2009 Dawn/FC

Framing Cameras




(FC Archive Product and Volume SIS)

Version 1.0

October 17, 2013

H. Sierks, P. Gutierrez-Marques, T. Maue, and S. Schröder,

Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research,

Max-Planck-Straße 2

37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany


S. Joy

Dawn Science Center

University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567

2007 Dawn/FC

Framing Cameras




(FC Archive Volumes SIS)

Version 1.0

rev. October 17, 2013


                     Andreas Nathues                                      Date
                     Experiment Team Lead

                     Steven P. Joy                                        Date
                     Dawn Science Center Manager

                     Christopher T. Russell                               Date
                     Dawn Principal Investigator

                     Michael F. A’Hearn                                   Date
                     PDS Lead Node (SBN) Manager

Table of Contents


1.2. Document Change Log . 3

1.3. TBD Items . 4

1.4. Acronyms and Abbreviations . 4

1.5. Glossary . 5

1.7. Content Overview .. 7

1.8. Scope . 8

1.9. Relationship to Other Dawn Archives . 8

1.10. Applicable Documents . 8

1.11. Audience . 8

2. FC Instrument Description . 9

2.1. Science Objectives . 9

2.2. Detectors . 9

2.3. Electronics . 11

2.4. Operational Modes . 11

2.5. Operational Considerations . 12

2.6. Filters . 13

2.7. Optics . 14

2.8. Onboard software version . 15

2.9. Ground Calibration . 15

2.10. Inflight Calibration . 15

3. Data Set Overview .. 17

3.1. Data Sets . 17

3.2. Level-0 Data Flow .. 17

3.3. Data Processing and Production Pipeline . 19

3.3.1. EDR (Level 1a) Data Production Pipeline . 19

3.3.2. RDR (Level 1b) Data Production Pipeline . 19

3.4. Data Flow .. 19

3.5. Data Release Schedule* . 20

4. Archive Volumes . 22

4.1. Volume Creation . 22

4.2. Volume Format 22

4.3. Volume Labeling and Identification . 22

4.4. Data Validation . 23

4.4.1. Instrument Team Validation . 23

4.4.2. Science Team Validation . 23

4.4.3. PDS Peer Review .. 23

5. Archive Volume Contents . 24

5.1. Root Directory Contents . 24

5.2. INDEX Directory Contents . 24

5.3. CATALOG Directory Contents . 26

5.4. DOCUMENT Directory Contents . 27

5.5. DATA (Standard Products) Directory Contents and Naming Conventions . 28

5.5.1. Required Files . 28

5.5.2. DATA Sub-Directory Naming Convention . 28

5.5.3. File Naming Conventions . 28

6. Data Format Descriptions . 30

6.1. FC EDR Image File Structure . 30

6.2. FC RDR Image File Structure . 30

6.3. EDR and RDR Data Product Format Description . 30

Appendix A. Sample PDS Labels . 68

A.1. EDR (Level 1a) Data Product Label 68

A.2. Index Table Label 78

A.3. Example Document Label 78

Appendix B. Support Staff and Cognizant Persons . 79


This document describes the contents and types of archive volumes belonging to all of the VIR NASA level 1 (CODMAC levels 2 and 3) data sets. This includes detailed descriptions of the data formats to allow users to read the data products.

1.1. Distribution List

   Table 1: Distribution List
   Name                       Email
   A. Nathues                nathues@mps.mpg.de
   H. Sierks                 sierks@mps.mpg.de
   P. Gutierrez-Marques      gutierrez@mps.mpg.de
   I. Hall                   hall@mps.mpg.de
   I. Büttner                buettner@mps.mpg.de
   M. A'Hearn                ma@astro.umd.edu
   S. Joy                    sjoy@igpp.ucla.edu
   J. Mafi                   jmafi@igpp.ucla.edu
   C. Raymond                carol.raymond@jpl.nasa.gov
   C. Russell                ctrussell@igpp.ucla.edu

1.2. Document Change Log

   Table 2: Document Change History
   Change                 Date          Affected Portions
   Boilerplate  Draft   02 Nov 2007        All

   First Draft          25 Jun 2009        All

   Second Draft         21. Oct 2009       All

   Third Draft          21. July 2010      All

   Fourth Draft         28. Aug 2010       All

   Fifth Draft          1. Oct 2012        Removed VIR references from section 2.3     
                                           Added information on 2.4 w.r.t. windowed mode 
                                           and user-defined windows
                                           Added information on 6.1. w.r.t. windowed mode
                                           Added information on 6.3 w.r.t. the 
                                           relationship between data object pointers 
                                           and image object.

   Sixth Draft          8.Mar 2013         Addressed issues reported in VSA/VSS/VSH 
                                           delta review.

   Version 1.0          17.Oct 2013        Sections 1, 3-6

1.3. TBD Items

   Table 3      : TBD Items
   Item           Section               Pages

1.4. Acronyms and Abbreviations

   Table 4:  Acronyms and Abbreviations
   Acronym      Definition
   ASCII       American Standard Code for Information Interchange
   CDROM       Compact Disc, Read Only Memory
   CODMAC      Committee on Data Management and Computation
   DSC         Dawn Science Center
   DSDb        Dawn Science Database
   DSN         Deep Space Network
   DVD         Digital Versatile Disc
   EDR         Experiment Data Records
   FC          Framing Camera(s)
   FLTOPS      JPL Multi-mission Flight Operations
   Gb          Gigabit(s)
   GB          Gigabyte(s)
   GRaND       Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector
   HAMO        High Altitude Mapping Orbit
   ISO         International Standards Organization
   JPL         Jet Propulsion Laboratory
   LAMO        Low Altitude Mapping Orbit
   NSSDC       National Space Science Data Center
   PDB         Project Database
   PDS         Planetary Data System
   RDR         Reduced Data Records
   RMOC        Remote Mission Operations Center
   SAMO        Survey Altitude Mapping Orbit
   SBN         Small Bodies Node
   ST          Science Team
   SIS         Software Interface Specification
   TBD         To Be Determined
   UCLA        University of California, Los Angeles
   VIR         Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer

1.5. Glossary

Archive - An archive consists of one or more Data Sets along with all the documentation and ancillary information needed to understand and use the data. An archive is a logical construct independent of the medium on which it is stored.

Archive Volume - A collection of files formatted according to the PDS Archive Volume standards. This collection may be electronic or stored on a PDS approved physical media such as DVD or CDROM.

Archive Volume Set - A collection of one or more Archive Volumes used to store a single Data Set or collection of related Data Sets.

Catalog Information - High-level descriptive information about a Data Set (e.g., mission description, spacecraft description, instrument description), expressed in Object Description Language (ODL), which is suitable for loading into a PDS catalog.

Data Product - A labeled grouping of data resulting from a scientific observation, usually stored in one file. A product label identifies, describes, and defines the structure of the data. An example of a Data Product is a planetary image, a spectral table, or a time series table.

Data Set - A Data Set is a collection of Data Products from a single instrument that have a common data processing level, together with supporting documentation and ancillary files.

Standard Data Product - A Data Product generated in a predefined way using well-understood procedures, processed in "pipeline" fashion. Data Products that are generated in a non­standard way are sometimes called special Data Products.

1.6. Dawn Mission Overview

The Dawn mission will study two main belt asteroids, Vesta and Ceres. Both bodies are believed to have accreted early in the history of the solar system. They have been selected because while they can speak to conditions and processes early in the formation of the solar system, they developed into two characteristically different bodies. Vesta is a dry differentiated body with a surface showing signs of resurfacing. Ceres has a primitive surface containing water-bearing minerals and may possess a weak atmosphere. By studying both these bodies, the Dawn mission hopes to compare the different evolutionary path each took as well as characterize conditions of the early solar system.

To carry out its scientific mission, the Dawn spacecraft will carry three science instruments. These instruments are: a visible camera (FC), a visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR), and a gamma ray and neutron spectrometer (GRaND). In addition to these instruments, radiometric and optical navigation data will provide data relating to the gravity field and thus bulk properties and internal structure of the two bodies (GSE).

The Dawn spacecraft was launched on September 27, 2007 on a Delta II 2925-9.5 Heavy from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Using its ion propulsion subsystem the spacecraft will thrust on a trajectory (Figure 1) that will have it arriving nominally at Vesta in August, 2011. Once arriving at Vesta, the spacecraft will enter a series of circular near-polar orbits. These different orbits will be varied in altitude and orientation relative to the sun to achieve the best positioning for the various observations planned. A minimum of seven months will be spent observing Vesta before departing.

After completing its data collection campaign at Vesta, the Dawn spacecraft will use its ion propulsion subsystem to leave Vesta and travel on to Ceres, making it the first spacecraft ever to orbit one extraterrestrial body, depart, and then orbit a second body. It will arrive at Ceres in February, 2015 and like its rendezvous at Vesta, it will enter a series of circular near-polar orbits. The spacecraft will spend a minimum of five months in orbit at Ceres at various altitudes collecting science data.

Figure 1 Overview of Dawn Mission.

Dawn is an asteroid mapping mission. Each asteroid encounter has been sub-divided into three mapping phases, each at different altitudes, and each with different science objectives and primary experiments. Shortly after orbit capture the spacecraft will enter into a survey altitude mapping orbit (SAMO) where the VIR instrument is primary. This phase is relatively short, lasting for only 2-3 orbits. Global spectroscopy data and low resolution global image mosaics will be acquired during these phases at each asteroid. After SAMO, the spacecraft will be maneuvered into a high altitude mapping orbit (HAMO) where the FC instrument is primary. Medium resolution global stereo imaging will be performed at this altitude (700 km Vesta, 1200 km Ceres) while local high resolution spectroscopy data is acquired. Finally, the spacecraft will proceed to the low altitude mapping orbit (LAMO) where the GRaND and gravity experiments will collect their prime data and additional, local, high resolution imaging and spectroscopy data will be acquired. On asteroid approach, all of the instruments will perform in-flight calibrations and acquire data that will be used to characterize the hazards of the near asteroid environment (dust) and search for moons.

1.7. Content Overview

Chapter 2 describes the FC instrument, including its primary science objectives, detectors, electronics, optics, operation, and calibration.

Chapter 3 describes the data sets, data volume, data processing and production, data flow, and scientific data validation.

Chapter 4 describes the archive volume generation, volume naming conventions, production, and PDS peer review.

Chapter 5 describes the PDS archive volume structure, the contents of each directory, and the various file naming conventions.

Chapter 6 describes the format of the EDR and RDR data files

Appendix A provides example PDS labels for the data files, index and geometry tables, and an example document label.

Appendix B lists the support staff and cognizant personnel associated with the archive generation and validation.

1.8. Scope

This specification applies to all archive volumes containing FC data products for the duration of its mission.

1.9. Relationship to Other Dawn Archives

Higher level products, such as, for example, mosaics, and stereo images, are foreseen but will be defined and detailed later on.

1.10. Applicable Documents

Archive Description Documents

Planetary Science Data Dictionary Document, August 28, 2002, Planetary Data System, JPL D-7116, Rev. E

Planetary Data System Standards Reference, March 20, 2006, Version 3.7. JPL D-7669, Part 2.

Planetary Data System Archive Preparation Guide, August 29, 2006, Version 1.1. JPL D-31224.

Dawn Science Data Management Plan, May 3, 2007, DAWN-31-4032, JPL D-25901, Rev. A.

Instrument Papers or other technical documents

Dawn Framing Camera FM Housekeeping Calibration Information, K.-Michael Aye, MPS report DA-FC-MPAE-TN-033 (21 June 200 7).

Calibration Pipeline, Schröder, S.E. and P. Gutierrez-Marques, MPS report DA-FC-MPAE-RP-272 (28 Jan 2008).

Dawn Mission to Vesta and Ceres, C.T. Russell, F. Capaccioni, A. Coradini, M.C. De Sanctis, W.C. Feldman and 11 others, Earth, Moon and Planets 101, 65-91, 2007.

1.11. Audience

This specification is useful to those who wish to understand the format and content of the FC PDS data product archive collection. Typically, these individuals would be scientists, data analysts, or software engineers.

2. FC Instrument Description

FC is a multi-spectral high resolution framing camera. It can take images in a broadband visible filter and 7 narrow band filters ranging from 450 to 980 nm with an IFOV of 96 millirad x 96 millirad.

The camera is composed by a Camera Head and an Electronic Box. The first one contains a 1024 x 1024 front lit CCD with its proximity electronics and its radiator, the filter wheel, the lens barrel, a baffle and the protective front door. The electronic box houses the power converter module, the mechanism controller unit and the data processing unit.

The camera is autonomously controlled by the data processing unit, which is in charge of all the communications with the spacecraft and controlling all the other subunits.

2.1. Science Objectives

The architecture of the camera makes it suitable for various scientific and operational purposes. The science objectives of the FC are the characterization of Vesta and Ceres by means of their most relevant parameters:

2.2. Detectors

The optics of the Framing Camera consists of an F/8 rad-hard refractive lens system, a set of filters, and a baffle in front of the lens system. The 5.5° x 5.5° field of view is achieved with a focal length of 150 mm and aperture of 19 mm. The lens system with baffle is mounted in front of the CCD by means of a lens barrel.

Between the lens barrel and the CCD lies the filter wheel with its selection of filters as shown in the graph below.

Figure 2: Location of the bandpasses within the spectrum of Vesta and Ceres. See Table 7 for a correspondence between bands and filter numbers.

The CCD has a 1024x1024 sensitive area with 14 µm pitch, representing a field of view of 93 µrad per pixel. The exposure time can be commanded from 1 ms to several thousands of seconds. The image information collected in the sensitive area during the exposure time is transferred on a fast mode to the shielded area in 1.32 ms. Then the image information is amplified and read at a 1 Mpixel/s rate and transferred to the data processing unit.

Figure 3: Active 1024x1024 pixel region on the whole CCD

2.3. Electronics

The Framing Camera contains mainly four electronic subsytems, the Data Processing Unit (DPU), the Mechanism Controller Unit (MCU), the Power Converter Unit (PCU) and the Front-End Electronics (FEE).

The Data Processing Unit controls the camera as a whole and each of the subsystems, decodes the ground commands and transmits scientific and engineering data to the spacecraft. It also contains the mass memory to store the images in the time since they are acquired until they are transmitted to the spacecraft for forwarding to ground. Finally, it also performs the necessary on-board processing of the images, discarding non-relevant parts of the frame and compressing the images to reduce the data volume to be transmitted to ground.

The Mechanism Controller Unit commands the front door and filter wheel mechanisms and reads out the associated temperature and position sensors.

