This document contains duplicate information that can also be found in the documents: eros_orbit_grfdefinitions.txt PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-06-13 NOTE = " GRF Data File Parameter Definitions " END_OBJECT = TEXT END GAMMA RAY FULL SCIENCE RECORD VARIABLES (Binary Table Fields) The following list of variable names are contained in the header of the Binary table extension of the gamma ray full data file created by CFITSIO user routines for PDS compliance. The corresponding definitions will be placed in a separate file, and will not be contained in the PDS label file, or require the generation of PDS keywords. 1. met minimum value - 0 maximum value - 160000000 units - seconds (unsigned) definition - Mission Elapsed Time in seconds for the start of this XGRS integration period 2. tdb minimum value - -1.3e+8 maximum value - +6.4e+7 units - seconds (signed) definition - Barycentric Dynamical Time corresponding to MET(1). Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) is the independent variable in the equations, including terms for relativity, of motion of the celestial bodies. The solution of these equations gives the rectangular coordinates of those bodies relative to the barycentre (centre of mass) of the solar system. (The barycentre does not coincide with the centre of the Sun but is displaced to a point near its surface in the direction of Jupiter.) 3. dqi minimum value - N/A maximum value - N/A units - N/A definition - Data Quality Index c0 = Data Quality Flag[0=good,1=flagged for quality defects] c1 = Instrument number for FC, CTP and AIU[1 or 2] c2 - c6 = Processing Flags not quality related c7 = CCDS Source[0=VC0, 1=VC1, 2=VC2, 3=VC3] 4. time_tag minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 units - seconds definition - time tag - MET in seconds for the start of this gamma ray integration period 5. integration_time minimum value - typically 0 maximum value - cmded gamma ray integration period length; possibly longer units - seconds definition - actual integration time (sec.) - the portion of the period covered by this record in which the gamma ray sensors were unmasked and integrating; Note: the period covered by a record can exceed the cmded integration period under conditions of telemetry backup when a higher rate of telemetry is being produced by the XGRS than is allocated to it; the period covered by a record can be less than the cmded integration period due to various factors including the integration being terminated early by ground command 6. bgo_proton_flare_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO proton flare detection flag - indicates whether a proton flare was detected / continued in the period covered by this record 0= no BGO proton flare occurred in the period covered by this record 1= BGO proton flare occurred in the period covered by this record BGO proton flare detection flag - indicates whether a BGO proton flare has been detected by the XGRS software in the current gamma ray integration period ground conversion: 0=BGO proton flare not detected 1=BGO proton flare detected initial value: 0=BGO proton flare not detected 7. gray_data_quality_bit minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Data quality flag 0= no HV slew in this Gray record period 1= HV slew in this Gray record period 8. bgo_level_1_safe_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO level one safing flag 0=this sensor not safed at level 1 at any time in this gamma ray record period 1=this sensor safed at level 1 at some time in this gamma ray record period BGO gamma sensor level 1 safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 1; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 1 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 9. bgo_level_2_safe_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO level two safing flag 0=this sensor not safed at level 2 at any time in this gamma ray record period 1=this sensor safed at level 2 at some time in this gamma ray record period BGO gamma sensor level 2 safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 2; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 2 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 10. nai_level_1_safe_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI level one safing flag 0=this sensor not safed at level 1 at any time in this gamma ray record period 1=this sensor safed at level 1 at some time in this gamma ray record period 11. nai_level_2_safe_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI level two safing flag 0=this sensor not safed at level 2 at any time in this gamma ray record period 1=this sensor safed at level 2 at some time in this gamma ray record period 12. nai_int_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI integral spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag 0=no bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 1=bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 13. bgo_int_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO integral spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag 0=no bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 1=bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 14. nai_anticoincid_ovfl_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI anticoincidence spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag 0=no bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 1=bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 15. nai_single_escp_ovfl_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI single escape shifted spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag 0=no bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 1=bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 16. nai_double_escp_ovfl_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI double escape shifted spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag 0=no bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 1=bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 17. bgo_single_escp_ovfl_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO single escape peak spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag 0=no bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 1=bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 18. bgo_double_escp_ovfl_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO double escape peak spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag 0=no bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 1= bin overflow occurred for this spectrum in this gamma ray record period 19. nai_raw_event_rate minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 units - N/A definition - NaI raw event count - the accumulation of counts from the NaI gamma ray sensor hardware raw event counter over the entire period covered by this record (independent of the NaI sensor mask state) - see note with actual integration time description 20. bgo_raw_event_rate minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 units - N/A definition - BGO raw event count - the accumulation of counts from the BGO gamma ray sensor hardware raw event counter over the entire period covered by this record (independent of the BGO sensor mask state) - see note with actual integration time description 21. coincidence counter minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 units - N/A definition - The count of NaI/BGO coincident events OVER THE ENTIRE GAMMA RAY ACTUAL INTEGRATION TIME which may be shorter or longer than the commanded gamma ray intergration time 22. command_counter minimum value - 0 maximum value - 65535 units - N/A definition - A running count of commands received by the XGRS: rolls over after 65535. 23. problem_counter minimum value - 0 maximum value - 0 - 255 units - N/A definition - A running count of problems identified by the XGRS software. Rolls over after 255. 24. problem_code minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Code for the most problem most recently recognized by the XGRS software. : 0: no problem 1-63: Common DPU problem codes 192-219: XGRS Application problem codes 25. num_nai_anticoincid_events minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 units - N/A definition - NaI anti-coincidence event count - the accumulation of counts from the NaI hardware anti-coincidence counter over the entire period covered by this record (independent of the NaI sensor mask state); the events counted are NaI raw events which are not coincident with BGO events; see note with actual integration time description 26. num_nai_valid_events minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 units - N/A definition - NaI valid processed event count - the count of NaI gamma ray events which pass certain event discrimination criteria (low level amplitude and negative amplitude) and are integrated in the NaI integral spectrum; this count accumulates over the entire gamma ray actual integration time which may be shorter or longer than the cmded gamma ray integration period 27. num_bgo_valid_events minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 units - N/A definition - BGO valid processed event count - the count of BGO gamma ray events which pass certain event discrimination criteria (low level amplitude and negative amplitude) and are integrated in the BGO integral spectrum; this count accumulates over the entire gamma ray actual integration time which may be shorter or longer than the cmded gamma ray integration period 28. nai_dc_offset minimum value - -2048 maximum value - +2047 units - N/A definition - NaI DC offset - average NaI sensor background level; ground conversion: offset in energy bins = reported offset / 2 This conversion yields an offset range of -1024 to 1023 energy bins. If the reported NaI DC offset and std dev both have value -2, neither is considered valid. 