KPL/MK This meta-kernel lists the recommended SPICE kernels to use with the Dawn SPC shape models from Ceres: DATA_SET_ID = DAWN-A-FC2-5-CERESSHAPESPC-V1.0 This meta-kernel only provides a listing of the SPICE kernels. The data kernels can be found on the NAIF server: or dawn-m_a-spice-6-v1.0/dawnsp_1000/ It is recommended the data user look in the archives linked above and download the kernel set to use with these shape models. \begindata PATH_VALUES = ( './data' ) PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'KERNELS' ) KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( '$KERNELS/NAIF0012.TLS' '$KERNELS/DAWN_203_SCLKSCET_00067.TSC' '$KERNELS/DAWN_FC2_150818_160827_GRV171219_V1.BC' '$KERNELS/DAWN_GRV_150204_150424_171219_V1.BSP' '$KERNELS/DAWN_GRV_150424_150701_171219_V1.BSP' '$KERNELS/DAWN_GRV_150813_151023_171219_V1.BSP' '$KERNELS/DAWN_GRV_151213_160902_171219_V1.BSP' '$KERNELS/DE432.BSP' '$KERNELS/SB_CERES_GRV_171219.BSP' '$KERNELS/DAWN_CERES_GRV171219_V1.TPC' '$KERNELS/DAWN_V14.TF' ) \begintext