfile,status='old',readonly) read(bhsk_unit,50) junk i=1 21 read(bhsk_unit,*,end=91) dy_hsk,hr_hsk,mn_hsk,s_hsk,dt_hsk, & brate,spikes,cal_on,toffset,rrange,rman_rng,idcdc,tprobe,telect(i),tdpu call metd2sec(dy_hsk,hr_hsk,mn_hsk,s_hsk,ttmp) tbhsk(i)=ttmp i=i+1 goto 21 91 n_hsk=i-1 k_hsk=1 close(unit=bhsk_unit) c c Open output SC-field and fix file: c scfld_unit=17 open(unit=scfld_unit,file=scfld_file,status='unknown') outbunit=2 open(unit=outbunit,file=outbfile,status='unknown') write(outbunit,55) 55 format('Day Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec) BX, BY, BZ, Range') c c Now loop over entries in the three files: c read(bctpunit,50) junk read(bunit,50) junk read(ctpunit,50) junk 50 format(a) nx=0 ny=0 nz=0 bx_day=0.0 by_day=0.0 bz_day=0.0 today=0 2 read(bunit,*,end=99) bday,bhr,bmn,bsec,bt,bx,by,bz,rng c100 format(3i4,f7.2,3x,f12.2,3(3x,f12.5),i2) c cB-ctp*.mrg: cDay Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec),BX_ctp,BY_ctp,BZ_ctp c 666 3 44 12.00 7399.00 -6.01273 -21.33036 28.85257 c 666 3 54 12.00 7999.00 -5.99710 -21.27201 28.77307 c read(bctpunit,*,end=99) bcday,bchr,bcmn,bcsec,bct,bcx,bcy,bcz c110 format(3i4,f7.2,3x,f12.2,3(3x,f12.5)) c c Interp telect to tmrg: c call metd2sec(bday,bhr,bmn,bsec,tmrg) if (tmrg.le.tbhsk(1)) then t_interp=telect(1) goto 23 endif if (tmrg.ge.tbhsk(n_hsk)) then t_interp=telect(n_hsk) goto 23 endif 22 if (tmrg.gt.tbhsk(k_hsk+1)) then k_hsk=k_hsk+1 if (k_hsk.lt.n_hsk) then goto 22 else t_interp=telect(n_hsk) goto 23 endif endif 24 if (tmrg.le.tbhsk(k_hsk)) then k_hsk=k_hsk-1 if (k_hsk.gt.1) then goto 24 else t_interp=telect(1) goto 23 endif endif if ((tmrg.gt.tbhsk(k_hsk)).and.(tmrg.le.tbhsk(k_hsk+1))) then t_interp=( (tmrg-tbhsk(k_hsk))*telect(k_hsk+1) & + (tbhsk(k_hsk+1)-tmrg)*telect(k_hsk) ) & /(tbhsk(k_hsk+1)-tbhsk(k_hsk)) else t_interp=0.5*(tbhsk(1)+tbhsk(n_hsk)) endif 23 continue c c Interp to sc offsets: c if (tmrg.le.t0_sc(1)) then boff_SC(1)=bx0_sc(1) boff_SC(2)=by0_sc(1) boff_SC(3)=bz0_sc(1) c type *,'Using first offsets:' endif if (tmrg.ge.t0_sc(nsc0)) then boff_SC(1)=bx0_sc(nsc0) boff_SC(2)=by0_sc(nsc0) boff_SC(3)=bz0_sc(nsc0) c type *,'Using last offsets:',boff_SC(1),boff_SC(2),boff_SC(3) endif if ((tmrg.gt.t0_sc(1)).and.(tmrg.lt.t0_sc(nsc0))) then 31 if (tmrg.gt.t0_sc(k_sc0+1)) then k_sc0=k_sc0+1 type *,'k_sc0 changed to: ',k_sc0 goto 31 endif if (tmrg.le.t0_sc(k_sc0)) then k_sc0=k_sc0-1 type *,'k_sc0 changed to: ',k_sc0 goto 31 endif wt0=(t0_sc(k_sc0+1)-tmrg)/(t0_sc(k_sc0+1)-t0_sc(k_sc0)) wt1=(tmrg-t0_sc(k_sc0))/(t0_sc(k_sc0+1)-t0_sc(k_sc0)) boff_SC(1) = wt0*bx0_sc(k_sc0) + wt1*bx0_sc(k_sc0+1) boff_SC(2) = wt0*by0_sc(k_sc0) + wt1*by0_sc(k_sc0+1) boff_SC(3) = wt0*bz0_sc(k_sc0) + wt1*bz0_sc(k_sc0+1) c type *,'Using interpolated offsts:',k_sc0,boff_SC(1),boff_SC(2),boff_SC(3) endif c cctp*.mrg: cDay Hr Mn Sec t-t0 (sec),HTR_INST,HTR_SC ,HTR_PRP ,ASHNT1 ,DGSHNT ,SLR_ARRY,STR_CAM ,NM_DPU ,XG_DPU ,AIU_1 ,TubeTemp,ProbTemp c 666 3 44 12.00 7399.00 11 0 56 69 128 160 83 79 177 124 -5.14 -0.45 c 666 3 54 12.00 7999.00 17 0 50 70 128 160 83 