29. bgo_dc_offset minimum value - -2048 maximum value - +2047 units - N/A definition - BGO DC offset - average BGO sensor background level; ground conversion: offset in energy bins = reported offset / 2 This conversion yields an offset range of -1024 to 1023 energy bins. If the reported BGO DC offset and std dev both have value -2, neither is considered valid. 30. nai_stand_dev minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2047 units - N/A definition - NaI standard deviation- standard deviation of NaI sensor background level; standard deviation in energy bins = reported std. dev. / 2 This conversion yields a std. dev. range of 0 to 1023+ energy bins. A value of -2 is reported to signify that no background samples were made for the NaI sensor in this record period and neither the reported DC offset nor the std. dev. for this sensor are valid 31. bgo_stand_dev minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2047 units - N/A definition - BGO standard deviation- standard deviation of BGO sensor background level; standard deviation in energy bins = reported std. dev. / 2 This conversion yields a std. dev. range of 0 to 1023+ energy bins. A value of -2 is reported to signify that no background samples were made for the BGO sensor in this record period and neither the reported DC offset nor the std. dev. for this sensor are valid 32. detector_electr_curr minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - sensed detector electronics current (8MSBs/12 partially converted by XGRS software) hk int (SRS log. ch. 7) target current = ~3.9878 * downlinked value - 2.2 mA 33. xray_pin_diode_fet_bias minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - sensed Xray PIN diode solar monitor FET bias (8MSBs/12 partially converted by XGRS software) hk int (SRS log. ch. 12) target bias = ~19.939 * downlinked value - 15.95 mV 34. hvce_temperature minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - sensed HVCE temperature (partially converted by XGRS software) hk int (SRS log. ch. 2) ground conversion: sensed temp = ~0.1248 * downlinked value - 277.1 degC 35. unf_xray_hvps_volt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - sensed unfiltered Xray HVPS voltage (partially converted by XGRS software) - this voltage is ramped by the software when a new voltage level is cmded from the ground or when automated safing is in progress; when the voltage is stable it should match the corresponding cmded target voltage hk int(SRS log. ch. 14) target voltage = ~ 1.248 * downlinked value - 57.4 V 36. mg_xray_hvps_volt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - sensed Mg filtered Xray HVPS voltage (partially converted by XGRS software) - this voltage is ramped by the software when a new voltage level is cmded from the ground or when automated safing is in progress; when the voltage is stable it should match the corresponding cmded target voltage hk int (SRS log. ch. 15) target voltage = ~ 1.248 * downlinked value - 55.54 V 37. al_xray_hvps_volt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - sensed Al filtered Xray HVPS voltage (partially converted by XGRS software) - this voltage is ramped by the software when a new voltage level is cmded from the ground or when automated safing is in progress; when the voltage is stable it should match the corresponding cmded target voltage hk int(SRS log. ch. 16) target voltage = ~ 1.248 * downlinked value - 59.91 V 38. xray_gas_hvps_volt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - sensed Xray gas tube solar monitor HVPS voltage (partially converted by XGRS software) - this voltage is ramped by the software when a new voltage level is cmded from the ground or when automated safing is in progress; when the voltage is stable it should match the corresponding cmded target voltage hk int(SRS log. ch. 17) target voltage = ~ 1.248 * downlinked value - 54.92 V 39. xray_pin_hvps_volt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - sensed Xray PIN diode solar monitor HVPS voltage (partially converted by XGRS software) - this voltage is ramped by the software when a new voltage level is cmded from the ground or when automated safing is in progress; when the voltage is stable it should match the corresponding cmded target voltage hk int(SRS log. ch. 18) target voltage = ~ 1.248 * downlinked value - 61.16 V 40. nai_hvps_volt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - sensed NaI gamma ray HVPS voltage (partially converted by XGRS software) - this voltage is ramped by the software when a new voltage level is cmded from the ground or when automated safing is in progress; when the voltage is stable it should match the corresponding cmded target voltage hk int(SRS log. ch. 20) target voltage = ~ 1.248 * downlinked value - 49.3 V 41. bgo_hvps_volt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - sensed BGO gamma ray HVPS voltage (partially converted by XGRS software) - this voltage is ramped by the software when a new voltage level is cmded from the ground or when automated safing is in progress; when the voltage is stable it should match the corresponding cmded target voltage hk int(SRS log. ch. 19) target voltage = ~ 1.248 * downlinked value - 50.92 V 42. dpu_dc_dc_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed DPU DC/DC conv temperature (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 35) target temp = ~ 0.613 * downlinked value + 18.51 degC 43. xgrs_dc_dc_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed XGRS DC/DC temperature (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 36) target temp = ~ 0.613 * downlinked value + 18.51 degC 44. unf_xray_hvps_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed unfiltered Xray HVPS temp. (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 22) target temp = ~ 0.62759 * downlinked value + 17.2591 degC 45. mg_xray_hvps_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed Mg filtered Xray HVPS temp. (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 23) target temp = ~ 0.6287 * downlinked value + 18.1667 degC 46. al_xray_hvps_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed Al filtered Xray HVPS temp. (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 24) target temp = ~ 0.63028 * downlinked value + 17.58972 degC 47. xray_gas_hvps_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed Xray gas tube solar monitor HVPS temp. (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 25) target temp = ~ 0.6289 * downlinked value + 17.67 degC 48. xray_pin_hvps_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed Xray PIN diode solar monitor HVPS temp. (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 26 target temp = ~ 0.6289 * downlinked value + 17.67 degC 49. nai_hvps_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed NaI gamma ray HVPS temp. (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 28) target temp = ~ 0.6289 * downlinked value + 17.67 degC 50. bgo_hvps_temp minimum value - -128 maximum value - +127 units - N/A definition - sensed BGO gamma ray HVPS temp. (8MSBs/12) hk int(SRS log. ch. 27) target temp = ~ 0.6289 * downlinked value + 17.67 degC 51. tec_current minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - sensed TEC current (8MSBs/12 partially converted by XGRS software) hk int(SRS log. ch. 8) target current = ~ 3.9878 * downlinked value - 2.2 mA 52. nai_hvps_volt_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2447 units - N/A definition - cmded Nal gamma ray HVPS voltage - the most recently cmded param for this voltage; cmd opcode 0xf300 ground conversion: target volts = ~ 0.61435 * downlinked value initial value: 0 = target 0 Volts This conversion yields a target volt range of 0 to ~1500 Volts 53. bgo_hvps_volt_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2447 units - N/A definition - cmded BGO gamma ray HVPS voltage - the most recently cmded param for this voltage; cmd opcode 0xf300 ground conversion: target volts = ~ 0.61435 * downlinked value initial value: 0 = target 0 Volts This conversion yields a target volt range of 0 to ~1500 Volts 54. unf_hvps_volt_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2447 units - N/A definition - cmded unfiltered Xray HVPS voltage - the most recently cmded param for this voltage; cmd opcode 0xf300 ground conversion: target volts = ~ 0.61435 * downlinked value initial value: 0 = target 0 Volts This conversion yields a target volt range of 0 to ~1500 Volts 55. mg_hvps_volt_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2447 units - N/A definition - cmded Mg filtered Xray HVPS voltage - the most recently cmded param for this voltage; cmd opcode 0xf300 ground conversion: target volts = ~ 0.61435 * downlinked value initial value: 0 = target 0 Volts This conversion yields a target volt range of 0 to ~1500 Volts 56. al_hvps_volt_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2447 units - N/A definition - cmded Al filtered Xray HVPS voltage - the most recently cmded param for this voltage; cmd opcode 0xf300 ground conversion: target volts = ~ 0.61435 * downlinked value initial value: 0 = target 0 Volts This conversion yields a target volt range of 0 to ~1500 Volts 57. hvps_power_on_off minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - HVPS power on/off - the current value of the Gbus control bit which is used by the software to turn the HVPS power on and off; HVPS power control is by ground cmd only, cmd opcode 0xf323 ground conversion: 0 = off, 1 = on initial value: 0 = off 58. xray_calib_home_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration home flag - reflects whether or not a home motor command is executing or was executed in the current Xray integration period; cmd opcode 0xf321 ground conversion: 0 = motor not homing/homed in current Xray int period 1 = motor homing/homed in current Xray int period initial value: 0 = motor not homing/homed 59. xray_calib_motor_on_off minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor power on/off - the value most recently written to of the Gbus control bit which is used by the software to turn motor controller power on and off in response to the motor movement cmds; cmd opcodes 0xf303, 0xf308, 0xf321 ground conversion: 0 = off, 1 = on initial value: 0 = off 60. xray_calib_motor_enable minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor power enable - the value most recently written to the Gbus control bit which is used by the software to enable or disable current flow in the motor windings; motor controller power must be on first; software controller in response to motor movement cmds; cmd opcodes 0xf303, 0xf308, 0xf321 ground conversion: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled initial value: 0 = disabled 61. gas_hvps_volt_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2447 units - N/A definition - cmded Xray gas tube solar monitor HVPS voltage - the most recently cmded param for this voltage; cmd opcode 0xf300 ground conversion: target volts = ~ 0.61435 * downlinked value initial value: 0 = target 0 Volts This conversion yields a target volt range of 0 to ~1500 Volts 62. pin_hvps_volt_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 114 units - N/A definition - cmded Xray pin diode solar monitor HVPS voltage - the most recently cmded param for this voltage; cmd opcode 0xf300 ground conversion: target volts = ~ 0.61435 * downlinked value initial value: 0 = target 0 Volts This conversion yields a target volt range of 0 to ~70 Volts 63. gamma_ray_heater_curr minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - sensed gamma ray heater current (8MSBs/12 partially converted by XGRS software) hk int (SRS log. ch. 6) target current = ~ 3.9878 * downlinked value - 2.2 mA 64. version minimum value - 0 maximum value - 15 units - N/A definition - Software version number. 65. xray_calib_motor_dir minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor direction - the most recent motor direction in effect derived from the cmded motor direction in any of the Xray calibration motor movement commands: cmd opcodes 0xf303, 0xf308, 0xf321 ground conversion: 0 = reverse, 1 = forward initial value: 1 = forward (always overridden by cmd param input) 66. xray_calib_motor_curr minimum value - 0 maximum value - 7 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor current level - the most recently cmded motor current cmd param; cmd opcode 0xf305 ground conversion: cmd param * 40 = target mA initial value: 3 = target motor current 120 mA This conversion yields a target motor current range of 0 to 280 mA 67. xray_calib_motor_goal minimum value - 0 maximum value - 199 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor goal - the current goal for the motor position derived from the current "actual" motor position in combination with any motor movement cmds: cmd opcodes 0xf303, 0xf308, 0xf321 (cmded indirectly) ground conversion: 0 = normal/non-calibrate position 75 = MG-filtered calibrate position 100 = unfiltered calibrate position 125 = Al-filtered calibrate position for cmded motor steps=n: if cmded motor direction=forward then new motor goal =(current actual motor position + n) mod 200 if cmded motor direction=reverse then new motor goal = (current actual motor position - n) mod 200 initial value: 0 = normal/non-calibrate position 68. xray_calib_motor_pos minimum value - 0 maximum value - 199 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor position - the current "actual" motor position ground conversion: 0 = normal/non-calibrate position 75 = MG-filtered calibrate position 100 = unfiltered calibrate position 125 = Al-filtered calibrate position initial value: initially undetermined (note initial motor goal position is 0) 69. xray_calib_motor_fid_sens minimum value - 0 maximum value - 7 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor fiducial sensitivity - the most recently cmded motor fiducial sensitivity cmd param, cmd opcode 0xf306 ground conversion: none initial value: 4 70. xray_calib_motor_fid_brit minimum value - 0 maximum value - 3 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor fiducial brightness - the most recently cmded motor fiducial brightness cmd param; cmd opcode 0xf307 ground conversion: 0 = off, 1 = 1/3 full brightness, 2 = 2/3 full brightness, 3 = full brightness initial value = 1 = 1/3 full brightness 71. xray_motor_in_calib_position minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor "in unfiltered calibrate position" fiducial - the most recent value of this fiducial sensed via the Gbus and cached in the software indicates whether the motor was at the unfiltered calibrate position (position 100) at the time the sensing was done - indicates a current motor position if the motor is not moving ground conversion: these are the current positions providing the motor is not moving 0 = not in unfiltered calibrate position (motor position not 100) 1 = in unfiltered calibrate position (motor position 100) 72. xray_motor_in_norm_position minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor "in normal position" fiducial - the most recent value of this fiducial sensed via the Gbus and cached in the software indicates whether the motor was at the unfiltered calibrate position (position 0) at the time the sensing was done - indicates a current motor position if the motor is not moving ground conversion: these are the current positions providing the motor is not moving 0 = not in normal/non-calibrate position (not at motor position 0) 1 = in normal/non-calibrate position (motor position 0) 73. active_solar_toggle_mode minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Active solar monitor toggle mode - the most recently cmded solar toggle mode cmd param; cmd opcode 0xf316 ground conversion: 0 = solar monitor toggle mode off; the integration of the active solar spectrum will be performed according to the most recently commanded sensor mask 1 = solar monitor toggle mode on; the integration of solar spectra alternates between the two solar monitors at the end of each Xray integration period initial value = 0 = solar monitor toggle mode off 74. xray_calib_max_steps minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1023 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration max. steps (10 lsbits / 16) - the maximum number of steps the software will allow in executing the motor home command; nominally, this command requires a maximum of 200 steps, however, with motor slippage may require greater than nominal; cmd opcode 0xf321 ground conversion : none nominally 200 steps = complete revolution of calibration rod 75. spare1 minimum value - N/A maximum value - N/A units - N/A definition - spare 76. tec_enable minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - TEC enable state - most recently cmded TEC enable state cmd param indicates whether automated TEC temp control algorithm is enabled or disabled; the TEC enable state is controlled by ground cmd only; the TEC is turned off if the control algorithm is disabled; the TEC control algorithm autonomously turns the TEC on and off if it is enabled; cmd opcode 0xf30b ground conversion: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled initial value = 1 = enabled 77. xray_calib_cum_motor_stps minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration cumulative motor steps - the current value of a running count of motor steps taken as a result of any of the motor movement commands; counter