OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SCET_UTC" DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 19 FORMAT = "A19" DESCRIPTION = " The UTC spacecraft event time (SCET) at the middle of each time interval in the series. The time format is yyyy-mm-ddThr:mn:sc. " END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "GAMMA_SPECTRUM_BGO" DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL UNIT = "COUNTS/SECOND/CHANNNEL" START_BYTE = 21 BYTES = 11264 ITEMS = 1024 ITEM_BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "F11.6" DESCRIPTION = " Average gamma ray pulse height spectrum measured by the BGO sensor (1024 channels)corrected for ADC differential nonlinearity and with the gain and offset adjusted to 8.9 keV/channel and 0 keV, respectively. The uncertainty (1-sigma) in the counting rate for channel i is given by SIGMA_i = SQRT(GAMMA_SPECTRUM_BGO_i*LIVE_TIME))/LIVE_TIME LIVE_TIME is defined in GRD_L1B-EPM.FMT. " END_OBJECT = COLUMN