79 174 124 -5.14 -0.45 c read(ctpunit,*,end=99) cday,chr,cmn,csec,ct,inst_htr,sc_htr,prp_htr,ashnt1,dgshnt,slr_arry, & str_cam,nm_dpu,xg_dpu,aiu_1,tube_temp,probe_temp c120 format(3i4,f7.2,3x,f12.2,10i7) dig_rat=float(dgshnt)/float(slr_arry) call get_dg_index(dig_rat,id,dg_lowr,dg_uppr,20) c c B-ctp, analog shunt, digital shunt step, DC offset and solar array current c corrections: c c -----------------Version 1 Original------------------------ c c bx=bx c & -bcx ! Terminal board c & -bx_ashnt(id)*float(ashnt1) ! Analog shunt c & -bx_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #18 c & -arry_bx*float(slr_arry) ! Solar array total current c c by=by c & -bcy ! Terminal board c & -by_ashnt(id)*float(ashnt1) ! Analog shunt c & -by_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #18 c & -arry_by*float(slr_arry) ! Solar array total current c c bz=bz c & -bcz ! Terminal board c & -bz_ashnt(id)*float(ashnt1) ! Analog shunt c & -bz_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #18 c & -arry_bz*float(slr_arry) ! Solar array total current c------------------------------------------------------------- c -----------------Version 2 12/14/98------------------------- c c bx=bx c & -bcx ! Terminal board c & -xash(ashnt1) ! Analog shunt c & -bx_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & -arry_bx*float(slr_arry) ! Solar array total current c c by=by c & -bcy ! Terminal board c & -yash(ashnt1) ! Analog shunt c & -by_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & -arry_by*float(slr_arry) ! Solar array total current c c bz=bz c & -bcz ! Terminal board c & -zash(ashnt1) ! Analog shunt c & -bz_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & -arry_bz*float(slr_arry) ! Solar array total current c------------------------------------------------------------- c -----------------Version 3b 12/28/98------------------------- c c bash(1)=xash(ashnt1) c barry(1)=arry_bx(id)*float(slr_arry) c c bxSC=bcx ! Terminal board c & +bash(1) ! Analog shunt c & +bx_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & +barry(1) ! Solar array total current c c bx=bx-bxSC c c bash(2)=yash(ashnt1) c barry(2)=arry_by(id)*float(slr_arry) c c bySC=bcy ! Terminal board c & +bash(2) ! Analog shunt c & +by_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & +barry(2) ! Solar array total current c c by=by-bySC c c bash(3)=zash(ashnt1) c barry(3)=arry_bz(id)*float(slr_arry) c c bzSC=bcz ! Terminal board c & +bash(3) ! Analog shunt c & +bz_dshunt(id) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & +barry(3) ! Solar array total current c c bz=bz-bzSC c c------------------------------------------------------------- c -----------------Version 4 1/4/99------------------------- c c bash(1)=xash(ashnt1) c barry(1)=arry_bx(id)*float(slr_arry) c bdshunt(1)=bx_dshunt(id)*float(slr_arry) c btelec(1)=2.17 - 0.0889*t_interp c c bxSC=bcx ! Terminal board c & +bash(1) ! Analog shunt c & +bdshunt(1) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & +barry(1) ! Solar array total current c & +btelec(1) ! Temperature dependent