The Power Converter Unit supplies the camera with the voltages needed for correct operation. It is fed from the 28 V unregulated power bus and provides

2.4. Operational Modes

The Framing Camera can be operated to acquire a single image per command. This mode of operation requires the most time for sequence generation and for execution because it has to be verified that an image acquisition is finished before commanding a new one.

By using higher level UDPs it is possible to acquire several images with one command at a higher acquisition rate. The currently fastest rate is about one image every 4 seconds with no need for adding any margin on top of it.

The instrument can acquire several kinds of images as listed in the table below.

   Table 5: Image acquisition Modes
   Mode             Decription
   Test Pattern     1024x1024 pixel with grayscale from 0 DN to 16383 DN

   Full-Full-Frame  Readout of the whole 1092x1056 pixel CCD

   Full-Frame       Readout of the active 1024x1024 pixel region plus optical      
                    shield regions

   Windowed Mode    Readout of up to 10 user-defined windows within the 1024x1024      
                    pixel active area of CCD. The image is originally acquired 
                    as a Full-frame and then cropped in different windows, all
                    of them with the same filter and exposure time. The windows
                    are defined by issuing commands prior to the acquisition of
                    the image, and these windows remain valid until a new 
                    definition is sent.

2.5. Operational Considerations

The framing cameras mass memory is 1GB. This is enough to store around 450 uncompressed full images each 2.2 MB. With lossless compression this number grows to 800 or even more images.

The second limiting factor for the number of images that can be acquired in a certain time is the maximal image acquisition rate. When no filter wheel changes are required this is approximately 1 image every 4 seconds. This time is needed for memory allocation, readout of the CCD, writing the image to memory.

Typical times for processing of the images are one minute to compress with a compression ratio of ~2 and another minute to stream the compressed image into the space craft recorder at a transmission rate of the MILbus of 150 kb/s.

The FC1 CCD is known to be affected by residual, or extra charge. Extra charge is charge that is already present on the CCD before the start of an exposure, and is caused by insufficient draining by the anti-blooming gates. It may occur when imaging an extended source, with its intensity depending on the radiant flux. It was first identified in a very brief (1 msec) clear filter exposure of the inside of an integrating sphere acquired on 8 March 2006. The extra charge was found to be variable over the active area, and to differ significantly from pixel to pixel. At the particular radiant flux used in the experiment (F1 charge rate 6.7·104 DN s-1) it amounts to several hundreds of DN for some pixels. It is unknown how the extra charge scales to the radiant flux level expected at Vesta, which is two orders of magnitude higher than the flux achieved in the experiment. The FC2 CCD was exposed to much lower flux levels than FC1 in the integrating sphere on 12 August 2005, and extra charge was absent. The FC1 images did show traces of extra charge at these low levels. Yet it is possible that at the much higher Vesta flux the FC2 will also be found to be affected. The residual charge is also temperature dependent, which might have an impact on the temperature to operate at Vesta and Ceres.

Figure 4: Temperature dependency of extra charge

2.6. Filters

The FC has 8 filters at its disposal, numbered from F1 to F8. F1 is a broadband (clear) filter, sensitive in the wavelength interval from 400 to 1100 nm peaking at 700 nm. The narrow-band color filters are of the interference type, and have the following effective wavelengths:

   Table 6:      FC Filter Parameters
   Filter   Band #   Color      Effective         FWHM [nm] 
                                wavelength [nm]  
   F2         2       Green        555              +15, -28
   F3         4       Red          749              +22, -22
   F4         6       NIR          917              +24, -21
   F5         7       NIR          965              +56, -29
   F6         5       NIR          829              +15, -18
   F7         3       Red          653              +18, -24
   F8         1       Blue         438              +10, -30

Figure 5: The FC1 absolute responsivity for the different filters as determined from the lab calibration.

2.7. Optics

The optical design was developed by Kayser-Threde based on the missions requirements. The telecentric four-lens design is derived from a triplet with split third lens to allow telecentricity in image space. The design is optimized for low distortion.

The chromatic variation of the focal plane was compensated for by varying the filter thickness with filter central wavelength. Chromatic aberration was compensated for by the choice of glasses used for the lenses, crown glass with positive refractive power in the first lens followed by two flint lenses of negative refractive power and a forth with positive refractive power. Spherical aberration is corrected with an aspherical first surface.

To maintain a fixed focal length under changing temperatures, the two central lenses are mounted in an inner barrel with a different thermal expansion coefficient than the main barrel. The resulting differential movement with changing temperatures maintains a constant focal plane location within a range of 30 µm.

The optical design required an adequate back focal length to accommodate the filter wheel mechanism inside the camera head, between the lens system and the CCD. The filter wheel transports the eight filters with the lower filter surface at a constant clearance from the CCD. The overall spectral range of the optical system is 400-1050 nm. The band passes are obtained by a multilayered, thin film deposition on the front and back surfaces of silica (Suprasil) substrates. Filter dimensions are 20 mm by 20mm, with the thickness specified for the band pass.

   Table 7: Camera Optics Parameters
   Parameter              FC1          FC2
   Focal Length, mm      150.0        150.0
   f/ratio                f/8          f/8
   IFOV, µrad/pixel       93.3         93.3
   Field of view, °      
     Cross-track          5.46         5.46
     Along-track          5.46         5.46

2.8. Onboard software version

(to be updated when FC instrument catalog is finished)

   Table 8: Onboard Software Version
   Version      Loaded FC1             Loaded FC2
   3.01.05      Prior to Launch       Prior to Launch
   3.03.02      DC014 2008-04-02      DC014 2008-04-01
   3.04.02      DC034 2009-12-02      DC034 2009-12-01
   3.05.01      DC048 2011-03-16      DC048 2011-03-15

2.9. Ground Calibration

The FC has been calibrated using the results of laboratory and in-flight measurements. The lab measurements were acquired at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, and were aimed at determining the dark current and the absolute photometric response in each of the filters. Flat fields were acquired by imaging the inside of an integrating sphere.

2.10. Inflight Calibration

The in-flight measurements, acquired during the Initial Check-Out campaign in the months after launch, focused on characterizing the dark current and geometric distortion (through observation of star fields), and validating the lab radiometric calibration (photometric standard stars). The calibration pipeline is described by [Schröder & Gutierrez-Marques 2008].

Dark current, and the associated emergence of bad pixels, and the amount of geometric distortion will continue to be monitored during bi-annual check-outs. Images acquired during the Mars Gravity Assist will enable us to validate the lab flat fields. A better understanding of the FC flat field response and in-field stray light characteristics may require reprocessing of data in the future.

3. Data Set Overview

Two data sets will be delivered for each mission phase: one raw (EDR) data set, and one calibrated (RDR) data set.

3.1. Data Sets

   Table 9: PDS Data Sets
   Data Set ID                            Standard Data    Data Set Description
                                          Product ID      
                                                           calibration images

   DAWN-X-FC1-2-EDR-CRUISE-IMAGES-V1.0    FC_IMAGE         FC1 Raw L1A (EDR)
                                                           cruise images

                                                           calibration images

   DAWN-X-FC2-2-EDR-CRUISE-IMAGES-V1.0    FC_IMAGE         FC2 Raw L1A (EDR)
                                                           cruise images

   DAWN-M-FC2-2-EDR-MARS-IMAGES-V1.0      FC_IMAGE         FC2 Raw L1A (EDR)
                                                           Mars flyby images

   DAWN-A-FC2-2-EDR-VESTA-IMAGES-V1.0     FC_IMAGE         FC2 Raw L1A (EDR)
                                                           Vesta images

   DAWN-X-FC1-3-RDR-CRUISE-IMAGES-V1.0    FC_IMAGE         FC1 Calibrated L1B (RDR)
                                                           cruise images

   DAWN-X-FC2-3-RDR-CRUISE-IMAGES-V1.0    FC_IMAGE         FC2 Calibrated L1B (RDR)
                                                           cruise images

   DAWN-M-FC2-3-RDR-MARS-IMAGES-V1.0      FC_IMAGE         FC2 Calibrated L1B (RDR)
                                                           Mars flyby images

   DAWN-A-FC2-3-RDR-VESTA-IMAGES-V1.0     FC_IMAGE         FC2 Calibrated L1B (RDR)
                                                           Vesta images

3.2. Level-0 Data Flow

The DSC captures all of the payload instrument telemetry frames as binary files after the data have been cleaned up in the post-pass processing (reconstructed level-0 data). Post-pass processing is completed with 8 hours of each pass and typically is able to fix minor forms of data corruption (partial packet reconstruction, dropped time tags, etc.). These files are inventoried within the Dawn Science Database (DSDb) and made available to the teams for download at any time. The DSC prepares the documentation and metadata required in order to submit these products to the PDS to be saved (rather than archived). The PDS documentation threshold for saved data sets is substantially lower than for archived products. The raw decoded frames are not considered to be useful for the general science community but the bits will be preserved in their rawest form. The DSC will submit the telemetry frames to the PDS Small Bodies Node (SBN) within a week of the end of each science phase. All level-0 data products are created with PDS "minimum" labels. Each level-0 data file contains the CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) packets for a single APID (Application Process Identifier).

The Doppler Tracking data are used by the NAV and Gravity Science teams and do not flow into the TDS (Telemetry Data Server). These data flow from the DSN into the OSCAR-X system where they are accessible to the gravity team at JPL. Since these data do not flow directly into the DSC, the DSC staff will manually retrieve them from OSCAR-X and load them into the DSDb. Gravity Science investigators that are not at JPL will use the DSDb to retrieve the level-0 data for their analysis. This process is described in the operational interface agreement (OIA-DSC-409) between the Gravity Science Team and the DSC. Unlike the decoded frames, the level-0 Doppler Tracking data are archived with the PDS. DSC prepares these data for archive and submits them to the PDS SBN at the same time as the level-1a data products from the payload instruments.

Figure 6: Dawn Science Data Flow. SPAA elements and products are outlined with solid black lines, MOS components with dotted lines, and PDS components with dashed lines.

3.3. Data Processing and Production Pipeline

3.3.1. EDR (Level 1a) Data Production Pipeline

The data reduction pipeline is implemented in a tailored application called Calliope. The input to the application comprises a set of images in PDS format, a configuration file and various reference data files.

The PDS files to be fed into the pipeline are the direct output of Trap, the so-called Level 1a of image processing, where the images are uncompressed and reconstructed back to image format but the value of the pixel is a plain digital number.

3.3.2. RDR (Level 1b) Data Production Pipeline

The configuration file, also called mission calibration description file, is an XML file describing the different operational slots and the reference files to be used for the calibration of the images in each one. It also contains some constants for the calibration image, such as the radiometric calibration coefficients, dark current curve and any other constant that can be applied to all the pixels in the sensor.

The reference files are typically synthetic images that represent the distribution of a magnitude over all the pixels in the sensor, such as the dark current generation rate or the sensitivity of the pixel. These files help correcting the differences among pixels to provide a measurement of the real light flux as accurate as possible. Being Dawn a long term mission, these images, as the related constants, are bound to change throughout the mission and the configuration file captures this effect by matching each reference file and constant to its corresponding time of application.

3.4. Data Flow

The Instrument Teams retrieve the reconstructed Level-0 data from the DSDb and use it to produce the Level-1a (raw, reformatted) data sets. The raw telemetry data are decompressed, decoded, and formatted into scientifically useful data structures. These products, along with their required PDS documentation, form the level-1a data sets (EDRs). The Instrument Teams extract the reconstructed spacecraft ephemeris and pointing data (SPICE kernels) from the DSDb and use these data to compute the various geometry data that are included in the PDS labels associated with each data product. The Instrument Teams are required to submit the PDS-labeled EDRs to the DSDb within 7 days after the reconstructed data are made available to the teams (see OIA-DSC-406). These data are then available to the rest of the Science Team for validation and preliminary analysis. If any problems are discovered during validation or analysis, new products are produced by the FC team and delivered to the DSC for use by the Science Team and eventual archive (see schedule) by the PDS. The FC team also generates PDS catalog files and other documentation (activity reports, instrument performance reports, calibrations, etc.) and provides these files to the DSC for the internal distribution and archive.

After the data are validated by the Dawn Science Team, the DSC packages the data, catalog files, and documentation into PDS-compliant archive data volumes, one volume for each data set according to PDS volume organization standards (JPL-D-7669). The DSC is responsible for the creation of the PDS required files associated with archive volumes (AAREADME.TXT, VOLDESC.SFD, etc.), including the index table. The DSC then delivers the volumes to the PDS SBN in accordance with the SBN standard data delivery practices at the time of each delivery. Presently, the PDS SBN accepts volumes delivered electronically, on CDROM, and on DVD-R. EDR data volumes are to be delivered to the PDS SBN for peer review within 90 days of the end of each science phase (Approach, Survey, HAMO, LAMO, etc.). The DSC is responsible for following the archive submissions through the PDS peer review process until the data are finally accepted into the PDS archive. The Instrument Teams will support the DSC during this PDS process by providing any additional documentation that is requested by the PDS peer review panel.

Additional data processing is performed by the FC team to produce calibrated level 1b (RDR) data products (radiometrically corrected spectra). The FC team produces the processed products using the archived EDR data sets. The RDR data products are submitted to the DSDb within a few months of the receipt of the corrected telemetry by ground data system. If during the course of the mission an improved calibration becomes available, the FC team may choose to update the data in the DSDb using the latest version of the calibration. The FC team is not obligated to provide updated RDR data products and any such resubmission would be negotiated with the Science Team. The DSDb system supports the resubmission of data sets.

The DSC has the same roles and responsibilities with respect to the generation of PDS archive compliant volumes for the RDR data sets as it does for the EDR data sets. Final RDR data volumes are publicly released by the PDS SBN within 6 months after asteroid departure. In order to support this schedule, peer review copies of the archive volumes will normally be delivered to the SBN 2 months prior to the final data release. The DSC and FC Teams will support the PDS peer review process of the RDR data sets in the same manner as the EDR data sets. Peer review liens will be addressed in time to support the public release date. Final (corrected) archive volumes will be delivered to the SBN two weeks prior to the public release.

