Visual and InfraRed Mapping Spectrometer


(VIR Archive Product and Volume SIS)

Version 1.8
February 28, 2014

Maria Teresa Capria,

Area Ricerca Tor Vergata,
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100,
00133 Rome,


S. Joy

Dawn Science Center
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567

Visual and InfraRed Mapping Spectrometer

(VIR Archive Volumes SIS)

Version 1.8
February 28, 2014

                     Maria Cristina De Sanctis                        Date      
                     Experiment Team Lead                                       
                     Steven P. Joy                                    Date      
                     Dawn Science Center Manager                                
                     Christopher T. Russell                           Date      
                     Dawn Principal Investigator                                
                     Michael F. A'Hearn                               Date      
                     PDS Lead Node (SBN) Manager                                

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 5

1.1 Distribution List .............................................. 5

1.2 Document Change Log ............................................ 5

1.3 TBD Items ...................................................... 6

1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................... 6

1.5 Glossary ....................................................... 7

1.6 Dawn Mission Overview .......................................... 7

1.7 Content Overview ............................................... 9

1.8 Scope .......................................................... 9

1.9 Relationship to Other Dawn Archives ............................ 9

1.10 Applicable Documents........................................... 9

1.11 Audience ...................................................... 10

2. VIR Instrument Description ........................................ 11

2.1 Science Objectives ............................................. 11

2.2 Detectors ...................................................... 11

2.3 Electronics .................................................... 12

2.3.1 Proximity Electronics ..................................... 12

2.3.2 Main Electronics .......................................... 12

2.4 Operational Modes .............................................. 12

2.5 Ground calibration ............................................. 14

3. Data Set Overview .................................................. 16

3.1 Data Sets ...................................................... 16

3.2 Level-0 Data Flow .............................................. 16

3.3 Data Processing ................................................ 17

3.3.1 EDR (Level 1a) Data Processing and Production ............. 17

3.3.2 RDR (Level 1b) Data Processing and Production ............. 17

3.4 Data Flow ...................................................... 20

3.5 Data Release Schedule* ......................................... 21

4. Archive Volumes .................................................... 22

4.1 Volume Format .................................................. 22

4.2 Volume Labeling and Identification ............................. 22

4.3 Data Validation ................................................ 22

4.3.1 Instrument Team Validation ................................ 22

4.3.2 Science Team Validation ................................... 22

4.3.3 PDS Peer Review ........................................... 23

5. Archive Volume Contents ............................................ 24

5.1 Root Directory Contents ........................................ 24

5.2 INDEX Directory Contents ....................................... 24

5.3 CATALOG Directory Contents ..................................... 25

5.4 CALIB Directory Contents ....................................... 25

5.5 DOCUMENT Directory Contents .................................... 26

5.6 DATA Directory ................................................. 26

5.6.1 File Naming Conventions ................................... 26

5.6.2 Data Organization and Sub-directories ..................... 27

5.6.3 Required Files ............................................ 27

5.7 GEOMETRY Directory Contents .................................... 27

5.8 BROWSE Directory ............................................... 28

6. Data Format Descriptions ........................................... 29

6.1.1 VIR data File Structure ................................... 29

6.1.2 VIR EDR data File Structure ............................... 29 Table structure ...................................... 32

6.1.3 VIR RDR Data File Structure ............................... 34

6.2 VIR Labels description ......................................... 35

6.2.1 VIR Local keywords ........................................ 41

Appendix A. Sample PDS Labels ......................................... 43

Data Product Labels: EDR data ...................................... 43

Data Product Labels: RDR data ...................................... 54

Index Table Label .................................................. 62

Example Document Label ............................................. 64

Appendix B. Support staff and cognizant personnel ..................... 67

Appendix C. Software that can be used to work with the data ........... 68

Visualization of the VIR qubes ..................................... 68


This document describes the contents and types of archive volumes belonging to all of the VIR NASA level 1 (CODMAC levels 2 and 3) data sets. This includes detailed descriptions of the data formats to allow users to read the data products.

1.1 Distribution List

Table 1. Distribution List

   Distribution List
   Name                  Email
   M. C. De Sanctis      mariacristina.desanctis@iaps.inaf.it
   M. A'Hearn            ma@astro.umd.edu
   S. Joy                sjoy@igpp.ucla.edu
   J. Mafi               jmafi@igpp.ucla.edu
   C. Raymond            carol.raymond@jpl.nasa.gov
   C. Russell            ctrussell@igpp.ucla.edu

1.2 Document Change Log

Table 2. Document Change Log

   Document                           Change      History
   Change                             Date        Affected Portions
   Boilerplate  Draft                 11/02/2007  All
   Updated boilerplate, Inserted VIR 
   label information and INDEX file 
   description                        11/21/2008  All
   First draft                        2/3/2009    All
   Second draft                       12/2011     Includes description of 
                                                  updated EDR qube format
   Version 1.2                        4/2011      Includes description of 
                                                  updated EDR (ISIS3-compliant)
   Version 1.3                        6/2011      Updated description of labels 
                                                  and data formats
   Version 1.4                        10/2011     Updated 
   Version 1.5                        08/2012     Updated following review held
                                                  in May, 2012
   Version 1.6                        10/2012     Updated following review held 
                                                  in September, 2012
   Version 1.7                        07/11/2013  Update for Vesta data archive
   Version 1.8                        02/2014     Updated following Vesta peer      review

1.3 TBD Items

Table 3. TBD Items

   TBD Items
   Item      Section      Pages

1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Table 4. Acronyms and Abbreviations

   Acronyms and Abbreviations
   Acronym     Definition
   ASCII       American Standard Code for Information Interchange
   CCD         Charge-Coupled Device
   CDROM       Compact Disc, Read Only Memory
   CODMAC      Committee on Data Management and Computation
   DSC         Dawn Science Center
   DSDb        Dawn Science Database
   DVD         Digital Versatile Disc
   EDR         Experiment Data Record
   EGSE        Electrical Ground Supporting Equipment
   FC          Framing Camera(s)
   FLTOPS      JPL Multi-mission Flight Operations
   Gb          Gigabit(s)
   GB          Gigabyte(s)
   GRaND       Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector
   HAMO        High Altitude Mapping Orbit
   HK          HouseKeeping
   ISIS        Integrated Software for Imaging Spectrometers
   ISO         International Standards Organization
   JPL         Jet Propulsion Laboratory
   LAMO        Low Altitude Mapping Orbit
   NASA        National Aeronautics and Space Administration
   NSSDC       National Space Science Data Center
   PDB         Project Database
   PDS         Planetary Data System
   RDR         Reduced Data Record
   RMOC        Remote Mission Operations Center
   SAMO        Survey Altitude Mapping Orbit
   SBN         Small Bodies Node
   SCET        SpaceCraft Elapsed Time
   ST          Science Team
   SIS         Software Interface Specification
   TBD         To Be Determined
   UCLA        University of California, Los Angeles
   UTC         Coordinated Universal Time
   VIR         Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer

1.5 Glossary

Archive � An archive consists of one or more Data Sets along with all the documentation and ancillary information needed to understand and use the data. An archive is a logical construct independent of the medium on which it is stored.

Archive Volume � A collection of files formatted according to the PDS Archive Volume standards. This collection may be electronic or stored on a PDS approved physical media such as DVD or CDROM.

Archive Volume Set � A collection of one or more Archive Volumes used to store a single Data Set or collection of related Data Sets.

Catalog Information � High-level descriptive information about a Data Set (e.g., mission description, spacecraft description, instrument description), expressed in Object Description Language (ODL), which is suitable for loading into a PDS catalog.

Data Product � A labeled grouping of data resulting from a scientific observation, usually stored in one file. A product label identifies, describes, and defines the structure of the data. An example of a Data Product is a planetary image, a spectral table, or a time series table.

Data Set � A Data Set is a collection of Data Products from a single instrument that have a common data processing level, together with supporting documentation and ancillary files.

Standard Data Product � A Data Product generated in a predefined way using well-understood procedures, processed in "pipeline" fashion. Data Products that are generated in a non�standard way are sometimes called special Data Products.

1.6 Dawn Mission Overview

The Dawn mission will study two main belt asteroids, Vesta and Ceres. Both bodies are believed to have accreted early in the history of the solar system. They have been selected because while they can speak to conditions and processes early in the formation of the solar system, they developed into two characteristically different bodies. Vesta is a dry differentiated body with a surface showing signs of resurfacing. Ceres has a primitive surface containing water-bearing minerals and may possess a weak atmosphere. By studying both these bodies, the Dawn mission hopes to compare the different evolutionary path each took as well as characterize conditions of the early solar system.

To carry out its scientific mission, the Dawn spacecraft is carrying three science instruments. These instruments are: a visible camera (FC), a visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR), and a gamma ray and neutron spectrometer (GRaND). In addition to these instruments, radiometric and optical navigation data will provide data relating to the gravity field and thus bulk properties and internal structure of the two bodies (GSE).

The Dawn spacecraft was launched on September 27, 2007 on a Delta II 2925-9.5 Heavy from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Using its ion propulsion subsystem the spacecraft thrusted on a trajectory (Figure 1) that had it arriving nominally at Vesta in August, 2011. Once arrived at Vesta, the spacecraft entered a series of circular near-polar orbits. These different orbits have been varied in altitude and orientation relative to the sun to achieve the best positioning for the various observations planned. A minimum of seven months have to be spent observing Vesta before departing.

After completing its data collection campaign at Vesta, the Dawn spacecraft will use its ion propulsion subsystem to leave Vesta and travel on to Ceres, making it the first spacecraft ever to orbit one extraterrestrial body, depart, and then orbit a second body. It will arrive at Ceres in February, 2015 and like its rendezvous at Vesta, it will enter a series of circular near-polar orbits. The spacecraft will spend a minimum of five months in orbit at Ceres at various altitudes collecting science data.

Figure 1. Overview of Dawn mission.

Dawn is an asteroid mapping mission. Each asteroid encounter has been sub- divided into three mapping phases, each at different altitudes, and each with different science objectives and primary experiments. Shortly after orbit capture the spacecraft will enter into a survey altitude mapping orbit (SAMO) where the VIR instrument is primary. This phase is relatively short, lasting for only 2-3 orbits. Global spectroscopy data and low resolution global image mosaics will be acquired during these phases at each asteroid. After SAMO, the spacecraft will be maneuvered into a high altitude mapping orbit (HAMO) where the FC instrument is primary. Medium resolution global stereo imaging will be performed at this altitude (700 km Vesta, 1200 km Ceres) while local high resolution spectroscopy data is acquired. Finally, the spacecraft will proceed to the low altitude mapping orbit (LAMO) where the GRaND and gravity experiments will collect their prime data and additional, local, high resolution imaging and spectroscopy data will be acquired. On asteroid approach, all of the instruments will perform in-flight calibrations and acquire data that will be used to characterize the hazards of the near asteroid environment (dust) and search for moons.

1.7 Content Overview

Chapter 2 describes the VIR instrument, including its primary science objectives, detectors, electronics, optics, and operation.

Chapter 3 describes the data sets, data volume, data processing and production, data flow, and scientific data validation.

Chapter 4 describes the archive volume generation, volume naming conventions, production, and PDS peer review.

Chapter 5 describes the PDS archive volume structure, the contents of each directory, and the various file naming conventions.

Chapter 6 describes the format of the EDR and RDR data files

Appendix A provides example PDS labels for the data files, index and geometry tables, and an example document label.

