UT Date Notes about night. 20-Nov-01 Variable high clouds. RH = 32%. 22-Nov-01 Variable high clouds. Winds to 18 mph. RH = 28%. 24-Nov-01 No weather comments. 26-Nov-01 Variable high clouds. Fog and winds to 15 mph. 27-Nov-01 Early high clouds, winds to 20 mph, RH = 60%. 01-Jan-02 Variable high clouds. RH = 47%. Some images are bad. 02-Jan-02 Variable high clouds. RH = 34%. Image 20020102132142a was removed due to processing issues. 04-Jan-02 Fog then clear. RH = 75%. 07-Jan-02 Cirrus. RH = 33%. Error uncompressing image 20020107105403b - removed. 08-Jan-02 Scattered cirrus. RH = 18%. 09-Jan-02 Variable high cloudiness. RH = 18%. 10-Jan-02 No weather comments. 12-Jan-02 Clear. RH = 15%. 18-Jan-02 Scattered high clouds. Some fog. Winds to 17mph. RH - 50%. 25-Jan-02 Occ. High clouds. Winds variable to 30 mph. RH = 23%. Same RA/DEC observed for half the night. 27-Jan-02 Variable high clouds. RH = 24%. 03-Feb-02 Clear. RH = 24%. 04-Feb-02 Clear. RH = 23%. 05-Feb-02 Clear. RH = 13%. 06-Feb-02 Clear. Winds to 10mph. RH = 23%. Problem processing six images (130242a, b, c and 130422a, b, c). Removed from archive. 07-Feb-02 Clear. Cirrus at end of nite. Winds to 10mph, RH = 18%. 08-Feb-02 Early scat cirrus; clear. Winds to 25 mph, RH = 25%. 12-Feb-02 Decreasing cirrus clouds, light variable winds; RH = 17%. 13-Feb-02 Scattered high clouds. Winds to 18 mph, RH = 17%. 14-Feb-02 Variable cirrus. Light winds. RH = 17%. 16-Feb-02 Cirrus to clear. RH = 36%. 17-Feb-02 Clear to cloudy. RH = 70%. 19-Feb-02 Fog to partly cloudy skies. RH = 88%. Some poor images throughout the night. 20-Feb-02 Variable high clouds. Winds to 18 mph. RH = 70%. 22-Feb-02 Scattered cirrus. Winds to 28 mph. RH = 17%. 23-Feb-02 Variable high clouds. Winds to 18 mph. RH = 14%. 24-Feb-02 Scattered cirrus. Winds to 28 mph. RH = 30%. 25-Feb-02 Occ cirrus. Light winds. RH = 24%. 02-Mar-02 No weather comments. 04-Mar-02 Clear. RH = 10%. 06-Mar-02 Some cirrus. RH = 24%. 150sec dark missing. 11-Mar-02 Occ. Cirrus. Winds to 24 mph. RH = 49%. 12-Mar-02 Occ. Cirrus. RH = 49%. 13-Mar-02 Occ. Cirrus. Winds to 20 mph. RH = 48%. 15-Mar-02 No weather log. 19-Mar-02 Clear with winds. RH = 50%. 20-Mar-02 Decreasing cirrus/clear. Winds to 15 mph. RH = 37%. 04-May-02 Clear. RH = 30%. 06-May-02 Clear. Winds to 15 mph, RH = 37%. 07-May-02 Some cirrus. Winds to 20 mph, RH = 40%. 09-May-02 Some scattered cirrus. Winds to 14 mph, RH = 45%. 10-May-02 Mostly clear. Winds to 21 mph, RH = 33%. 11-May-02 Clear; intermittant cirrus. Winds to 20 mph, RH = 35%. 12-May-02 Clear. RH = 25%. 13-May-02 Few scattered clouds. Winds to 14 mph, RH = 28%. 14-May-02 Clear. Winds to 25 mph, RH = 33%. 15-May-02 Clear. Winds to 18 mph, RH = 33%. 16-May-02 Occ. Cirrus. Winds to 17mph, RH = 35%. 17-May-02 Clear. Winds to 11mph, RH = 47%. 19-May-02 Scattered cirrus. RH = 30%. 23-May-02 Clear. RH = 43%. 24-May-02 Clear. RH = 30%. 25-May-02 Some cirrus. RH = 30%. 02-Jun-02 Some high clouds, winds to 21 mph, RH = 28%. 12-Jun-02 Clear. RH = 22%. 13-Jun-02 Clear. Winds light to calm. RH - 29%. 14-Jun-02 Clear. Winds to 15 mph. RH = 25%. 17-Jun-02 Clear. Winds to 19 mph. RH = 17% 18-Jun-02 Clear. Winds to 23 mph. RH = 21% 19-Jun-02 Clear later smoke and haze. Winds to 22 mph, RH = 40%. 29-Jun-02 Clear.RH = 15% 30-Jun-02 Scattered cirrus. RH = 26%. 01-Jul-02 Clear/scattered cirrus. Light winds. 02-Jul-02 Clear. Winds to 23 mph. 08-Jul-02 Clear. RH = 15%. 09-Jul-02 Clear. RH = 23%. 10-Jul-02 Partly cloudy. RH = 35%. 24-Jul-02 Few to mostly cloudy. Winds to 15 mph. RH = 52%. Some images of poor quality. 23-Aug-02 Variable cirrus. Winds to 18 mph. RH = 12%. 24-Aug-02 Scattered clouds. RH = 27%. Seeing UT Date at 200 Weather description 22-Jul-02 1.4 Clear. RH = 42%. 12-Sep-02 1.4 Clear. RH = 39%. 13-Sep-06 1.3 Clear to scattered clouds. Winds to 12 mph. 20-Sep-06 1.2 Mostly clear. Winds to 18 mph.