%R 2011PDSS..154G %A Gaskell, R.W. %T Gaskell Phobos Shape Model V1.0 %D 04/2011 %J NASA Planetary Data System, VO1-SA-VISA/VISB-5-PHOBOSSHAPE-V1.0 %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=VO1-SA-VISA%2FVISB-5-PHOBOSSHAPE-V1.0&resclass=data.dataset %B The shape model of Phobos derived by Robert Gaskell from Viking Orbiter 1 and Phobos 2 images. The model is provided in the implicitly connected quadrilateral (ICQ) format. This version of the model was prepared on March 11, 2006. Vertex-facet versions of the models are also provided.