function plot_grand_L2, table_file, plot180=plot180, plot360=plot360 ; ; Purpose: Read in *.TAB and *.LBL files of a GRaND L2 map product, ; plot the data values (optional), and returns a structure ; containing grids, values, and image arrays in Claudia and ; Claudia Double Prime (CDP) coordinate systems. ; This function was intended to operate using only ; internal IDL routines. ; ; Inputs: ; table_file - A GRaND L2 table file with an extention of ".TAB". If ; users provide '' (an empty string) as an input data ; file, a dialog will pop up to select a file. ; plot180 - (optional keyword) plots data in Claudia Double Prime ; coordinate system with east longitude of -180 to 180 ; deg. ; plot360 - (optional keyword) plots data in Claudia Double Prime ; coordinate system with east longitude of 0 to 360 ; deg. ; ; Outputs: ; results - a structure containing: ; grid structure in Claudia coordinate system ; grid structure in CDP coordinate system ; data name(s) ; data values ; data image array(s) of 720x360 in Claudia coordinate system ; data image array(s) of 720x360 in CDP coordinate system ; ; Examples: ; Download the GRD L2 data from the PDS Small Bodies Node ( from ; & unzip). The resulting ; directory was 'mypath\DWNGRD_2\' (note the use of PC path_separator '\'). ; ; Example 1 - Fe map ; ; ; Read the Fe corrected counts and convert the 720x360 Claudia-Double-Prime map to Fe concentration ; cd, 'mypath\DWNGRD_2\DATA\' ; r_Fe=plot_grand_L2('.\IRON\GRD_IRON_CORRECTED_COUNTS_MAP\GRD_IRON_CORRECTED_COUNTS_MAP.TAB', /plot180) ; ; The structure r_Fe contains a 0.5-deg map of counting rates. I want a map of Fe concentrations. ; ; The documentation explains how to convert counts/s to concentration (under CATALOG, read ; ; GRAND_VESTA_IRON_CORR_CNTS_MAP_DS.CAT). ; map_Fe=189.2d0*r_Fe.IMAGE0_CDP ; the result is a 720x360 map of Fe concentrations in wt%. ; ; Display the data using the IDL image function ; i=image(map_Fe,rgb_table=39, position=[0.2,0.05,0.9,0.95]) ; c=colorbar(target=i, orientation=1,position=[0.1,0.2,0.15,0.8]) ; ; Example 2 - Neutron absorption map ; ; ; Read and calibrate the thermal neutron absorption map ; r_abs=plot_grand_L2('.\ABSORPTION\GRD_NEUTRON_ABSORPTION_MAP.TAB', /plot180) ; ; The structure r_dcp contains 0.5-deg map of the neutron absorption parameter DCP, ; ; which can be converted to macroscopic absorption units following the ; ; instruction in CATALOG, GRAND_VESTA_NEUTRON_ABSORP_MAP.CAT): ; map_abs=216.4*r_abs.IMAGE0_CDP+66.3 ; (units of 10E-4 square-centimeters/gram) ; ; Display the data using the IDL image function ; i=image(map_abs,rgb_table=39, position=[0.2,0.05,0.9,0.95]) ; c=colorbar(target=i, orientation=1,position=[0.1,0.2,0.15,0.8]) ; ; greatData = plot_grand_L2('myGreatL2Data.TAB', /plot360) ; greatData = plot_grand_L2('.\IRON\GRD_IRON_CORRECTED_COUNTS_MAP\GRD_IRON_CORRECTED_COUNTS_MAP.TAB', /plot180) ; ; Limitations: ; - Requires IDL 8.0 or higher to plot (because of IMAGE function) ; - Table and label files must reside in the same directory. ; - Fragile - limited error checking ; ; Acknowledgement: The algorithm used in this code is partially based on the one ; used in from the IDL Toolkit for Mars Odyssey ; GRS and NS Instruments. Therefore, we acknowledge prior work ; by S. Maurice, D. Lawrence, and O. Gasnault. ; ; Version: ; Version 0.3 Written by N. Yamashita (NY) on Aug. 2, 2013. ; Version 1.0 T.H. Prettyman revised code documentation, 5-Mar-2014 ; ; Review: ; 5-Mar-2014 - THP tested with IDL 8.2 & PDS GRD L2 map products ; Find a *.TAB file to open if table_file eq '' then table_file = dialog_pickfile(/read, filter='*.TAB') ; Find a *.LBL file to open label_file = file_dirname(table_file, /mark_directory) + file_basename(table_file, '.TAB') + '.LBL' ; Read the *.LBL file openr, lun, label_file, /get_lun line = '' & name = '' & flag_c = 0 while not eof(lun) do begin readf, lun, line & awk = strsplit(line, /extract) if n_elements(awk) eq 3 then begin if (awk[0] eq 'OBJECT' and awk[2] eq 'COLUMN') then flag_c = 1 if (awk[0] eq 'END_OBJECT' and awk[2] eq 'COLUMN') then flag_c = 0 if (flag_c eq 1 and awk[0] eq 'NAME' and awk[1] eq '=') then name = [name, awk[2]] endif endwhile name = name[1:-1] free_lun, lun ; Read the *.TAB file t = read_ascii(table_file) n_column = (size(t.