3.5. Data Release Schedule *

   Table 10: Data Release Schedule
   Data Product      Provider      Mars          Vesta                      Ceres
   Level 0             DSC         Apr 2009    Oct 2011 to Apr 2012     Mar 2015 to Aug 2015
   EDR - Level 1a      FC/DSC      Oct 2009    Dec 2011 to Jun 2012     May 2015 to Sep 2015
   RDR - Level 1b      FC/DSC      Oct 2009    Aug 2012                 Jan 2016
   Derived Data        FC          Apr 2010    Feb 2013 to Aug 2014     Jan 2016

* Assumes current project schedule (arrival and departure dates)

4. Archive Volumes

This chapter describes the format of FC standard product archive volumes. Data that comprise the FC standard product archives will be formatted in accordance with Planetary Data System specifications [Planetary Science Data Dictionary, 2008; Planetary Data System Archive Preparation Guide, 2006; PDS Standards Reference, 2007].

4.1. Volume Creation

The DSC collects the data files and labels provided by the FC team onto archive volumes. Each archive volume contains all FC data available for the time interval covered by the archive volume. Once all of the data files, labels, and ancillary data files are organized onto an archive volume, the DSC adds all of the PDS required files (AAREADME, INDEX, ERRATA, etc.) and produces the physical media.

4.2. Volume Format

Disk formats for the archive volumes will conform to the PDS standard for the applicable media. At present, the plan is to archive FC data in online data volumes that are delivered to the SBN electronically. Although the volumes will be electronic, they will comply with the same volume organization standards that PDS formerly used to describe physical volumes on DVD or CDROM media.

4.3. Volume Labeling and Identification

Each FC data set will be archived on a separate PDS volume. The volume naming convention is:



p - mission phase (X = cruise; M = Mars; V = Vesta; C = Ceres),

n - Framing Camera number,

l - processing level (1A = EDR; 1B = RDR).

For example, the FC2 Mars EDR volume will be named DWNMFC2_1A.

Due to constraints on the length of VOLUME_ID's, the Calibration volumes will follow a slightly different convention. For these volumes the naming convention is:



n - Framing Camera number,

l - processing level (1A = EDR; 1B = RDR).

For example, the FC1 Calibration volume will be named DWNCALFC11A.

4.4. Data Validation

4.4.1. Instrument Team Validation

The FC team will be making the following checks on the data, before submitting them to the DSC:

4.4.2. Science Team Validation

The Dawn Science Team has access to the FC EDR and RDR data sets for several months prior to their public release by the PDS. These are the data that the Science team uses for its initial data analysis and interpretation. Any data processing errors that are discovered through the use of the data are reported back to the FC team so that they can be corrected. In addition, the Science Team uses the same documentation that is later released to the PDS during its analysis. If any of the documentation is unclear, or if there are omissions in the documentation that hinder data analysis, these problems are reported back to the FC team so that they can be corrected.

4.4.3. PDS Peer Review

The peer review panel consists of members of the instrument team, the DSC, and members of the PDS Small Bodies and Engineering Nodes, and at least two outside scientists actively working in the field of asteroid remote sensing science. The DSC is responsible for generating and delivering PDS-compliant volumes to the SBN. The PDS personnel are responsible for verifying that the volume(s) are fully compliant with PDS standards. The instrument team and outside science reviewers are responsible for verifying the content of the data set, the completeness of the documentation, and the usability of the data in its archive format. The peer review process is a two part process. First, the panel reviews this document and verifies that a volume produced to this specification will be useful. Next, the panel reviews a specimen volume to verify that the volume meets this specification and is indeed acceptable.

During the peer review process, the panel will normally identify errors or omissions in the archive documentation, problems with conformance with the PDS standards. All accepted peer review liens will be resolved prior to the public release of the data. Liens that require data product updates, or updates to the instrument or data set documentation will be addressed by the VIR team. Any problems identified with the volume format, volume documentation, index files, or other products produced by the Dawn Science Center will be corrected by the DSC. After the liens are resolved, the DSC will create and submit an updated archive volume to the PDS Small Bodies Node.

5. Archive Volume Contents

This section describes the contents of the FC standard product archive collection volumes, including the file names, file contents, file types, and organizations responsible for providing the files. The complete directory structure is shown in Appendix A. All the ancillary files described herein appear on each FC archive volume, except where noted.

5.1. Root Directory Contents

The following files are contained in the root directory, and are produced by the DSC at UCLA. With the exception of the hypertext file and its label, all of these files are required by the PDS Archive Volume organization standards.

   Table 11: Root Directory Contents
   File Name            File Contents                       File Provided By
   AAREADME.TXT      This file completely describes            DSC     
                       the Volume organization and contents 
                       (PDS label attached).      

   ERRATA.TXT        A cumulative listing of comments          DSC
                      and updates concerning all INST_ID 
                      Standard Data Products on all INST_ID      
                      Volumes in the Volume set published 
                      to date.      

   VOLDESC.CAT       A description of the contents of          DSC 
                      this Volume in a PDS format readable 
                      by both humans and computers.      

5.2. INDEX Directory Contents

The following files are contained in the INDEX directory and are produced by the DSC. The INDEX.TAB file contains a listing of all data products on the archive volume and is described by a detached PDS label (INDEX.LBL). The index table, label, and index information (INDXINFO.TXT) files are required by the PDS volume standards. The index tables include both required and optional columns.

   Table 12: Index Directory Contents
   File Name         File Contents                       File Provided By
   INDXINFO.TXT      A description of the contents of        DSC     
                     this directory      

   INDEX.TAB         A table listing all INST_ID data        DSC
                     products on this volume

   INDEX.LBL         A PDS detached label that               DSC 
                     describes INDEX.TAB      
   GEOM_INFO.TAB     A table containing Dawn geometry        DSC
                     information associated with the
                     data products (images) on this volume.

   GEOM_INFO.LBL     A PDS detached label describing         DSC

   Table 13: Index Table (INDEX.TAB) Contents
   Column Name               Format     Units       Description
   DATA_SET_ID                A40                   Unique identifier for the data      
                                                    set of which the file is a part

   FILE_SPECIFICATION_        A80                   Complete path and file name      
   NAME                                             relative to the volume root directory

   PRODUCT_ID                 A30                   PDS Product Identifier 
                                                    (typically file name, minus extension      
                                                    and version)

   VOLUME_ID                  A11                   Unique identifier for the volume      
                                                      on which the file is located

   PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME      A24                   File creation date/time

   START_TIME                 A24                   File start time - UTC at     

   STOP_TIME                  A24                   File end time - UTC at spacecraft

   EXPOSURE_DURATION          F10.3     msec        Time between the opening and
                                                    closing of the camera aperature.

  INSTRUMENT_ID               A3                    FC camera ID

   Table 14: Geometry Index Table (GEOM_INDEX.TAB) Contents
   Column Name               Format     Units       Description
   INSTRUMENT_ID             A3                     FC camera ID

   IMAGE_TIME                A24                    Center time of the images

   FILE_SPECIFICATION_NAME   A80                    Complete path and file name
                                                    relative to the volume root 

   INSTRUMENT_ID             A12                    Acronym identifying the

   TARGET_NAME               A20                    Name of the observed target
                                                    (e.g. Mars, Vesta. Aldebaran)

   MISSION_PHASE_NAME        A30                    Identifier associated with the 
                                                    Dawn mission phase

   OBSERVATION_NAME          A30                    Identifier associated with the 
                                                    imaging session

   ORBIT_NUMBER              I4                     Orbit number (N/A unless target
                                                    = VESTA or CERES)

   COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME    A30                    Full name of coordinate system 
                                                    to which state vectors are

   SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE       F8.1       km          S/C altitude relative to the
                                                    target, kilometers (N/A for 
                                                    calibration targets)

   TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE    F8.1       km          Instrument distance to target 
                                                    center, kilometers (N/A for 
                                                    calibration targets)

   SLANT_DISTANCE            F8.1       km          Slant distance to the target 
                                                    evaluated at the center pixel 
                                                    of the image

   CENTER_LATITUDE           F7.3       deg         Center pixel planetocentric
                                                    latitude for the image/spectra
                                                    (N/A for calibration targets) 

   CENTER_LONGITUDE          F8.3       deg         Center pixel planetocentric east 
                                                    longitude for the image/spectra
                                                    (N/A for calibration targets) 

   INCIDENCE_ANGLE           F6.2       deg         Incidence angle at the center of 
                                                    the image/spectra

   EMISSION_ANGLE            F6.2       deg         Emission angle at the center of 
                                                    the image/spectra

   PHASE_ANGLE               F6.2       deg         Phase angle at the center of the 

   MINIMUM_LATITUDE          F7.3       deg         Minimum latitude of the image

   MAXIMUM_LATITUDE          F7.3       deg         Maximum latitude of the image

   WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE     F8.3       deg         Minimum (westernmost) latitude 
                                                    of the image

   EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE     F8.3       deg         Maximum (easternmost) latitude 
                                                    of the image

   SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE   F7.3       deg         Sub-spacecraft planetocentric
                                                    latitude (N/A for calibration targets)

   SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE  F8.3       deg         Sub-spacecraft planetocentric east
                                                    longitude (N/A for calibration targets)

   SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE        F6.2       deg         Sub-solar latitude on the target 
                                                    in planetocentric coordinates

   SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE       F6.2       deg         Sub-solar longitude on the
                                                    target in planetocentric coordinates

   LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE          F6.2       deg         Local hour angle at the center of 
                                                    the image/spectra 

   SC_TARGET_POSITION *      I8 (x3)    km          3 S/C position vector components
   (_X, _Y, _Z)                                     relative to the target in 
                                                    planetocentric coordinates, kilometers 

   SC_TARGET_VELOCITY *      F7.1 (x3)  km/sec      3 S/C velocity vector componenets
   (_X, _Y, _Z)                                     relative to the target in 
                                                    planetocentric coordinates, kilometers 

   RIGHT_ASCENSION           F8.4       deg         EME-2000 right ascension of the 
                                                    center pixel in the image/spectra 

   DECLINATION               F8.4       deg         EME-2000 declination of the center 
                                                    pixel in the image/spectra

   TWIST_ANGLE               F8.4       deg         Angle of rotation about line from 
                                                    camera to center pixel relative to 

   CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE  F7.3    deg         North celestial clock angle 
                                                    evaluated at the center pixel of 
                                                    the image/spectra

   SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE F8.1       km          S/C distance to the Sun center, 

   SC_SUN_POSITION_*         I8 (x3)    km          3 S/C position vector components
   (_X, _Y, _Z)                                     relative to the Sun in EME-2000 
                                                    coordinates, kilometers 

   SC_SUN_VELOCITY_*         F7.1 (x3)  km/sec      3 S/C velocity vector components
   (_X, _Y, _Z)                                     relative to the Sun in EME-2000
                                                    coordinates, kilometers

5.3. CATALOG Directory Contents

The completed PDS catalog files in the CATALOG directory provide a top-level understanding of the Dawn/FC mission and its data products. The information necessary to create the files is provided by the FC team and formatted into standard template formats by the DSC. The files in this directory are coordinated with the data engineers at both the DSC and the PDS SBN.

   Table 15: Catalog Directory Contents
   File Name             File Contents                     File Provided By
   CATINFO.TXT          A description of the                      DSC
                        contents of this directory

   fc*_ds.cat           PDS  Data Set catalog                   FC Team
                        description of the data for        
                        the XXX dataset                     

   dawninsthost.cat     PDS instrument host                 
                        (spacecraft) catalog description    
                        of the Dawn spacecraft                    DSC

   fc*_instrument.cat   DS instrument catalog description       FC Team
                        of the FC instrument             

   dawnmission.cat      PDS mission catalog description           DSC
                        of the Dawn mission 

   personnel.cat        PDS personnel catalog description       FC Team
                        of FC Team members and other      
                        persons involved with generation 
                        of FC Data Products 

   reference.cat        FC-related references mentioned         FC Team
                        in other *.CAT files           
   ttt.CAT      PDS     catalog description of target             DSC
                        ttt (if provided for the volume)

5.4. DOCUMENT Directory Contents

Archive documents are stored in the DOCUMENT directory branch of the archive volume. All documents are stored as PDF-A (archive PDF), and HTML versions. The HTML version consists of a "clean" HTML file (an HTML with minimal markup), with images saved as separate in separate files in some image format (e.g. JPEG, or PNG). The HTML constitutes the plain ASCII text version required by PDS standards. The DOCUMENT directory contains a separate sub-directory for each document in which all of the files associated with that document are located.

   Table 16: DOCUMENT Directory Contents
   File Name              File Contents                       File Provided By
   DOCINFO.TXT            A description of the contents of     DSC 
                          this directory

   CALIBRATION_PIPELINE   Sub-directory containing the FC      FC Team
                          Calibration Pipeline description

   SCIENCE_PLAN           Sub-directory containing the Dawn    Dawn Project
                          Science Plan document

   SIS                    Sub-directory containing the FC      FC Team
                          Archive SIS (this document

   VESTA_COORDINATES      Sub-directory containing a 
                          document describing the various 
                          coordinate systems that have been 
                          used for Vesta image products 
                         (Vesta volumes only)

5.5. DATA (Standard Products) Directory Contents and Naming Conventions

The DATA directory contains the actual Data Products produced by the FC team.

5.5.1. Required Files

Every file in the DATA path of an Archive Volume is described by a PDS label. Both text documentation files and image files have internal (attached) PDS labels. The attached label file for image files is an ASCII header section pre-pended to the images.

5.5.2. DATA Sub-Directory Naming Convention

All archive volumes will have a separate sub-directory for each phase and observation. These sub-directories will be named according to the convention:



YYYYDDD is the date of the observation (4-digit year, day-of-year)

XXXXXX is the phase or observation name

For example, the sub-directory for the data from the FC2 Straylight Test performed 31 Mar 2009 (DOY 90) would be:


5.5.3. File Naming Conventions

FC image files will be named according to the following convention:



FCx indicates the instrument

ll indicates the data processing level (e.g. 1A, 1B, etc.)

IMAGEID image id (7 characters, zero-padded)

yyddd indicates the image acquisition year/doy

hhmmss indicates the image SCET (UT)

Fn n indicates the filter number used in capturing the image (see Table 6)

z indicates the data file version (A-Z)

6. Data Format Descriptions

6.1. FC EDR Image File Structure

The images have an attached header, so the file consist of two parts: The image label followed by the image objects. Both, the EDR and RDR (level 1a and level 1b) products follow the same file structure. The labels contain the same keywords but number and size of the image objects may vary.

Depending on the image acquisition mode, each EDR will contain one or more image objects in the same file, all of them taken with the same filter and exposure time. Each of these images will be identified (see below) with a name, width and height, and the real CCD coordinates of the first row and column of the frame. In the cases where the image has been acquired in windowed mode with more than one window, there will be an additional 1024x1024 "IMAGE" frame with black background and all the small windows overlaid in their right positions within the CCD active area..

