PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-10-04 /*Label Generated*/ NOTE = "Description of the contents of the catalog directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains the PDS catalog files for this data set. Instrument host file names end in "host.cat". Instrument file names end in "inst.cat". Target files, if any, are located in the TARGET sub-directory. catalog Directory Contents catinfo.txt - The file you are reading. dataset.cat - The catalog file for the data set "Stooke Small Body Shape Models V2.0". galileomission.cat - The catalog file for the Galileo mission. giottomission.cat - The catalog file for the Giotto mission. nearmission.cat - The catalog file for the NEAR mission. vega1mission.cat - The catalog file for the Vega 1 mission. vega2mission.cat - The catalog file for the Vega 2 mission. voyagermission.cat - The catalog file for the Voyager 1 and 2 missions. msiinst.cat - The catalog file for the instrument "Multi-spectral Imager". ssiinst.cat - The catalog file for the instrument "Solid State Imaging System". issninst.cat - The catalog file for the instrument "Imaging Science Subsystem - Narrow Angle". tvsinst.cat - The catalog file for the instrument "Television System". hmcinst.cat - The catalog file for the instrument "Halley Multicolour Camera". nearhost.cat - The catalog file for the instrument host "Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous". giohost.cat - The catalog file for the instrument host "Giotto". vega1host.cat - The catalog file for the instrument host "Vega 1". vega2host.cat - The catalog file for the instrument host "Vega 2". gohost.cat - The catalog file for the instrument host "Galileo Orbiter". vg1host.cat - The catalog file for the instrument host "Voyager 1". vg2host.cat - The catalog file for the instrument host "Voyager 2". ref.cat - A listing of all publications referenced in the data set. This is analogous to a bibliography for the data set. target - If the data set includes targets that are new to PDS, their target catalog files will appear in this directory.