PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM ^XLS_DOCUMENT = "NIS_SUMMARY.XLS" ^CSV_DOCUMENT = "NIS_SUMMARY.CSV" OBJECT = XLS_DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "NIS_SUMMARY.XLS" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2001 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY DOCUMENT_FORMAT = "MICROSOFT EXCEL" DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = OBSERVATION_REPORT DESCRIPTION = "Observations log and summary of raw data files for the NIS instrument. This document lists in a tabular format the observations taken from Cruise 1 phase through the Eros Orbital phase of the NEAR mission. END_OBJECT = XLS_DOCUMENT OBJECT = CSV_DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "NIS_SUMMARY.CSV" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2001 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII DOCUMENT_FORMAT = TEXT DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = OBSERVATION_REPORT DESCRIPTION = "Observations log and summary of raw data files for the NIS instrument. This document lists in a tabular format the observations taken from Cruise 1 phase through the Eros Orbital phase of the NEAR mission. END_OBJECT = CSV_DOCUMENT END