All image objects contain raw digital numbers of type "LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER".

6.2. FC RDR Image File Structure

RDR images are reduced to the size of the active area of the CCD of 1024x1024 pixel. All pervious image objects inside this region are merged into a single image object called "IMAGE". After the radiometric calibration the the DNs represent real physical units of type "PC_REAL"

A more detailed description of the format can be found in the following section.

6.3. EDR and RDR Data Product Format Description

   Table 17:FC Data Label Contents      
   Keyword                     Value Units     Value Description
   PDS Version Keywords

      PDS_VERSION_ID                           The version number of the PDS 
                                               standards documents that is valid 
                                               when a data product label is created.  
                                               Values for the PDS_VERSION_ID are 
                                               formed by appending the integer      
                                               for the latest version number to the 
                                               letters 'PDS'. Mandatory. 
                                               PDS_VERSION_ID  = "PDS3"
     LABEL_ REVISION_ NOTE                     Free-form unlimited length character 
                                               string providing information regarding 
                                               the revision status and authorship of a 
                                               PDS label.  This should include the latest 
                                               revision date and author of the current 
                                               version, but may include a more complete 
                                               history.  This element is required in all 
                                               Catalog labels and should be the second 
                                               element in the label.             
                                               The entry is optional but highly 
                                               recommended. Several fields are separated 
                                               by semicolons. Example values: "20080201, PGM, 
                                               DAWN FC V1.5"

   File Characteristics
         RECORD_TYPE                           Indicates the record format of a file. RECORD_TYPE      
                                               = "FIXED_LENGTH"

         RECORD_BYTES                          Indicates the number of bytes in a physical file 
                                               record, including record terminators and 
                                               separators. When RECORD_TYPE = STREAM 
                                               (e.g. a SPREADSHEET), its value is set to 
                                               the length of the longest record in the file.            
                                               RECORD_BYTES = "512"

         FILE_RECORDS                          Indicates the number of physical file records, 
                                               including both label records and data records.

         LABEL_RECORDS                         Indicates the number of physical file records 
                                               that contain only label information. The number 
                                               of data records in a file is determined by 
                                               subtracting the value of LABEL_RECORDS 
                                               from the value of FILE_RECORDS. 
                                               Typically = 19 ... 27

         FILE_NAME                             Provides the location independent name of a 
                                               file. It excludes node or volume location, 
                                               directory path names, and version specification. 
                                               To promote portability across multiple platforms, 
                                               PDS requires the FILE_NAME to be limited to a 
                                               27-character base name, a full stop (. period), 
                                               and a 3-character extension. Valid characters 
                                               include capital letters A - Z, numerals 0 - 9,      
                                               and the underscore character (_). The FILE_NAME 
                                               will be generated by TRAP at MPS.            
                                               See section 5.6.3 for naming convention

   Pointers to Data Objects (Typically the PDS label has 20 ... 27 records.) 
         ^IMAGE                                A regular array of sample values. Image 
                                               objects are normally processed with      
                                               special display tools to produce a visual 
                                               representation of the sample values. This 
                                               is done by assigning brightness levels or 
                                               display colors to the various sample values. 
                                               Images are composed of LINES and SAMPLES. 
                                               They may contain multiple bands, in one of 
                                               several storage orders. 
                                               The particulars of each of the 
                                               data objects are detailed in a 
                                               corresponding image object (see 
                                               below), including width, height 
                                               and coordinates of the first line 
                                               and sample. 
                                               Name of image object needs to end 
                                               with *_IMAGE.  Other examples: 
                                               ^FRAME_0_IMAGE, ^FRAME_1_IMAGE, 
                                               ^FRAME_2_IMAGE, ^FRAME_3_IMAGE, ...  
                                               Typically = 21 ...28  

         ^*_IMAGE (2nd pointer)     Typically = 4000 ... 9000
         ^*_IMAGE (3rd pointer)     Typically = 4000 ... 9000

         ^*_IMAGE (4th pointer)     Typically = 4000 ... 9000

         ^*_IMAGE (5th pointer)     Typically = 4000 ... 9000

         ^HISTORY                              A pointer to a part of the image      
                                               that contains information about the 
                                               history of the image, located between the      
                                               header and the image data. 

         SOFTWARE_DESC                         Describes the functions performed by the data 
                                               processing software. If the subject software 
                                               is a program library, this element may provide 
                                               a list of the contents of the library. Example 
                                               values: "TRAP.EXE"

         SOFTWARE_LICENSE_TYPE                 Indicates the licensing category under which 
                                               this software falls. Example values: "COMMERCIAL"

         SOFTWARE_ID                           A short-hand notation for the software name, 
                                               typically sixteen characters in length or less 
                                               (e.g., tbtool, lablib3). Example values: "TRAP"

         SOFTWARE_NAME                         Identifies data processing software such as a 
                                               program or a program library.  Example values: "TRAP"

         SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID                   Indicates the version (development level) of a 
                                               program or a program library. Example values: "2.24"

         SOFTWARE_RELEASE_DATE                 Provides the date as of which a program was released 
                                               for use. SOFTWARE_RELEASE_DATE = YYYY-MM-DD

   Telemetry Identification Section

         TELEMETRY_FORMAT_ID                   Provides the version of the UDP library which 
                                               is loaded into the instrument's NVRAM.            
                                               302 = UDP library v. 3.02            
                                               303 = UDP library v. 3.03            
                                               304 = UDP library v. 3.04            
                                               305 = UDP library v. 3.05            
                                               Example values: "302", "303", "304", "305"

   Product Identification

         DATA_SET_NAME                         Provides the full name given to a data set 
                                               or a data product. The data_set_name typically      
                                               identifies the instrument that acquired the 
                                               data, the target of that instrument,      
                                               and the processing level of the data. A data 
                                               set is a logical group of different products. 
                                               DATA_SET_NAME will be provided by DSC.

         DATA_SET_ID                           A unique alphanumeric identifier for a data 
                                               set or a data product. The data_set_id      
                                               value for a given data set or product is 
                                               constructed according to flight project 
                                               naming conventions. In most cases the 
                                               data_set_id is an abbreviation of the 
                                               data_set_name. DATA_SET_ID wil be provided by DSC.

         PRODUCT_ID                            Represents a permanent, unique identifier assigned 
                                               to a data product by its producer. The 
                                               PRODUCT_ID will be generated from the 
                                               filename by MPS. It contains seven digits, 
                                               starting with 0000000 for the first image.            
                                               Note: In the PDS, the value assigned to 
                                               PRODUCT_ID must be unique within its data set.            
                                               Additional note: The PRODUCT_ID can describe 
                                               the lowest-level data object that has a 
                                               PDS label. PRODUCT_ID = "nnnnnnn"

         PRODUCT_TYPE                          Identifies the type or category of a product 
                                               within a data set. PRODUCT_TYPE = "DATA"

         STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID              Used to link a data product (file) to a standard 
                                               data product (collection of similar files) 
                                               described within software interface      
                                               specification document for a particular 
                                               data set. STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "FC_IMAGE"

         PRODUCER_FULL_NAME                    Provides the full_name of the individual mainly 
                                               responsible for the production of a data set.            
                                               Note: This individual does not have to be 
                                               registered with the PDS.

         PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME             Identifies a university, research center, 
                                               NASA center or other institution associated 
                                               with the production of a data set. This would      
                                               generally be an institution associated with the 
                                               element PRODUCER_FULL_NAME. Value = "MAX PLANCK 
                                               INSTITUT FUER SONNENSYSTEMFORSCHUNG"

         PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME                 Defines the UTC system format time when a 
                                               product was created. Value comes from the FC.     
                                               PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss"

         PRODUCT_VERSION_ID                    Identifies the version of an individual product 
                                               within a data set. The version is indicated by 
                                               one character, starting with A for the first      
                                               version, followed by B ... Note: This is not the 
                                               same as the data set version that is an element     
                                               of the DATA_SET_ID value. PRODUCT_VERSION_ID is 
                                               intended for use within AMMOS to identify separate 
                                               iterations of a given product, which will also have 
                                               a unique FILE_NAME. PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "X"

         RELEASE_ID                            Identifies the unique identifier associated 
                                               withecific release of a data set. All initial 
                                               releases should use a RELEASE_ID value of '0001'.      
                                               Subsequent releases should use a value that 
                                               represents the next increment over the previous 
                                               RELEASE_ID (e.g., the second release should use 
                                               a RELEASE_ID of '0002'). Releases are done when 
                                               an existing data set or portion of a data      
                                               set becomes available for distribution.            
                                               Note: The DATA_SET_ID and RELEASE_ID are used as 
                                               a combined key to ensure all releases are unique.            
                                               Typically = 0001
   Mission Identification                                                    

         INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID                    Provides a unique identifier for the host 
                                               where an instrument is located. This host can 
                                               be either a spacecraft or an earth base 
                                               (e.g., and observatory or laboratory on the 
                                               earth). Thus, the INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID element can 
                                               contain values which are either SPACECRAFT_ID 
                                               values or EARTH_BASE_ID values.                                                     
                                               In SPICE "DAWN" and "-203" are both valid IDs.
                                               INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "DAWN"

         INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME                  Provides the full name of the host on which 
                                               an instrument is based. This host can be either 
                                               a spacecraft or an earth base. Thus, the 
                                               INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME element can contain values 
                                               which are either SPACECRAFT_NAME values or 
                                               EARTH_BASE_NAME values. 
                                               INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "DAWN"                                        

         MISSION_ID                            Provides a synonym or mnemonic for the 
                                               MISSION_NAME element. MISSION_ID = "DAWN"

         MISSION_NAME                          Identifies a major planetary mission or project. 
                                               A given planetary mission may be associated 
                                               with one or more spacecraft. 
                                               MISSION_NAME = "DAWN MISSION TO VESTA AND CERES"

         MISSION_PHASE_NAME                    Provides the commonly used identifier of a mission 
                                               phase. A list with the possible values will be 
                                               distributed by DSC. Example values: 
                                               "Ground Testing", "ICO", "EMC" ...

   Instrument Descriptions 

         INSTRUMENT_ID                         Provides an abbreviated name or acronym which 
                                               identifies an instrument. Example values: 
                                               "FC1", "FC2"

         INSTRUMENT_NAME                       Provides the full name of an instrument.             
                                               Note: The associated INSTRUMENT_ID element 
                                               provides an abbreviated name or acronym for 
                                               the instrument. Example values:  "DAWN FRAMING 
                                               CAMERA 1" or "DAWN FRAMING CAMERA 2"

         OBSERVATION_ID                        Uniquely identifies a scientific observation 
                                               within a data set. Mostly important for 
                                               multi-instrument observation campaigns. 
                                               The OBSERVATION_ID comes from DSC.

         OBSERVATION_TYPE                      Identifies the general type of an observation. 
                                               Mostly important for multi-instrument 
                                               observation campaigns. Example value: "DARKS"

         INSTRUMENT_TYPE                       Identifies the type of an instrument.            
                                               INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "FRAME CCD REFRACTING      

         DETECTOR_DESC                         Describes a detector utilized by an instrument.
                                               DETECTOR_DESC = "1092x1056 PIXELS FRONTLIT 
                                               FRAMETRANSFER CCD DETECTOR"

         DETECTOR_TYPE                         Identifies the type of an instrument's detector.            
                                               DETECTOR_TYPE = "SI CCD"

         DETECTOR_TEMPERATURE           K      The temperature that the instrument (detector) 
                                               operated at while a measurement was made. 
                                               The temperature is measured by the FC's sensor 
                                               and calibrated in Kelvin. The value is the same 
                                               as in T_CCD. 
                                               Lower limit red: -95.0 deg C            
                                               Lower limit yellow: -75.0 deg C  
                                               Upper limit yellow: +35.0 deg C 
                                               Upper limit red: +40.0 deg C      
                                               Range: 000.000 ... 999.999 <kelvin>            
                                               DETECTOR_TEMPERATURE = "TTT.TTT <KELVIN>"

   Time Identification 

         SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT          Provides the value of the spacecraft clock at the      
                                               beginning of a time period of interest. The FC's 
                                               clock is synchronized with the S/C-clock once a 
                                               second and stored in the data transmitted. The      
                                               S/C-clock-time is approximately SCET. 
                                               Range: 000000000000:000 ... 999999999999:255 
                                               SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "xxxxxxxxxxxx:xxx" 

         SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT           Provides the value of the spacecraft clock at the 
                                               end of a time period of interest. The FC's clock 
                                               is synchronized with the S/C-clock once a second      
                                               and stored in the data transmitted. The 
                                               S/C-clock-time is approximately SCET. 
                                               Range: 000000000000:000 ... 999999999999:255 
                                               SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "xxxxxxxxxxxx:xxx"

         START_TIME                            Provides the date and time of the beginning of an 
                                               event or observation (whether it is a spacecraft, 
                                               ground based, or system event) in UTC.      
                                               START_TIME is calculated at MPS by TRAP with 
                                               the SPICE S/C-clock-kernel.            
                                               START_TIME = YYYY-DDDThh:mm:ss.sss

         DAWN:ALT_START_TIME                   For readability purposes, the start time is also 
                                               provided in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss format in this 

         STOP_TIME                             Provides the date and time of the end of an 
                                               observation or event (whether it be a spacecraft, 
                                               ground based, or system event) in UTC. STOP_TIME      
                                               is calculated at MPS by TRAP with the 
                                               SPICE S/C-clock-kernel.            
                                               The STOP_TIME is the START_TIME plus 
                                               EXPOSURE_DURATION plus 193 ms of      
                                               delay and can contain a rounding error of 
                                               up to 2 ms. STOP_TIME = YYYY-DDDThh:mm:ss.sss  

         DAWN:ALT_STOP_TIME                    For readability purposes, the stop time is also 
                                               provided in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss format in 
                                               this field

   System Hardware and Software Configuration

         DAWN: DPU_HARDWARE_ID                 Both DPUs for FC1 and FC2 have the same DPU ID 
                                               because they are identical.            
                                               Example value:      "1.04"

         DAWN:DPU_SOFTWARE_VERSION             Currently used version of the FC 
                                               onboard software Example value: "3.01"

         DAWN:UDPLIB_SOFTWARE_VERSION          Currently used version of the FC UDP library       
                                               Example value: "3.01.05"

