OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SCET_UTC" DATA_TYPE = TIME UNIT = "N/A" START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 19 FORMAT = "A19" DESCRIPTION = " The UTC spacecraft event time (SCET) determined from the SCLK value for the first packet in the science data record. The time format is yyyy-mm-ddThr:mn:sc. " END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SCLK" DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER UNIT = "SECONDS" START_BYTE = 20 BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "I11" VALID_MAXIMUM = 4294967295 DESCRIPTION = " Spacecraft clock count recorded in the first packet of the science data record, indicating the starting time for the collection interval. " END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "BLP2_PZ" DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER UNIT = "COUNTS" START_BYTE = 31 BYTES = 384 ITEMS = 64 ITEM_BYTES = 6 FORMAT = "I6" VALID_MAXIMUM = 65535 DESCRIPTION = " BLP pulse height histogram (64 channels) for coincidence events between the +Z BLP and BGO scintillators (CAT2). " END_OBJECT = COLUMN