The 2023 PDS SBN Migration Report Lopez, K 2023-08-01 During the 2023 migration of the NEAR GRS data, some errors were found in the PDS3 GRS and GRF archived data raw files for the columns: - NAL_DC_OFFSET - DPU_DC_DC_TEMP - XGRS_DC_DC_TEMP - UNF_XRAY_HVPS_TEMP - MG_XRAY_HVPS_TEMP - AL_XRAY_HVPS_TEMP - XRAY_GAS_HVPS_TEMP - XRAY_PIN_HVPS_TEMP - NAL_HVPS_TEMP - BGO_HVPS_TEMP In these files it was noticed that the values obtained using the PDS3 definitions were beyond the defined minimum and maximum values. It was then determined that these columns were not defined correctly in the PDS3 labels. Given that the value range defined for these columns were signed an offset needed to be applied to get the correct values. The correct offsets have now been applied to the PDS4 labels. During the close examination of all the PDS3 data raw labels, definitions files and FITS headers, a table was created to better understand the proper way to migrate the PDS3 labels to PDS4. To view this table please reference the migration_column_information.csv table in this directory. For more information on the FITS standard that was used during the archiving of the NEAR GRS PDS3 data please See Section 6.2 of NOST 100-2.0 of the fit_standard.pdf document located in the migration subdirectory in the documents collection.