%R 2014PDSS..214G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Radiance Point Spectra of Gaspra V1.0 %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0 %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0&resclass=data.dataset %B This data volume contains radiometrically corrected point spectra of asteroid 951 as acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) on October 29, 1991. They record the spectra collected as the Galileo spacecraft approached the target asteroid. These data are products of the calibration of the raw data number files gap015tn.qub, gap035tn.qub, gap036tn.qub, gap037tn.qub, and gap038tn.qub (DATA SET ID ='GO-A-NIMS-3 TUBE-V1.0') with calibration factors acquired during the first Earth/Moon encounter of the Galileo mission. These raw data .qub files are archived in the Imaging Node of the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS). The calibrated spectra consist of radiance measurements for wavelengths between 0.7 - 5.2 micrometers. %R 2014PDSS..214....1G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP015CALIBRATION_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP015CALIBRATION_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap015calibration.tab contains the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer calibration coefficients used to calibrate gap015radiance.tab and are derived from those archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. The gap015radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 22:01:16 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 17,029.6 kilometers. %R 2014PDSS..214....2G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP015IOF_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP015IOF_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap015iof.tab contains the incidence over flux spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 22:01:16 UT on October 29, 1991. It was created by a ratio of gap015radiance.tab by gap015sol.tab with a 50% pixel fill factor. %R 2014PDSS..214....3G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP015RADIANCE_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP015RADIANCE_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap015radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 22:01:16 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 17,029.6 kilometers. It is a calibrated data product derived from the data numbers found in line 9 sample 11 in the NASA PDS Imaging node file GAP015TN.QUB from the GO-A-NIMS-3-TUBE-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214....4G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP015SOLAR_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP015SOLAR_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap015sol.tab contains the modeled radiance solar spectrum that illuminated asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 22:01:16 UT on October 29, 1991. It was modeled using solar radiance data archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214....5G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP035CALIBRATION_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP035CALIBRATION_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap035calibration.tab contains the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer calibration coefficients used to calibrate gap035radiance.tab and are derived from those archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. The gap035radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:38:18 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 28,019.1 kilometers. %R 2014PDSS..214....6G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP035IOF_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP035IOF_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap035iof.tab contains the incidence over flux spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:38:18 UT on October 29, 1991. It was created by a ratio of gap035radiance.tab by gap035sol.tab with a 33% pixel fill factor. %R 2014PDSS..214....7G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP035RADIANCE_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP035RADIANCE_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap035radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:38:18 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 28,019.1 kilometers. It is a calibrated data product derived from the data numbers found in line 69 sample 4 in the NASA PDS Imaging node file GAP035TN.QUB from the GO-A-NIMS-3-TUBE-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214....8G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP035SOLAR_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP035SOLAR_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap035sol.tab contains the modeled radiance solar spectrum that illuminated asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:38:18 UT on October 29, 1991. It was modeled using solar radiance data archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214....9G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP036CALIBRATION_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP036CALIBRATION_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap036calibration.tab contains the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer calibration coefficients used to calibrate gap036radiance.tab and are derived from those archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. The gap036radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:51:36 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 21,630.3 kilometers. %R 2014PDSS..214...10G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP036IOF_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP036IOF_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap036iof.tab contains the incidence over flux spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:51:26 UT on October 29, 1991. It was created by a ratio of gap036radiance.tab by gap036sol.tab with a 33% pixel fill factor. %R 2014PDSS..214...11G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP036RADIANCE_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP036RADIANCE_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap036radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:51:36 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 21,630.3 kilometers. It is a calibrated data product derived from the data numbers found in line 252 sample 18 in the NASA PDS Imaging node file GAP035TN.QUB from the GO-A-NIMS-3-TUBE-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214...12G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP036SOLAR_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP036SOLAR_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap036sol.tab contains the modeled radiance solar spectrum that illuminated asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:51:36 UT on October 29, 1991. It was modeled using solar radiance data archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214...13G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP037CALIBRATION_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP037CALIBRATION_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap037calibration.tab contains the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer calibration coefficients used to calibrate gap037radiance.tab and are derived from those archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. The gap037radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:54:29 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 20,276.1 kilometers. %R 2014PDSS..214...14G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP037IOF_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP037IOF_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap037iof.tab contains the incidence over flux spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:54:29 UT on October 29, 1991. It was created by a ratio of gap037radiance.tab by gap037sol.tab with a 33% pixel fill factor. %R 2014PDSS..214...15G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP037RADIANCE_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP037RADIANCE_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap037radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:54:29 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 20,276.1 kilometers. It is a calibrated data product derived from the data numbers found in line 34 sample 18 in the NASA PDS Imaging node file GAP035TN.QUB from the GO-A-NIMS-3-TUBE-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214...16G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP037SOLAR_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP037SOLAR_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap037sol.tab contains the modeled radiance solar spectrum that illuminated asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 21:54:29 UT on October 29, 1991. It was modeled using solar radiance data archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214...17G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP038CALIBRATION_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP038CALIBRATION_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap038calibration.tab contains the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer calibration coefficients used to calibrate gap038radiance.tab and are derived from those archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. The gap038radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 22:07:13 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 14,144.7 kilometers. %R 2014PDSS..214...18G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP038IOF_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP038IOF_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap038iof.tab contains the incidence over flux spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 22:01:13 UT on October 29, 1991. It was created by a ratio of gap038radiance.tab by gap038sol.tab with a 66% pixel fill factor. %R 2014PDSS..214...19G %A Granahan, J.C. %T Gaspra IR Spectrum %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP038RADIANCE_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP038RADIANCE_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap038radiance.tab file contains the radiance point spectrum of asteroid 951 Gaspra acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 22:07:13 UT on October 29, 1991 at a distance of 14,144.7 kilometers. It is a calibrated data product derived from the data numbers found in line 49 sample 17 in the NASA PDS Imaging node file GAP035TN.QUB from the GO-A-NIMS-3-TUBE-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214...20G %A Granahan, J.C. %T NIMS Calibration %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:GAP038SOLAR_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3AGAP038SOLAR_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The gap038sol.tab contains the modeled radiance solar spectrum that illuminated asteroid 951 Gaspra as observed by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer at 22:07:13 UT on October 29, 1991. It was modeled using solar radiance data archived in the NASA PDS Imaging Node file E1WANTA2CI.QUB from the GO-E-NIMS-4-MOSAIC-V1.0 data set. %R 2014PDSS..214...21G %A Granahan, J.C. %T SCIENCE_INDEX %D 10/2014 %J NASA Planetary Data System, GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0:SCIENCE_INDEX_TAB %U http://pdsquery.jpl.nasa.gov/query?Identifier=GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0%3ASCIENCE_INDEX_TAB&resclass=data.product %B The science index table contains source file, mission, geometry, time, and spectra for the Gaspra point spectra data files.