rolls over; cmd opcodes 0xf303, 0xf308, 0xf321 ground conversion: none nominally 200 steps = complete revolution of calibration rod initial value = 0 steps 78. gray_burst_thresh_val minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1023 units - N/A definition - gamma ray burst threshold (encoded as min[burst thr, 255]) - an encoding of the most recently cmded gamma ray burst threshold ground conversion: reported burst thresh = min[actual cmded burst thr, 255] Range of actual burst thresh is 0-1023. initial value: 100 79. xray_safing_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 65,535 units - N/A definition - Xray sensor safing threshold (16LSBs/24) - most recently cmded param for maximum "safe" raw hardware event counter rate per second for each Xray sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31c ground conversion: none (note: the 8 MSBs of this value which are not downlinked are all 0) initial value = 30,000 counts per second maximum 80. xray_calib_motor_diag minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Xray calibration motor diagnostics - no actual motor diagnostics have been implemented for the XGRS Application Software version 6 for this cmd; cmd opcode 0xf30a ground conversion: 0 = motor diagnostics never commanded 1 = motor diagnostics have been commanded initial value = 0 = no diagnostics commanded 81. tec_power_on_off minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - TEC power on/off - the value most recently written to the Gbus control bit which is used by the software to turn TEC power on and off as triggered by the TEC on/off cmd or the automated TEC control algorithm, if enabled by ground command; the software turns the TEC off if the automated TEC control algorithm has been disabled: if the automated TEC control algorithm has been enabled, the software will turn the TEC on and off autonomously; cmd opcode 0xf30b ground conversion: 0 = TEC off/automated TEC control algorithm disabled 1 = TEC on/automated TEC control algorithm enabled initial value = 0 = TEC off/automated TEC control algorithm disabled 82. tec_mode minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - TEC mode - the most recently cmded TEC mode cmd param which controls whether the automated TEC control algorithm, if separately enabled, operates in "heat" or "cool" mode; cmd opcode 0xf30c ground conversion: 0 = cool mode sensed 1 = heat mode sensed initial value: 0= cool mode commanded 83. tec_cool_heat_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - TEC cool/heat flag - the most recent value of this sensor interface read bit sensed and cached in the XGRS software indicates the TEC mode; used to compare to expected cmded TEC mode when the automated TEC control algorithm is enabled by ground command ground conversion: provided the automated TEC control algorithm is enabled: 0=cool mode sensed 1=heat mode sensed 84. tec_temperature minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - TEC temperature (partially converted by XGRS software) hk int (SRS log. ch. 1) target temp = 0.124 * downlinked value - 277.62 degC TEC temperature (partially converted by XGRS software) 85. tec_cool_mode_temp_up_lmt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - TEC cool mode temp. target range upper limit (8 MSBs/12) - the most recently cmded value of this limit for use in the automated TEC control algorithm in conjunction with the "cool" mode of that algorithm; cmd opcode 0xf30d ground conversion: target temp. = ~0.12399 * downlinked value - 277.62 degC reported temp. cmd param=actual temp. command parameter/16 actual temp. cmd param = 4096*(target temp. degC + 273)/500 This conversion yields a range of target temp from -273 to ~227 degC. initial actual temp. cmd param value: 2195 = ~-5 downlinked cmd param value = target temp upper limit of ~231 degC 86. tec_cool_mode_temp_low_lmt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - TEC cool mode temp. target range lower limit (8 MSBs/12) - the most recently cmded value of this limit for use in the automated TEC control algorithm in conjunction with the "cool" mode of that algorithm; cmd opcode 0xf30d ground conversion: target temp. = ~0.12399 * downlinked value - 277.62 degC reported temp. cmd param=actual temp. command parameter/16 actual temp. cmd param = 4096*(target temp. degC + 273)/500 This conversion yields a range of target temp from -273 to ~227 degC. initial actual temp. cmd param value: 1827 = ~-51 downlinked cmd param value = target temp lower limit of -277 degC 87. tec_heat_mode_temp_up_lmt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - TEC heat mode temp. target range upper limit (8 MSBs/12) - the most recently cmded value of this limit for use in the automated TEC control algorithm in conjunction with the "heat" mode of that algorithm; cmd opcode 0xf30d ground conversion: target temp. = ~0.12399 * downlinked value - 277.62 degC reported temp. cmd param=actual temp. command parameter/16 actual temp. cmd param = 4096*(target temp. degC + 273)/500 This conversion yields a range of target temp from -273 to ~227 degC. initial actual temp. cmd param value: 3096 = ~193 downlinked cmd param value = target temp upper limit of 125 degC 88. tec_heat_mode_temp_low_lmt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - TEC heat mode temp. target range lower limit (8 MSBs/12) - the most recently cmded value of this limit for use in the automated TEC control algorithm in conjunction with the "heat" mode of that algorithm; cmd opcode 0xf30d ground conversion: target temp. = ~0.12399 * downlinked value - 277.62 degC reported temp. cmd param=actual temp. command parameter/16 actual temp. cmd param = 4096*(target temp. degC + 273)/500 This conversion yields a range of target temp from -273 to ~227 degC initial actual temp. cmd param value: 2974 = ~186 downlinked cmd param value = target temp lower limit of 91 degC 89. gamma_ray_temp_hysteresis minimum value - 0 maximum value - 15 units - N/A definition - gamma ray temp. hysteresis - most recently cmded gamma ray temp. hysteresis cmd param - used in the automated gamma ray heater control algorithm; cmd opcode 0xf322 ground conversion: target hysteresis in degC = ~ 0.1248 * downlinked value gamma ray temp upper thr = gamma ray temp lower thr + gamma ray temp hysteresis This conversion equates to a target hysteresis range of 0 to ~1.9 degC. initial value: 2 = target hysteresis 0.25 degC 90. gamma_ray_heat_temp_low_lmt minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - gamma ray heater temp. lower limit - the most recently cmded value for this limit which is used in the automated gamma ray heater control algorithm; cmd opcode 0xf322 ground conversion: target temp. in degC = ~ 0.1248 * downlinked value - 280.03 This conversion yields a target temp range of -273 to ~231 degC. initial value: 2400 = target temp 19 degC 91. full_gamma_ray_science_mode minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - full gamma ray science record mode - the most recently cmded full gamma ray science record mode which determines whether full gamma ray science records will be created and downlinked; cmd opcode 0xf324 ground conversion: 0=full gamma ray science record mode generation off 1= full gamma ray science record mode generation on initial value: 0 = full gamma ray science record mode generation off 92. full_xray_science_mode minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - full Xray science record mode- the most recently cmded full Xray science record mode which determines whether full Xray science records will be created and downlinked; cmd opcode 0xf324 ground conversion: 0=full Xray science record mode generation off 1= full Xray science record mode generation on initial value: 0 = full Xray science record mode generation off 93. summ_gray_xray_science_mode minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - summary Xray/gamma ray science record mode - the most recently cmded summary Xray / gamma ray science record mode which determines whether summary science records will be created and downlinked; cmd opcode 0xf324 ground conversion: 0= summary Xray / gamma ray science record mode generation off 1= summary Xray / gamma ray science record mode generation on initial value: 1 = summary Xray / gamma ray science record mode generation on 94. gray_burst_sci_rec_mode minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - gamma ray burst science record mode- the most recently cmded gamma ray burst science record mode which determines whether gamma ray burst science records will be created and downlinked; cmd opcode 0xf324 ground conversion: 0= gamma ray burst science record mode generation off 1= gamma ray burst science record mode generation on initial value: 0= gamma ray burst science record mode generation off 95. hvce_temp_set_point minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1364 units - N/A definition - HVCE temperature set point - the most recently cmded value for this temp set point; cmd opcode 0xf301 ground conversion: cmd temp.param = (target temp. degC + 273)*4096/1000 This conversion