CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDSX00000001 PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "INFRARED ASTRONOMICAL SATELLITE" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "FOCAL PLANE ARRAY" INSTRUMENT_ID = FPA OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Information about the IRAS Scan History File and the IRAS Zodiacal History binary file indices." PUBLICATION_DATE = 1994-07-22 END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains the IRAS Scan History File, its PDS label, the low resolution Zodiacal History binary file index, its PDS label, the medium resolution Zodiacal History binary file index, and its PDS label. The IRAS Scan History file includes all of the pointing information of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite over the span of its mission. It is broken down into 5749 scans, each of which has a unique observing geometry. The Zodiacal History binary file indices contain locations of data within the binary datasets. SCAN.TAB - IRAS Scan History File The first column of the table SCAN.TAB contains the OBSERVATION_ID of a scan. This id is given in the form SSS.OO, where SSS denotes the IRAS Satellite Observation Plan (SOP) and OO denotes the observation number within a SOP. ZOHF low resolution data for an observation with id xxx.yy can be found in ASCII form in the file A_xxx_yy.TAB , found in the subdirectory /ZOHF1. ZOHF medium resolution data for an observation with id xxx.yy can be found in ASCII form in the file B_xxx_yy.TAB , found in the subdirectory /ZOHF2. A binary version of the low resolution data for an observation can be found in the file /BIN_DATA/ZOHF1.DAT . Note that OBSERVATION_ID is also a column in the data file. A binary version of the medium resolution data can be found in /BIN_DATA/ZOHF2.DAT . ZOHF_LOW.TAB - Index for the IRAS Low Resolution Zodiacal History Files in binary form. ZOHF_MED.TAB - Index for the IRAS Medium Resolution Zodiacal History Files in binary form. The Zodiacal History binary file indices contain the OBSERVATION_ID of the table, the start byte of each scan, and the number of records contained within the table for each scan. The OBSERVATION_ID can be cross referenced with SCAN.TAB to find the pointing geometry for the given OBSERVATION_ID.