Appendix B lists the support staff and cognizant personnel associated with the archive generation and validation.

Appendix C lists the software that can be used to access and visualize the VIR data.

1.8 Scope

This specification applies to all archive volumes containing VIR data products for the duration of its mission.

1.9 Relationship to Other Dawn Archives

Higher level products, such as, for example, mineral maps, are foreseen but will be defined and detailed later on.

1.10 Applicable Documents

Planetary Science Data Dictionary Document, November12, 2009, Planetary Data System, JPL D-7116, Rev. E

Planetary Data System Standards Reference, February 27, 2009, Version 3.8. JPL D-7669, Part 2.

Planetary Data System Archive Preparation Guide, June 4, 2008, Version 1.3. JPL D-31224.

Dawn Science Data Management Plan, March, XX, 2007, DAWN-31-4032, JPL D-25901, Rev. A.

Dawn Mission to Vesta and Ceres, C.T. Russell, F. Capaccioni, A. Coradini, M.C. De Sanctis, W.C. Feldman and 11 others, Earth, Moon and Planets 101, 65-91, 2007.

The VIR spectrometer, M.C. De Sanctis et al.,Space Sci Rev DOI 10.1007/s11214-010-9668-5

DAWN VIR Calibration Document, G. Filacchione, E. Ammannito, Version 2.1, November 2013

1.11 Audience

This specification is useful to those who wish to understand the format and content of the VIR PDS data product archive collection. Typically, these individuals would be scientists, data analysts, or software engineers.

2. VIR Instrument Description

VIR is an imaging spectrometer having moderate spectral resolution that combines two data channels in one instrument. The two data channels, Visible (spectral range 0.25-1 micron) and Infrared (spectral range 0.95-5 micron), are committed to spectral mapping and are housed in the same optical subsystem. The instrument is composed by the Optics Module (OM), the Proximity Electronic box (PEM), housed inside the Optics Module, and the Main Electronics box (ME). The PEM contains all the electronics needed to interface the Main Electronics, to drive the FPAs, the scan mirror and the cover mechanism and to perform the acquisition and conversion of the science and housekeeping data. The ME manages the operation of the two channels, gathers data and housekeeping information, stores the data, performs data compression, controls the cryo-cooler and interfaces the instrument with the S/C. A complete description of the instrument and its performance can be found in The VIR spectrometer, M.C. De Sanctis et al., Space Sci Rev DOI 10.1007/s11214- 010-9668-5.

2.1 Science Objectives

A Multispectral Imager - covering the range from the near UV (0.25 micron) to the near IR (5.0 micron) and having moderate to high spectral resolution and imaging capabilities - is an appropriate instrument for the determination of global (size, shape, albedo, etc.), and local (mineralogical features, topography, roughness, dust and gas production rates, etc.) properties of Vesta and Ceres. The primary scientific objectives of VIR during the Dawn mission are:

Secondary objectives are:

2.2 Detectors

The VIR optical system is a Shafer telescope matched through a slit to an Offner grating spectrometer. The Shafer consists of 5 mirrors mounted on an aluminum optical bench. The primary mirror is a scanning Beryllium mirror driven by a torque motor. The bench is machined from a single aluminum alloy billet and acts both as a cold plate and optical support structure, mounted on the ledge of the Cold Box. The Offner spectrometer consists of a mirror and a spherical convex diffraction grating housed in an aluminum structure that is flange mounted to the telescope.

The Optical Head contains the following items:

2.3. Electronics

2.3.1 Proximity Electronics

The Proximity Electronics consists of the following items:

2.3.2 Main Electronics

The ME is physically separated from the Optics Module. It consists of the Digital Processing Units (DPUs), the S/C interface control units, the power supply for all the sub-units of the instrument excluding the cryocooler, the interface units and the coolers electronics. The DPU, S/C interfaces, instrument interfaces are also called DHSU (Data Handling and Support Unit). The VIR sub-systems (PEM, coolers, covers and scan mirror) are switched on/off by means of the Power Distribution Unit (PDU) of the ME/power supply unit, controlled by the DHSU. The main tasks of the DHSU are:

4.3.2 Science Team Validation

The Dawn Science Team has access to the VIR EDR and RDR data sets for several months prior to their public release by the PDS. These are the data that the Science team uses for its initial data analysis and interpretation. Any data processing errors that are discovered through the use of the data are reported back to the VIR team so that they can be corrected. In addition, the Science Team uses the same documentation that is later released to the PDS during its analysis. If any of the documentation is unclear, or if there are omissions in the documentation that hinder data analysis, these problems are reported back to the VIR team so that they can be corrected.

4.3.3 PDS Peer Review

The peer review panel consists of members of the instrument team, the DSC, and members of the PDS Small Bodies and Engineering Nodes, and at least two outside scientists actively working in the field of asteroid remote sensing science. The DSC is responsible for generating and delivering PDS-compliant volumes to the SBN. The PDS personnel are responsible for verifying that the volume(s) are fully compliant with PDS standards. The instrument team and outside science reviewers are responsible for verifying the content of the data set, the completeness of the documentation, and the usability of the data in its archive format. The peer review process is a two part process. First, the panel reviews this document and verifies that a volume produced to this specification will be useful. Next, the panel reviews a specimen volume to verify that the volume meets this specification and is indeed acceptable.

During the peer review process, the panel will normally identify errors or omissions in the archive documentation, problems with conformance with the PDS standards. All accepted peer review liens will be resolved prior to the public release of the data. Liens that require data product updates, or updates to the instrument or data set documentation will be addressed by the VIR team. Any problems identified with the volume format, volume documentation, index files, or other products produced by the Dawn Science Center will be corrected by the DSC. After the liens are resolved, the DSC will create and submit an updated archive volume to the PDS Small Bodies Node.

5. Archive Volume Contents

This section describes the contents of the VIR standard product archive collection volumes, including the file names, file contents, file types, and organizations responsible for providing the files. All the ancillary files described herein appear on each VIR archive volume, except where noted.

5.1 Root Directory Contents

The following files are contained in the root directory, and are produced by the DSC at UCLA. With the exception of the hypertext file and its label, all of these files are required by the PDS Archive Volume organization standards.

Table 8. Root Directory Contents

   Root Directory Contents
   File Name         File Contents                                  File Provided By
   AAREADME.TXT      This file completely describes the Volume             DSC
                     organization and contents (PDS label 
   ERRATA.TXT        A cumulative listing of comments and updates          DSC
                     concerning all INST_ID Standard Data Products 
                     on all INST_ID Volumes in the Volume set 
                     published to date.
   VOLDESC.CAT       A description of the contents of this Volume          DSC
                     in a PDS format readable by both humans and 
   MD5_CHECKSUM.TXT  File containing a listing of the MD5 checksum,        DSC
                     and file location of every file on the volume. 

5.2 INDEX Directory Contents

The following files are contained in the INDEX directory and are produced by the DSC. The INDEX.TAB file contains a listing of all data products on the archive volume and is described by a detached PDS label (INDEX.LBL). The GEOM_INDEX.TAB file contains a listing of geometrical parameters associated with each data file. The values provided in this table have been extracted from the individual data product labels. GEOM_INDEX.TAB is described by a detached PDS label (GEOM_INDEX.LBL). The index table, label, and index information (INDXINFO.TXT) files are required by the PDS volume standards. The index tables include both required and optional columns.

Table 9. Index Table Contents

   Index Table Contents
   Column Name           Format  Units  Description
   DATA_SET_ID            A38           Identifier of the data set to which 
                                        the product belongs
   FILE_SPEC_NAME         A80           Complete path and file name relative to 
                                        the volume root directory
   PRODUCT_ID             A30           PDS Product Identifier (typically file 
                                        name, minus extension and version)
   VOLUME_ID              A11           Identifier of the volume on which the 
                                        product is archived
   PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME  A23           File creation date/time
   START_TIME             A23           File start time � UTC at spacecraft
   STOP_TIME              A23           File end time � UTC at spacecraft
   IMAGE_MID_TIME         A23           The center time of the image or cube

5.3 CATALOG Directory Contents

The completed PDS catalog files in the CATALOG directory provide a top-level understanding of the Dawn/VIR mission and its data products. The information necessary to create the files is provided by the VIR team and formatted into standard template formats by the DSC. The files in this directory are coordinated with the data engineers at both the DSC and the PDS SBN.

Table 10. Catalog Directory Contents

   Catalog Directory Contents
   File Name                File Contents                           File Provided By
   CATINFO.TXT              A description of the contents of this          DSC
   VIR_DDD_PPP_TTT_DS.CAT   PDS Data Set catalog description of the      VIR Team
                            data set included on this volume 
                               DDD = detector (IR or VIS)      
                               PPP = processing (EDR or RDR)      
                               TTT = mission phase target (CRUISE, VESTA,
                                     or CERES)
   dawninsthost.cat         PDS instrument host (spacecraft)               DSC
                            catalog description of the Dawn 
   VIR_INST.CAT             PDS instrument catalog description of        VIR Team
                            the VIR instrument
   dawnmission.cat          PDS mission catalog description of the         DSC
                            Dawn mission 
   VIR_PERSON.CAT           PDS personnel catalog description of VIR     VIR Team
                            Team members and other persons involved 
                            with generation of VIR Data Products
   VIR_REF.CAT              VIR-related references mentioned in other    VIR Team
                            *.CAT files
   X_TARG.CAT               PDS catalog description of target X (when      DSC
                            included in the volume) 

5.4 CALIB Directory Contents

The calibration directory contains calibration files and procedures. Text files are described by attached PDS labels. Formatted documents are described by detached PDS labels.

The calibration files contained in this directory are usually made available together with the calibrated (RDR level) data files.

Table 11. CALIB Directory Contents

   Calib Directory Contents 
   File Name                       File Contents                              File 
                                                                           Provided By
   CALINFO.TXT                     A description of the contents of           DSC
                                   this directory 
   DAWN_VIR_VIS_RESP_V1.TXT        432x256 floating precision matrix        VIR Team
                                   containing the Instrumental Transfer 
                                   Function, including the VIS flat-field.
   DAWN_VIR_IR_RESP_V1.TXT         432x256 floating precision matrix        VIR Team
                                   containing the Instrumental Transfer 
                                   Function, including the IR flat-field.
   DAWN_VIR_VIS_HIGHRES_SPECAL_V1.TXT   The file contains the wavelengths,  VIR Team
                                   of the 432 bands of the visible focal 
                                   plane (high spectral modes, see  2.4). 

   DAWN_VIR_IR_HIGHRES_SPECAL_V1.TXT   The file contains the wavelengths    VIR Team
                                   of the 432 bands of the infrared focal 
                                   plane (high spectral modes, see  2.4). 
   DAWN_VIR_VIS_NOMRES_SPECAL_V1.TXT   The file contains the wavelengths    VIR Team
                                   of the 144 bands of the visible focal 
                                   plane (low spectral modes, see  2.4). 
   DAWN_VIR_IR_NOMRES_SPECAL_V1.TXT   The file contains the wavelengths     VIR Team
                                   of the 144 bands of the infrared focal 
                                   plane (low spectral modes, see  2.4).
   DAWN_VIR_VIS_WIDTH432_V1.TXT   The file contains the widths of the       VIR Team
                                  432 bands of the visible focal plane 
                                  (high spectral modes, see  2.4).
   DAWN_VIR_IR_WIDTH432_V1.TXT    The file contains the widths of the       VIR Team
                                  432 bands of the infrared focal plane 
                                  (high spectral modes, see  2.4).
   DAWN_VIR_VIS_WIDTH144_V1.TXT   The file contains the widths of the       VIR Team
                                  144 bands of the visible focal plane 
                                  (low spectral modes, see  2.4). 
   DAWN_VIR_IR_WIDTH144_V1.TXT    The file contains the widths of the       VIR Team
                                  144 bands of the infrared focal plane 
                                  (low spectral modes, see  2.4). 