(0)))[1] n_row = (size(t.(0)))[2] if n_column ne n_elements(name) then Message, 'Error reading Label and/or Table files' n_data = n_column - 7 val = fltarr(n_data, n_row) ; Assuming the following column orders. pixel_index = reform(t.(0)[0,*]) lat_min = reform(t.(0)[1,*]) lat_max = reform(t.(0)[2,*]) delta_lat = reform(t.(0)[3,*]) lon_min = reform(t.(0)[4,*]) lon_max = reform(t.(0)[5,*]) delta_lon = reform(t.(0)[6,*]) for k=0, n_data-1 do val[k,*] = reform(t.(0)[k+7,*]) res = 2 nx = 360*res ny = 180*res ind_x = indgen(nx) ind_y = indgen(ny) map = fltarr(n_data, nx, ny) ; holds equal-angle map with lon. from -180 to 180 deg in CDP map_c = fltarr(n_data, nx, ny) ; holds equal-angle map with lon. from -180 to 180 deg in Claudia map_360= fltarr(n_data, nx, ny) ; holds equal-angle map with lon. from 0 to 360 deg in CDP for i=0, n_elements(pixel_index)-1 do begin ; convert lats and lons to indices ; ind_ymin = (lat_min[i]+90)*res ind_ymax = (lat_min[i]+delta_lat[i]+90)*res-1 ind_xmin = (lon_min[i]+180)*res ind_xmax = (lon_min[i]+delta_lon[i]+180)*res-1 for j=0, n_data-1 do begin ; Fill up the map array with the value. ; Roll-over at lon=180deg has been taken into account. ; if ind_xmax ge nx then begin map[ j, ind_xmin:nx-1, ind_ymin:ind_ymax ] = val[j, i] map[ j, 0:ind_xmax-nx, ind_ymin:ind_ymax ] = val[j, i] endif else begin map[ j, ind_xmin:ind_xmax, ind_ymin:ind_ymax ] = val[j, i] endelse endfor endfor if Keyword_set(plot360) then begin ;; Make lons span from 0 to 360 deg. for j=0, n_data-1 do begin for i=0, ny-1 do map_360[j,*,i] = shift( map[j,*,i], -180*res ) endfor plotMe = map_360 endif else begin if Keyword_set(plot180) then plotMe = map endelse if Keyword_set(plot360) OR Keyword_set(plot180) then begin for j=0, n_data-1 do begin ;; IMAGE function requires IDL 8.0 or higher ; im = image(reform(plotMe[j,*,*]), rgb_table=39, $ title=name[7+j]+', Claudia Double Prime Coordinate System') c = colorbar(target=im) if Keyword_set(plot180) then begin t1 = text(0.020, 0.15, '-180$\circ$', /normal, font_size=15) t2 = text(0.925, 0.15, '180$\circ$', /normal, font_size=15) endif else begin t1 = text(0.035, 0.15, '0$\circ$', /normal, font_size=15) t2 = text(0.925, 0.15, '360$\circ$', /normal, font_size=15) endelse endfor endif ;; convert back to Claudia system ; lon_min_c = lon_min + 210. & index = where(lon_min_c ge 180.) & lon_min_c[index] -= 360. lon_max_c = lon_max + 210. & index = where(lon_max_c gt 180.) & lon_max_c[index] -= 360. g_claudia= {lat_min:lat_min, lat_max:lat_max, delta_lat:delta_lat, lon_min:lon_min_c, lon_max:lon_max_c, delta_lon:delta_lon} g_cdp = {lat_min:lat_min, lat_max:lat_max, delta_lat:delta_lat, lon_min:lon_min, lon_max:lon_max, delta_lon:delta_lon} for j=0, n_data-1 do begin for i=0, 360-1 do map_c[j,*,i] = shift( map[j,*,i], 210*2 ) endfor name0 = name[7] & val0 = reform(val[0,*]) & image0_claudia = reform(map_c[0,*,*]) & image0_cdp = reform(map[0,*,*]) if n_data eq 1 then $ results = {g_claudia:g_claudia, g_cdp:g_cdp, $ name0:name0, val0:val0, image0_claudia:image0_claudia, image0_cdp:image0_cdp} if n_data eq 2 then begin name1 = name[8] & val1 = reform(val[1,*]) & image1_claudia = reform(map_c[1,*,*]) & image1_cdp = reform(map[1,*,*]) results = {g_claudia:g_claudia, g_cdp:g_cdp, $ name0:name0, val0:val0, image0_claudia:image0_claudia, image0_cdp:image0_cdp, $ name1:name1, val1:val1, image1_claudia:image1_claudia, image1_cdp:image1_cdp} endif if n_data ge 3 then begin name1 = name[8] & val1 = reform(val[1,*]) & image1_claudia = reform(map_c[1,*,*]) & image1_cdp = reform(map[1,*,*]) name2 = name[9] & val2 = reform(val[2,*]) & image2_claudia = reform(map_c[2,*,*]) & image2_cdp = reform(map[2,*,*]) results = {g_claudia:g_claudia, g_cdp:g_cdp, $ name0:name0, val0:val0, image0_claudia:image0_claudia, image0_cdp:image0_cdp, $ name1:name1, val1:val1, image1_claudia:image1_claudia, image1_cdp:image1_cdp, $ name2:name2, val2:val2, image2_claudia:image2_claudia, image2_cdp:image2_cdp} endif if n_data gt 4 then print, '*** Only the first 3 values out of' +string(n_data, format='(I2)') $ + ' were output. ***' return, results END