PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-03-20 NOTE = "Description of the CALIB directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The CALIB directory contains all of the files required to prroduce the calibrated VIR VIS (1b/RDR) data from the uncalibrated (1a/EDR) data. A document describing the calibration procedure is provided in this archive in the DOCUMENT/VIR_CALIBRATION directory. The following files and their PDS labels are provided here: DAWN_VIR_VIS_HIGHRES_SPECAL_V1.TAB Wavelengths of the 432 bands of the visible focal plane for high spectral modes. DAWN_VIR_VIS_NOMRES_SPECAL_V1.TAB Wavelengths of the 144 bands of the visible focal plane for low spectral modes DAWN_VIR_VIS_RESP_V1.DAT DAWN-VIR VIS responsivity in (DN*m^2*um*sterad)/(W*s) DAWN_VIR_VIS_SOLAR_SPECTRUM_V1.TAB Solar spectrum irradiance for the VIS channel, obtained from the convolution of the Cebola+Kurucz spectrum with VIR spectrum resolution using the ENVI_RESAMPLE_SPECTRA procedure. DAWN_VIR_VIS_WIDTH144_V1.TAB Wavelengths of the 144 widths of the visible focal plane for low spectral modes DAWN_VIR_VIS_WIDTH432_V1.TAB Wavelengths of the 432 widths of the visible focal plane for high spectral modes"