The spacecraft went into safe mode (autonomous dump) after the first day of the load. The problem was related to a burn that did not execute properly. The currently executing sequence (00031) was aborted. The only requests that actually executed prior to this abort were the NIS/MSI Mirror Plane test, OPNAVBP_112 and NIS/MSI Mirror Geom test 1. All activities that had not executed were moved to occur in sequences 00033 and/or 00035. Sequence 00033 would only contain a few opnavs and the rescheduled burn. Sequence 00035 would contain some of the original activities that had been in 00031. (see that week for details) An unrelated problem with the opnavs popped up the same week. On tuesday Feb 1, Bill Owen reported that he was not able to see stars in the OpnavBPs because of scattered light through the clear filter (autoexp). He and Scott decided to change the sequence defs for OpnavBPs to make seq 29 be one manexp 150ms through filter 4, seq 9 to be four man exp 999 through filter 4, and seq 8 to be 3 autoexp through filter 4. Karl sent a real-time command Tues afternoon to make this change. Plans were made to modify seq 00038 to make the same changes to seq def file and also to modify the autoexposure setup for Opnav BPs. But this didn't happen right away. Next morning we found out that the s/c had gone into safing (the above-mentioned problem with the burn) We incorporated these changes to the opnav imaging into the 00033 load, and into 00035 with one change from the real time command sent Tuesday. The change is that in 00033, and 00035 we went back to using clear filter for the manual 999 exp. Summary of opnav_bp changes: original 00031 rtc 00033 and after seq 29 1 man clr 999ms 1 man filt4 150ms 1 man filt4 150ms seq 8 3 auto clr 3 auto filt4 3 auto filt4 seq 9 4 man clr 4 man filt4 999ms 4 man clr 999ms (4,60,999,999ms)