Draft liens for the Dawn FC L1a/L1b XM2 review March 8, 2019, updated May 17, 2019 Reviewers: Jason Perry (external) and Richard Chen (PDS EN) Result of review: Calibration volume was certified on March 8th, L1a and L1b volumes were certified on May 17th. Liens 4, 12, and 13q were clarified on May 17th and the L1a and L1b data sets were certified at that time. Updated calibration volume ========================== DWNCALFC2 No liens. L1a/L1b volumes ================= DWNC6FC1_1A DWNC7FC1_1A DWNC6FC2_1A DWNC7FC2_1A DWNC6FC1_1B DWNC7FC1_1B DWNC6FC2_1B DWNC7FC2_1B Data and data labels: 1. Data set ID and data set name in the FC1 data labels refers to FC2 instead of FC1. (L1A FC1 volumes) 2. The Intermediate images are included twice, in DATA/ and in DATA/180515_INTERMEDIATE. (DWNC6FC1_1A) 3. No geometry information included in the label or in geomindex.tab for the images listed in Jason Perry's report. Regenerate the labels and geomindex to supply the missing geometry values. (DWNC7FC1_1A, DWNC7FC2_1A, DWNC7FC1_1B, DWNC7FC2_1B) 4. On DWNC6FC2_1B, the AAREADME says there are 40 checkout images but the volume contains only 20. It has been determined that there are really only 20 images, so correct the AAREADME accordingly. AAREADME.TXT and data set cats: 5. Correct AAREADME.TXT errors: - Brief disk description refers to “Framing Camera 2 images” instead of Camera 1 in the opening paragraph - Also refers to calibrated images instead of raw (L1A FC1 volumes) 6. AAREADMEs and data set cats: Number of images listed in the observations table appear to be off for some dates, more than can be explained by the calibration images not being included. Start dates affected: 18-06-25, 18-07-08, 18-08-11, 18-08-18. 7. Update FC1 data set cats to incorporate additional elements present in the FC2 data set cats as appropriate: data quality, coordinate system, and EM2 comment. (All four FC1 volumes) 9. Data set cat lists stop time as 2019-09-29 instead of 2018-09-29. (All four FC2 volumes) 10. Data set cat is missing the comment about 18-01-18 missing 104 images which is present in the L1A volume. (DWNC6FC2_1B, DWNC7FC2_1B) GEOMINFO.TXT 11. GEOMINFO.TXT refers to v10 of the metakernel and the label but the volume contains v11. (All volumes) 12. Programs like ISIS use v3 of the camera offset c-kernel, instead of v1 as in the metakernel in the GEOMETRY folder. Update the metakernel to include v3 of the ck. Additional liens: 13. Make corrections indicated in Richard Chen's report, copied below. a) */DOCUMENT/DAWN_FC_SIS_20160815.PDF - p. 28 says the data subdirectories will be named YYYYMMDD_XXXXXX However, the directories in this review have 2-digit years, e.g. DWNC6FC1_1B/DATA/IMG/180515_INTERMEDIATE b) DWNC6FC1_1A/DATA/ - All the files in IMG/180515_INTERMEDIATE/ are copied here. If that's intentional, hmmm... [duplicates lien #2] c) DWNC6FC1_1A/DATA/*/180113_CHECKOUT/* - This MISSION_PHASE_NAME is not in dawnmission.cat MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "CERES EXTENDED MISSION 2 (CX2)" Perhaps the right value is "CERES X2 HOLDING (CX2)", though it has a shorter time period than all of Ceres Extended Mission 2. d) DWNC6FC1_1A/DATA/FITS/.../*.LBL DWNC6FC1_1A/DATA/IMG/.../*.IMG - These incorrectly have DATA_SET_NAME = "DAWN FC2 RAW (EDR) CERES IMAGES V1.0" DATA_SET_ID = "DAWN-A-FC2-2-EDR-CERES-IMAGES-V1.0" instead of, as CATALOG/fc1_ceres_edr_ds.cat has, DATA_SET_NAME = "DAWN FC1 RAW (EDR) CERES IMAGES V1.0" DATA_SET_ID = "DAWN-A-FC1-2-EDR-CERES-IMAGES-V1.0" e) DWNC6FC1_1A/DATA/FITS/180113_CHECKOUT/FC11A0002235_18013020322F1D.LBL + 53 more - DAWN:CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME's max is 99,999,999. However DAWN:CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME = 100000000 Six files do have DAWN:CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME = 10000000 f) DWNC6FC1_1A/INDEX/INDEX.TAB - Field 1, the dataset ID, is always DAWN-A-FC2-2-EDR-CERES-IMAGES-V1.0 which is wrong. Like DATA_SET_ID in the product labels, these should be DAWN-A-FC1-2-EDR-CERES-IMAGES-V1.0 g) DWNC6FC1_1B/DATA/FITS/.../*.LBL - SAMPLE_TYPE = "PC_REAL" should be "IEEE_REAL" h) DWNC6FC1_1B/DATA/*/180113_CHECKOUT/* - This MISSION_PHASE_NAME is not in dawnmission.cat MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "CERES EXTENDED MISSION 2 (CX2)" Perhaps the right value is "CERES X2 HOLDING (CX2)", though it has a shorter time period than all of Ceres Extended