PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-09-27 NOTE = "Description of the CALIB directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The CALIB directory contains all of the files required to produce the calibrated VIR VIS (1b/RDR) data from the uncalibrated (1a/EDR) data. Note that V2 of the VIS calibration data are identical V1, but are provided for consistency with the IR. A document describing the calibration procedure is provided in this archive in the DOCUMENT/VIR_CALIBRATION directory. A document describing the VIR internal lamp is provided in the directory DOCUMENT/VIR_LAMP_DESCRIPTION. This document contains information extracted from [MELCHIORRIETAL2003]. Additional information concerning instrument calibration and function which may affect data quality is provided in the data set catalog file, which is in the CATALOG directory. The following files and their PDS labels are provided here: DAWN_VIR_VIS_HIGHRES_SPECAL_V2.TAB Wavelengths of the 432 bands of the visible focal plane for high spectral modes. DAWN_VIR_VIS_NOMRES_SPECAL_V2.TAB Wavelengths of the 144 bands of the visible focal plane for low spectral modes DAWN_VIR_VIS_RESP_V2.DAT DAWN-VIR VIS responsivity in (DN*m^2*um*sterad)/(W*s) DAWN_VIR_VIS_SOLAR_SPECTRUM_V2.TAB Solar spectrum irradiance for the VIS channel, obtained from the convolution of the Cebula+Kurucz spectrum with VIR spectrum resolution using the ENVI_RESAMPLE_SPECTRA procedure. DAWN_VIR_VIS_WIDTH144_V2.TAB Wavelengths of the 144 widths of the visible focal plane for low spectral modes DAWN_VIR_VIS_WIDTH432_V2.TAB Wavelengths of the 432 widths of the visible focal plane for high spectral modes.