offset. c c bx=bx-bxSC c c bash(2)=yash(ashnt1) c barry(2)=arry_by(id)*float(slr_arry) c bdshunt(2)=by_dshunt(id)*float(slr_arry) c btelec(2)=-0.10 - 0.1347*t_interp c c bySC=bcy ! Terminal board c & +bash(2) ! Analog shunt c & +bdshunt(2) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & +barry(2) ! Solar array total current c & +btelec(2) ! Temperature dependent offset. c c by=by-bySC c c bash(3)=zash(ashnt1) c barry(3)=arry_bz(id)*float(slr_arry) c bdshunt(3)=bz_dshunt(id)*float(slr_arry) c btelec(3)=3.12 - 0.1352*t_interp c c bzSC=bcz ! Terminal board c & +bash(3) ! Analog shunt c & +bdshunt(3) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 c & +barry(3) ! Solar array total current c & +btelec(3) ! Temperature dependent offset. c c bz=bz-bzSC c c------------------------------------------------------------- c -----------------Version 5 7/7/00------------------------- bash(1)=xash(ashnt1) barry(1)=arry_bx(id)*float(slr_arry) bdshunt(1)=bx_dshunt(id)*float(slr_arry) btelec(1)=2.17 - 0.0889*t_interp bxSC=bcx ! Terminal board & +bash(1) ! Analog shunt & +bdshunt(1) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 & +barry(1) ! Solar array total current & +btelec(1) ! Temperature dependent offset. & +boff_SC(1) ! 27-day time scale variable SC offset. bx=bx-bxSC bash(2)=yash(ashnt1) barry(2)=arry_by(id)*float(slr_arry) bdshunt(2)=by_dshunt(id)*float(slr_arry) btelec(2)=-0.10 - 0.1347*t_interp bySC=bcy ! Terminal board & +bash(2) ! Analog shunt & +bdshunt(2) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 & +barry(2) ! Solar array total current & +btelec(2) ! Temperature dependent offset. & +boff_SC(2) ! 27-day time scale variable SC offset. by=by-bySC bash(3)=zash(ashnt1) barry(3)=arry_bz(id)*float(slr_arry) bdshunt(3)=bz_dshunt(id)*float(slr_arry) btelec(3)=3.12 - 0.1352*t_interp bzSC=bcz ! Terminal board & +bash(3) ! Analog shunt & +bdshunt(3) ! Digital shunt rel. to #0 & +barry(3) ! Solar array total current & +btelec(3) ! Temperature dependent offset. & +boff_SC(3) ! 27-day time scale variable SC offset. bz=bz-bzSC c c Tank valve open correction. Applies after 157414531s met. c c bxS=53.22 c byS=-8.96 c bzS=64.69 c if (tmet � 157414531) then c bx= bx-bxS c by=by-byS c bz=bz-bzS c endif c if (tmrg.ge.157414531.0) then bx=bx-53.22 by=by+8.96 bz=bz-64.69 endif c------------------------------------------------------------- c c I have no idea why this was restricted with respect to the met day. c 575 was the day that Tamitha Mulligan and I analyzed with respect to c offsets. This was the checkout after the upload. c The software upload was day 572. Day 580 was the day the automomy c rule for CTP-MAG synchronization was implemented. The offset correction c should always be made. c c Besides this is done in getdata.pro. Bizzare. c c if (bday.lt.578) then c bx=bx-ox(rng) c by=by-oy(rng) c bz=bz-oz(rng) c endif c c I suspect there was a sign error in getdata.pro. To check for this c I temporarily add 2*ox(rng) back into the data. This is for diagnostic c purposes only! 2/13/97 c c type *,'rng, ox,oy,oz:',rng,ox(rng+1),oy(rng+1),oz(rng+1) c bx=bx+2.0*ox(rng+1) c by=by+2.0*oy(rng+1) c bz=bz+2.0*oz(rng+1) c if (bday.lt.300) then c bx=bx-bxoffset(1) c by=by-byoffset(1) c bz=bz-bzoffset(1) c endif c if (bday.ge.300) then c bx=bx-bxoffset(2) c by=by-byoffset(2) c bz=bz-bzoffset(2) c endif c Version 3b 12/28/98 if (bday.lt.300) then boffset(1)=bxoffset(1) boffset(2)=byoffset(1) boffset(3)=bzoffset(1) endif if (bday.ge.300) then boffset(1)=bxoffset(2) boffset(2)=byoffset(2) boffset(3)=bzoffset(2) endif bx=bx-boffset(1) by=by-boffset(2) bz=bz-boffset(3) c c Apply sensor orientation correction: 2/20/98 c Determined from Earth flyby. c bxtmp=cos_xy*bx+sin_xy*by ! 1.76 deg rotation in XY-plane bytmp=cos_xy*by-sin_xy*bx bx=bxtmp by=bytmp bxtmp=cos_xz*bx+sin_xz*bz ! 0.22 deg rotation in X'Z-plane bztmp=cos_xz*bz-sin_xz*bx bx=bxtmp bz=bztmp write(outbunit,101) bday,bhr,bmn,bsec,bt,bx,by,bz,rng 101 format(i5,2i4,f7.2,3x,f12.2,3(3x,f14.5),i2) write(scfld_unit,102) bday,bhr,bmn,bsec,bt,bxSC,bySC,bzSC,id, & bcx,bcy,bcz,(bash(i),i=1,3), & (barry(i),i=1,3),(bdshunt(i),i=1,3),(btelec(i),i=1,3) 102 format(i5,2i4,f7.2,3x,f12.2,3(3x,f14.5),1x,i2,15f8.2) goto 2 99 close(unit=bunit) close(unit=bctpunit) close(unit=ctpunit) write(*,15) yd 15 format(1x,'Day ',a5,' done.') goto 1 95 close(unit=1) stop end c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine get_dg_index(dig_rat,k,dg_lowr,dg_uppr,nmax) real dig_rat,dg_uppr(20),dg_lowr(20) integer k,i,nmax i=0 k=0 do i=1,nmax if ((dig_rat.ge.dg_lowr(i)).and.(dig_rat.le.dg_uppr(i))) k=i enddo return end c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c real function xash(va) real xtmp,wd,wt0,wt1,xpnts(7) integer va,i,ab(7) data ab,xpnts/0,17,34,51,68,85,102, & -3.18863, -2.14799, -1.55278, -0.1651, & 1.3744, 1.8969, 2.1785/ i=2 1 if (va.gt.ab(i)) then i=i+1 if (i.gt.7) then xtmp=xpnts(7) goto 2 endif goto 1 endif wd=float(ab(i)-ab(i-1)) wt0=float(ab(i)-va) wt1=float(va-ab(i-1)) xtmp=(wt0*xpnts(i-1)+wt1*xpnts(i))/wd c type *,va,ab(i-1),ab(i),xpnts(i-1),xpnts(i),xtmp 2 xash=xtmp end c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c real function yash(va) real ytmp,wd,wt0,wt1,ypnts(7) integer va,i,ab(7) data ab,ypnts/0,17,34,51,68,85,102, & -2.7746, -1.45173, -0.9096, -0.06753, & 0.64605, 2.5994, 3.4384/ i=2 1 if (va.gt.ab(i)) then i=i+1 if (i.gt.7) then ytmp=ypnts(7) goto 2 endif goto 1 endif wd=float(ab(i)-ab(i-1)) wt0=float(ab(i)-va) wt1=float(va-ab(i-1)) ytmp=(wt0*ypnts(i-1)+wt1*ypnts(i))/wd c type *,va,ab(i-1),ab(i),ypnts(i-1),ypnts(i),ytmp 2 yash=ytmp end c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c real function zash(va) real ztmp,wd,wt0,wt1,zpnts(7) integer va,i,ab(7) data ab,zpnts/0,17,34,51,68,85,102, & -0.1554, -0.2329, 0.5596, -0.3298, & -0.1260, 0.1066, -0.7398/ i=2 1 if (va.gt.ab(i)) then i=i+1 if (i.gt.7) then ztmp=zpnts(7) goto 2 endif goto 1 endif wd=float(ab(i)-ab(i-1)) wt0=float(ab(i)-va) wt1=float(va-ab(i-1)) ztmp=(wt0*zpnts(i-1)+wt1*zpnts(i))/wd 2 zash=ztmp end c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine metd2sec(d,h,m,s,tsec) integer