yields a target temp range of -273 to ~60 degC. initial value:120 0 = ~ target temp 20 degC 96. cmded_end_xray_integ_per minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Cmded end gamma ray integration period - indicates whether an end gamma ray integration period cmd or an HVCE temperature setpoint cmd which implicitly executes an end xray integration period cmd has ended this xray integration period; this value should be inspected in the xray housekeeping only and ignored elsewhere - its interpretation in the Xray housekeeping and the realtime housekeeping may be ambiguous due to user uncertainty on its sampling time; cmd opcodes 0xf301, 0xf30f ground conversion: 0=this Xray integration period not ended by command 1=this Xray integration period ended by command initial value: 0=this Xray integration period not ended by command 97. cmded_gamma_ray_integ_per minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Cmded end gamma ray integration period - indicates whether an end gamma ray integration period cmd or an HVCE temperature setpoint cmd which implicitly executes an end gamma ray integration period cmd has ended this gamma ray integration period; this value should be inspected in the gamma ray housekeeping only and ignored elsewhere - its interpretation in the Xray housekeeping and the realtime housekeeping may be ambiguous due to user uncertainty on its sampling time; cmd opcodes 0xf301, 0xf30f ground conversion: 0=this gamma ray integration period not ended by command 1=this gamma ray integration period ended by command initial value: 0=this gamma ray integration period not ended by command 98. bgo_proton_flare_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO proton flare detection flag - indicates whether a BGO proton flare has been detected by the XGRS software in the current gamma ray integration period ground conversion: 0=BGO proton flare not detected 1=BGO proton flare detected initial value: initial value: 0=BGO proton flare not detected 99. gamma_ray_bin_over_flg_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - gamma ray spectral bin overflow mode - the most recent cmded gamma ray bin spectral bin overflow mode cmd param; cmd opcode 0xf319 ground conversion: 0=normal bin overflow mode commanded for all gamma ray spectra; if a bin overflow occurs (any bin reaches its maximum value of 65535 counts) integration of the spectra will be suspended immediately for all gamma ray spectra 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for all gamma ray spectra; if a bin overflow occurs integration of the spectrum (spectra) with bin overflow will continue and the affected bin(s) will be allowed to continue initial value: 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for all gamma ray spectra 100. unf_xray_bin_over_flg_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - unfiltered Xray spectral ray bin overflow mode - the most recent cmded bin spectral bin overflow mode cmd param for the unfiltered Xray spectrum; cmd opcode 0xf319 ground conversion: 0=normal bin overflow mode commanded for unfiltered xray spectrum; if a bin overflow occurs (any bin reaches its maximum value of 65535 counts) integration of that spectrum will be suspended immediately 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for unfiltered xray spectrum; if a bin overflow occurs integration of the spectrum with bin overflow will continue and the affected bin(s) will be allowed to continue initial value: 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for unfiltered xray spectrum 101. mg_bin_over_flg_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Mg filtered spectral bin overflow mode - the most recent cmded bin spectral bin overflow mode cmd param for the Mg filtered Xray spectrum; cmd opcode 0xf319 ground conversion: 0=normal bin overflow mode commanded for Mg filtered xray spectrum; if a bin overflow occurs (any bin reaches its maximum value of 65535 counts) integration of that spectrum will be suspended immediately 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for Mg filtered xray spectrum; if a bin overflow occurs integration of the spectrum with bin overflow will continue and the affected bin(s) will be allowed to continue initial value: 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for Mg filtered xray spectrum 102. al_bin_over_flg_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Al filtered spectral bin overflow mode - the most recent cmded bin spectral bin overflow mode cmd ram for the Al filtered Xray spectrum; cmd opcode 0xf319 ground conversion: 0=normal bin overflow mode commanded for Al filtered xray spectrum; if a bin overflow occurs (any bin reaches its maximum value of 65535 counts) integration of that spectrum will be suspended immediately 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for Al filtered xray spectrum; if a bin overflow occurs integration of the spectrum with bin overflow will continue and the affected bin(s) will be allowed to continue initial value: 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for Al filtered xray spectrum 103. act_bin_over_flg_cmd minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - active solar spectral bin overflow mode - the most recent cmded bin spectral bin overflow mode cmd param for the active solar monitor spectrum; cmd opcode 0xf319 ground conversion: 0=normal bin overflow mode commanded for active solar spectrum; if a bin overflow occurs (any bin reaches its maximum value of 65535 counts) integration of that spectrum will be suspended immediately 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for active solar spectrum; if a bin overflow occurs integration of the spectrum with bin overflow will continue and the affected bin(s) will be allowed to continue initial value: 1=override bin overflow mode commanded for active solar spectrum 104. nai_bin_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI integral spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag - indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current gamma ray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 105. bgo_bin_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO integral spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag - indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current gamma ray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 106. nai_anticoin_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI anticoincidence spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag - indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current gamma ray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 107. nai_sing_esc_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI single escape shifted spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag - indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current gamma ray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non-realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 108. nai_doub_esc_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI double escape shifted spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag - indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current gamma ray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non-realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 109. bgo_sing_esc_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO single escape peak spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag - indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current gamma ray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science house-keeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 110. bgo_doub_esc_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO double escape peak spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag - indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current gamma ray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science house-keeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 111. unf_xray_bin_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - unfiltered Xray spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag- indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current Xray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 112. mg_bin_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Mg filtered Xray spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag- indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current Xray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 113. al_bin_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Al filtered Xray spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag- indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current Xray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 114. act_bin_overflow_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - active solar monitor spectrum bin overflow occurrence flag- indicates whether a bin overflow has occurred for this spectrum in the current Xray integration period; this value will be meaningful