5.5 DOCUMENT Directory Contents

Archive documents are stored in the DOCUMENT directory branch of the archive volume. Each document is located in a separate subdirectory. Documents are stored either in simple ASCII text files with attached PDS labels (*.TXT) or in PDF-A (archive PDF) format with detached PDS labels.

Table 12. Document Directory Contents

   DOCUMENT Directory Contents
   File Name           File Contents                                File Provided By
   DOCINFO.TXT         A description of the contents of this              DSC
   SCIENCE_PLAN        A directory containing copies of the Dawn      Dawn Project
                       Science Plan 
   SIS                 A directory containing copies the data           VIR Team
                       product and archive volume SIS (this 
   VESTA_COORDINATES   A directory containing copies of the Vesta     Dawn Project
                       Coordinate Systems Document  
   VIR_CALIBRATION     A directory containing copies of the VIR         VIR Team
                       Calibration Document
   ENVI_TUTORIAL       A directory containing copies of the VIR 
                       ENVI Tutorial document      
   ISIS_TUTORIAL       A directory containing copies of the VIR 
                       ISIS Tutorial document      

5.6 DATA Directory

The DATA directory contains the data products (labeled data files) produced by the VIR team.

5.6.1 File Naming Conventions

VIR spectral data are stored in QUBE format with detached PDS labels. Data cubes are named according to the suffix indicating the channel, the processing level, the spacecraft clock reset number and the acquisition SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT (integer part). The naming convention is the following:



VIR indicates the instrument, fixed
sss indicates the sensor, IR or VIS for the infrared or visible spectrometers respectively
ll indicates the processing level, either 1A or 1B
v indicates the clock reset number

sctime is the acquisition SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT (integer part)
z indicates the data file version (1-9)

The extension is always QUB. For example, visible channel raw data acquisitions starting at SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT = 21983325.39258 are named:


Due to internal synchronization delays, the same acquisition could be shifted by few seconds among the two channels.

The housekeeping data related to a given qube are stored in a table with a detached label.

The extension of the file containing the table is TAB. The filename is similar to the corresponding RDR Qube, but for a 'HK' inserted before the file version number. As an example, the housekeeping information of the qube VIR_VIS_1A_1_21983325_1.QUB is stored in the file VIR_VIS_1A_1_21983325_HK_1.TAB.

5.6.2. Data Organization and Sub-directories

The DATA directory will normally be divided into subdirectories by observing period in order to keep the number of data files in each directory manageable. The cruise calibration volume will eventually contain many years of data. The first level of subdivision of this volume will be mission phase. The Vesta and Ceres data volumes will be subdivided by observation. Phase and observation level directories will be named following the convention:



yyyymmdd = start date (yyyy=year, mm=month, dd=day)
xxx = phase or observation ID



if the mission timeline remains as it is today.

5.6.3 Required Files

Every file in the DATA path of a VIR archive volume is described by an external (detached) PDS label.

5.7 GEOMETRY Directory Contents

The GEOMETRY directory contains copies of the VIR SPICE metakernel (MK) files. MK files are SPICE text kernels that list the SPICE kernels that were used in data processing and in the calculation of the geometry parameters contained in the data label files. The SPICE kernels listed in these MK files are archived at the PDS-NAIF node.

VIR MK files are named according to the convention:



phase indicates the mission phase covered by the MK file
nn indicates the MK file version number

For example the file DAWN_VSH_r03.MK is version 3 of the Vesta Science HAMO (VSH) metakernel.

5.8 BROWSE Directory

To the moment, there are no planned BROWSE products.

6. Data Format Descriptions

6.1.1 VIR data File Structure

EDR and RDR data products are organized in a similar way, that is three- dimensional matrices (a QUBE) containing the data + a TABLE containing associated housekeeping information. The labels are always detached.

A QUBE object is a multidimensional array (called the core) of sample values in multiple dimensions. The core is homogeneous, and can consist of unsigned byte, signed half-word or floating point full-word elements. QUBEs of one to three dimensions may have optional suffix areas in each axis.

The QUBE is the main data structure of the ISIS (Integrated Software for Imaging Spectrometers) system. A frequently used specialization of the QUBE object is the ISIS Standard

Qube, which is a three-dimensional QUBE with two spatial dimensions and one spectral dimension. Its axes have the interpretations 'sample', 'line' and 'band'. Three physical storage orders are allowed: band-sequential, line- interleaved (band-interleaved-by-line) and sample-interleaved (band- interleaved-by-pixel).

The implementation selected for VIR data does not include suffix areas; the associated information is instead stored in a table.

Figure 5. Generic ISIS Cube Structure

6.1.2 VIR EDR data File Structure

The VIR EDR data sets use the 3-D core structure to store the instrument data. A table is storing instrument housekeeping data. Spectra are stored intact for single sample (most rapidly varying component in the 3-D structure). All samples are collected at a single time, and are thus the next most rapidly varying component of the data core. Finally, QUBEs are constructed by assembling spatial lines that are either acquired in a push-broom mode (value field of the keyword SCAN_MODE_ID set to 0) or by using the VIR scan mirror that moves the slit across the target body. The line direction is the most slowly varying component in the data core.

The data files include the data QUBE itself, a TABLE with the instrument housekeeping and the two detached labels. The labels are ASCII text and can be viewed using normal text viewers.

The following definitions apply to both EDR and RDR qubes (see fig. 6).

In the following table, the co-ordinate sizes for the different VIR operative modes are listed.

Table 13. VIR operative modes

OPERATIVE MODE                    #BANDS                    #SAMPLES (1)   #LINES (2)
science full slit

LOW SPATIAL                         288                         64          3600 (3)
LOW SPECTRAL            binning  3 (144 VIS + 144 IR)        binning 4

HIGH SPATIAL                        288                        256           900 (3)
LOW SPECTRAL            binning  3 (144 VIS + 144 IR) 

HIGH SPECTRAL                       864                         64          1200 (3)
LOW SPATIAL                  (432 VIS + 432 IR)              binning 4

HIGH SPECTRAL                       864                        256           300 (3)
HIGH SPATIAL                 (432 VIS + 432 IR)
science quarter slit(4)                                    

HIGH SPECTRAL                       864                         64          1200 (3)
HIGH SPATIAL                 (432 VIS + 432 IR)

LOW SPECTRAL                        288                         64          3600 (3)
HIGH SPATIAL            binning 3 (144 VIS + 144 IR)

HIGH SPECTRAL                       864                        256            35
HIGH SPATIAL                 (432 VIS +432 IR)            256            35

(1) The max number of samples is also called swath width (Dx)
(2) The max number of lines is also called swath length (Dy)
(3) The number of lines to saturate the VIR on board mass memory of 1 Gbits (TBC)
(4) The science quarter slit is an operational mode selectable by command: the position of the quarter slit is selectable by TC for the VIS channel, while it is fixed for the IR channel.

Figure 6. Definitions of data types

A DATA CUBE is a 3-dimensional matrix representing a set of data, i.e. the digital number vs. the two spatial co-ordinates (x,y) and the spectral one (l).

An IMAGE is a 2-dimensional matrix of the data cube, defined by selecting its # BAND.

A FRAME is a 2-dimensional matrix of the data cube, defined by selecting its # LINE (scan mirror in a fixed position).

A SLICE is a 2-dimensional matrix of the data cube, defined by selecting its # SAMPLE.

A PIXEL is an element of the image (associated to a # BAND), defined by selecting # SAMPLE and # LINE (i.e. spatial coordinates (x,y)).

For each pixel it is useful to define the following data structures: Table structure

The frames composing a qube are downloaded as a series of packets, containing part of a given frame. Each packet begins with a secondary header, while a primary header is downloaded at the beginning of each stream of packets. All the housekeeping information related to the frames is coming with the primary and secondary header of the packets. The HK parameters are stored in a table as 33 fields with a variable number of bytes. Every line in the table corresponds to a frame in the qube data file. The number of table rows actually used is identical for each frame. This number is written in the value field of SUFFIX_ITEM keyword (see section 6.2). The following table details the content of the HK table.

Table 14. Information stored on each row of the housekeeping table

Start   Field name                 Unit   Description
   1    VERSION, TYPE, SECONDARY          Information derived from the        
        HEADER FLAG                       secondary header of the packet
                                          containing the frame
   4    APID                              Information deriving from the 
                                          secondary header of the packet 
                                          containing the frame
   8    PACKETS SEQUENCE CONTROL          Information deriving from the 
                                          secondary header of the
                                          packet containing the frame
  14    PACKETS LENGTH                    Information deriving from the 
                                          secondary header of the packet 
                                          containing the frame      
  19    SCET TIME (CLOCK)                 Spacecraft elapsed time referred to 
                                          the frame
  34    FRAME NUMBER                      Number of frames in the current 
                                          subsession/sequence step
  38    FRAME COUNT                       Frame in the current sub-session/
                                          sequence step counter
  42    SUBFRAME  COUNT                   Sub-frame in the current frame 
  45    PACKETS COUNT                     Packet in the current sub-frame 
  48    SHUTTER STATUS                    Status of the shutter during the 
                                          data acquisition: 1 = open; 
                                          0 = close (dark current acquisition)
  57    CHANNEL IDENTIFIER                Identifier of the channel: 1 = VIS; 
                                          0 = IR
  61    COMPRESSION MODE                  Type of compression applied on the 
                                          onboard data, before the 
                                          transmission to Earth.
  82    SPECTRAL RANGE                    Spectral range that has been 
                                          actually acquired.
 107    CURRENT MODE                      Operative mode (see tab. 5, pag. 14) 
 120    CURRENT SUBMODE                   Operative submode (see tab. 5, pag.
 135    M IR EXPOSURE TIME           s    IRFPA exposure time
 146    M IR TEMPERATURE             K    IRFPA temperature
 157    M CCD EXPOSURE TIME          s    CCD exposure time
 168    M CCD TEMPERATURE            K    CCD temperature
 179    M MIRROR SINUS              DEG   Sinus of the electrical angle of the
                                          scan unit (commanded)
 190    M MIRROR COSINE             DEG   Cosinus of the electrical angle of 
                                          the scan unit (commanded)
 201    M SPECTROMETER TEMPERATURE   K     Temperature of the spectrometer
 212    M TELESCOPE TEMPERATURE      K     Temperature of the telescope
 223    CCE COLD TIP                 K                
 234    RADIATOR TEMPERATURE         K     Temperature of the radiator
 245    M SU MOTOR CURRENT           A     Scan unit motor temperature
 256    LEDGE TEMPERATURE            K    Optical mounting ledge temperature
 267    START NOISY BITS                  This information is related to the 
                                          compression algorithm applied 
                                          onboard on the data.  
 270    END NOISY BITS                    This information is related to the 
                                          compression algorithm applied 
                                          onboard on the data.  
 273    CR ROW                            This information is related to the 
                                          compression algorithm applied 
                                          onboard on the data.  
 276    NUMBER OF NOISY BITS              This information is related to the 
                                          compression algorithm applied 
                                          onboard on the data.  
 279    SUB-FRAME DATA                    This information is related to the 
                                          compression algorithm applied 
                                          onboard on the data.  
 285    SEQUENCE STEP                     Step in the the TC sequence at the 
                                          origin of the data

6.1.3 VIR RDR Data File Structure

The logical object that is storing the calibrated data is a QUBE with a detached label. Information relevant to the calibration process is stored in another qube formed by three planes (called 'quality qube'), with detached label. The filenames of the calibrated data are following the same formation rules as the raw data. A 'QQ' is inserted before the file version number in the filename of the quality qube.

