PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2009-07-30 /* Label Generated */ NOTE = "Description of the contents of the document directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END "document" Directory Contents The document directory contains documentation files, where available, for the data set in this volume. All document files will have an accompanying label file to describe content and structure. Label files have the same name as the main document file, with an extension of ".lbl". docinfo.txt - The file you are reading. ads.asc - The file sent to Abstract Data Service (ADS). ads.lbl - The label for ads.asc. 0graphics.asc - "Description of Occultation Graphics", This document is a description of the graphics images of the asteroid occultation observations, supplied with this data set. The graphics images themselves are .jpg files with filenames which concatenate the asteroid name, asteroid number or provisional designation, and occultation date. 0graphics.lbl - The label file for the document "Description of Occultation Graphics" described above. 1005arago2008dec14.jpg 100hekate2004feb12.jpg 100hekate2008feb26.jpg 1021flammario2005apr11.jpg [1035 more files not listed] - "Asteroid Occultation Graphics", These plots of the occultation observations are described in detail in the accompanying file 0graphics.asc. asteroid_occultation_graphi.lbl - The label file for the document "Asteroid Occultation Graphics" described above.