in the realtime snapshot but not in the science housekeeping snapshots which will always indicate no occurrence; the copy of this flag included in the non- realtime science housekeeping will be meaningful and should be referenced there. ground conversion: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 1=overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period initial value: 0=no overflow of this spectrum has occurred in this integration period 115. gamma_ray_heat_on_off minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - gamma ray heater power on/off - - the value most recently written to the Gbus control bit which is used by the software to turn gamma ray heater power on and off in response to ground command or the automated gamma ray heater control algorithm, if enabled; cmd opcode 0xf312 ground conversion: 0=heater power off 1=heater power on initial value: 0=heater power off 116. gamma_ray_heat_mode minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - gamma ray heater mode - the most recent gamma ray heater mode cmd param which determines whether the XGRS software will turn power to the gamma ray heater off until further ground command or use an automated gamma heater control algorithm; cmd opcode 0xf312 ground conversion: 0=commanded off heater mode 1=commanded automatic heater mode initial value: 1=automatic heater mode 117. bgo_level_1_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO gamma sensor level 1 safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 1; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non- realtime portion) , the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 1 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 118. bgo_level_2_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO gamma sensor level 2 safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 2; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non- realtime portion) , the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 2 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 2 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 119. spare4 minimum value - N/A maximum value - N/A units - N/A definition - spare 120. xray_integr_time minimum value - 0 maximum value - 65,535 units - N/A definition - Xray integration time - the most recently cmded Xray integration time in seconds; cmd opcode 0xf302 ground conversion: time in seconds initial value: 100 seconds 121. hvps_on_off minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - HVPS on/off - the most recently cmded state for HVPS power; cmd opcode 0xf31a ground conversion: 0=off, 1=on initial value: 0=off 122. pin_sensor_mask_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - PIN solar monitor sensor mask flag - the most recently cmded mask state for this sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31a ground conversion: 0=this sensor masked, 1=this sensor unmasked initial value: 1=this sensor unmasked 123. gas_sensor_mask_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - gas solar monitor sensor mask flag - the most recently cmded mask state for this sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31a ground conversion: 0=this sensor masked, 1=this sensor unmasked initial value: 1=this sensor unmasked 124. al_sensor_mask_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Al filtered Xray sensor mask flag - the most recently cmded mask state for this sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31a ground conversion: 0=this sensor masked, 1=this sensor unmasked initial value: 1=this sensor unmasked 125. mg_sensor_mask_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Mg filtered Xray sensor mask flag - the most recently cmded mask state for this sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31a ground conversion: 0=this sensor masked, 1=this sensor unmasked initial value: 1=this sensor unmasked 126. unf_sensor_mask_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - unfiltered Xray sensor mask flag - the most recently cmded mask state for this sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31a ground conversion: 0=this sensor masked, 1=this sensor unmasked initial value: 1=this sensor unmasked 127. bgo_sensor_mask_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - BGO gamma ray sensor mask flag - the most recently cmded mask state for this sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31a ground conversion: 0=this sensor masked, 1=this sensor unmasked initial value: 1=this sensor unmasked 128. nai_sensor_mask_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI gamma ray sensor mask flag - the most recently cmded mask state for this sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31a ground conversion: 0=this sensor masked, 1=this sensor unmasked initial value: 1=this sensor unmasked 129. unf_xray_rise_time_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - unfiltered Xray rise time discriminator threshold; events with rise times greater than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf315 ground conversion: equates to roughly 0-1000 nano-second rise times (non-linearly); a calibration curve is needed to determine the exact correspondence of commanded thresholds to rise times initial value: 135 = ~0.5 micro-sec rise time 130. mg_rise_time_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Mg filtered Xray rise time discriminator threshold; events with rise times greater than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf315 ground conversion: equates to roughly 0-1000 nano-second rise times (non-linearly); a calibration curve is needed to determine the exact correspondence of commanded thresholds to rise times initial value: 135 = ~0.5 micro-sec rise time 131. al_rise_time_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Al filtered Xray rise time discriminator threshold; events with rise times greater than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf315 ground conversion: equates to roughly 0-1000 nano-second rise times (non-linearly); a calibration curve is needed to determine the exact correspondence of commanded thresholds to rise times initial value: 135 = ~0.5 micro-sec rise time 132. gas_rise_time_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - gas solar monitor rise time discriminator threshold; events with rise times greater than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf315 ground conversion: equates to roughly 0-1000 nano-second rise times (non-linearly); a calibration curve is needed to determine the exact correspondence of commanded thresholds to rise times initial value: 135 = ~0.5 micro-sec rise time 133. unf_rise_time_valid_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - unfiltered Xray rise time valid discriminator threshold; events with energy exceeding the threshold will be rejected based on the rise time discrimination flag - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf316 ground conversion: cmd param = energy_level(keV)*25.6 The cmd param range (0-255) produces a range energy thresholds from 0 keV to ~10 keV. initial value: 51 = ~2 keV 134. mg_rise_time_valid_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Mg filtered Xray rise time valid discriminator threshold; events with energy exceeding the threshold will be rejected based on the rise time discrimination flag - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf316 ground conversion: cmd param = energy_level(keV)*25.6 The cmd param range (0-255) produces a range energy thresholds from 0 keV to ~10 keV. initial value: 51 = ~2 keV 135. al_rise_time_valid_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Al filtered Xray rise time valid discriminator threshold; events with energy exceeding the threshold will be rejected based on the rise time discrimination flag - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf316 ground conversion: cmd param = energy_level(keV)*25.6 The cmd param range (0-255) produces a range energy thresholds from 0 keV to ~10 keV. initial value: 51 = ~2 keV 136. gas_rise_time_valid_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - gas solar monitor rise time valid discriminator threshold; events with energy exceeding the threshold will be rejected based on the rise time discrimination flag - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf316 ground conversion: cmd param = energy_level(keV)*25.6 The cmd param range (0-255) produces a range energy thresholds from 0 keV to ~10 keV. initial value: 51 = ~2 keV 137. gamma_ray_integr_time minimum value - 0 maximum value - 65,535 units - N/A definition - Gamma ray integration time - the most recently cmded gamma ray integration time in seconds; cmd opcode 0xf30e ground conversion: time in seconds initial value: 1200 seconds (20 minutes) 138. gamma_sing_esc_wind_center minimum value - 0 maximum value -1023 units - N/A definition - gamma ray single escape window center bin - the most recently cmded center energy bin for the gamma ray single escape peak histogram; this histogram accumulates gamma ray single escape events within a "window" centered