Mission 2. j) DWNC6FC1_1B/DATA/FITS/180515_INTERMEDIATE/FC11B0002474_18136083207F1E.LBL DWNC6FC1_1B/DATA/FITS/180515_INTERMEDIATE/FC11B0002472_18136083007F1E.LBL DWNC6FC1_1B/DATA/FITS/180515_INTERMEDIATE/FC11B0002473_18136083106F1E.LBL and the 3 corresponding .IMG files - Line 302 is incorrect ENDOBJECT = HISTORY should be two different tokens, "END" and "OBJECT", e.g. END OBJECT = HISTORY - Lines 424, 425 should then be deleted OBJECT = HISTORY END_OBJECT = HISTORY - And line 16 should point to the correct OBJECT = HISTORY, i.e. ^HISTORY = 7 should be 5 - And the earlier split ENDOBJECT = HISTORY should have sufficient padding between "END" and "OBJECT" k) DWNC6FC2_1A/DATA/*/180109_CHECKOUT/* - This MISSION_PHASE_NAME is not in dawnmission.cat MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "CERES EXTENDED MISSION 2 (CX2)" Perhaps the right value is "CERES X2 HOLDING (CX2)", though it has a shorter time period than all of Ceres Extended Mission 2. l) DWNC6FC2_1A/DATA/FITS/180109_CHECKOUT/FC21A0089633_18009020322F1E.LBL + 53 more - DAWN:CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME's max is 99,999,999. However DAWN:CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME = 100000000 Oddly, one file, FC21A0089632_18009020243F1E.LBL, has DAWN:CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME = 10000000 m) DWNC6FC2_1B/DATA/FITS/.../*.LBL - SAMPLE_TYPE = "PC_REAL" should be "IEEE_REAL" n) DWNC6FC2_1B/DATA/*/180109_CHECKOUT/* - This MISSION_PHASE_NAME is not in dawnmission.cat MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "CERES EXTENDED MISSION 2 (CX2)" Perhaps the right value is "CERES X2 HOLDING (CX2)", though it has a shorter time period than all of Ceres Extended Mission 2. o) DWNC6FC2_1B/DATA/IMG/180515_INTERMEDIATE/FC21B0090203_18139105401F1E.IMG DWNC6FC2_1B/DATA/FITS/180515_INTERMEDIATE/FC21B0089870_18136082937F1E.LBL + 39 more - Line 301 is incorrect ENDOBJECT = HISTORY should be two different tokens, "END" and "OBJECT", e.g. END OBJECT = HISTORY - Lines 424, 425 should then be deleted OBJECT = HISTORY END_OBJECT = HISTORY - And line 16 should point to the correct OBJECT = HISTORY, i.e. ^HISTORY = 7 should be 5 - And the earlier split ENDOBJECT = HISTORY should have sufficient padding between "END" and "OBJECT" p) DWNC7FC1_1A/DATA/FITS/.../*.LBL - SAMPLE_TYPE = "PC_REAL" should be "IEEE_REAL". It is less important to fix in this volume because the 2nd image has this type, but all the files in this volume have only 1 image, which has type = unsigned integer [q) DWNC7FC1_1A/DATA/FITS/ FITS/ has 185 more data files than IMG/. Sometimes IMG/ is missing a file: % find DATA -name "FC11A0005275_18170174104F1F*" DATA/FITS/180621_180625/FC11A0005275_18170174104F1F.LBL DATA/FITS/180621_180625/FC11A0005275_18170174104F1F.FIT Sometimes, DATA/FITS has an extra copy: % find DATA -name "FC11A0005458_18170182450F1F*" DATA/IMG/180615_180620/FC11A0005458_18170182450F1F.IMG DATA/FITS/180621_180625/FC11A0005458_18170182450F1F.FIT DATA/FITS/180621_180625/FC11A0005458_18170182450F1F.LBL DATA/FITS/180615_180620/FC11A0005458_18170182450F1F.FIT DATA/FITS/180615_180620/FC11A0005458_18170182450F1F.LBL % diff DATA/FITS/*/FC11A0005458_18170182450F1F.FIT % It has been determined that this is due to duplicate files in the FITS directory. Duplicates should be removed. r) DWNC7FC1_1B/DATA/FITS/ls/ - Presumably, this directory is a typo s) DWNC7FC1_1B/DATA/FITS/.../*.LBL - SAMPLE_TYPE = "PC_REAL" should be "IEEE_REAL" t) DWNC7FC2_1A/DATA/FITS/.../*.LBL - SAMPLE_TYPE = "PC_REAL" should be "IEEE_REAL" u) DWNC7FC2_1A/DATA/FITS/180825_180831/FC21A0100963_18241021249F1B.LBL DWNC7FC2_1A/DATA/IMG/180825_180831/FC21A0100963_18241021249F1B.IMG - This keyword is constrained to "10" or "12": DAWN:MCU_HARDWARE_ID = "0" - This is another illegal value: DETECTOR_TEMPERATURE = -5.090 - This keyword is constrained to "017.09.09", "017.10.10", "063.15.15": DAWN:FEE_HARDWARE_ID = "000.00.00" v) DWNC7FC2_1B/DATA/FITS/.../*.LBL - SAMPLE_TYPE = "PC_REAL" should be "IEEE_REAL" w) DWNC7FC2_1B/DATA/FITS/180825_180831/FC21B0100953_18241020939F8B.LBL + others - The max length for an OBSERVATION_ID is 30 chars, but this is 31: OBSERVATION_ID = "FC2_C2E_C3S10NadirColor120s_073" Also, for almost all *.LBL, this and all text values should be all caps x) DWNC7FC2_1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL - ~20 lines do not end in CRLF, e.g. lines 29, 38, ... end of liens.