         DAWN:PCU_HARDWARE_ID                  An analog value showing the hardware ID of the 
                                               PCU. The actual value can jitter around the 
                                               ~3.00 = PCU ID of FC1 (FS1)       
                                               ~2.00 = PCU ID of FC2 (FM2) 
                                               Example values = 2.00, 3.00

         DAWN: FEE_HARDWARE_ID                 017.10.10 = FEE ID of FC1 (FS1)       
                                               017.09.09 = FEE ID of FC2 (FM2)      
                                               063.15.15 indicates that the FEE is off or 
                                               busy and cannot transmit its ID. 
                                               Example Values: "017.09.09", "017.10.10"

         DAWN: MCU_HARDWARE_ID                 10 = MCU ID of FC1 (FS1)       
                                               12 = MCU ID of FC2 (FM2)      
                                               Example Values: "10", "12"

   Mechanism Status
         DAWN: FILTER_ENCODER                  FILTER_NUMBER = (((64 + 4 + encoderOnClearFilter 
                                               - FILTER_ENCODER) / 8) MOD 8) + 1
                                               encoderOnClearFilter is a hardware-dependent 
                                               filterEncoder is the current readout of the 
                                               filterNumber return a value in the range [1..8].
                                               All the operation are integer operations, 
                                               MOD represents modulo and / is the integer 
                                               division. The subtraction is negative (F1 - Fx) 
                                               because the encoder value decreases with 
                                               increasing filter number.
                                               Range: 0 ... 63

         FILTER_NUMBER                         Indicates the filter number that was placed in 
                                               front of the CCD when the image was acquired. 
                                               "1" = clear filter, "2" ... "8" = band pass 
                                               filters. In the case of windowed images,     
                                               this value is the same for all the sub-frames.      
                                               Example Values: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", 
                                               "6", "7", "8"

         DAWN: FRONT_DOOR_ENCODER              The Front Door is closed if FRONT_DOOR_ENCODER 
                                               shows the nominal value +/- 1 and otherwise 
                                               is open. 
                                               Range: 0 ... 63

         DAWN: FRONT_DOOR_STATUS_ID            Indicates the status of the front door, covering 
                                               the aperture, when the image was acquired. In 
                                               the case of windowed images, this value is the 
                                               same for all the sub-frames. CLOSED= Front Door 
                                               is closed. OPEN = Front Door is open.      
                                               Example values: "OPEN", "CLOSED"

   Image Acquisition Options 

          DAWN:DATA_ROUTING_ID                 Describes the priority of the acquired image 
                                               and thus how it was handled on board.      
                                               Op-Nav = The image is processed with 
                                               highest priority and streamed into VR10 of the      
                                               Science 1 = The image is processed with high 
                                               priority and streamed into VR8 of the s/c. 
                                               Science 2 = The image is processed with mid 
                                               priority and streamed into VR8 of the s/c. 
                                               Science 3 = The image is processed with low 
                                               priority and streamed into VR8 of the s/c. 
                                               Science 4 = The image is processed with least 
                                               priority and streamed into VR8 of the s/c. 
                                               Example Values: "Op-Nav", "Science 1", 
                                               "Science 2", "Science 3", "Science 4"      
         EXPOSURE_DURATION            ms       The exposure_duration element provides the 
                                               value of the time interval between the      
                                               opening and closing of an instrument aperture 
                                               (such as a camera shutter). In the case of 
                                               windowed images, this value is the same for all 
                                               the sub-frames. 
                                               Example values: 0.000 <millisecond>

         DAWN:USE_PRE_CLEAR                    OFF = No pre-clear of the CCD prior to an image 
                                               ON  = A pre-clear of the CCD, 193 ms prior to an 
                                               image acquisition, removes all charge that is on 
                                               the CCD at this moment 
                                               Example values: "ON", "OFF", "UNK"

         DAWN:IMAGE_ACQUIRE_MODE               Describes the mode of image acquisition. 
                                               NORMAL = The image was acquired with Front 
                                               Door open.      
                                               DARK = The image was acquired with Front Door 
                                               closed and the Callamp off. 
                                               FLATFIELD = The image was acquired with Front 
                                               Door closed and the Callamp on. 
                                               STORAGE = The image shows the readout of the 
                                               storage area of the CCD. 
                                               SERIAL = The artificial image shows the readout 
                                               of the serial register. 
                                               TEST_CH = The artificial iamge shows a test 
                                               pattern with DNs from 0 to 16382.      
                                               Example Values: "TEST_CH", "DARK", "FLATFIELD", 
                                               "SERIAL", "NORMAL", "STORAGE"

         DAWN:CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME      µs      Callamp strobe time is measured in microseconds 
                                               after callamp switch on. 
                                                 callamp switch off time = START_TIME 
                                                       + DAWN_CALLAMP_DELAY_TIME
                                                       + DAWN_CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME
                                               Range: 0 ... 4000000000 < microsecond>

         DAWN:CALLAMP_DELAY_TIME       µs      Callamp switch on delay measured in microseconds 
                                               after START_TIME. Callamp can be switched      
                                               on before (< 193000 microseconds`), 
                                               at (= 193000 microseconds`), or after      
                                               (> 193000 microseconds`) begin of exposure."      
                                               Range:      0 ... 4000000000 <microsecond>

         DAWN:CALLAMP_FREQUENCY       kHz      determined by the internal 24 MHz clock and an 
                                               integer divisor. CALLAMP_FREQUENCY = 24 MHz / 
                                               Value The standard callamp frequency is 100 kHz 
                                               (24MHz / 240). Range: 0.0 ... 250.0 <kilohertz>                                             

         DAWN:CALLAMP_DUTY            %        The callamp can be run at various duty cycles 
                                               between 0.0% and 100.0% by using      
                                               only every other pulse of the callamp frequency 
                                               to trigger the callamp. 
                                               DAWN_CALLAMP_DUTY = CALLAMP_FREQUENCY / Value 
                                               * 100% Range:      0.0 ... 100.0

   Data Compression

         PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH                  Provides the horizontal dimension, in pixels, of 
                                                the area over which pixels were averaged prior 
                                                to image compression. 
                                                PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH = "1"

         PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT                 Provides the vertical dimension, in pixels, of the 
                                                area over which pixels were averaged prior to 
                                                image compression. 
                                                PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT = "1" 

         INST_CMPRS_TYPE                        Identifies the type of on-board compression used for 
                                                data storage and transmission.  
                                                Examples: "NOTCOMP", "SPIHT"

         INST_CMPRS_NAME                        Identifies the type of on-board compression used for 
                                                data storage and transmission. Example values: 
                                                "SPIHT_LIFT", "SPIHT_TAP"

  Power Converter Switch Status

         DAWN:FEE_FLAG                          Indicates status of the FEE during image 
                                                OFF = FEE is disabled, images cannot be acquired 
                                                ON = FEE is enabled, images can be acquired 
                                                Example values: "ON", "OFF"

         DAWN:HEATER0_FLAG                      Indicates status of the Camera Head Heater.            
                                                OFF = The CH heater (HEATER0) is switched on.             
                                                ON = The CH heater (HEATER0) is  switched off.            
                                                The heater produces 4.4 W (5.6 Ohm  at +5 V)            
                                                Example values: "ON", "OFF"

         DAWN:HEATER1_FLAG                      Indicates the status of the Baffle Heater            
                                                OFF = The Baffle heater (HEATER1) is  switched on.            
                                                ON = The Baffle heater (HEATER1) is switched off.            
                                                The heater produces 1.0 W (26 Ohm at +5 V)            
                                                Example values: "ON", "OFF"

         DAWN:CALLAMP_ENABLE_FLAG               Indicates if callamp is enabled or disabled during 
                                                image acquisition. 
                                                OFF = callamp set to disabled            
                                                ON = callamp set to enabled 
                                                Example values: "ON", "OFF"

         DAWN:MCU_MOTOR_POWER_FLAG              Indicates if the motors for the mechanisms are 
                                                powered. This switch and flag are independent 
                                                of the MCU power flag. 
                                                OFF = Both motors (Front Door and Filterwheel) 
                                                are unpowered. 
                                                ON = Both motors are powered. Either to hold 
                                                their position or to move to another position.            
                                                Example values: "ON", "OFF"

         DAWN:MCU_FLAG                          Indicates if the MCU is powered. It is independent 
                                                of the MCU motor power flag. 
                                                OFF = MCU is disabled, mechanisms cannot be moved 
                                                ON = MCU is enabled, mechanisms (filterwheel and 
                                                front door) can be moved 
                                                Example values: "ON", "OFF"

         DAWN:FSA_SHOOT_FLAG                    Determines if the Fail-Safe Actuator is active.            
                                                OFF = The Fail Safe Actuator for the Front 
                                                Door is switched off. 
                                                ON = The Fail Safe Actuator for the Front Door 
                                                is switched on. The front door is being opened 
                                                once for ever.            
                                                Example values: "ON", "OFF"

         DAWN:FSA_SHOOT_ENABLE_FLAG             Determines if the Fail Safe Actuator  is enabled. 
                                                For safety reasons, the FSA requires two switches      
                                                to be active at the same time in order to be active. 
                                                One of them alone will have no effect            
                                                OFF = The Fail Safe Actuator for the      
                                                Front Door is disabled.            
                                                ON = The Fail Safe Actuator for the      
                                                Front Door is enabled. FSA_SHOOT_FLAG can be 
                                                switched ON now. 
                                                Example values: "ON", "OFF"
   Power System Status                                                                   

         DAWN:V_28                  V           Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: Main +28V Voltage Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.04 
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                V_28 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V] 
                                                Lower limit red:      20.0 V 
                                                Lower limit yellow:      21.5 V 
                                                Upper limit yellow:      35.5 V 
                                                Upper limit red:      37.0 V 
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:V_16                  V           Name: V16V15
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Voltage Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.000165 
                                                Offset: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0 
                                                V_16 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V]
                                                Lower limit red: 14.7 V
                                                Lower limit yellow: 15.2 V
                                                Upper limit yellow: 16.5 V 
                                                Upper limit red: 17.0 V 
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:V_12                  V           Name: V12FEE 
                                                Location: PCU 
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Voltage Monitor 
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor 
                                                Gain: 0.0012 
                                                Offset: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0 
                                                V_12 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V]
                                                Lower limit red: 11.0 V
                                                Lower limit yellow: 11.7 V 
                                                Upper limit yellow: 12.5 V 
                                                Upper limit red: 13.0 V 
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:V_5                   V           Name: V5FEE 
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Voltage Monitor 
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor 
                                                Gain: 0.00052 
                                                Offset: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0 
                                                V_5 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V]
                                                Lower limit red: 4.5 V
                                                Lower limit yellow: 4.7 V 
                                                Upper limit yellow: 5.5 V 
                                                Upper limit red: 5.8 V
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:V_M5                  V           Name: V-5FEE 
                                                Location: PCU 
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Voltage Monitor 
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor 
                                                Gain: -0.0005 
                                                Offset: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0 
                                                V_M5 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V]
                                                Lower limit red: -5.8 V 
                                                Lower limit yellow: -5.5 V 
                                                Upper limit yellow: -4.7 V
                                                Upper limit red: -4.5 V
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:V_5_ANALOG            V           Name: V5AN
                                                Location: PCU 
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Voltage Monitor 
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor 
                                                Gain: 0.00052 
                                                Offset: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0 
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0 
                                                V_5_ANALOG = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V]
                                                Lower limit red: 4.5 V 
                                                Lower limit yellow: 4.7 V 
                                                Upper limit yellow: 5.5 V
                                                Upper limit red: 5.8 V
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:V_M5_ANALOG           V           Name: V-5AN
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Voltage Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor
                                                Gain: -0.0005
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                V_M5_ANALOG = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V]
                                                Lower limit red: -5.8 V
                                                Lower limit yellow: -5.5 V
                                                Upper limit yellow: -4.7 V
                                                Upper limit red: -4.5 V
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:V_3_3                 V           Name: V3.3AN
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Voltage Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.00033
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                V_3_3 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V]
                                                Lower limit red: 3.0 V
                                                Lower limit yellow: 3.2 V
                                                Upper limit yellow: 3.7 V
                                                Upper limit red: 3.9 V
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:V_2_5                 V           Name: V2.5AN
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Voltage Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Voltage Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.00025
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                V_2_5 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [V]
                                                Lower limit red: 2.1 V
                                                Lower limit yellow: 2.3 V
                                                Upper limit yellow: 2.8 V
                                                Upper limit red: 3.0 V
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <volt>

         DAWN:I_28                  A           Name: C28M
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: MAIN +28V Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.0016
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_28 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: 200 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: 250 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: 1200 mA
                                                Upper limit red: 1400 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <milliampere>

         DAWN:I_16                  mA          Name: C16V15
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.009
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_16 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: 20 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: 30 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: 60 mA
                                                Upper limit red: 100 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <milliampere>

         DAWN:I_12                  mA          Name: C12FEE
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.02
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_12 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: 50 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: 60 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: 100 mA
                                                Upper limit red: 200 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999      <milliampere>

         DAWN:I_5                   mA          Name: C5FEE
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.05
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_5 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: 100 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: 250 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: 350 mA
                                                Upper limit red: 400 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999      <milliampere>

         DAWN:I_M5                  mA          Name: C-5FEE
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: -0.015
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_M5 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: -200 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: -120 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: -60 mA
                                                Upper limit red: -30 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999      <milliampere>

         DAWN:I_5_ANALOG            mA          Name: C5AN
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.2
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_5_ANALOG = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: 75 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: 100 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: 1150 mA
                                                Upper limit red: 1300 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999      <milliampere>

         DAWN:I_M5_ANALOG           mA          Name: C-5AN
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: -0.015
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_M5_ANALOG = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: -100 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: -60 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: -20 mA
                                                Upper limit red: -10 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999      <milliampere>

         DAWN:I_3_3                 mA          Name: C3.3AN
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.15
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_3_3 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: 100 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: 170 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: 850 mA
                                                Upper limit red: 1400 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <milliampere>

         DAWN:I_2_5                 mA          Name: C2.5AN
                                                Location: PCU
                                                H/K Sensor: PCU Current Monitor
                                                Sensor Type: Current Sensor
                                                Gain: 0.15
                                                Offset: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC1: 0
                                                Sensor Offset FC2: 0
                                                I_2_5 = DN * Gain + Offset 
                                                  + Sensor Offset [mA]
                                                Lower limit red: 250 mA
                                                Lower limit yellow: 300 mA
                                                Upper limit yellow: 900 mA
                                                Upper limit red: 1000 mA
                                                Range: -9999.999 ... 9999.999 <milliampere>