at this bin with cmd specified width; cmd opcode 0xf310 ground conversion: window center in energy bins initial value: bin 52 = ~ 0.511 MeV energy bin, the expected "single escape" event energy 139. gamma_sing_esc_wind_width minimum value - 0 maximum value - 63 units - N/A definition - gamma ray single escape window width - the most recently cmded width for the gamma ray single escape peak histogram formation; gamma ray single escape events within the energy window defined by the cmded window center and this width are accumulated in this histogram; effective window width is forced odd for XGRS software convenience but the value actually cmded appears in this telemetry field; cmd opcode 0xf310 ground conversion: window width in energy bins (forced to an odd value, cmd param + 1, in case cmd param is even) initial value: 19 bins wide 140. gamma_doub_esc_wind_center minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1023 units - N/A definition - gamma ray double escape window center bin - the most recently cmded center energy bin for the gamma ray double escape peak histogram; this histogram accumulates gamma ray double escape events within a "window" centered at this bin with cmd specified width; cmd opcode 0xf311 ground conversion: window center in energy bins initial value: bin104 = ~ target 1.022 MeV energy bin, the expected "double escape" event energy 141. gamma_doub_esc_wind_width minimum value - 0 maximum value - 63 units - N/A definition - gamma ray double escape window width - the most recently cmded width for the gamma ray double escape peak histogram formation; gamma ray double escape events within the energy window defined by the cmded window center and this width are accumulated in this histogram; effective window width is forced odd for XGRS software convenience but the value actually cmded appears in this telemetry field; cmd opcode 0xf311 ground conversion: window width in energy bins (forced to an odd value, cmd param + 1, in case cmd param is even) initial value: 21 bins wide 142. nai_low_level_ampl_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - NaI gamma ray lower level discriminator threshold; events with energy less than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf314 ground conversion: target energy bin# = ~ 3.413 * cmd param This conversion yields a target energy bin discrimination range of 0 to ~870. initial value: 3 = ~ target energy bin# 10 143. bgo_low_level_ampl_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - BGO gamma ray lower level discriminator threshold; events with energy less than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf314 ground conversion: target energy bin# = ~ 3.413 * cmd param This conversion yields a target energy bin discrimination range of 0 to ~870. initial value: 3 = ~ target energy bin# 10 144. unf_low_level_ampl_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - unfiltered Xray lower level discriminator threshold; events with energy less than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf314 ground conversion: target energy bin# = ~ 0.8533 * cmd param This conversion yields a target energy bin discrimination range of 0 to ~218. initial value: 15 = ~ target energy bin# 13 145. mg_low_level_ampl_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Mg filtered Xray lower level discriminator threshold; events with energy less than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf314 ground conversion: target energy bin# = ~ 0.8533 * cmd param This conversion yields a target energy bin discrimination range of 0 to ~218. initial value: 15 = ~ target energy bin# 13 146. al_low_level_ampl_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Al filtered Xray lower level discriminator threshold; events with energy less than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf314 ground conversion: target energy bin# = ~ 0.8533 * cmd param This conversion yields a target energy bin discrimination range of 0 to ~218. initial value: 15 = ~ target energy bin# 13 147. gas_low_level_ampl_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - gas solar monitor Xray lower level discriminator threshold; events with energy less than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf314 ground conversion: target energy bin# = ~ 0.8533 * cmd param This conversion yields a target energy bin discrimination range of 0 to ~218. initial value: 15 = ~ target energy bin# 13 148. pin_low_level_ampl_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - PIN solar monitor Xray lower level discriminator threshold; events with energy less than the threshold will be rejected - the most recently cmded value for this threshold; cmd opcode 0xf314 ground conversion: target energy bin# = ~ 0.8533 * cmd param This conversion yields a target energy bin discrimination range of 0 to ~218. initial value: 37 = ~ target energy bin# 32 149. gamma_ray_sensor_temp minimum value - 0 maximum value - 4095 units - N/A definition - gamma ray sensor temp. (avg of 4 converted samples) hk int (SRS log. ch. 21) target temp = ~ 0.1248 * downlinked value - 280.03 150. nai_level_1_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI gamma ray sensor level one safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 1; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 1 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 151. unf_level_1_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - unfiltered Xray sensor level one safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 1; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 1 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 152. mg_level_1_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Mg filtered Xray sensor level one safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 1; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 1 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 153. al_level_1_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Al filtered Xray sensor level one safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 1; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 1 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 154. gas_level_1_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - gas solar monitor Xray sensor level one safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 1; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 1 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 155. pin_level_1_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - PIN solar monitor Xray sensor level one safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 1; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 1 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 1 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 1 156. nai_level_2_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - NaI gamma ray sensor level two safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 2; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 2 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be eferenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 2 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 157. unf_level_2_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - unfiltered Xray sensor level two safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 2; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 2 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 2 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 158. mg_level_2_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Mg filtered Xray sensor level two safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 2; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 2 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 2 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 159. al_level_2_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - Al filtered Xray sensor level two safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 2; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 2 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 2 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 160. gas_level_2_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - gas solar monitor Xray sensor level two safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 2; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 2 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 2 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 161. pin_level_2_safing_flg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 1 units - N/A definition - PIN solar monitor Xray sensor level two safing flag - indicates whether this sensor is currently (at the time of the snapshot sampling) in safing level 2; this is a useful value in the realtime snapshot but not in the science snapshots since in that case it will only reflect the safing state at the start of the integration period; in the science housekeeping (non-realtime portion), the corresponding "sticky" version of the flag indicates whether the sensor was at safing level 2 at any time