(Draft) liens from the Dawn GRaND XM2 L1a/L1b review Feb. 26, 2019 Reviewers: Larry Nittler (external) and Richard Chen (PDS EN) Result of review: The volumes are certified. Review was concluded by email on Feb. 26, 2019. L1a volumes =========== DWNC5GRD_1A DWNC6GRD_1A DWNC7GRD_1A 1. Some data files have no corresponding browse files. Supply any missing browse files as appropriate. (See Larry's report for details of missing files.) 2. Correct formatting of browse files which have smaller font than the others. (See Larry's report for identification of mis-formatted files.) 3. The DATA\20180516_INTERMEDIATE directory seems to contain some extra files: For example, the two files: GRD-L1A-180516-180522_180524 and GRD-L1A-180516-180522_180531 appear to have been superseded by: GRD-L1A-180516-180523_180911? Similarly, is GRD-L1A-180523-180530_180531 replaced by GRD-L1A-180523-180530_180911? Remove or correct data files as needed. 4. Correct typos in aareadmes: - Around line 120, “objective of observing Juling at different” I recommend adding “crater” after Juling - Around line 135: “… small manuever was performed to adjust the orbit in a way that would faciliated Ceres departure …” Maneuver and facilitated are misspelled and it probably should be “would have facilitated” or “would facilitate” - “altitude” is also misspelled a few sentences later - ~Line 24: e.g., “The Ceres data from earlier Ceres phases are archived on separate volumes (DWNCAGRD_1A, DWNCLGRD_1A, DWNC1GRD_1A, DWNC2GRD_1A, DWNC3GRD_1A, DWNC4GRD_1A, DWNC5GRD_1A, DWNC6GRD_1A, DWNC7GRD_1A)” The first “Ceres” could be dropped, “earlier” should probably be replaced with “other” as DWNC5GRD refers to later 6CRG and 7GRD volumes. L1b volume ========== DWNCGRD_1B 5. Correct aareadme as needed to resolve the orbit radius inconsistencies with the data as shown in Larry's final plot and comments. 6. Correct typos in aareadme: - Around line 120, “objective of observing Juling at different” I recommend adding “crater” after Juling - Around line 135: “… small manuever was performed to adjust the orbit in a way that would faciliated Ceres departure …” Maneuver and facilitated are misspelled and it probably should be “would have facilitated” or “would facilitate” - “altitude” is also misspelled a few sentences later 7. DWNCGRD_1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-180416-180515_181112-CTI-BGOC.LBL DWNCGRD_1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-180515-180531_181112-C2I-BGOC.LBL - 4 non-ASCII characters (maybe apostrophes or quotes) on lines 47, 62, 63. 8. DWNCGRD_1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-150313-181026_190117-EPG.LBL - Non-ASCII character (probably apostrophe) on line 363 - Line 18's list of MISSION_PHASE_NAMEs has three unknown values: "CERES EXTENDED MISSION 2 (CX2)" "CERES X2 TRANSFER TO INTERMEDIATE (CTI)" "CERES X2 TRANSFER TO ELLIPTICAL (CTE)" dawnmission.cat instead has: CERES X2 HOLDING (CX2) CERES TRANSFER TO INTERMEDIATE (CTI) CERES TRANSFER TO ELLIPTICAL (CTE) 9. DWNCGRD_1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-170705-180416_190119-CX2-BGOC.LBL - MISSION_PHASE_NAMEs also has this unknown value: "CERES EXTENDED MISSION 2 (CX2)", correct as above. 10. DWNCGRD_1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-180531-180608_190117-CTE-BGOC.LBL - MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "CERES X2 TRANSFER TO ELLIPTICAL (CTE)" is an unknown value, correct as above.