PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-08-01 NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The BROWSE directory contains PDF plots of the data contained in the DATA directory of this volume. The plots are organization into subdirectories by data set. Directory and PDF file naming follow the same organization and naming convention used for the data files. BROWSE directory contents include the following subdirectories: ABSORPTION - Dawn GRaND Vesta Neutron Absorption Map The absorption map is presented as a compositional parameter, delta-C_perpendicular (DCP) and 1-sigma uncertainties. A linear equation to convert DCP to physical absorption units is provided in the data set catalog. FAST_NEUTRON - Dawn GRaND Vesta Fast Neutron Residual Map HEGR - DawN GRaND Vesta High Energy Gamma-Ray Counts Map HYDROGEN - Dawn GRaND Vesta Hydrogen Abundance Map IRON/GRD_IRON_CORRECTED_COUNTS_MAP - Dawn GRaND Vesta FE Gamma-Ray Corrected Counts Map IRON/GRD_IRON_UNCORRECTED_COUNTS_MAP - Dawn GRaND Vesta FE Gamma-Ray Uncorrected Counts Map