   Calibrated Temperatures

         DAWN:T_CCD                K            The temperature that the instrument (detector) 
                                                operated at while a measurement was made. The 
                                                temperature is measured by the FC's sensor and      
                                                calibrated in Kelvin. The value is the same as 
                                                for DETECTOR_TEMPERATURE. 
                                                Lower limit red: -95.0 deg C 
                                                Lower limit yellow: -75.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit yellow: +35.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit red: +40.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin> 
                                                DAWN:T_CCD = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_DPU                K            DPU Board temperature, measured by FC's 
                                                thermistor HK-Tdpu. 
                                                Lower limit red: -40.0 deg C            
                                                Lower limit yellow: -35.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit yellow: +80.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit red: +90.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999 ... 999.999 <kelvin>            
                                                DAWN:T_DPU = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_DCDC               K            PCU  DC-converter-board temperature, measured by 
                                                FC's thermistor HK-Tpcu1. 
                                                Lower limit red: -40.0 deg C 
                                                Lower limit yellow: -35.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit yellow: +70.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit red: +80.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin>            
                                                DAWN:T_DCDC = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_F12                K            PCU Board temperature, measured by FC's      
                                                Lower limit red: -40.0 deg C            
                                                Lower limit yellow: -35.0 deg C  
                                                Upper limit yellow: +70.0 deg C 
                                                Upper limit red: +80.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin>
                                                DAWN:T_F12 = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_CSC                K            PCU Board temperature, measured by FC's thermistor 
                                                Lower limit red: -40.0 deg C 
                                                Lower limit yellow: -35.0 deg C 
                                                Upper limit yellow: +70.0 deg C 
                                                Upper limit red: +80.0 deg C           
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin>
                                                DAWN:T_CSC = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_COVER_MOTOR        K            Front door motor temperature, measured by FC's 
                                                thermistor TCM. 
                                                Lower limit red: -55.0 deg C            
                                                Lower limit yellow: -50.0 deg C 
                                                Upper limit yellow: +50.0 deg C 
                                                Upper limit red: +60.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin>
                                                DAWN:T_COVER_MOTOR = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_LENS_BARREL        K            Lens barrel tempoearture, measured by FC's 
                                                thermistor TLB. 
                                                Lower limit red: -55.0 deg C            
                                                Lower limit yellow: -50.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit yellow: +40.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit red: +45.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin>
                                                DAWN:T_LENS_BARREL = TTT.TTT      <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_BAFFLE             K            Baffle temperature, measured by FC's thermistor 
                                                Lower limit red: -55.0 deg C 
                                                Lower limit yellow: -50.0 deg C 
                                                Upper limit yellow: +40.0 deg C 
                                                Upper limit red: +45.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin>
                                                DAWN:T_BAFFLE = TTT.TTT      <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_FILTER_MOTOR       K            Filter motor temperature, measured by FC's 
                                                thermistor TFM. 
                                                Lower limit red: -55.0 deg C            
                                                Lower limit yellow: -50.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit yellow: +50.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit red: +60.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin>
                                                DAWN:T_FILTER_MOTOR = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_STRUCTURE          K            Camera head structure temperature, measured by FC's 
                                                thermistor TCS. 
                                                Lower limit red: -55.0 deg C            
                                                Lower limit yellow: -50.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit yellow: +40.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit red: +45.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin>
                                                DAWN:T_STRUCTURE = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

         DAWN:T_RAD_MOTOR          K            Radiator temperature, measured by FC's thermistor 
                                                TRD. Note: This is not a motor temperature!
                                                Lower limit red: -115.0 deg C           
                                                Lower limit yellow: -95.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit yellow: +35.0 deg C            
                                                Upper limit red: +40.0 deg C            
                                                Range: -999.999  ... 999.999 <kelvin> 
                                                DAWN:T_RAD_MOTOR = TTT.TTT <kelvin>

   Test Setup Configuration

         DAWN:PURPOSE                           Used during ground tests to describe the 
                                                purpose of the test. 
                                                Typically = "N/A" for flight images

         DAWN:OPERATOR                          Used during ground tests to indicate the 
                                                responsible operator of the test.
                                                Typically = "N/A" for flight images

         DAWN:SUBJECT                           Used during ground tests to describe the 
                                                subject used during the test.
                                                Typically = "N/A" for flight images

         DAWN:TEST_LAMP                         Used during ground tests to define the 
                                                lamp used during the test.
                                                Typically = "N/A" for flight images

         DAWN:TARGET                            Used during ground tests to describe the 
                                                target the FC was pointing at during the 
                                                Typically = "N/A" for flight images

         DAWN:CHAMBER                           This keyword was used during ground tests 
                                                to describe the test environment.
                                                Typically =  "N/A" for flight images


         RIGHT_ASCENSION           deg          Provides the value of right ascension, which is 
                                                defined as the arc of the celestial equator 
                                                between the vernal equinox and the point where the 
                                                hour circle through the point in question intersects 
                                                the celestial equator (reckoned eastward). 
                                                Right ascension is used in conjunction with the      
                                                DECLINATION keyword to specify a point on the sky.
                                                Range: 0.000 ... 360.000 <degree>

         DECLINATION               deg          Provides the value of an angle on the celestial 
                                                sphere, measured north from the celestial equator 
                                                to the point in question. (For points south of the      
                                                celestial equator, negative values are used.) 
                                                Declination is used in conjunction with the 
                                                RIGHT_ASCENSION keyword to specify a point on 
                                                the sky. 
                                                Range: -90.000 ... 90.000 <degree>

         TWIST_ANGLE               deg          Provides the angle of rotation about an optical 
                                                axis relative to celestial coordinates. The 
                                                RIGHT_ASCENTION, DECLINATION, and TWIST_ANGLE      
                                                elements define the pointing direction and 
                                                orientation of an image or scan platform.            
                                                Note: The specific mathematical definition of 
                                                TWIST_ANGLE depends on the value of the 
                                                TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE element. If unspecified, 
                                                TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = GALILEO for Galileo data 
                                                and TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = DEFAULT for all other 
                                                Range: 0.000 ... 360.000  <degree>

         CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE   deg      Specifies the direction of celestial north at the 
                                                center of an image. It is measured from            
                                                the 'upward' direction, clockwise to the direction 
                                                toward celestial north (declination = +90 degrees), 
                                                when the image is displayed as defined by the 
                                                SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION and LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION 
                                                elements. The epoch of the celestial coordinate 
                                                system is J2000 unless otherwise indicated.
                                                Range: 0.000 ... 360.000      <degree>

         QUATERNION                n/a          Specifies a quaternion, which is a four-component 
                                                representation of a rotation matrix. This 
                                                particular definition is focused on the PDS 
                                                use of quaternions; one should refer to other 
                                                sources for a more complete discourse on quaternion 
                                                math. A quaternion may be used to specify the 
                                                rotation of one Cartesian reference frame-- 
                                                sometimes referred to as the base frame or the 
                                                'From' frame--into coincidence with a second 
                                                Cartesian reference frame--sometimes referred 
                                                to as the target reference frame or the 'To' frame.
                                                Unlike an Euler rotation where three sequential 
                                                rotations about primary axes are used, a 
                                                quaternion rotation is a single action, specified 
                                                by a Cartesian vector used as the positive axis of 
                                                the rotation (right hand rule) and the magnitude 
                                                (an angle) of rotation about that axis. A quaternion 
                                                has four components. One of the components is a 
                                                scalar, a function of the angle of rotation 
                                                (cosine of half the rotation angle), while the 
                                                remaining three components are used to specify a 
                                                vector, given in the base reference frame, about 
                                                which the rotation will be made. In the PDS context 
                                                a quaternion has a magnitude of one, and so may 
                                                be treated as a unit quaternion. In many cases a      
                                                time tag (epoch) must be associated with the 
                                                quaternion because the orientation varies over 
                                                time. A time tag is not needed if the 'To' and 
                                                'From' frames have a fixed offset. 
                                                QUATERNION = "(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)" 
                                                Example value: (0.9643781086, 0.1998558870, 
                                                -0.02085268255, -0.1720396867)

  Spice Kernels

         SPICE_FILE_NAME                        Provides the names of the SPICE files used in 
                                                processing the data. 
                                                SPICE_FILE_NAME = ("SPK_KERNEL_1","SPK_KERNEL_2",

   Coordinate System
         COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME                 Provides the full name of the coordinate system to 
                                                which the state vectors are referenced. PDS has 
                                                currently defined body-fixed rotating coordinate 
                                                systems. The Planetocentric system has an origin 
                                                at the center of mass of the body. The 
                                                planetocentric latitude is the angle between the 
                                                equatorial plane and a vector connecting the 
                                                point of interest and the origin of the coordinate 
                                                system. Latitudes are defined to be positive in the 
                                                northern hemisphere of the body, where north 
                                                is in the direction of Earth's angular momentum 
                                                vector, i.e., pointing toward the hemisphere north 
                                                of the solar system invariant plane. Longitudes 
                                                increase toward the east, making the Planetocentric 
                                                system right-handed. The Planetographic system has 
                                                an origin at the center of mass of the body. The 
                                                planetographic latitude is the angle between the 
                                                equatorial plane and a vector through the point 
                                                of interest, where the vector is normal to a 
                                                biaxial ellipsoid reference surface. Planetographic 
                                                longitude is defined to increase with time to an 
                                                observer fixed in space above the object of 
                                                interest. Thus, for prograde rotators (rotating 
                                                counter clockwise as seen from a fixed observer 
                                                located in the hemisphere to the north of the 
                                                solar system invariant plane), planetographic 
                                                longitude increases toward the west. For a 
                                                retrograde rotator, planetographic longitude
                                                increases toward the east. Note: If this data 
                                                element is not present in the PDS Image Map 
                                                Projection Object (for pre-V3.1 PDS Standards), 
                                                the default coordinate system is assumed to 
                                                body rotating Planetographic.

         COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CENTER_NAME          Identifies a named target, such as the Sun, a planet, 
                                                a satellite or a spacecraft, as being the 
                                                location of the center of the reference coordinate
                                                system. The COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CENTER_NAME element 
                                                can also be used to identify a barycenter used for 
                                                a SPICE s_ or p_kernel.

   Orbit Geometry

         TARGET_NAME                            Identifies a target. The target may be a planet, 
                                                satellite, ring, region, feature, asteroid or 
                                                comet. See target_type. 
                                                TARGET_NAME = "TARG_NAME"
                                                Example values: "VEGA", "1 CERES", "4 VESTA"

         TARGET_TYPE                            Identifies the type of a named target. The 
                                                TARGET_TYPE will be described by DSC 
                                                or from PDS. 

         SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE   deg          Provides the latitude of the subspacecraft point. 
                                                The subspacecraft point is that point on a body 
                                                which lies directly beneath the spacecraft. If 
                                                the point, described by this keyword does not 
                                                fall on the target described in TARGET_NAME, then 
                                                the value for this keyword will be N/A (not 

         SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE  deg          Provides the longitude of the subspacecraft point. 
                                                The subspacecraft point is that point on a body's 
                                                reference surface where a line from the spacecraft 
                                                center to the body center intersects the surface. 
                                                If the point, described by this keyword does not 
                                                fall on the target described in TARGET_NAME, then 
                                                the value for this keyword will be N/A (not 
                                                applicable). Note: The COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE data 
                                                element should be used in conjunction with this 
                                                data element.

         SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH    deg          Provides the value of the angle between the line 
                                                from the center of an image to the subspacecraft 
                                                point and a horizontal reference line (in the image 
                                                plane) extending from the image center to the
                                                middle right edge of the image. The values of this 
                                                angle increase in a clockwise direction. If the 
                                                point, described by this keyword does n ot fall on 
                                                the target described in TARGET_NAME, then the value 
                                                for this keyword will be N/A (not applicable).

         SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE       km           Provides the distance from the spacecraft to a 
                                                reference surface of the target body measured 
                                                normal to that surface.

         TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE    km           Provides the distance between an instrument and 
                                                the center of mass of the named target.

         ORBIT_NUMBER                           Identifies the number of the orbital revolution 
                                                of the spacecraft around a target body.

         SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR km           Indicates the x-, y-, z- components of the position 
                                                vector from observer to target center expressed 
                                                in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for light time 
                                                and stellar aberration, evaluated at epoch at which 
                                                image was taken.

         SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR km/s         Indicates the x-, y-, z- components of the velocity 
                                                vector of target relative to observer, expressed in 
                                                J2000 coordinates, and corrected for light time, 
                                                evaluated at epoch at which image was taken.

         LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE          deg          Provides a measure of the instantaneous apparent sun 
                                                position at the subspacecraft point. The 
                                                LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE is the angle between the 
                                                extension of the vector from the Sun to the 
                                                target body and the vector projection on the 
                                                target body's ecliptic plane of a vector from the 
                                                target body's planetocentric center to the 
                                                observer (usually, the spacecraft). This angle 
                                                is measured in a counterclockwise direction when 
                                                viewed from north of the ecliptic plane. It may be 
                                                converted from an angle in degrees to a local 
                                                time, using the conversion of 15 degrees per 
                                                hour, for those planets for which the rotational 
                                                direction corresponds with the direction of 
                                                measure of the angle.

         SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE        deg          Provides the latitude of the subsolar point. The 
                                                subsolar point is that point on a body's reference 
                                                surface where a line from the body center to the 
                                                sun center intersects that surface.

         SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE       deg          Provides the longitude of the subsolar point. The 
                                                subsolar point is that point on a body's reference 
                                                surface where a line from the body center to the 
                                                sun center intersects that surface. Note: The 
                                                COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE data element should be used 
                                                in conjunction with this data element.

         SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH         deg          Provides the value of the angle between the line 
                                                from the center of an image to the subsolar point 
                                                and a horizontal reference line (in the image plane) 
                                                extending from the image center to the middle right 
                                                edge of the image. The values of this angle 
                                                increase in a clockwise direction.

         SOLAR_LONGITUDE           deg          Provides the value of the angle between the body-Sun 
                                                line at the time of interest and the body-Sun line 
                                                at the vernal equinox. This provides a measure of 
                                                season on a target body, with values of 0 to 90 
                                                degrees representing northern spring, 90 to 180 
                                                degrees representing northern summer, 180 to 270 
                                                degrees representing northern autumn and 270 to 
                                                360 degrees representing northern winter.

         SOLAR_ELONGATION                       The angle between the line of sight of observation 
                                                and the direction of the Sun.

   Solar Geometry

         SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE km           Provides the distance from the spacecraft to the 
                                                center of the sun.

         SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR    km           Indicates the x-, y-, and z- components of the 
                                                position vector from observer to sun, center 
                                                expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for  
                                                light time and stellar aberration, evaluated at 
                                                epoch at which image was taken.

         SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR    km/s         Indicates the x-, y-, and z- components of the 
                                                velocity vector of sun relative to observer, 
                                                expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for 
                                                light time, evaluated at epoch at which image was 


         INCIDENCE_ANGLE           deg          Provides a measure of the lighting condition at the 
                                                intercept point. Incidence angle is the angle 
                                                between the local vertical at the intercept      
                                                point (surface) and a vector from the intercept 
                                                point to the sun. The INCIDENCE_ANGLE varies from 
                                                0 degrees when the intercept point coincides with
                                                the sub-solar point to 90 degrees when the intercept 
                                                point is at the terminator (i.e., in the shadowed 
                                                or dark portion of the target body). Thus, higher 
                                                values of INCIDENCE_ANGLE indicate the existence 
                                                of a greater number of surface shadows.

         EMISSION_ANGLE            deg          Provides the value of the angle between the surface 
                                                normal vector at the intercept point and a vector 
                                                from the intercept point to the spacecraft.      
                                                The EMISSION_ANGLE varies from 0 degrees when the 
                                                spacecraft is viewing the subspacecraft point
                                                (nadir viewing) to 90 degrees when the intercept 
                                                is tangent to the surface of the target body. 
                                                Thus, higher values of EMISSION_ANGLE indicate more 
                                                oblique viewing of the target. Values in the  
                                                range of 90 to 180 degrees are possible for ring 

         PHASE_ANGLE               deg           Provides a measure of the relationship between the 
                                                instrument viewing position and incident 
                                                illumination (such as solar light).  PHASE_ANGLE 
                                                is measured at the target; it is the angle 
                                                between a vector to the illumination source and 
                                                a vector to the instrument. If not specified,      
                                                the target is assumed to be at the center of the 
                                                instrument field of view. If illumination is from 
                                                behind the instrument, PHASE_ANGLE will be small.

   Image Parameters 

         SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION               This is the preferred orientation of samples 
                                                within a line for viewing on a display device. 
                                                The default is right, meaning samples are viewed 
                                                from left to right on the display. 
                                                SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION = "RIGHT"

         LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION                 This is the preferred orientation of lines within 
                                                an image for viewing on a display device. The 
                                                default value is down; meaning lines are viewed 
                                                top to bottom on the display. 
                                                LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION = "UP"

         SLANT_DISTANCE            km           Provides a measure of the distance from an observing 
                                                position (e.g., a spacecraft) to a point on a 
                                                target body. If not specified otherwise, the target 
                                                point is assumed to be at the center of the 
                                                instrument field of view.

         MINIMUM_LATITUDE          deg          This specifies the southernmost latitude of a 
                                                spatial area, such as a map, mosaic, bin, feature, 
                                                or region. If the point, described by this keyword 
                                                does not fall on the target described in TARGET_NAME, 
                                                then the value for this keyword will be N/A (not 

         CENTER_LATITUDE           deg          This provides a reference latitude for certain map 
                                                projections. For example, in an Orthographic 
                                                projection, the CENTER_LATITUDE along with the      
                                                CENTER_LONGITUDE defines the point or tangency 
                                                between the sphere of the planet and the plane of 
                                                the projection. The MAP_SCALE (or MAP_RESOLUTION) 
                                                is typically defined at the CENTER_LATITUDE and 
                                                CENTER_LONGITUDE. In unprojected images, 
                                                CENTER_LATITUDE represents the latitude at the 
                                                center of the image frame. If the point, described 
                                                by this keyword does not fall on the target 
                                                described in TARGET_NAME, then the value for this 
                                                keyword will be N/A (not applicable).

         MAXIMUM_LATITUDE          deg          This specifies the northernmost latitude of a 
                                                spatial area, such as a map, mosaic, bin, 
                                                feature, or region. If the point, described by 
                                                this keyword does not fall on the target described 
                                                in TARGET_NAME, then the value for this keyword 
                                                will be N/A (not applicable).

         WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE     deg          The following definitions describe 
                                                WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE for the body-fixed, rotating 
                                                coordinate systems: For Planetocentric coordinates 
                                                and for Planetographic coordinates in which 
                                                longitude increases toward the east, the 
                                                westernmost (leftmost)longitude of a spatial area 
                                                (e.g., a map, mosaic, bin, feature or region) is  
                                                the minimum numerical value of longitude unless it 
                                                crosses the Prime Meridian. For Planetographic 
                                                coordinates in which longitude increases toward 
                                                the west (prograde rotator), the westernmost 
                                                (leftmost) longitude of a spatial area (e.g., a 
                                                map, mosaic, bin, feature or region) is the 
                                                maximum numerical value of longitude unless it
                                                crosses the Prime Meridian. If the point, described 
                                                by this keyword does not fall on the target 
                                                described in TARGET_NAME, then the value for this 
                                                keyword will be N/A (not applicable).

         CENTER_LONGITUDE          deg          This provides a reference longitude for certain map 
                                                projections. For example, in an Orthographic 
                                                projection, the CENTER_LONGITUDE along with the      
                                                CENTER_LATITUDE defines the point or tangency 
                                                between the sphere of the planet and the plane of 
                                                the projection. The MAP_SCALE (or MAP_RESOLUTION) 
                                                is typically defined at the CENTER_LATITUDE and 
                                                CENTER_LONGITUDE. In unprojected images, 
                                                CENTER_LONGITUDE represents the longitude at the 
                                                center of the image frame. If the point, described 
                                                by this keyword does not fall on the target 
                                                described in TARGET_NAME, then the value for this 
                                                keyword will be N/A (not applicable).

         EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE     deg          The following definitions describe easternmost 
                                                longitude for the body-fixed, rotating coordinate 
                                                systems: For Planetocentric coordinates and for 
                                                Planetographic coordinates in which longitude 
                                                increases toward the east, the easternmost 
                                                (rightmost) longitude of a spatial area (e.g., 
                                                a map, mosaic, bin, feature or region) is the 
                                                maximum numerical value of longitude unless it 
                                                crosses the Prime Meridian. For Planetographic 
                                                coordinates in which longitude increases toward 
                                                the west, the easternmost (rightmost) longitude 
                                                of a spatial area (e.g., a map, mosaic, bin, 
                                                feature or region) is the minimum numerical value 
                                                of longitude unless it crosses the Prime Meridian.
                                                If the point, described by this keyword does not 
                                                fall on the target described in TARGET_NAME, then 
                                                the value for this keyword will be N/A (not 

         HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE    km           This indicates the horizontal picture scale. The 
                                                unit for this value is < METER/PIXEL>.

         VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE      km           This indicates the vertical picture scale. The 
                                                unit for this value is < METER/PIXEL>.

         RETICLE_POINT_RA          deg          This refers to the right ascension of the principle 
                                                points of the camera. It contains five values, one 
                                                for the cameras boresight vector and four for the 
                                                corners of the FOV.

         RETICLE_POINT_DECLINATION deg          This refers to the declination of the principle 
                                                points of the camera. It contains five values, 
                                                one for the cameras boresight vector and four for 
                                                the corners of the FOV.

         RETICLE_POINT_LONGITUDE   deg          This provides the longitude of the surface intercept 
                                                points of the principle points of the camera. It 
                                                contains five values, one for the cameras boresight 
                                                vector and four for the corners of the FOV.

         RETICLE_POINT_LATITUDE    deg          This element provides the latitude of the surface 
                                                intercept points of the principle points of the 
                                                camera. It contains five values, one for the cameras 
                                                boresight vector and four for the corners of the 

         NORTH_AZIMUTH             deg          This element provides the value of the angle between 
                                                a line from the image center to the north pole and 
                                                a reference line in the image plane. The reference 
                                                line is a horizontal line from the image center to 
                                                the middle right edge of the image. This angle 
                                                increases in a clockwise direction.

         LIMB_ANGLE                deg          This element provides the value of the angle between 
                                                the center of an instrument's field of view and the 
                                                nearest point on the lit limb of the target body. 
                                                LIMB_ANGLE values are positive off-planet and 
                                                negative on-planet.

   Image Object

         OBJECT                                 An image object is a regular array of sample values. 
                                                Image objects are normally processed with special 
                                                display tools to produce a visual representation 
                                                of the sample values. This is done by assigning
                                                brightness levels or display colors to the various 
                                                sample values. Images are composed of LINE_SAMPLES 
                                                and LINES. They may contain multiple bands, in one 
                                                of several storage orders. 
                                                Example values: IMAGE, *_IMAGE

         INTERCHANGE_FORMAT                     Represents the manner in which data items are stored.

         LINE_SAMPLES                           This indicates the total number of data instances 
                                                along the horizontal axis of an image. 
                                                Example values: 1 ... 1092

         LINES                                  This element indicates the total number of data 
                                                instances along the vertical axis of an image.
                                                Note: In PDS label convention, the number of lines 
                                                is stored in a 32-bit integer field. The minimum 
                                                value of 0 indicates no data received. 
                                                Example values: 0 ... 1056

         BANDS                                  This element indicates the number of bands in an 
                                                image or other object. 
                                                BANDS = 1

         SAMPLE_BITS                            Indicates the stored number of bits, or units of 
                                                binary information, contained in a LINE_SAMPLE 
                                                SAMPLE_BITS = 16

         SAMPLE_TYPE                            Indicates the data storage representation of sample 
                                                SAMPLE_TYPE = "LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER" 

         FIRST_LINE                             This element indicates the line within a source 
                                                image that corresponds to the first line in a 
                                                sub-image. First pixel on the CCD is [1,1]. 
                                                Example:1 ... 1056

         FIRST_LINE_SAMPLE                      This element indicates the sample within a source 
                                                image that corresponds to the first sample in a 
                                                sub-image. First pixel on the CCD is [1,1]. 
                                                Example: 1 ... 1092

         UNIT                                   The unit element provides the full name or 
                                                standard abbreviation of a unit of measurement 
                                                in which a value is expressed. For Level 1A 
                                                images: "DU" For Level 1B clear filter images:
                                                "W.m**-2.sr**-1" For Level 1B color filter 
                                                images "W.m**-2.nm**-1.sr**-1" 

         INST_CMPRS_NAME                        see under data compression

         INST_CMPRS_RATIO                       This value represents the ratio between the 
                                                amount of image data transmitted for this 
                                                particular image object and the raw size of 
                                                the image. For this reason, if a file contains 
                                                several image object it is possible that each 
                                                one has a different compression ratio. The 
                                                compression ratio is the achieved value, not 
                                                the commanded one, so if an image is commanded 
                                                to compress 1:2 but it can be compressed without
                                                loss to 1:2.15 this will be the value shown   

         INST_CMPRS_TYPE                        see under data compression

         PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT                 Indicates the number of pixel in the column 
                                                direction that were averaged before transmission. 
                                                Given that the image is always shown in the 
                                                original resolution, the binned pixels are 
                                                expanded back to the original size by having 
                                                PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT rows with exactly the same 

         PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH                  Indicates the number of pixel in the row direction 
                                                that were averaged before transmission. Given that 
                                                the image is always shown in the original 
                                                resolution, the binned pixels are expanded back 
                                                to the original size by having 
                                                PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH columns with exactly the 
                                                same values

         END_OBJECT                             Indicates the end of the image object. 
                                                END_OBJECT = IMAGE


         OBJECT                                 OBJECT = HISTORY

         SOFTWARE_RELEASE_DATE                  See under Software

         PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME                  See under Product Identification

         SOFTWARE_DESC                          See under Software

         FILENAME                               See under File Characteristics

         END_OBJECT                             Indicates the end of the history object.      
                                                END_OBJECT      = HISTORY


Appendix A. Sample PDS Labels

A.1. EDR (Level 1a) Data Product Label

A sample label of a level 1a image acquired during VSA.

