%R 2008PDSS...88M %A Mukai, T.;Abe, S.;Barnouin-Jha, O.;Cheng, A. %T Hayabusa LIDAR V1.0 %D 12/2008 %J NASA Planetary Data System, HAY-A-LIDAR-3-HAYLIDAR-V1.0 %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=HAY-A-LIDAR-3-HAYLIDAR-V1.0&resclass=data.dataset %B The HAYABUSA spacecraft included a LIght Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) altimeter. The primary objective of LIDAR was to establish the range between the HAYABUSA spacecraft and the asteroid Itokawa for navigation purposes during the surveying and collection phases of the mission. It provided excellent estimates of the location of the spacecraft relative to the asteroid. The Experiment Data Record (EDR), Calibrated Data Record (CDR) and House Keeping Experiment Data Record (HKEDR) from the Hayabusa LIDAR experiment are included in this data set.