The data in a RDR cube are expressed in radiance physical units (W m- 2 mm-1 sterad-1), saved in floating precision in BIP format (Bands, Sample, Line). The label is similar to the one of the corresponding EDR cube; a "NOTE" in the HISTORY OBJECT is keeping trace of the ITF file used in the calibration process.

The quality qube contains three planes:

   Regular pixel                                 0
   Filter                                        1
   Defective pixel                               2
   Detilt empty zone                             3
   Filter+Defective pixel                        4
   Filter+Detilt empty zone                      5
   Defective pixel + Detilt empty zone           6
   Filter+Defective pixel+Detilt empty zone      7

   Regular pixel                                 0
   Filter                                        1
   Defective pixel                               2
   IRFPA failure zone                            3
   Filter+Defective pixel                        4
   Filter+IRFPA failure zone                     5
   Defective pixel + IRFPA failure zone          6
   Filter+Defective pixel+IRFPA failure zone     7

This information is stored in a byte array of bands x sample elements by the calibration pipeline. The array is single precision floating point by construction, including this plane.

6.2. VIR Labels description

The keywords contained in the VIR data products labels are listed in the following tables, together with a short description.

Table 15. Keywords contained in the VIR data products labels

Keyword                    Value       Value Description
PDS_VERSION_ID                         Value = "PDS3"
                                       This is the version number of the PDS 
                                       standard document that is valid when a 
                                       data product label is created.
LABEL_REVISION_NOTE                    Information on the actual version of 
                                       the label 
DATA_SET_NAME                          See Table 6 for a list of valid values

DATA_SET_ID                            See Table 6 for a list of valid values

PRODUCT_ID                             Actual name of the file containing the 
                                       data; see section 5.6.1
PRODUCT_TYPE                           Possible values: EDR or RDR 

PRODUCER_FULL_NAME                     Value = "A. CORADINI"

                                       Identifies the organization responsible for 
                                       developing the data products.
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME                  Contains the date and time at which the PDS 
                                       file was created in PDS time format.
PRODUCT_VERSION_ID                     The version number of the PDS product.

RECORD_TYPE                            Value = "FIXED_LENGTH"
                                       All VIR data files will be using a 
                                       fixed-length record format.
RECORD_BYTES                           Value = 512
                                       All VIR data files have a record length of 
                                       512 bytes.
FILE_RECORDS                           The number of records number in the data file.

LABEL_RECORDS                          The number of records of size RECORD_BYTES
                                       used by the label.

START_TIME                             START_TIME gives the corrected UTC spacecraft 
                                       time for the  observation start.
                                       Format:      yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss
STOP_TIME                              STOP_TIME gives the corrected UTC spacecraft 
                                       time for the observation stop; this 
                                       keyword must always be present even if the 
                                       stop time is unknown or unavailable. 
IMAGE_MID_TIME                         Corrected UTC spacecraft time for the middle 
                                       observation time.
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT           Start time represented in the native spacecraft 
                                       clock counter format.      
                                       Example:      "1/250684401.857"
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT            Stop time represented in the native spacecraft 
                                       clock counter format.
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME                   Value      = "DAWN"

INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID                     Value      = "DAWN"

MISSION_PHASE_NAME                     See DAWN_MISSION.CAT for a list of valid values.


INSTRUMENT_ID                          Value = "VIR"

INSTRUMENT_TYPE                        Value = "IMAGING SPECTROMETER"

RIGHT_ASCENSION            degrees     EME-2000 right ascension of the center pixel 
                                       in the image/spectra
DECLINATION                degrees     EME-2000 declination of the center pixel in 
                                       the image/spectra
TWIST_ANGLE                degrees     The twist_angle element provides the angle 
                                       of rotation about the optical axis relative to 
                                       celestial coordinates. Together with the 
                                       RIGHT_ASCENSION and DECLINATION values defines 
                                       the pointing direction and orientation 
CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE  degrees   North celestial clock angle evaluated at the 
                                       center pixel of the image/spectra      
QUATERNION                             Four values compose the quaternion; see kw 
QUATERNION_DESC                        The 4 parameters are calculated at the center 
                                       time of the observation which is IMAGE_MID_TIME.
                                       The quaternion has the form: w, x, y, z (i.e. 
                                       SPICE format)
SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE     km       The spacecraft_solar_distance element provides 
                                       the distance from the spacecraft to the center of 
                                       the sun
SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR        km       The sc_sun_position_vector element indicates the 
                                       components of the position vector from observer to 
                                       sun, center expressed in J2000 coordinates, and 
                                       corrected for light time and stellar aberration, 
                                       evaluated at epoch at which image was taken
SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR       km/s      The sc_sun_velocity_vector element indicates the 
                                       components of the velocity vector of sun relative 
                                       to observer, expressed in J2000 coordinates, and 
                                       corrected for light time, evaluated at epoch at 
                                       which image was taken
SPICE_FILE_NAME                        Provides the name of the SPICE metakernel file, 
                                       the file that identifies kernels used in data 
                                       processing and geometry parameter calculations.
                                       e.g. "DAWN_VSH_r03.MK"
TARGET_NAME                            Name of the observed target (e.g. "MARS", 
                                       "4 VESTA", "ALPHA CARINAE", etc.)
TARGET_TYPE                            Target type (e.g. "PLANET", "ASTEROID", "STAR")

COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME                 Identifier indicating the coordinate system to 
                                       which the state vectors are referenced.
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CENTER_NAME          This kw identifies a named target, such as the 
                                       Sun, a planet, a satellite or a spacecraft, as 
                                       being the location of the center of the reference 
                                       coordinate system. (e.g. "4 VESTA")
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE    degrees     Planetocentric latitude in COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME 
                                       coordinates from SPICE
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE   degrees     Planetocentric longitude in COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME
                                       coordinates from SPICE
SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH     degrees     Value of the angle between the line from the 
                                       center of an image to the subspacecraft point and 
                                       a horizontal reference line (in the image plane) 
                                       extending from the image center to the middle 
                                       right edge of the image. From SPICE
SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE           km       This keyword provides the distance from the 
                                       spacecraft to the nearest point on a reference 
                                       surface of the target body measured normal to 
                                       that surface
TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE        km       Distance between the instrument and the center 
                                       of mass of the target, from SPICE
SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR              S/C position vector relative to the target in 
                                       planetocentric coordinates      
SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR              S/C velocity vector relative to the target in 
                                       planetocentric coordinates      
LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE                       Local hour angle at the center of the 
SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE         degrees     Sub-solar latitude on the target in 
                                       planetocentric coordinates      
SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE        degrees     Sub-solar longitude on the target in 
                                       planetocentric coordinates      
SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH          degrees     Sub-solar azimuth angle at the center of the 
INCIDENCE_ANGLE            degrees     Incidence angle at the center of the 
EMISSION_ANGLE             degrees     Emission angle at the center of the 

PHASE_ANGLE                degrees     Phase angle at the center of the image/spectra 

SLANT_DISTANCE                         Slant distance to the target evaluated at the 
                                       center pixel of the image      

MINIMUM_LATITUDE           degrees     The MINIMUM_LATITUDE specifies the southernmost
                                       latitude of the target, computed in the 
                                       body-fixed, rotating coordinate system specified
                                       by the COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME keyword. For the 
                                       determination of this values, the geometric 
                                       values computed for the center of each element 
                                       of the field of view (pixel) are considered. 
                                       Each value is expressed in degrees in the 
                                       [-90°, 90°] range, F9.5 format.

CENTER_LATITUDE            degrees     Center pixel planetocentric latitude for the 
                                       image/spectra (N/A for calibration targets)

MAXIMUM_LATITUDE           degrees     The MAXIMUM_LATITUDE specifies the northernmost 
                                       latitude of the target, computed in the 
                                       body-fixed, rotating coordinate system specified 
                                       by the COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME keyword. For the 
                                       determination of this values, the geometric 
                                       values computed for the center of each element 
                                       of the field of view (pixel) are considered. 
                                       Each value is expressed in degrees in the 
                                       [-90°, 90°] range, F9.5 format.

WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE      degrees     For Planetocentric coordinates and for 
                                       Planetographic coordinates in which longitude 
                                       increases toward the east, the westernmost 
                                       (leftmost) longitude of a spatial area (e.g.,a 
                                       map, mosaic, bin, feature or region) is the 
                                       minimum numerical value of longitude unless it 
                                       crosses the Prime Meridian. Each value is 
                                       expressed in degrees, F9.5 format, in the 
	                                   [0°, 360°] range.

CENTER_LONGITUDE           degrees     Center pixel planetocentric longitude for the 
                                       image/spectra (N/A for calibration targets)

EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE      degrees     For Planetocentric coordinates and for 
                                       Planetographic coordinates in which longitude 
                                       increases toward the east, the easternmost 
                                       (rightmost) longitude of a spatial area (e.g.,a 
                                       map, mosaic, bin, feature or region) is the 
                                       maximum numercial value of longitude unless it
                                       crosses the Prime Meridian. Each value is 
                                       expressed in degrees, F9.5 format, in the 
                                       [0°, 360°] range.

HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE        m        Horizontal pixel size in meters

VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE          m        Vertical pixel size in meters

NORTH_AZIMUTH              degrees     North azimuth angle evaluated at the center 
                                       pixel of the image/spectra      

ORBIT_NUMBER                           Asteroid orbit number or "N/A"

PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID                    CODMAC level (2 for EDR, 3 for RDR)

DATA_QUALITY_ID                        Data quality indicator. Possible values are 0 
                                       if lines are missing, 1 if the data are 
                                       complete; "NULL" is unevaluated.

DATA_QUALITY_DESC                      Description of data quality kw.

TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID                    This keyword identifies the EGSE used to produce 
                                       the data file.

CHANNEL_ID                             Possible values: "VIS" and "IR". This keyword 
                                       identifies the instrument channel producing the 
                                       data and can have 2 possible

SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID                    This keyword identifies the software used to 
                                       write the labels and format the data.

INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID                     The value of this keyword identifies the 
                                       instrument mode. The valid values are the 

INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC                    This keyword describes the different values that 
                                        INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID can assume 
                                        S_H_SPE_H_SPA_F: Science, high spectral high 
                                        spatial, Full slit
                                        S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F: Science, high spectral low 
                                        spatial, Full slit
                                        S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F_SUM: Science, high spectral low 
                                        spatial, Summing 
                                        S_L_SPE_H_SPA_F: Science, Low spectral high 
                                        spatial, Full slit 
                                        S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F: Science, Low spectral low 
                                        spatial, Full slit 
                                        S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F_SUM: Science, Low spectral low 
                                        spatial, Summing 
                                        S_H_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Science, high spectral high 
                                        spatial, Quarter slit
                                        S_L_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Science, low spectral high 
                                        spatial, Quarter slit
                                        S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F_MEA: Science, high spectral low 
                                        spatial, Meaning
                                        S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F_MEA: Science, low spectral low 
                                        spatial, Meaning
                                        C_H_SPE_H_SPA_F: Calibration, high spectral high 
                                        spatial, Full slit
                                        C_H_SPE_L_SPA_F: Calibration, high spectral low 
                                        spatial, Full slit
                                        SPARE: CALIBRATION Spare
                                        C_L_SPE_H_SPA_F: Calibration, low spectral high 
                                        spatial, Full slit
                                        C_L_SPE_L_SPA_F: Calibration, low spectral low 
                                        spatial, Full slit
                                        C_H_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Calibration, high spectral high 
                                        spatial, Quarter slit
                                        C_L_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Calibration, low spectral high 
                                        spatial, Quarter slit"

ENCODING_TYPE                           Value (normally) =  "0" (decompressed)

SCAN_MODE_ID                            Scan mirror mode identifier. It is an integer 
                                        in the range 0 to 10. 0 means that the mirror 
                                        has not been used. The VIR scan mirror performs, 
                                        when commanded, an angular movement around an 
                                        axis parallel to the slit direction (y direction). 
                                        There can be 10 different modes, each one 
                                        identifying a given angular movement. 

DAWN:SCAN_PARAMETER                     See SCAN_PARAMETER_DESC. Example: 
                                        "(-1.0, 0.1, 1, 33)"

                                        "SCAN_STEP_ANGLE", "SCAN_STEP_NUMBER" 
                                        This kw describes the movement of the scan 
                                        mirror, defining start, stop and step angles. 
                                        The fourth parameter is the number of 
                                        acquisitions performed within one single scan 
                                        unit position.   


FRAME_PARAMETER                         See FRAME_PARAMETER_DESC e.g. (100, 1, 5000, 5)
                                        This kw gives the details of the acquisition of 
                                        the frames. EXPOSURE_DURATION is the integration 
                                        time expressed in milliseconds; it is the 
                                        exposure time of elementary exposures when 
                                        summing is performed. FRAME_SUMMING is the 
                                        number of elementary exposures summed during a 
                                        time step (i.e, to build a frame). The product 
                                        of EXPOSURE_DURATION and FRAME_SUMMING is the 
                                        total integration time for each frame. 
                                        EXTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME is the time required 
                                        for a frame acquisition cycle (> 
                                        EXPOSURE_DURATION x FRAME_SUMMING).
                                        DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE is the number of frames 
                                        acquired between two background measurements.      



DAWN:VIR_IR_START_X_POSITION            This keyword gives the X coordinate of the first 
                                        CCD pixel used on the IR FPA. This quantity 
                                        determines the correspondence between wavelength 
                                        and spectral channels.

DAWN:VIR_IR_START_Y_POSITION            This keyword gives the Y coordinate of the first 
                                        CCD pixel used on the IR FPA. This quantity 
                                        determines the correspondence between wavelength 
                                        and spectral channels.

DAWN:VIR_VIS_START_X_POSITION           This keyword gives the X coordinate of the first 
                                        CCD pixel used on the VIS FPA. This quantity 
                                        determines the correspondence between wavelength 
                                        and spectral channels.

DAWN:VIR_VIS_START_Y_POSITION           This keyword gives the Y coordinate of the first 
                                        CCD pixel used on the VIS FPA. This quantity 
                                        determines the correspondence between wavelength 
                                        and spectral channels.

                                        specify the measurement locations 
                                        e.g. (176.6, 143.6, 144.6, 74.7)


DAWN:INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT   K    Value = ( "K", "K" ,"K" , "K")            

PHOTOMETRIC_CORRECTION_TYPE             Value (normally) = NONE       
OBJECT = QUBE (EDR data)                                                               

AXES                                    AXES is the number of data axes in the QUBE 
                                        object (always 3).
                                        AXES = 3

AXIS_NAME                               Value = "(BAND, SAMPLE, LINE)"
                                        AXIS_NAME indicates the organization of the 
                                        object, bands interleaved by pixels, or BIP. It 
                                        means that a complete spectrum is written 
                                        contiguously, and spectra acquired at the same 
                                        time step are written in sequence.

CORE_ITEMS                              CORE_ITEMS are the dimensions of the data cube. 
                                        The three values specified are the spectral and 
                                        spatial dimensions of the detector after binning 
                                        (derived from INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID), and the number 
                                        of frames acquired in the session.
                                        e.g. = (432, 256, 33)

CORE_ITEM_BYTES                         CORE_ITEM_BYTES and CORE_ITEM_TYPE give the type 
                                        of data in the cube core: 
                                        CORE_ITEM_BYTES = 2 (16 bit integers) 
                                        for raw data, and 4 (32 bit reals) for 
                                        calibrated data, whatever the 
                                        architecture used to write the data 
                                        files (i.e., EGSE will not change byte 
                                        encoding relative to the output of the 
CORE_ITEM_TYPE                          CORE_ITEM_BYTES and CORE_ITEM_TYPE give the type 
                                        of data in the cube core: 
                                        CORE_ITEM_TYPE = "MSB_INTEGER" (16 bit 
                                        integers, MSB encoding) for raw data, 
                                        and "IEEE_REAL" (32 bit reals) for 
                                        calibrated data, whatever the 
                                        architecture used to write the data 
                                        files (i.e., EGSE will not change byte 
                                        encoding relative to the output of the 

CORE_BASE                              CORE_BASE and CORE_MULTIPLIER allow scaling of data 
                                       (useful for calibrated data only):
                                       true_value = BASE + (MULTIPLIER * stored_value).
                                       Values below the keyword CORE_VALID_MINIMUM are 
                                       reserved for special use, following an ISIS 
                                       CORE_BASE = 0 always in this data set

CORE_MULTIPLIER                        CORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 always in this data set.

CORE_VALID_MINIMUM                     Values below the keyword CORE_VALID_MINIMUM are 
                                       reserved for special use, following an ISIS 
                                       Value = 0

CORE_NULL                              CORE_NULL is an optional code indicating invalid 
                                       Value = -32768

CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION               Value = -32767 � always in this data set

CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION              Value = -32767 � always in this data set

CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION              Value = -32767 � always in this data set

CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION             Value = -32767 � always in this data set

CORE_NAME                              CORE_NAME is the physical quantity recorded in 
                                       the cube (required for ISIS).
                                       Value = "RAW_DATA_NUMBER"

CORE_UNIT                              CORE_UNIT is the unit of data stored in the cube.
                                       Value = "DIMENSIONLESS"

SUFFIX_BYTES                           Number of suffix bytes; it is always 4 only for 
                                       ISIS compliance, since there are no suffix planes

SUFFIX_ITEMS                           Suffix planes: always (0,0,0) because there are 
                                       no suffix planes

BAND_BIN_CENTER                        Vector containing the center wavelength value to 
                                       which each band is corresponding 

BAND_BIN_WIDTH                         Vector containing the width of the wavelength 
                                       value to which each band is corresponding

BAND_BIN_UNIT                          Units in which the wavelength are given

BAND_BIN_ORIGINAL_BAND                 Vector giving the correspondence with the 
                                       original bands

6.2.1 VIR Local keywords

A small number of local keywords has been defined in order to better describe VIR data. The VIR local keywords, with their meaning and values, are the following:

   Table 16. VIR Local keywords
   Keyword                          Value  Value Description
   DAWN:SCAN_PARAMETER                     This kw defines the movement of the scan mirror, 
                                           defining start, stop and step angles. The fourth 
                                           parameter is the number of acquisitions performed 
                                           within one single scan unit position (as 
                                           described by SCAN_PARAMETER_DESC). 
                                           Example: "(-1.0, 0.1, 1, 33)"
   DAWN:SCAN_PARAMETER_UNIT                This keyword defines the units used in 
                                           Value =  ("DEGREES", "DEGREES", "DEGREES", 
   DAWN:FRAME_PARAMETER_UNIT               This keyword defines the units used in 
                                           Value = ("S", "DIMENSIONLESS", "S", 
   DAWN:INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT   K    This keyword defines the units of 
                                           Value = ("K", " K", " K", " K)
   DAWN:VIR_IR_START_X_POSITION            This keyword gives the X coordinate of the first 
                                           CCD pixel used on the IR FPA (spectral pixel). 
                                           This quantity determines the correspondence 
                                           between wavelength and spectral channels.
   DAWN:VIR_IR_START_Y_POSITION            This keyword gives the Y coordinate of the first 
                                           CCD pixel used on the IR FPA (spatial pixel). 
                                           This quantity determines the correspondence 
                                           between wavelength and spectral channels.
   DAWN:VIR_VIS_START_X_POSITION           This keyword gives the X coordinate of the first 
                                           CCD pixel used on the VIS FPA (spectral pixel). 
                                           This quantity determines the correspondence 
                                           between wavelength and spectral channels.
   DAWN:VIR_VIS_START_Y_POSITION           This keyword gives the Y coordinate of the first 
                                           CCD pixel used on the VIS FPA (spatial pixel). 
                                           This quantity determines the correspondence 
                                           between wavelength and spectral channels.

Appendix A. Sample PDS Labels

Data Product Labels: EDR data

This is an example of a detached label for an IR EDR file, named VIR_IR_1A_1_369819195_2.QUB. The data have been acquired with the infrared channel, during the Vesta Transfer to HAMO phase of the mission.

PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3                                                         
LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "MTC_11-10-2011"                                        
/* Dataset and Product Information */                                         
DATA_SET_ID = "DAWN-A-VIR-2-EDR-IR-VESTA-SPECTRA-V1.0"                        
PRODUCT_ID = "VIR_IR_1A_1_369819195"                                          
PRODUCT_TYPE = EDR                                                            
PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "A. CORADINI"                                            
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2014-01-02T14:26:40.300                               
PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "02"                                                     
/* File Information */                                                        
RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH                                                    
RECORD_BYTES = 512                                                            
FILE_RECORDS = 26784                                                          
LABEL_RECORDS = 46                                                            
/* Time Information */                                                        
START_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:32:08.774                                          
STOP_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:42:18.516                                           
IMAGE_MID_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:37:13.645                                      
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/369819194.8588"                             
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/369819804.6010"                              
/* Mission description parameters */                                          
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "DAWN"                                                 
INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "DAWN"                                                   
MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "VESTA TRANSFER TO HAMO (VTH)"                           
/* Instrument description parameters */                                       
INSTRUMENT_ID = "VIR"                                                         
INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "IMAGING SPECTROMETER"                                      
DESCRIPTION = "Geometrical data use the Claudia Double-Prime                  
coordinate system. For further information please refer to the coordinate     
system document in the Document directory"                                    
/* Celestial Geometry                                       */                
RIGHT_ASCENSION                  =  294.982 <degrees>                   
DECLINATION                      =  -45.862 <degrees>                   
TWIST_ANGLE                      =  212.773 <degrees>                   
CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE      =  327.227 <degrees>                   
QUATERNION                       = (  0.18145,                                
                                     0.32901 )                                
QUATERNION_DESC                  = "                                          
    Above parameters are calculated at the center time of the observation     
    which is 2011-09-20T19:37:13.645.  The quaternion has the form:           
    w, x, y, z (i.e. SPICE format)."                                          
/* Solar geometry                                           */                
SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE        =   341460541.0 <km>                   
SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR           = ( -282638804.9 <km>,                 
                                     162420911.9 <km>,                  
                                     101636875.2 <km> )                 
SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR           = ( -12.248 <km/s>,                    
                                    -15.261 <km/s>,                     
                                     -4.342 <km/s> )                    
/* SPICE Kernels                                            */                
SPICE_FILE_NAME                  = "DAWN_VTH_r02.MK"                          
TARGET_NAME                      = "4 VESTA"                                  
TARGET_TYPE                      = "ASTEROID"                                 
/* COORDINATE SYSTEM                                        */                
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME           = "VESTA_FIXED"                              
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CENTER_NAME    = "4 VESTA"                                  
/* Geometry in "VESTA_FIXED" coordinates from SPICE         */                
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE          =  -4.168 <degrees>                    
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE         =  254.994 <degrees>                   
SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH           = 139.951 <degrees>                    
SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE              =         667.1 <km>                   
TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE           =         947.3 <km>                   
SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR        = (         317.0 <km>,                
                                           -650.3 <km>,                 
                                           -612.8 <km> )                
SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR        = (   0.053 <km/s>,                    
                                     -0.073 <km/s>,                     
                                      0.101 <km/s> )                    
LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE                 = 147.408 <degrees>                    
SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE               = -27.351 <degrees>                    
SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE              =  287.585 <degrees>                   
SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH                = 108.928 <degrees>                    
/* Illumination                                             */                
INCIDENCE_ANGLE                  =  31.075 <degrees>                    
EMISSION_ANGLE                   =  16.426 <degrees>                    
PHASE_ANGLE                      =  40.769 <degrees>                    
/* Image parameters                                         */                
SLANT_DISTANCE                   =         673.1 <km>                   
MINIMUM_LATITUDE                 = -17.882 <degrees>                    
CENTER_LATITUDE                  = -11.818 <degrees>                    
MAXIMUM_LATITUDE                 =  -6.141 <degrees>                    
WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE            =  263.691 <degrees>                   
CENTER_LONGITUDE                 =  254.711 <degrees>                   
EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE            =  245.728 <degrees>                   
HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE           =   168.286 <m/pixel>                  
VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE             =   168.286 <m/pixel>                  
NORTH_AZIMUTH                    = 136.862 <degrees>                    
ORBIT_NUMBER                     = "N/A"                                      
/* Data description parameters */                                             
PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = "2"                                                     
DATA_QUALITY_ID = "1"                                                         
DATA_QUALITY_DESC = "0:INCOMPLETE; 1:COMPLETE"                                
TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID = "EGSE"                                                  
CHANNEL_ID = "IR"                                                             
SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID = "EGSE V1.14,AMDLSpace"                                  
/* Instrument status */                                                       
INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "S_H_SPE_H_SPA_F"                                        
INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC =                                                        
 "S_H_SPE_H_SPA_F: Science, high spectral high spatial, Full slit             
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F: Science, high spectral low spatial, Full slit              
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F_SUM: Science, high spectral low spatial, Summing            
  S_L_SPE_H_SPA_F: Science, Low spectral high spatial, Full slit              
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F: Science, Low spectral low spatial, Full slit               
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F_SUM: Science, Low spectral low spatial, Summing             
  S_H_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Science, high spectral high spatial, Quarter slit          
  S_L_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Science, low spectral high spatial, Quarter slit           
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F_MEA: Science, high spectral low spatial, Meaning            
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F_MEA: Science, low spectral low spatial, Meaning             
  C_H_SPE_H_SPA_F: Calibration, high spectral high spatial, Full slit         
  C_H_SPE_L_SPA_F: Calibration, high spectral low spatial, Full slit          
  SPARE: CALIBRATION Spare                                                    
  C_L_SPE_H_SPA_F: Calibration, low spectral high spatial, Full slit          
  C_L_SPE_L_SPA_F: Calibration, low spectral low spatial, Full slit           
  C_H_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Calibration, high spectral high spatial, Quarter slit      
  C_L_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Calibration, low spectral high spatial, Quarter slit"      
ENCODING_TYPE = "N/A"                                                         
SCAN_MODE_ID = "4"                                                            
DAWN:SCAN_PARAMETER = (-3.7, -3.7, 4500, 60)                                  
FRAME_PARAMETER = (0.7, 1, 10, 59)                                            
MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE = (80.5, 138.6, 138.6, 74.6)                   
DAWN:INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = ("K", "K", "K", "K")                       
PHOTOMETRIC_CORRECTION_TYPE = "NONE"                                          
/* Pointers to first record of objects in file */                             
^HISTORY = 48                                                                 
OBJECT = HISTORY                                                              
END_OBJECT = HISTORY                                                          
^QUBE = "VIR_IR_1A_1_369819195_2.QUB"                                         
/* Description of the object contained in the file */                         
OBJECT = QUBE                                                                 
/*    Standard cube Keywords */                                               
 AXES = 3                                                                     
 AXIS_NAME = (BAND, SAMPLE, LINE)                                             
 CORE_ITEMS = ( 432, 256, 62 )                                                
 CORE_ITEM_BYTES = 2                                                          
 CORE_ITEM_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER                                                 
 CORE_BASE = 0.0                                                              
 CORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0                                                        
 CORE_VALID_MINIMUM = 0                                                       
 CORE_NULL = -32768                                                           
 CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION = -32767                                            
 CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION = -32767                                           
 CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION = -32767                                           
 CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = -32767                                          
 CORE_NAME = "RAW DATA NUMBER"                                                
 CORE_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS                                                    
/*  Suffix definition */                                                      
 SUFFIX_BYTES = 4                                                             
 SUFFIX_ITEMS = (    0,   0,    0)                                            
/* Spectral axis description */                                               
    GROUP = BAND_BIN                                                          
    BAND_BIN_CENTER =                                                         
      BAND_BIN_WIDTH  =                                                       
 BAND_BIN_UNIT = MICROMETER                                                   
    BAND_BIN_ORIGINAL_BAND =                                                  
END_GROUP = BAND_BIN                                                          
END_OBJECT                     = QUBE                                         
OBJECT = HISTORY                                                              
END_OBJECT = HISTORY                                                          

Here follows the detached label of the file containing the housekeeping information related to the IR qube with the filename VIR_IR_1A_1_369819195_2.QUB. The file with the housekeeping information is named "VIR_IR_1A_1_369819195_HK_2.TAB".

PDS_VERSION_ID               = "PDS3"                                         
DATA_SET_ID                  = "DAWN-A-VIR-2-EDR-IR-VESTA-SPECTRA-V1.0"       
PRODUCT_ID                   = "VIR_IR_1A_1_369819195_HK"                     
PRODUCT_TYPE                 = "ENGINEERING_DATA"                             
PRODUCT_VERSION_ID           = "02"                                           
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME        = 2014-01-02T14:26:40.300                        
RECORD_TYPE                  = FIXED_LENGTH                                   
RECORD_BYTES                 = 288                                            
FILE_RECORDS                 = 62                                             
START_TIME                   = 2011-09-20T19:32:08.774                        
STOP_TIME                    = 2011-09-20T19:42:18.516                        
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/369819194.8588"                             
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT  = "1/369819804.6010"                             
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME         = "DAWN"                                         
INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID           = "DAWN"                                         
MISSION_PHASE_NAME           = "VESTA TRANSFER TO HAMO (VTH)"                 
TARGET_NAME                  = "4 VESTA"                                      
INSTRUMENT_ID                = "VIR"                                          
DESCRIPTION                  = ""                                             
^TABLE                       = "VIR_IR_1A_1_369819195_HK_2.TAB"               
OBJECT                       = TABLE                                          
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT          = ASCII                                         
  ROWS                        = 62                                            
  COLUMNS                     = 33                                            
  ROW_BYTES                   = 288                                           
  DESCRIPTION                 = ""                                            
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "VERSION, TYPE, SECONDARY HEADER FLAG"        
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 1                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 1                                             
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "APID"                                        
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 2                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 4                                             
    BYTES                     = 3                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "PACKET SEQUENCE CONTROL"                     
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 3                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 8                                             
    BYTES                     = 5                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "PACKETS LENGTH"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 4                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 14                                            
    BYTES                     = 4                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "SCET TIME (CLOCK)"                           
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 5                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 19                                            
    BYTES                     = 12                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "FRAME NUMBER"                                
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 6                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 34                                            
    BYTES                     = 3                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "FRAME COUNT"                                 
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 7                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 38                                            
    BYTES                     = 3                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "SUBFRAME COUNT"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 8                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 42                                            
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "PACKETS COUNT"                               
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 9                                             
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 45                                            
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "SHUTTER STATUS"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 10                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 48                                            
    BYTES                     = 8                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "CHANNEL ID"                                  
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 11                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 57                                            
    BYTES                     = 3                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "COMPRESSION MODE"                            
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 12                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 61                                            
    BYTES                     = 20                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "SPECTRAL RANGE"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 13                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 82                                            
    BYTES                     = 24                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "CURRENT MODE"                                
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 14                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 107                                           
    BYTES                     = 12                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "CURRENT SUBMODE"                             
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 15                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 120                                           
    BYTES                     = 14                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "IR EXPO"                                     
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 16                                            
    UNIT                      = "S"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 135                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "IR TEMP"                                     
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 17                                            
    UNIT                      = "K"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 146                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "CCD EXPO"                                    
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 18                                            
    UNIT                      = "S"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 157                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "CCD TEMP"                                    
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 19                                            
    UNIT                      = "K"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 168                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "MIRROR SIN"                                  
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 20                                            
    UNIT                      = "DIMENSIONLESS"                               
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 179                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "MIRROR COS"                                  
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 21                                            
    UNIT                      = "DIMENSIONLESS"                               
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 190                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "SPECT TEMP"                                  
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 22                                            
    UNIT                      = "K"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 201                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "TELE TEMP"                                   
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 23                                            
    UNIT                      = "K"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 212                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "COLD TIP TEMP"                               
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 24                                            
    UNIT                      = "K"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 223                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "RADIATOR TEMP"                               
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 25                                            
    UNIT                      = "K"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 234                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "SU MOTOR CURR"                               
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 26                                            
    UNIT                      = "A"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 245                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "LEDGE TEMP"                                  
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 27                                            
    UNIT                      = "K"                                           
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 256                                           
    BYTES                     = 10                                            
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "START NOISY BITS"                            
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 28                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 267                                           
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "END NOISY BITS"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 29                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 270                                           
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "CR ROW"                                      
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 30                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 273                                           
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "NOF NOISY BITS"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 31                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 276                                           
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "SUBFRAME DATA"                               
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 32                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 279                                           
    BYTES                     = 5                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = "SEQ STEP"                                    
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 33                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 285                                           
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    DESCRIPTION               = ""                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
END_OBJECT                    = TABLE                                         

Data Product Labels: RDR data

Here follows the detached label of the RDR qube called : VIR_IR_1B_1_369819195_2.QUB

PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3                                                         
LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "MTC_11-10-2011"                                        
/* Dataset and Product Information */                                         
DATA_SET_ID = "DAWN-A-VIR-3-RDR-IR-VESTA-SPECTRA-V1.0"                        
PRODUCT_ID = "VIR_IR_1B_1_369819195"                                          
PRODUCT_TYPE = RDR                                                            
PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "A. CORADINI"                                            
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2014-02-04T10:28:31.476                               
PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "02"                                                     
/* File Information */                                                        
RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH                                                    
RECORD_BYTES = 512                                                            
FILE_RECORDS = 49                                                             
LABEL_RECORDS = 48                                                            
/* Time Information */                                                        
START_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:32:08.774                                          
STOP_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:42:18.516                                           
IMAGE_MID_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:37:13.645                                      
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/369819194.8588"                             
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/369819804.6010"                              
/* Mission description parameters */                                          
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "DAWN"                                                 
INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "DAWN"                                                   
MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "VESTA TRANSFER TO HAMO (VTH)"                           
/* Instrument description parameters */                                       
INSTRUMENT_ID = "VIR"                                                         
INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "IMAGING SPECTROMETER"                                      
DESCRIPTION = "Geometrical data use the Claudia Double-Prime                  
coordinate system. For further information please refer to the coordinate     
system document in the Document directory"                                    
/* Celestial Geometry                                       */                
RIGHT_ASCENSION                  =  294.982 <degrees>                   
DECLINATION                      =  -45.862 <degrees>                   
TWIST_ANGLE                      =  212.773 <degrees>                   
CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE      =  327.227 <degrees>                   
QUATERNION                       = (  0.18145,                                
                                      0.32901 )                               
QUATERNION_DESC                  = "                                          
     Above parameters are calculated at the center time of the observation    
     which is 2011-09-20T19:37:13.645.  The quaternion has the form:          
     w, x, y, z (i.e. SPICE format)."                                         
/* Solar geometry                                           */                
SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE        =   341460541.0 <km>                   
SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR           = ( -282638804.9 <km>,                 
                                      162420911.9 <km>,                 
                                      101636875.2 <km> )                
SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR           = ( -12.248 <km/s>,                    
                                     -15.261 <km/s>,                    
                                      -4.342 <km/s> )                   
/* SPICE Kernels                                            */                
SPICE_FILE_NAME                  = "DAWN_VTH_r02.MK"                          
TARGET_NAME                      = "4 VESTA"                                  
TARGET_TYPE                      = "ASTEROID"                                 
/* COORDINATE SYSTEM                                        */                
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME           = "VESTA_FIXED"                              
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CENTER_NAME    = "4 VESTA"                                  
/* Geometry in "VESTA_FIXED" coordinates from SPICE         */                
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE          =  -4.168 <degrees>                    
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE         =  254.994 <degrees>                   
SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH           = 139.951 <degrees>                    
SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE              =         667.1 <km>                   
TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE           =         947.3 <km>                   
SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR        = (         317.0 <km>,                
                                            -650.3 <km>,                
                                            -612.8 <km> )               
SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR        = (   0.053 <km/s>,                    
                                      -0.073 <km/s>,                    
                                       0.101 <km/s> )                   
LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE                 = 147.408 <degrees>                    
SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE               = -27.351 <degrees>                    
SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE              =  287.585 <degrees>                   
SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH                = 108.928 <degrees>                    
/* Illumination                                             */                
INCIDENCE_ANGLE                  =  31.075 <degrees>                    
EMISSION_ANGLE                   =  16.426 <degrees>                    
PHASE_ANGLE                      =  40.769 <degrees>                    
/* Image parameters                                         */                
SLANT_DISTANCE                   =         673.1 <km>                   
MINIMUM_LATITUDE                 = -17.882 <degrees>                    
CENTER_LATITUDE                  = -11.818 <degrees>                    
MAXIMUM_LATITUDE                 =  -6.141 <degrees>                    
WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE            =  263.691 <degrees>                   
CENTER_LONGITUDE                 =  254.711 <degrees>                   
EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE            =  245.728 <degrees>                   
HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE           =   168.286 <m/pixel>                  
VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE             =   168.286 <m/pixel>                  
NORTH_AZIMUTH                    = 136.862 <degrees>                    
ORBIT_NUMBER                     = "N/A"                                      
/* Data description parameters */                                             
PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = "3"                                                     
DATA_QUALITY_ID = "1"                                                         
DATA_QUALITY_DESC = "0:INCOMPLETE; 1:COMPLETE"                                
TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID = "EGSE"                                                  
CHANNEL_ID = "IR"                                                             
SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID = "VIR Calibration 2.0"                                   
/* Instrument status */                                                       
INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "S_H_SPE_H_SPA_F"                                        
INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC =                                                        
 "S_H_SPE_H_SPA_F: Science, high spectral high spatial, Full slit             
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F: Science, high spectral low spatial, Full slit              
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F_SUM: Science, high spectral low spatial, Summing            
  S_L_SPE_H_SPA_F: Science, Low spectral high spatial, Full slit              
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F: Science, Low spectral low spatial, Full slit               
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F_SUM: Science, Low spectral low spatial, Summing             
  S_H_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Science, high spectral high spatial, Quarter slit          
  S_L_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Science, low spectral high spatial, Quarter slit           
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F_MEA: Science, high spectral low spatial, Meaning            
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F_MEA: Science, low spectral low spatial, Meaning             
  C_H_SPE_H_SPA_F: Calibration, high spectral high spatial, Full slit         
  C_H_SPE_L_SPA_F: Calibration, high spectral low spatial, Full slit          
  SPARE: CALIBRATION Spare                                                    
  C_L_SPE_H_SPA_F: Calibration, low spectral high spatial, Full slit          
  C_L_SPE_L_SPA_F: Calibration, low spectral low spatial, Full slit           
  C_H_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Calibration, high spectral high spatial, Quarter slit      
  C_L_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Calibration, low spectral high spatial, Quarter slit"      
ENCODING_TYPE = "N/A"                                                         
SCAN_MODE_ID = "4"                                                            
DAWN:SCAN_PARAMETER = (-3.7, -3.7, 4500, 60)                                  
FRAME_PARAMETER = (0.7, 1, 10, 59)                                            
MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE = (80.5, 138.6, 138.6, 74.6)                   
DAWN:INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = ("K", "K", "K", "K")                       
PHOTOMETRIC_CORRECTION_TYPE = "NONE"                                          
/* Pointers to first record of objects in file */                             
^HISTORY = 49                                                                 
OBJECT = HISTORY                                                              
END_OBJECT = HISTORY                                                          
^QUBE = "VIR_IR_1B_1_369819195_2.QUB"                                         
NOTE = "ITF used for this file is DAWN_VIR_IR_RESP_V1.DAT"                    
/* Description of the object contained in the file */                         
OBJECT = QUBE                                                                 
/*    Standard cube Keywords */                                               
 AXES = 3                                                                     
 AXIS_NAME = (BAND, SAMPLE, LINE)                                             
 CORE_ITEMS= (432, 256, 60)                                                   
 CORE_ITEM_BYTES = 4                                                          
 CORE_ITEM_TYPE = "IEEE_REAL"                                                 
 CORE_BASE = 0.0                                                              
 CORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0                                                        
 CORE_VALID_MINIMUM = 0                                                       
 CORE_NULL = -32768                                                           
 CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION = -32767                                            
 CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION = -32767                                           
 CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION = -32767                                           
 CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = -32767                                          
 CORE_NAME = "SPECTRAL RADIANCE"                                              
 CORE_UNIT = "W/(m**2*sr*micron)"                                             
/*  Suffix definition */                                                      
 SUFFIX_BYTES = 4                                                             
 SUFFIX_ITEMS = (    0,   0,    0)                                            
/* Spectral axis description */                                               
    GROUP = BAND_BIN                                                          
    BAND_BIN_CENTER =                                                         
      BAND_BIN_WIDTH  =                                                       
 BAND_BIN_UNIT = MICROMETER                                                   
    BAND_BIN_ORIGINAL_BAND =                                                  
END_GROUP = BAND_BIN                                                          
END_OBJECT                     = QUBE                                         
OBJECT = HISTORY                                                              
END_OBJECT = HISTORY                                                            

This is the detached label of the "quality qube" VIR_VIS_1B_1_369819195_QQ_2.QUB, associated with the qube VIR_VIS_1B_1_369819195_2.QUB:

PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3                                                         
LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "MTC_11-10-2011"                                        
/* Dataset and Product Information */                                         
DATA_SET_ID = "DAWN-A-VIR-3-RDR-IR-VESTA-SPECTRA-V1.0"                        
PRODUCT_ID = "VIR_IR_1B_1_369819195_QQ"                                       
PRODUCT_TYPE = RDR                                                            
PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "A. CORADINI"                                            
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2014-02-04T10:28:31.476                               
PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "02"                                                     
/* File Information */                                                        
RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH                                                    
RECORD_BYTES = 512                                                            
FILE_RECORDS = 30                                                             
LABEL_RECORDS = 29                                                            
/* Time Information */                                                        
START_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:32:08.774                                          
STOP_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:42:18.516                                           
IMAGE_MID_TIME = 2011-09-20T19:37:13.645                                      
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/369819194.8588"                             
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/369819804.6010"                              
/* Mission description parameters */                                          
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "DAWN"                                                 
INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "DAWN"                                                   
MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "VESTA TRANSFER TO HAMO (VTH)"                           
/* Instrument description parameters */                                       
INSTRUMENT_ID = "VIR"                                                         
INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "IMAGING SPECTROMETER"                                      
DESCRIPTION = "Geometrical data use the Claudia Double-Prime                  
coordinate system. For further information please refer to the coordinate     
system document in the Document directory"                                    
/* Celestial Geometry                                       */                
RIGHT_ASCENSION                  =  294.982 <degrees>                   
DECLINATION                      =  -45.862 <degrees>                   
TWIST_ANGLE                      =  212.773 <degrees>                   
CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE      =  327.227 <degrees>                   
QUATERNION                       = (  0.18145,                                
                                      0.32901 )                               
QUATERNION_DESC                  = "                                          
     Above parameters are calculated at the center time of the observation    
     which is 2011-09-20T19:37:13.645.  The quaternion has the form:          
     w, x, y, z (i.e. SPICE format)."                                         
/* Solar geometry                                           */                
SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE        =   341460541.0 <km>                   
SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR           = ( -282638804.9 <km>,                 
                                      162420911.9 <km>,                 
                                      101636875.2 <km> )                
SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR           = ( -12.248 <km/s>,                    
                                     -15.261 <km/s>,                    
                                      -4.342 <km/s> )                   
/* SPICE Kernels                                            */                
SPICE_FILE_NAME                  = "DAWN_VTH_r02.MK"                          
TARGET_NAME                      = "4 VESTA"                                  
TARGET_TYPE                      = "ASTEROID"                                 
/* COORDINATE SYSTEM                                        */                
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME           = "VESTA_FIXED"                              
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CENTER_NAME    = "4 VESTA"                                  
/* Geometry in "VESTA_FIXED" coordinates from SPICE         */                
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE          =  -4.168 <degrees>                    
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE         =  254.994 <degrees>                   
SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH           = 139.951 <degrees>                    
SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE              =         667.1 <km>                   
TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE           =         947.3 <km>                   
SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR        = (         317.0 <km>,                
                                            -650.3 <km>,                
                                            -612.8 <km> )               
SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR        = (   0.053 <km/s>,                    
                                      -0.073 <km/s>,                    
                                       0.101 <km/s> )                   
LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE                 = 147.408 <degrees>                    
SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE               = -27.351 <degrees>                    
SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE              =  287.585 <degrees>                   
SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH                = 108.928 <degrees>                    
/* Illumination                                             */                
INCIDENCE_ANGLE                  =  31.075 <degrees>                    
EMISSION_ANGLE                   =  16.426 <degrees>                    
PHASE_ANGLE                      =  40.769 <degrees>                    
/* Image parameters                                         */                
SLANT_DISTANCE                   =         673.1 <km>                   
MINIMUM_LATITUDE                 = -17.882 <degrees>                    
CENTER_LATITUDE                  = -11.818 <degrees>                    
MAXIMUM_LATITUDE                 =  -6.141 <degrees>                    
WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE            =  263.691 <degrees>                   
CENTER_LONGITUDE                 =  254.711 <degrees>                   
EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE            =  245.728 <degrees>                   
HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE           =   168.286 <m/pixel>                  
VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE             =   168.286 <m/pixel>                  
NORTH_AZIMUTH                    = 136.862 <degrees>                    
ORBIT_NUMBER                     = "N/A"                                      
/* Data description parameters */                                             
PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = "3"                                                     
DATA_QUALITY_ID = "1"                                                         
DATA_QUALITY_DESC = "0:INCOMPLETE; 1:COMPLETE"                                
TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID = "EGSE"                                                  
CHANNEL_ID = "IR"                                                             
SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID = "VIR Calibration 2.0"                                   
/* Instrument status */                                                       
INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "S_H_SPE_H_SPA_F"                                        
INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC =                                                        
 "S_H_SPE_H_SPA_F: Science, high spectral high spatial, Full slit             
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F: Science, high spectral low spatial, Full slit              
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F_SUM: Science, high spectral low spatial, Summing            
  S_L_SPE_H_SPA_F: Science, Low spectral high spatial, Full slit              
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F: Science, Low spectral low spatial, Full slit               
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F_SUM: Science, Low spectral low spatial, Summing             
  S_H_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Science, high spectral high spatial, Quarter slit          
  S_L_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Science, low spectral high spatial, Quarter slit           
  S_H_SPE_L_SPA_F_MEA: Science, high spectral low spatial, Meaning            
  S_L_SPE_L_SPA_F_MEA: Science, low spectral low spatial, Meaning             
  C_H_SPE_H_SPA_F: Calibration, high spectral high spatial, Full slit         
  C_H_SPE_L_SPA_F: Calibration, high spectral low spatial, Full slit          
  SPARE: CALIBRATION Spare                                                    
  C_L_SPE_H_SPA_F: Calibration, low spectral high spatial, Full slit          
  C_L_SPE_L_SPA_F: Calibration, low spectral low spatial, Full slit           
  C_H_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Calibration, high spectral high spatial, Quarter slit      
  C_L_SPE_H_SPA_Q: Calibration, low spectral high spatial, Quarter slit"      
ENCODING_TYPE = "N/A"                                                         
SCAN_MODE_ID = "4"                                                            
DAWN:SCAN_PARAMETER = (-3.7, -3.7, 4500, 60)                                  
FRAME_PARAMETER = (0.7, 1, 10, 59)                                            
MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE = (80.5, 138.6, 138.6, 74.6)                   
DAWN:INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = ("K", "K", "K", "K")                       
PHOTOMETRIC_CORRECTION_TYPE = "NONE"                                          
/* Pointers to first record of objects in file */                             
^HISTORY = 30                                                                 
OBJECT = HISTORY                                                              
END_OBJECT = HISTORY                                                          
^QUBE = "VIR_IR_1B_1_369819195_QQ_2.QUB"                                      
/* Quality Cube */                                                            
OBJECT  = QUBE                                                                
 AXES                        = 3                                              
 AXIS_NAME                   = (BAND,SAMPLE,LINE)                             
 CORE_ITEMS                  = (432,256,3)                                    
 CORE_ITEM_BYTES             = 4                                              
 CORE_ITEM_TYPE              = "IEEE_REAL"                                    
 CORE_BASE                   = 0.0                                            
 CORE_MULTIPLIER             = 1.0                                            
 CORE_VALID_MINIMUM          = 0                                              
 CORE_NULL                   = -32768                                         
 CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION    = -32767                                         
 CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION   = -32767                                         
 CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION   = -32767                                         
 CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION  = -32767                                         
 CORE_NAME                   = ("WAVELENGTH","FWHM","FLAG")                   
 CORE_UNIT                   = ("MICRON","MICRON","DIMENSIONLESS")            
 SUFFIX_BYTES                = 4                                              
 SUFFIX_ITEMS                = (0, 0, 0)                                      
END_OBJECT  = QUBE                                                            
OBJECT = HISTORY                                                              
END_OBJECT = HISTORY                                                            

The format of the detached PDS label for the housekeeping data associated with the RDR data is identical to of the EDR HK files. Please see the sample EDR HK label above for details.

Index Table Label

At following is an example detached for an INDEX table (INDEX.TAB).

PDS_VERSION_ID                = PDS3                                          
RECORD_TYPE                   = FIXED_LENGTH                                  
RECORD_BYTES                  = 263                                           
FILE_RECORDS                  = 4150                                          
^HEADER                       = ("INDEX.TAB", 1)                              
^INDEX_TABLE                  = ("INDEX.TAB", 2)                              
INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID            = "DAWN"                                        
OBJECT                        = HEADER                                        
  HEADER_TYPE                 = "TEXT"                                        
  DESCRIPTION                 = "A header row containing a list of column     
  RECORDS                     = 1                                             
  BYTES                       = 263                                           
END_OBJECT                    = HEADER                                        
OBJECT                        = INDEX_TABLE                                   
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT          = ASCII                                         
  INDEX_TYPE                  = SINGLE                                        
  DESCRIPTION                 = "INDEX.TAB lists all the data files on        
                                 this volume. It starts on line two           
                                 because the first row has column headers"    
  ROW_BYTES                   = 263                                           
  ROWS                        = 4149                                          
  COLUMNS                     = 8                                             
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = DATA_SET_ID                                   
    DESCRIPTION               = "A unique alphanumeric identifier for a data  
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 2                                             
    BYTES                     = 38                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = FILE_SPECIFICATION_NAME                       
    DESCRIPTION               = "The full path and file name relative to the  
                                 root level of the archive volume."           
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 43                                            
    BYTES                     = 82                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = PRODUCT_ID                                    
    DESCRIPTION               = "A permanent, unique identifier assigned to   
                                 a data product. The PRODUCT_ID must be unique
                                 within its data set."                        
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 128                                           
    BYTES                     = 23                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = VOLUME_ID                                     
    DESCRIPTION               = "A unique identifier for a data volume."      
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 154                                           
    BYTES                     = 11                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "The UTC system format time when a product    
                                 was created."                                
    DATA_TYPE                 = TIME                                          
    START_BYTE                = 167                                           
    BYTES                     = 23                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = START_TIME                                    
    DESCRIPTION               = "The date and time of the beginning of an     
                                 event or observation (whether it be a        
                                 spacecraft, ground-based, or system event) in
    DATA_TYPE                 = TIME                                          
    START_BYTE                = 191                                           
    BYTES                     = 23                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = STOP_TIME                                     
    DESCRIPTION               = "The date and time of the end of an           
                                 observation or event (whether it be a        
                                 spacecraft, ground-based, or system event) in
    DATA_TYPE                 = TIME                                          
    START_BYTE                = 215                                           
    BYTES                     = 23                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
  OBJECT                      = COLUMN                                        
    NAME                      = IMAGE_MID_TIME                                
    DESCRIPTION               = "The time at which the exposure of the image  
                                 was half way through its duration."          
    DATA_TYPE                 = TIME                                          
    START_BYTE                = 239                                           
    BYTES                     = 23                                            
  END_OBJECT                  = COLUMN                                        
END_OBJECT                   = INDEX_TABLE                                      

Example Document Label

The following is an example detached label for the Dawn Science Plan document.

PDS_VERSION_ID          = PDS3                                                
MISSION_NAME            = "DAWN MISSION TO VESTA AND CERES"                   
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME    = "DAWN"                                              
INSTRUMENT_NAME         = "FRAMING CAMERA 2"                                  
INSTRUMENT_ID           = "FC2"                                               
DATA_SET_ID             = {"DAWN-CAL-FC1-2-EDR-CALIB-IMAGES-V1.0",            
PRODUCT_ID              = "DAWN_SCIENCE_PLAN"                                 
PRODUCT_TYPE            = "DOCUMENT"                                          
RECORD_TYPE             = STREAM                                              
DESCRIPTION             = "                                                   
      This document describes the plans for acquiring Dawn science data on the
      way to, and in orbit about, the two protoplanets 4 Vesta and 1 Ceres,   
      that will be visited by the Dawn spacecraft. It represents the high     
      level plan for Dawn mission science operations. An update to the        
      Science Plan is developed prior to arrival at each body. This version   
      contains an as-flown update for all mission phases through the Vesta    
      orbital phase."                                                         
^PDF_DOCUMENT           = "DAWN_SCIPLAN_V4_4.PDF"                             
^HTML_DOCUMENT          = "DAWN_SCIPLAN_V4_4.HTM"                             
^JPEG_DOCUMENT          = {                                                   
OBJECT                  = PDF_DOCUMENT                                        
  DOCUMENT_NAME         = "DAWN SCIENCE PLAN"                                 
  DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE   = "MISSION SCIENCE"                                   
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 2013-03-26                                          
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT    = BINARY                                              
  DOCUMENT_FORMAT       = "ADOBE PDF"                                         
  FILES                 = 1                                                   
  ENCODING_TYPE         = "PDF-ADOBE-1.5"                                     
  DESCRIPTION           = "                                                   
    PDF version of the Dawn Science Plan document."                           
END_OBJECT              = PDF_DOCUMENT                                        
OBJECT                  = HTML_DOCUMENT                                       
  DOCUMENT_NAME         = "DAWN SCIENCE PLAN"                                 
  DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE   = "MISSION SCIENCE"                                   
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 2013-03-26                                          
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT    = ASCII                                               
  DOCUMENT_FORMAT       = "HTML"                                              
  FILES                 = 1                                                   
  DESCRIPTION           = "                                                   
    This document is an HTML version of the Dawn Science Plan document. This  
    version has been generated with minimal HTML markup to enhance its        
    readability in a text viewer."                                            
END_OBJECT              = HTML_DOCUMENT                                       
OBJECT                  = JPEG_DOCUMENT                                       
  DOCUMENT_NAME         = "DAWN SCIENCE PLAN"                                 
  DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE   = "MISSION SCIENCE"                                   
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 2013-03-26                                          
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT    = BINARY                                              
  DOCUMENT_FORMAT       = "JPG"                                               
  FILES                 = 33                                                  
  ENCODING_TYPE         = "JPEG"                                              
  DESCRIPTION           = "                                                   
    These are JPEG images of equations and figures appearing the the Dawn     
    Science Plan document, and which are referenced by the HTML version of    
    that document."                                                           
END_OBJECT              = JPEG_DOCUMENT                                       

Appendix B. Support staff and cognizant personnel

Here follows a list of the support staff and cognizant personnel associated with the archive generation and validation.

   Name                  Role                  e-mail address
   Maria Teresa Capria   VIR Data archiving    mariateresa.capria@iaps.inaf.it
   Eleonora Ammannito                          eleonora.ammannito@iaps.inaf.it
   Marco Giardino        VIR Data archiving    marco.giardino@iaps.inaf.it
   Gianrico Filacchione  Calibration process   gianrico.filacchione@iaps.inaf.it
   Sergio Fonte                                sergio.fonte@iaps.inaf.it
   Raffaella Noschese    EGSE                  raffaella.noschese@iaps.inaf.it
   Federico Tosi         Geometries            federico.tosi@iaps.inaf.it

Appendix C. Software that can be used to work with the data

Visualization of the VIR qubes

VIR qubes, both EDR and RDR, have a very simple format and can be visualized without difficulty with many codes. They are ISIS3_compliant. The VIR team is releasing the QubeReader, a Java code that can be downloaded from the website:


On the same website usage information is available.