PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "NEAR-A-NIS-5-EDR-CRUISE1/SUBPHA-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = "NEAR NIS CALIBRATED SPECTRA BY SUBPHASE FOR CRUISE 1 V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = "A slice of the modified NIS Level 2 Database (with direct MET, unwrapped data counts, functional FITS binary table header, and EXPOSURE_DURATION). Sliced data are from the Cruise 1 phase and grouped by NIS mission subphase." DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = SPECTRUM START_TIME = 1996-04-17T23:53:17.784 STOP_TIME = 1996-05-22T22:30:27.207 DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 2002-06-12 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "SMALL BODIES NODE" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= This data set contains calibrated spectra acquired by the NEAR infrared spectrometer (NIS) during the Cruise 1 phase of the mission. The data are a subset of the modified Nixel Level 2 database, NNEROS_2003/DATA/NIXDBREV.FIT. The data are grouped by the NIS mission subphase as defined in the file AAREADME.TXT on this volume. The modified Nixel Level 2 database is a copy of the originally submitted Nixel database, NNEROS_2001/DATA/NIXDB.FIT, with the following revisions: 1) Replaced mission ellapsed time (MET) high_word and and low_word with the direct (calculated) mission ellapsed time to facilitate analysis. 2) Applied an offset to the raw data number fields, RAW_GE_DATA and RAW_INGAAS_DATA, such that all counts are positive and equal to the actual, recorded counts. 3) Replaced the original NIS-proprietary FITS header with a compliant FITS header which includes a primary header and a a functional FITS binary table extension for the data. 4) Added a column for EXPOSURE_DURATION. This column contains the exposure time for data spectra only; dark and rest times are excluded. The original DURATION column is misleading because it is the total exposure time, including data spectra, instrument rest, and darks (if darks were interleaved). The data are calibrated, provided in scientific units, and formatted into a FITS binary file format (NASA Office of Science and Technology (NOST), 100-1.0). Calibration files and algorithms are available: refer to the CALIB/ and DOCUMENT/ directories on this volume. This data set is archived as a set of CDROM images (volumes) as a part of the NEAR EDR volume set. Parameters ========== Observation parameters and other keywords are defined in the PDS label file associated with each FITS file in DATA/. Additional descriptions are provided in the CATALOG/NISINST.CAT file and the DOCUMENT/NIS.ASC and NISCAL.ASC files. Each FITS file contains the same amount of information for as spectra as the modified NIS Level 2 Database, NNEROS_2003/DATA/NIXDBREV.FIT. Therefore, information includes instrument housekeeping, observational geometry, and footprint location on the target. Some columns record user inputs that controlled Niscal, the NIS calibration procedure run to generate the values in the table. Those fields are CALIBRATION_MODE_BITS, DARK_MODE, NOISE_MODE, RADIANCE_MODE, and SLIT_MODE. Those columns' possible values and their meanings are described in the PDS label associated with each FITS file. Some columns may be used to determine the type of observation e.g. a spectrum with field-of-view completely on, partially on, or completely off the asteroid, a spectrum of the calibration plaque a spectrum with the slit set to narrow or wide and the shutter open or closed (dark). Those columns are SLIT_SHUTTER_FLAG, MIRROR_POSITION, and POLYGON_TYPE_FLAG. Those columns' possible values and their meanings are described in the PDS label associated with each FITS file. One column describes the data quality index which highlights suspect spectra: NIS_DQI. Those columns' possible values and their meanings are described in the the PDS label associated with each FITS file. The MET column approximates the Mission Elapsed Time in seconds. Data ==== The data are grouped by NIS mission subphase in FITS binary table files. Each FITS file has an attached primary header with a binary extension; the header is FITS compliant. The PDS labels are detached. Ancillary Data ============== The files in CALIB/ are the ones used in the actual calibration of the data in DATA/. The DESCRIPTION field in each calibration file's PDS label describes what role that file plays in NIS calibration. The calibration procedure is described in even more detail under the DOCUMENT/ tree. The GEOMETRY directory is described above. The calibration plaque for the NIS instrument is made with Infragold LF (trademarked) which is a porous metal surface with a gold coating. See files referred to by DOCUMENT/NIS.LBL for further information. Media/Format ============ This data set is released as a CDROM set. Processing History ================== The processing history includes dark current and lighting geometry corrections necessary to convert from raw data to I/F units. The location of each spectrum's field of view was determined using a 22,540 plate shape model of Eros, PDS PRODUCT_ID = 'PLATE-EROS-2001012-022540' of DATA_SET_ID = 'NEAR-A-MSI-5-EROS-SHAPE-MODELS-V1.0'." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Data Quality Flag ================= Each spectrum includes a quality flag value in the data quality field, NIS_DQI. The value was extracted from the original data label and adjusted by the Niscal program. The data quality flag is non-zero when there are missing data or other problems with the spectra. The possible values of this field are described in the PDS label associated with each FITS file. Review ====== This data set was reviewed internally by PDS-SBN in May 2002. It will be formally reviewed by PDS in September 2002." END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = SOLAR_SYSTEM END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "NEAR" INSTRUMENT_ID = "NIS" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "CHENGETAL1998" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "WARRENETAL1997" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END