d,h,m real s real*8 tsec tsec=86400.0*dfloat(d) + 3600.0*dfloat(h) + 60.0*dfloat(m) + s return end c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c -------------------------- 530.000 -1.118 -0.071 0.197 557.957 -1.118 -0.071 0.197 587.972 -0.518 0.077 -0.210 616.040 -1.853 0.259 0.818 643.417 -1.980 -0.069 1.207 672.808 -1.653 0.001 -0.960 702.683 -3.804 0.667 -0.860 750.000 -3.804 0.667 -0.860 751.000 0.215 -0.110 -2.593 894.436 0.215 -0.110 -2.593 921.684 0.458 0.336 -1.247 951.705 0.618 0.678 -1.393 981.634 1.510 -0.079 0.546 1011.374 -0.260 -0.726 2.348 1036.070 0.643 -1.675 1.074 1070.000 0.643 -1.675 1.074 1071.000 0.997 2.491 0.992 1095.009 0.997 2.491 0.992 1105.000 0.997 2.491 0.992 1106.000 1.189 0.163 3.568 1144.313 1.189 0.163 3.568 1172.639 -0.655 -0.233 1.680 1200.307 -0.172 -0.293 1.200 1229.570 0.366 -1.144 -0.858 1258.983 0.896 -0.950 1.148 1287.725 0.597 -0.540 -1.093 1315.285 0.387 -0.719 0.509 1342.416 -0.516 -0.981 0.729 1369.470 0.985 -1.765 0.371 1396.845 0.414 -0.992 0.539 1424.394 0.617 -1.676 0.347 1453.839 -0.034 0.312 0.888 1482.086 -0.223 -0.958 2.241 1509.480 0.883 -1.861 2.669 1536.955 1.119 -1.270 2.733 1564.121 0.689 -1.427 3.328 1591.244 1.326 -2.163 2.524 1618.345 0.013 -3.027 1.780 1645.418 1.157 -2.446 2.295 1673.249 0.007 -4.572 3.224 1701.569 1.352 -1.345 1.943 1729.625 1.167 -1.080 1.288 1757.285 0.661 -1.855 1.995 1791.715 0.310 -0.275 1.710 1813.867 0.182 -0.353 2.950 2000.000 0.182 -0.353 2.950 $Name: $ $Id: $ 1 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/spk/near_1996151_2000051_merged_v01.bsp 1 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/spk/near_1999218_2000101_merged_v02.bsp 1 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/spk/near_2000040_2000125_reconstr_v02.bsp 1 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/spk/near_2000166_2000291_merged_v01.bsp 1 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/spk/near_2000121_2000215_reconstr_v01.bsp 1 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/spk/near_2000222_2001028_merged_v03.bsp 1 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/spk/near_2000300_2001043_merged_v03.bsp 1 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/spk/near_2001020_2001060_reconstr_v01.bsp 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/current/near.tscl 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/current/near.tls 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/ik/grs12.ti 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/ik/msi15.ti 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/ik/nis14.ti 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/ik/nlr12.ti 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/ik/xrs12.ti 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/pck/pck00007.tpc 2 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/pck/earth_970804_200101_pred.bpc 2 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/pck/erosatt_1998329_2001157_v01.bpc 0 /project/near/SDC_archive/SpiceOps/ops/pck/eros_1999008.tpc 108