over the gamma ray integration period and should be referenced ground conversion: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 1=this sensor is currently in safing level 2 initial value: 0=this sensor is not currently in safing level 2 162. xray_sens_safing_rest_level minimum value - 1 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Xray sensor safing/restore interval - the most recently cmded value for this interval; the time in minutes between automated attempts to restore an Xray sensor in safing level 1 to nominal safing level 0; cmd opcode 0xf31d ground conversion: time in minutes initial value: 60 minute intervals between retries 163. gamma_sens_safing_rest_level minimum value - 1 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - gamma ray sensor safing/restore interval - the most recently cmded value for this interval; the time in minutes between automated attempts to restore a gamma ray sensor in safing level 1 to nominal safing level 0; cmd opcode 0xf31d ground conversion: time in minutes initial value: 60 minute intervals between retries 164. xray_safing_rest_max_retry minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - Xray sensor safing/restore maximum retries - the most recently cmded value for the maximum number of times the XGRS software will autonomously attempt to restore an Xray sensor from safing level 1 to nominal safing level 0; cmd opcode 0xf31e ground conversion: number of retries initial value: maximum 6 retries 165. gamma_safing_rest_max_retry minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - gamma ray sensor safing/restore maximum retries - the most recently cmded value for the maximum number of times the XGRS software will autonomously attempt to restore a gamma ray sensor from safing level 1 to nominal safing level 0; cmd opcode 0xf31e ground conversion: number of retries initial value: maximum 6 retries 166. gamma_heater_duty_cycle minimum value - 0 maximum value - 100 units - N/A definition - gamma ray heater duty cycle - the percentage of time the gamma ray heater is on over a 100 second period; the duty cycle is continuously computed; at the time of snapshot sampling the duty cycle for the most recently completed 100 second period is the sampled value ground conversion: duty cycle as a percentage = downlinked value / 100 167. gamma_sens_safing_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 65,535 units - N/A definition - gamma ray sensor safing threshold - most recently cmded param for maximum "safe" raw hardware event counter rate per second for each gamma ray sensor; cmd opcode 0xf31c ground conversion: none (note: the 8 MSBs of this value which are not downlinked are all 0) initial value: 30,000 counts per second maximum 168. hvps_current minimum value - 0 maximum value - 255 units - N/A definition - HVPS current (8MSBs/12 partially converted by XGRS software) hk int (SRS log. ch. 9) target current = ~ 3.9878 * downlinked value - 2.2 mA 169. bgo_proton_flare_thresh minimum value - 0 maximum value - 65,535 units - N/A definition - BGO gamma ray proton flare detection threshold (16LSBs/24) - the most recently cmded value for detecting a BGO gamma ray proton flare; each second accumulation of the BGO raw event counter is compared to this threshold; if the raw event counter value exceeds the threshold, the gamma ray sensors will be masked cmd opcode 0xf317 ground conversion: reported threshold = actual threshold(16 MSBs) note: it is not anticipated that thresholds in excess of 16-bits will be needed initial value: 10,000 counts per second maximum 170. nai_spectrum_0 minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**16-1 units - N/A definition - NaI processed event count: the count of NaI gamma ray events which are read from the hardware for processing by the software; this count accumulates over the entire gamma ray actual integration time which may be shorter or longer than the cmded gamma ray integration period 171. hw_nai_raw minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - NaI raw event count: the accumulation of counts from the NaI gamma ray sensor hardware raw event counter over the entire period covered by this record (independent of the NaI sensor mask) 172. nai_high_energy minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - NaI high energy event count: the accumulation of counts from the NaI gamma ray sensor with energies that would put a count in a channel greater than or equal to 1022 173. bgo_spectrum_0 minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition -BGO processed event count: the count of BGO gamma ray events which are read from the hardware for processing by the software; this count accumulates over the entire gamma ray actual integration time which may be shorter or longer than the cmded gamma ray integration period 174. hw_bg minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - BGO raw event count: the accumulation of counts from the BGO gamma ray sensor hardware raw event counter over the entire period covered by this record (independent of the BGO sensor mask) 175. bgo_high_energy minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - BGO high energy event count: the accumulation of counts from the BGO gamma ray sensor with energies that would put a count in a channel greater than or equal to 1022 176. nai_anticoin_spectrum_0 minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition -NaI anti- coincident event count: the count of NaI gamma ray sensor hardware anti-coincident event counter hich are read from the hardware for processing by the software; this count accumulates over the entire gamma ray actual integration time which may be shorter or longer than the cmded gamma ray integration period 177. hw_nai_anticoin minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - NaI anti- coincident event count: the accumulation of counts from the NaI gamma ray sensor hardware anti-coincident event counter over the entire period covered by this record (independent of the NaI sensor mask); the events counted are NaI raw events which are not coincident with BGO events 178. nai_anticoin_high_energy minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - NaI anti-coincident high energy event count: the accumulation of counts from the NaI anti- coincident gamma ray sensor with energies that would put a count in a channel greater than or equal to 1022 179. single_esc_spectrum_0 minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - Single escape NaI processed event count: the count of single escape NaI coincident gamma ray events which are read from the hardware for processing by the software; this count accumulates over the entire gamma ray actual integration time which may be shorter or longer than the cmded gamma ray integration period 180. single_esc_high_energy minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - Single escape NaI high energy event count: the accumulation of first escape coincident NaI counts with energies that would put a count in a channel greater than or equal to 1022 181. double_esc_spectrum_0 minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition - Double escape NaI processed event count: the count of double escape NaI coincident gamma ray events which are read from the hardware for processing by the software; this count accumulates over the entire gamma ray actual integration time which may be shorter or longer than the cmded gamma ray integration period 182. double_esc_high energy minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**32-1 (4294967295) units - N/A definition -Double escape NaI high energy event count: the accumulation of second escape coincident NaI counts with energies that would put a count in a channel greater than or equal to 1022 183. full_gamma_integral_nai minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**16-1 units - N/A definition - Integral NaI spectrum: 1024 16 bit unsigned words; possible values: full range 184. full_gamma_integral_bgo minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**16-1 units - N/A definition - Integral BGO spectrum: 1024 16 bit words 185. full_gamma_anti_coinc minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**16-1 units - N/A definition - Anti-coincidence spectrum: 1024 16 bit unsigned words; possible values: full range 186. full_gamma_single_esc_nal minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**16-1 units - N/A definition - Single escape shifted NaI spectrum: 1024 16 unsigned words; possible values: full range 187. full_gamma_dbl_esc_nal minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**16-1 units - N/A definition - Double escape shifted NaI spectrum: 1024 16 unsigned words; possible values: full range 188. peak_gamma_single_esc_bgo minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**16-1 units - N/A definition - Single escape peak BGO spectrum: 21 16 bit unsigned words; possible values: full range 189. peak_gamma_double_esc_bgo minimum value - 0 maximum value - 2**16-1 units - N/A definition - Double escape peak BGO spectrum: 21 16 bit unsigned words; possible values: full range