%R 2008PDSS..895H %H Harris, A.W.;Warner, B.D.;Pravec, P. %T Asteroid Lightcurve Derived Data V10.0 %D 09/2008 %J NASA Planetary Data System, EAR-A-5-DDR-DERIVED-LIGHTCURVE-V10.0 %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=EAR-A-5-DDR-DERIVED-LIGHTCURVE-V10.0&resclass=data.dataset %B This is a compilation of published rotational parameters derived from lightcurve data for asteroids, through Feb. 15 2008. In addition to reported rotational parameters by individual paper, there is a summary file with the values adopted by Harris, Warner, and Pravec as the most likely correct values for each asteroid. The data set also contains files listing known rotational information on asteroids with ambiguous periods, binary asteroids, and 'tumbling' asteroids.