# hyb2_onc_c_radc_20190131.db # # Date: 20190131 # Creator: ONC team # References: # [1] Tatsumi et al., 2019 # [2] Kouyama et al., 2021 # # The parameters related to radiometric calibration in Hayabusa2 ONC # L2c and L2d creation are listed in the below. # These values are defined for each camera. # In the case of ONC-T, they are defined for each band. # # (1) Effective band center for each camera [um]. # # (2) Effective bandwidth for each camera [um]. # # (3) Effective solar irradiance in [W/m^2/um)] # # (4) Effective sensitivity in [count/sec/(W/sr/m^2/um)] # # The sensitivity is defined by the following equation: # # S = S0(period) * { 1 + S1(period) * ( t - t_start(period) ) } # * ( a_CCD * (T_CCD + 30 degrees Celsius) + 1 ) # # where # t: time in days, # T_CCD: CCD temperature in degrees Celsius, # period 1: before TD1, # period 2: between TD1 and TD2, # period 3: after TD2. # # @attribute # Bands # Effective band center for each camera bc [um]. # Effective bandwidth for each camera bw [um]. # Effective solar irradiance in [W/m^2/um)] # a_CCD. No data for ONC-T wide, w1 and w2. ONC-T V band value is used for the moment as the representative values. # Parameters for sensitivity for period 1: t_start_in_YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ(1),S0(1),S1(1) # Parameters for sensitivity for period 2: t_start_in_YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ(2),S0(2),S1(2) # Parameters for sensitivity for period 3: t_start_in_YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ(3),S0(3),S1(3) # @data #band, bc, bw, irrad, a_CCD,{period 1: t_start, S0, S1}, {period 2: t_start, S0, S1}, {period 3: t_start, S0, S1} tu,0.3975,0.0347,1343.7, -0.001449,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,439.1, 0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,410.1, 0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,399.7, -2.52e-4 tb,0.4798,0.0267,1969.1, -0.000968,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,969.0, 0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,899.1, 0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,879.6, -2.52e-4 tv,0.5489,0.0279,1859.7, -0.000814,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,1175.0,0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,1092.8,0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,1071.2,-2.52e-4 tn,0.5899,0.0116,1788.0, -0.000866,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,546.9, 0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,510.9, 0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,498.3, -2.52e-4 tw,0.7001,0.0288,1414.4, -0.000355,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,1515.0,0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,1418.9,0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,1380.5,-2.52e-4 tx,0.8573,0.0424,985.8, -0.001771,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,1499.8,0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,1405.8,0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,1373.5,-2.52e-4 tp,0.9451,0.0572,834.9, -0.004201,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,961.2, 0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,898.9, 0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,882.6, -2.52e-4 ti,0.6168,0.400, 29141.10,-0.000814,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,18412, 0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,17124, 0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,16786, -2.52e-4 w1,0.5749,0.170, 2184.16, -0.000814,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,1.38e3,0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,5.2e2, 0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,5.0e2, 0 w2,0.5672,0.170, 6077.66, -0.000814,2014-12-03T04:22:04Z,3.84e3,0,2019-02-21T22:29:13Z,3.84e3,0,2019-07-11T01:06:22Z,3.84e3,0