PDS_VERSION_ID                  = PDS3                                          
LABEL_REVISION_NOTE             = "20080201, PGM, DAWN FC V1.5"                 
/* FILE CHARACTERISTICS */                                                      
RECORD_TYPE                     = FIXED_LENGTH                                  
RECORD_BYTES                    = 512                                           
FILE_RECORDS                    = 4303                                          
LABEL_RECORDS                   = 26                                            
FILE_NAME                       = "FC21A0001898_11123133516F1C.IMG"             
/* POINTERS TO DATA OBJECTS */                                                  
^IMAGE                          = 28                                            
^FRAME_2_IMAGE                  = 4124                                          
^FRAME_3_IMAGE                  = 4207                                          
^FRAME_4_IMAGE                  = 4240                                          
^FRAME_5_IMAGE                  = 4272                                          
^HISTORY                        = 27                                            
/* SOFTWARE */                                                                  
SOFTWARE_DESC                   = "TRAP.EXE"                                    
SOFTWARE_LICENSE_TYPE           = "COMMERCIAL"                                  
SOFTWARE_ID                     = "TRAP"                                        
SOFTWARE_NAME                   = "TRAP"                                        
SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID             = "Trap v3.21"                                  
SOFTWARE_RELEASE_DATE           =                                               
/*   TELEMETRY IDENTIFICATION   */                                              
TELEMETRY_FORMAT_ID             = "305"                                         
/*   PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION   */                                                
DATA_SET_NAME                   = "DAWN FC2 RAW (EDR) VESTA IMAGES V1.0"        
DATA_SET_ID                     = "DAWN-A-FC2-2-EDR-VESTA-IMAGES-V1.0"          
PRODUCT_ID                      = "0001898"                                     
PRODUCT_TYPE                    = "DATA"                                        
STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID        = "FC_IMAGE"                                    
PRODUCER_FULL_NAME              = "PABLO GUTIERREZ-MARQUES"                     
PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME       =                                               
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME           = 2012-09-21T00:31:07.000                       
PRODUCT_VERSION_ID              = "C"                                           
RELEASE_ID                      = "N/A"                                         
/*   MISSION IDENTIFICATION   */                                                
INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID              = "DAWN"                                        
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME            = "DAWN"                                        
MISSION_ID                      = "DAWN"                                        
MISSION_NAME                    = "DAWN MISSION TO VESTA AND CERES"             
MISSION_PHASE_NAME              = "VESTA SCIENCE APPROACH (VSA)"                
/*  INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION   */                                                 
INSTRUMENT_ID                   = "FC2"                                         
INSTRUMENT_NAME                 = "FRAMING CAMERA 2"                            
OBSERVATION_ID                  = "NAV_VSA_OpNav_001"                           
OBSERVATION_TYPE                = "N/A"                                         
DETECTOR_TYPE                   = "SI CCD"                                      
DETECTOR_TEMPERATURE            = 217.703 <kelvin>                        
/*   TIME IDENTIFICATION   */                                                   
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT    = "357701782:182"                               
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT     = "357701784:103"                               
START_TIME                      = 2011-123T13:35:16.604                         
ALT_START_TIME                  = 2011-05-03T13:35:16.604                       
STOP_TIME                       = 2011-123T13:35:18.295                         
ALT_STOP_TIME                   = 2011-05-03T13:35:18.295                       
/*   SYSTEM HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION   */                            
DPU_HARDWARE_ID                 = "1.04"                                        
DPU_SOFTWARE_VERSION            = "3.05"                                        
UDPLIB_SOFTWARE_VERSION         = "3.05.01"                                     
PCU_HARDWARE_ID                 = 2.04                                          
FEE_HARDWARE_ID                 = "017.09.09"                                   
MCU_HARDWARE_ID                 = "12"                                          
/*   MECHANISM STATUS   */                                                      
FILTER_ENCODER                  = 62                                            
FILTER_NUMBER                   = "1"                                           
FRONT_DOOR_ENCODER              = 53                                            
FRONT_DOOR_STATUS_ID            = OPEN                                          
/*   IMAGE ACQUISITION OPTIONS   */                                             
DATA_ROUTING_ID                 = "OP-NAV"                                      
EXPOSURE_DURATION               = 1500.000 <millisecond>                  
USE_PRE_CLEAR                   = ON                                            
IMAGE_ACQUIRE_MODE              = NORMAL                                        
CALLAMP_STROBE_TIME             = "N/A"                                         
CALLAMP_DELAY_TIME              = "N/A"                                         
CALLAMP_FREQUENCY               = "N/A"                                         
CALLAMP_DUTY                    = "N/A"                                         
/*   POWER CONVERTER SWITCH STATUS   */                                         
FEE_FLAG                        = ON                                            
HEATER0_FLAG                    = OFF                                           
HEATER1_FLAG                    = OFF                                           
CALLAMP_ENABLE_FLAG             = OFF                                           
MCU_MOTOR_POWER_FLAG            = ON                                            
MCU_FLAG                        = ON                                            
FSA_SHOOT_FLAG                  = OFF                                           
FSA_SHOOT_ENABLE_FLAG           = OFF                                           
/*   POWER SYSTEM STATUS   */                                                   
V_28                            = 29.960 <volt>                           
V_16                            = 16.091 <volt>                           
V_12                            = 12.078 <volt>                           
V_5                             = 5.178 <volt>                            
V_M5                            = -5.045 <volt>                           
V_5_ANALOG                      = 5.285 <volt>                            
V_M5_ANALOG                     = -5.165 <volt>                           
V_3_3                           = 3.333 <volt>                            
V_2_5                           = 2.502 <volt>                            
I_28                            = 670.400 <milliampere>                   
I_16                            = 58.950 <milliampere>                    
I_12                            = 83.120 <milliampere>                    
I_5                             = 301.050 <milliampere>                   
I_M5                            = -89.415 <milliampere>                   
I_5_ANALOG                      = 274.800 <milliampere>                   
I_M5_ANALOG                     = -27.255 <milliampere>                   
I_3_3                           = 233.550 <milliampere>                   
I_2_5                           = 623.100 <milliampere>                   
/*  CALIBRATED TEMPERATURES   */                                                
T_CCD                           = 217.703 <kelvin>                        
T_DPU                           = 295.373 <kelvin>                        
T_DCDC                          = 284.224 <kelvin>                        
T_F12                           = 289.032 <kelvin>                        
T_CSC                           = 289.223 <kelvin>                        
T_COVER_MOTOR                   = 248.285 <kelvin>                        
T_LENS_BARREL                   = 250.280 <kelvin>                        
T_BAFFLE                        = 245.290 <kelvin>                        
T_FILTER_MOTOR                  = 255.267 <kelvin>                        
T_STRUCTURE                     = 257.262 <kelvin>                        
T_RAD_MOTOR                     = 201.400 <kelvin>                        
/*   TEST SETUP CONFIGURATION   */                                              
PURPOSE                         = "N/A"                                         
OPERATOR                        = "N/A"                                         
SUBJECT                         = "N/A"                                         
TEST_LAMP                       = "N/A"                                         
TARGET                          = "N/A"                                         
CHAMBER                         = "N/A"                                         
/*   POINTING   */                                                              
RIGHT_ASCENSION                 = 242.114 <degree>                        
DECLINATION                     = -10.303 <degree>                        
TWIST_ANGLE                     = 157.516 <degree>                        
CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE     = 337.516 <degree>                        
QUATERNION                      = (                                             
/*   SPICE KERNELS  */                                                          
SPICE_FILE_NAME                 = (                                             
/*   COORDINATESYSTEM   */                                                      
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME          = "VESTA_FIXED"                                 
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CENTER_NAME   = "VESTA"                                       
DESCRIPTION                     =                                               
"Geometry in this label is provided in the 'Claudia Double-Prime'               
coordinate system. This coordinate system is described in the Coordinate        
System Document a copy of which is provided in the DOCUMENT directory of        
the volume containing these data."                                              
/*   ORBIT GEOMETRY   */                                                        
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE         = -9.4039579780 <degree>                  
SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE        = -128.6270021576 <degree>                
SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH          = 347.2407265139 <degree>                 
SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE             = 1217900.599 <kilometer>                 
TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE          = 1218180.495 <kilometer>                 
ORBIT_NUMBER                    = 0                                             
SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR       = (                                             
-564241.970 <kilometer>                                                   
,-1057521.444 <kilometer>                                                 
,-217354.809 <kilometer>                                                  
SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR       = (                                             
0.2423863152 <kilometer per second>                                       
,0.2919059905 <kilometer per second>                                      
,0.0480260765 <kilometer per second>                                      
LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE                = 34.5958333333 <degree>                  
SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE              = -21.2919125621 <degree>                 
SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE             = -85.8961305238 <degree>                 
SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH               = 348.6646461405 <degree>                 
SOLAR_LONGITUDE                 = 4.0485266559 <degree>                   
SOLAR_ELONGATION                = 137.1899463467 <degree>                 
TARGET_NAME                     = "4 VESTA"                                     
TARGET_TYPE                     = "ASTEROID"                                    
/*   SOLAR GEOMETRY   */                                                        
SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE       = 324631696.697 <kilometer>               
SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR          = (                                             
-77012928.997 <kilometer>                                                 
,289344195.903 <kilometer>                                                
,125437967.000 <kilometer>                                                
SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR          = (                                             
-20.1664138673 <kilometer per second>                                     
,-4.4582053097 <kilometer per second>                                     
,0.8240700348 <kilometer per second>                                      
/*   ILLUMINATION  */                                                           
INCIDENCE_ANGLE                 = "N/A"                                         
EMISSION_ANGLE                  = "N/A"                                         
PHASE_ANGLE                     = "N/A"                                         
/*   IMAGE PARAMETERS   */                                                      
SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION        = "RIGHT"                                       
LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION          = "UP"                                          
SLANT_DISTANCE                  = "N/A"                                         
MINIMUM_LATITUDE                = "N/A"                                         
CENTER_LATITUDE                 = "N/A"                                         
MAXIMUM_LATITUDE                = "N/A"                                         
WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE           = "N/A"                                         
CENTER_LONGITUDE                = "N/A"                                         
EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE           = "N/A"                                         
HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE          = "N/A"                                         
VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE            = "N/A"                                         
RETICLE_POINT_RA                = (                                             
242.114 <degree>                                                          
,238.468 <degree>                                                         
,243.639 <degree>                                                         
,245.727 <degree>                                                         
,240.624 <degree>                                                         
RETICLE_POINT_DECLINATION       = (                                             
-10.303 <degree>                                                          
,-11.760 <degree>                                                         
,-13.868 <degree>                                                         
,-8.805 <degree>                                                          
,-6.731 <degree>                                                          
RETICLE_POINT_LONGITUDE         = (                                             
RETICLE_POINT_LATITUDE          = (                                             
NORTH_AZIMUTH                   = 248.8042998028 <degree>                 
/* IMAGE OBJECT */                                                              
OBJECT                          = IMAGE                                         
       INTERCHANGE_FORMAT               = BINARY                                
       LINE_SAMPLES                     = 1024                                  
       LINES                            = 1024                                  
       BANDS                            = 1                                     
       SAMPLE_BITS                      = 16                                    
       SAMPLE_TYPE                      = "LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER"                
       FIRST_LINE                       = 17                                    
       FIRST_LINE_SAMPLE                = 35                                    
       UNIT                             = "DU"                                  
       INST_CMPRS_NAME                  =                                       
"Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT LIFT)"                           
       INST_CMPRS_RATIO                 = 5.05                                  
       INST_CMPRS_TYPE                  = "LOSSLESS"                            
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH            = 1                                     
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT           = 1                                     
END_OBJECT                      = IMAGE                                         
/* FRAME_2_IMAGE OBJECT */                                                      
OBJECT                          = FRAME_2_IMAGE                                 
       INTERCHANGE_FORMAT               = BINARY                                
       LINE_SAMPLES                     = 10                                    
       LINES                            = 1054                                  
       BANDS                            = 1                                     
       SAMPLE_BITS                      = 32                                    
       SAMPLE_TYPE                      = "PC_REAL"                             
       FIRST_LINE                       = 2                                     
       FIRST_LINE_SAMPLE                = 2                                     
       UNIT                             = "DU"                                  
       INST_CMPRS_NAME                  = "N/A"                                 
       INST_CMPRS_RATIO                 = 0.00                                  
       INST_CMPRS_TYPE                  = "LOSSLESS"                            
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH            = 1                                     
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT           = 1                                     
END_OBJECT                      = FRAME_2_IMAGE                                 
/* FRAME_3_IMAGE OBJECT */                                                      
OBJECT                          = FRAME_3_IMAGE                                 
       INTERCHANGE_FORMAT               = BINARY                                
       LINE_SAMPLES                     = 8                                     
       LINES                            = 1054                                  
       BANDS                            = 1                                     
       SAMPLE_BITS                      = 16                                    
       SAMPLE_TYPE                      = "LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER"                
       FIRST_LINE                       = 2                                     
       FIRST_LINE_SAMPLE                = 16                                    
       UNIT                             = "DU"                                  
       INST_CMPRS_NAME                  = "N/A"                                 
       INST_CMPRS_RATIO                 = 0.00                                  
       INST_CMPRS_TYPE                  = "LOSSLESS"                            
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH            = 1                                     
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT           = 1                                     
END_OBJECT                      = FRAME_3_IMAGE                                 
/* FRAME_4_IMAGE OBJECT */                                                      
OBJECT                          = FRAME_4_IMAGE                                 
       INTERCHANGE_FORMAT               = BINARY                                
       LINE_SAMPLES                     = 1024                                  
       LINES                            = 8                                     
       BANDS                            = 1                                     
       SAMPLE_BITS                      = 16                                    
       SAMPLE_TYPE                      = "LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER"                
       FIRST_LINE                       = 3                                     
       FIRST_LINE_SAMPLE                = 35                                    
       UNIT                             = "DU"                                  
       INST_CMPRS_NAME                  = "N/A"                                 
       INST_CMPRS_RATIO                 = 0.00                                  
       INST_CMPRS_TYPE                  = "LOSSLESS"                            
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH            = 1                                     
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT           = 1                                     
END_OBJECT                      = FRAME_4_IMAGE                                 
/* FRAME_5_IMAGE OBJECT */                                                      
OBJECT                          = FRAME_5_IMAGE                                 
       INTERCHANGE_FORMAT               = BINARY                                
       LINE_SAMPLES                     = 1024                                  
       LINES                            = 8                                     
       BANDS                            = 1                                     
       SAMPLE_BITS                      = 16                                    
       SAMPLE_TYPE                      = "LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER"                
       FIRST_LINE                       = 1047                                  
       FIRST_LINE_SAMPLE                = 35                                    
       UNIT                             = "DU"                                  
       INST_CMPRS_NAME                  = "N/A"                                 
       INST_CMPRS_RATIO                 = 0.00                                  
       INST_CMPRS_TYPE                  = "LOSSLESS"                            
       PIXEL_AVERAGING_WIDTH            = 1                                     
        PIXEL_AVERAGING_HEIGHT          = 1                                     
END_OBJECT                      = FRAME_5_IMAGE                                 

A.2. Index Table Label

A.3. Example Document Label

PDS_VERSION_ID                   = PDS3                                         
LABEL_REVISION_NOTE              = "2009-01-29, Schroeder"                      
OBJECT                           = INSTRUMENT                                   
  INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID             = "DAWN"                                       
  INSTRUMENT_ID                  = "FC2"                                        
  OBJECT                         = INSTRUMENT_INFORMATION                       
    INSTRUMENT_NAME              = "DAWN_FC2"                                   
    INSTRUMENT_DESC              = "                                            

Appendix B. Support Staff and Cognizant Persons

   Table 18: INST_ID Archive Generation Support Staff
                  Instrument Team
   Mr. Holger Sierks       Max-Planck-Institut für   +49 5556 979  sierks@mps.mpg.de 
                           Max-Planck-Str. 2      
                           37191 Katlenburg-Lindau      
   Mr. Pablo               Max-Planck-Institut für  +49 5556 979  gutiererz@mps.mpg.de    
   Gutierrez-Marques       Sonnensystemforschung      
                           Max-Planck-Str. 2      
                           37191 Katlenburg-Lindau      
   Mr. Thorsten Maue       Max-Planck-Institut für  +49 5556 979  maue@mps.mpg.de    
                           Max-Planck-Str. 2      
                           37191 Katlenburg-Lindau      
   Mr. Stefan Schröder     Max-Planck-Institut für  +49 5556 979  schroder@mps.mpg.de    
                           Max-Planck-Str. 2      
                           37191 Katlenburg-Lindau      
   Mr. Steven P. Joy       UCLA-IGPP          310-825-3506      sjoy@igpp.ucla.edu
   PPI Operations Manager  405 Hilgard Ave      
                           Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567      
   Mr. Joe Mafi             
   PPI Data Engineer       UCLA-IGPP         310-206-6073      jmafi@igpp.ucla.edu
                           405 Hilgard Ave      
                           Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567      